Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 87 Rare In The World, Heartbreaking

"President! Your hand!"

In the quiet banquet hall, the sound of glass breaking was extremely abrupt.

Qiu Ren was the closest, and clearly saw Jiang Tianshuo's finger was cut with a deep wound by the broken glass.

It must have hurt to draw that deep.

He hastily gave Jiang Tianshuo a healing wind ability, and secretly thought: Although the president is not happy with Cui Shengshi on the surface, he still values ​​him, and hopes that he can win in the end.

However, the fact is that Jiang Tianshuo has been in a state of unrequited love ever since he met the mysterious black long straight little beauty at Chengying College that day.

She is so beautiful, so cute~~~

After a little fright, he ran away like a deer. This type is most likely to arouse boys' desire for protection.

Please ask my sister to check, but there is no news so far.

After thinking about it, Jiang Tianshuo felt that it is impossible for boys to be so white and so good-looking.

It must be a girl who can't make a mistake.

The moment he saw Zhong Yuan, he was struck by lightning and couldn't believe his eyes.

This face, these eyebrows!

Isn't it the mysterious little beauty who has been thinking about and dreaming about day and night these days?

But the young man on the screen had shoulder-length hair tied behind his head, not black and straight. His demeanor was fierce, like a sword drawn from its sheath.

Apart from the fact that they look exactly the same as the mysterious little beauty in memory, the two feel completely different.

Jiang Tianshuo's whole body was not well, and he took a step back in despair, holding the last ray of hope in his heart, and lowered his voice to ask his friends.

"Qiu Ren, do you think the student from Chengying College is male or female?"


Qiu Ren's eyes widened.

President, what's wrong with you?

Did you drink too much and get confused?

With such a flat chest, it's obviously a boy... Wait a minute!

Qiu Ren stared at the person on the screen, and suddenly became dazed.

Oops! Can't tell the difference!

He looks so good-looking, is he really a boy?

Many tall girls seem to be quite flat...

As soon as this thought came up, Qiu Ren followed like a demon, and could no longer make an objective and correct judgment.

There was more and more sweat on his forehead. In the end, Qiu Ren could only blushed and said, "I, I don't know..."

Jiang Tianshuo seemed to have been redeemed, and his heart was ecstatic: It's not that I'm blind, even Qiu Ren can't tell if it's a boy or a girl!

The ratio of male to female in Hualing College is seriously out of balance. Out of ten students, there are eight boys and two girls.

Although the girls are pretty good-looking and rarely have buck teeth, Jiang Tianshuo always feels that their temperament is not good. Received an elite education from her family since she was a child, and put interests first in everything, and she has a worldly air about her, which makes people not like it.

Unlike the one on the screen, he exudes an air of coolness that does not eat human fireworks. Especially those deep eyes, full of disdain for the world.

Such a temperament is rare in the world, it is heartbreaking...

Jiang Tianshuo didn't know that someone had already accidentally broken under his influence.

At this moment, one person came to his senses and yelled in a panic, "President! Cui Shengshi was shot flying! Do you want to go out and save him?"

The surveillance cameras couldn't capture the scene where Cui Shengshi fell into the fountain.

After he flew out, he never came back to fight again, and something might have happened.

Jiang Tianshuo said decisively, "Go! Let's go out and have a look!"

A large group of people cheered and rushed out of the banquet hall after him. Soon, I saw Cui Shengshi who had become a drowned rat by the fountain at the school gate.

His luck was very bad. After being hit by ice, he fell into the pool again. The cold power doubled and he almost froze to death.

After finally surviving the two minutes of freezing time, when I climbed out of the pool, my body had already lost a lot of temperature.

The most terrible thing is that he has no ability to save himself, he can't even stand up, he can only curl up on the ground and tremble.

In addition, the cheek on the side that was beaten was swollen high, and the skin was strangely purple-red, and it was almost impossible to recognize the original face.

Jiang Tianshuo noticed that his condition was not good, and immediately said, "Qiu Ren, treat him."

"Yes! President!"

