Since the duration of the ice-blood explosion's weakness can be shortened to 36 hours, does it mean that it can be shortened even further until there is no weakness period?

There is no mistake in the ability description, the weakness time has suddenly decreased so much, it must not be for no reason.

All changes started from being locked in a confinement room...

While Zhong Yuan was meditating, Cui Shengshi returned to the school gate.

Not only that, but a large group of people followed behind him.

This group of people, men in suits and tuxedos, and women in curb shoulder evening dresses. One by one, like the elites of the upper class, is not like a high school student at all.

Compared with them, the students of Chengying College are indeed much immature.


Zhong Yuan recognized the boy with a brush head walking in the front as the hooligan he met in the corridor that day.

Feng Qing sneered, "Everyone in Hualing, are you not afraid of being slapped in the face when you have a celebration party so early?"

Looking at Cui Shengshi again, the wound on his body has healed.

He was menacing and murderous, obviously not here to admit defeat, on the contrary, it felt like another fight.

Cui Shengshi hated Zhong Yuan to the bone, and when they met again, he was extremely jealous, and said in a hateful voice,

"Trash! Sneak attack before I'm ready! I'm going to kill you!""

Zhong Yuan frowned and asked Feng Qing, "If the two schools compete with each other, can they kill people without being responsible?"

Feng Qing was afraid that he would really do something, so he immediately denied it, "Of course not! People in Simi Kingdom have always regarded themselves very highly, and the number of able-bodied people is too small, so they are offering sacrifices like their ancestors. This kid has never suffered anything. I lost my mind after being beaten by you."

Zhong Yuan said with a sullen face, "What does it matter to me if he loses his mind? All I know is that someone cured him and the beating came again. Will this go on forever?"

When Master Cui Sheng heard this, he yelled angrily, "You despicable Chinese people only use disgraceful means to slander people. I will cast aside you on behalf of the powerful people all over the world!"

A map shot offended everyone present.

His personal grievances were immediately raised to the world level by him.

Even the faces of the people in Hualing College changed drastically, wishing to drive Cui Shengshi out of the school immediately.

I really don't know what the school board thinks, but to allow this kind of person to enter the school, it's a shame!

Feng Qing couldn't help sneering, and said to Jiang Tianshuo, "Your Hualing College is dying, is it starting to collect garbage?"

No matter how eloquent Jiang Tianshuo was, he couldn't refute it.

Moreover, most of his attention was on Zhong Yuan's body, and his eyes were fixed on him even more tightly, without blinking.

After half a minute, Jiang Tianshuo was finally sure that, except for the different hairstyle, Zhong Yuan was the person he met in the corridor that day.

My mind was in turmoil.

Normally, he would definitely argue with Feng Qing, but in this confrontation, he was completely at a disadvantage and was speechless.

Qiu Ren's eloquence was second only to Jiang Tianshuo's, but it was a pity that he accidentally broke it in the banquet hall.

Now, when I saw Zhong Yuan up close, I simply lowered my head and didn't dare to say a word, so as not to leave a bad impression.

Cui Shengshi wanted revenge, pointed at Zhong Yuan and said, "Trash! The one just now doesn't count! Hit him again!"

As a loser, with such arrogance, it is obvious that he is used to domineering.

No matter how good-tempered Zhong Yuan is, he will be irritated.

Feng Qing is right, the quality of Hualing College's people is in a mess, they are just a bunch of hooligans!

Especially that brush head, it's the head of a hooligan!

However, Jiang Tianshuo made up his mind and asked solemnly, "Feng Qing, what is the name of this person you brought here?"

Don't look at his calm appearance, in fact, he is extremely nervous.

Men and women, don't you know the names?

His question was normal, even Feng Qing didn't doubt it, but it deepened Zhong Yuan's misunderstanding again.

Hit and hold grudges until now, still asking for the name?

At this time, Feng Qing said lightly, "His name is Zhong Yuan. Jiang Tianshuo, I advise you not to think about him. He will definitely form a team with me in the future!"

However, Jiang Tianshuo's thoughts were much more profound than forming a team.

The name Zhong Yuan can be male or female, but I still can't tell!

He shook his heart and said tremblingly, "Boy?"

Feng Qing rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Nonsense! Are you trying to procrastinate?"

It's almost eleven o'clock in the evening, and if there is no way to turn things around, Hualing College will still win this year.


Jiang Tianshuo seemed to hear the sound of his heart breaking.

boys! I fell in love with a boy at first sight?

Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible! ! !

The blow was so heavy that it directly made him dizzy, and countless twines in his eyes were in a mess and kept spinning.

On the sidelines, Qiu Ren thought to himself: The first impression is always right, but it's actually not... I can't accept it.

He saw that Jiang Tianshuo's state was not right, and he secretly went over to persuade him, "Chairman, cheer up! There is no grass for Tianya!"

Where did Jiang Tianshuo cheer up?

The mysterious black long straight little beauty is really his first love!

How is it possible, how is it possible, is it a boy?

He roared in his heart: What if there is a miracle?

Jiang Tianshuo held his last hope and asked loudly, "Zhong Yuan, do you still have a younger sister?"

Feng Qing was surprised, "You know all this?"

Jiang Tianshuo was stunned for a moment, and then he was shocked by a huge surprise. His whole body was like a dead tree moistened by the rain, and he came back to life in an instant.

Have a sister?

Twin siblings!

The one I met in the corridor is Zhong Yuan's own sister, so they look exactly the same!

At this time, Jiang Tianshuo looked at Zhong Yuan with a different expression.

If the relationship goes well, this is the future uncle.

Say hello first!

Jiang Tianshuo straightened his chest and saluted Zhong Yuan very formally.

"Hello, Zhong Yuan! My name is Jiang Tianshuo, I am 18 years old, 1.89 meters tall and 78 kilograms in weight."

Wait, where does this pattern seem to be seen?

Zhong Yuan frowned and said, "What the hell are you trying to say?"

Jiang Tianshuo became unusually shy, scratched his hair, and said, "Actually, I fell in love with your sister at first sight! She is still young, and I don't want to affect her studies. I think we can start as ordinary friends first!" I'm serious! I want to date your sister on the premise of getting married!"

Zhong Yuan was completely stunned. The combined shock of this life and the previous life can't match the impact of his words.

But Feng Qing and Jiang Tianshuo have known each other for many years, they never knew that this guy is such a beast.

Although Feng Qing is also often talkative, joking with Zhong Lan or something. But actually, how attractive is a twelve-year-old bean sprout to the opposite sex?

It doesn't feel like it at all, okay?

Jiang Tianshuo, you are too punished for dating on the premise of marriage!

As for the group of people from Hualing College, the reaction was even stronger.

Jiang Tianshuo, the president of the student council with an approval rating of over 90% in the college, has a sweetheart, and the other party is a girl from Chengying College!


Even if they win Chengying Academy, they lose the president!

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