Qiu Ren used a healing wind.

Under the greenery blowing, Cui Shengshi gradually recovered, the chill dissipated, and his face was no longer swollen.

However, it is impossible for a knocked out tooth to grow back.

The tip of the tongue touched the vacant place of the alveolar, unexpectedly, another tooth wobbled and fell out.

Cui Shengshi was terrified, opened his mouth wow, and spat out half of his bloody teeth.

A few girls stood beside him and burst out laughing when they saw that his front teeth were missing several times.

Don't look at them chatting and laughing around him just now, in fact, they were just making peace with each other.

Cui Shengshi's eyes were moist, and he said in shock and anger, "Bichi! What a joke! I haven't lost yet!"

"Despicable and shameless Chinese people, if you attack me before I'm ready, I will kill him!"

Cui Shengshi jumped up and rushed towards the school gate with a murderous look.

At the same time, Zhong Yuan was looking at his fist thoughtfully.

After sleeping in the confinement room, the strength seems to have become a little stronger...

It's not that the ability level has changed. Instead, he used four abilities at the same time, and he didn't feel tired at all.

The renegade cannot use the absorbed abilities indefinitely.

For example, Shangguan Yi, physical skills and market skills can be combined, and after five minutes of fierce attack, he will be exhausted and need to rest.

After all, it is plundered from the ruin crystal, not its own product. If you want to use your ability better and for a longer period of time, you can only improve your physical fitness and improve your control skills.

Therefore, Feng Yumo is keen on one-finger push-ups, and the team of savages regularly conducts long-distance training to exercise their physique and willpower.

For Zhong Yuan, his body can no longer be exercised. Using abilities will only make the mind exhausted, so he only needs to find a way to exercise the mind.

It doesn't feel like not fighting, and Zhong Yuan obviously feels that his mental power has increased a lot after fighting.

Sleeping in a confinement room, is there such a reward?

Zhong Yuan secretly thought: Maybe the confinement room was specially built for students to exercise. If you have a chance, you must go to sleep again.

And Feng Qing was also secretly surprised, the power of Zhong Yuan's punch was so terrifying.

Not only that, it is extremely insidious to freeze people and then deliberately throw them into the pool. Even if Master Cui Sheng does not die, he will suffer a lot!

Looking in the direction of the fountain, it was pitch black and I couldn't see anything clearly. (wearing sunglasses)

Look at Zhong Yuan again, standing there in a daze.

Feng Qing couldn't help asking, "Yuan Yuan, what's wrong with you? Did you break your hand?"

Not broken, neither cracked bones nor broken skin.

With a fist down, the state is very good.

Zhong Yuan whispered, "I have become stronger..."

Feng Qing wondered, "How strong? How many Fengyunmo can you kill in seconds?"

If Feng Fengmo knew that he had become a unit of measurement for measuring strength, he would have to be hacked to death.

Zhong Yuan thought for a while, and said seriously, "It's not a question of how many instant kills, but how much it costs to kill him in an instant. Now the price has become smaller."

Feng Qing knew everything, deliberately turned his back to block the surveillance probe, and asked in a low voice, "Has your period of weakness shortened? How long?"

Zhong Yuan squinted at him, "What are you so concerned about?"

Feng Qing said seriously, "Don't forget, we are about to fight side by side in the college league. If you don't tell others, at least tell your exclusive medical staff!"

Zhong Yuan almost wanted to say, I have the ability to regenerate and I don't need your treatment. However, he already knew so much, it didn't matter if he said it.

Zhong Yuan whispered, "A day and a half."

Feng Qing's eyes burst into splendor, he clenched his fists forcefully, and said excitedly, "It's been shortened by 12 hours!"

Zhong Yuan was speechless.

Seriously, so what's the excitement? Look at him like this, happier than myself.

I don't know when, the ability description of Ice-Blood Burst changed to the following.

"All abilities are immediately increased by 1200, which lasts for 30 seconds! After the end, it enters a period of weakness, which lasts for 36 hours!"

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