Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 89 Chasing Phantoms In Dreams Will Not Bear Fruit

Cui Shengshi was left in the cold by everyone for five full minutes, and his anger reached its peak.

He had never been so humiliated before, and when he heard that Jiang Tianshuo had confessed his love to his enemy's sister, he immediately trembled with anger.

They are a gang!

In the name of sparring, deliberately beat him to serious injuries!

However, in Hualing College, he is weak and unable to confront Jiang Tianshuo for the time being, so Cui Shengshi poured all his anger on Zhong Yuan.

Anger to anger, he had to admit that the combination of Zhong Yuan's punch and freezing ability was really powerful.

Even if you are fully prepared for the challenge, you will suffer a small loss.

Hehe, let you taste the feeling of being hit by your own tricks!

Cui Shengshi's eyes flickered with calculations, and the corner of his mouth raised a sinister sneer.

While no one was paying attention to him, Cui Shengshi secretly activated the unique skill of Simi Kingdom.

Simulation: The ability to simulate a target through contact. The power does not exceed the target 80 at most. The number does not exceed the number of its own ability.

Most of the warriors from Simi Kingdom have absorbed the simulation ability.

Although the conditions for its launch are very harsh, the people in Simi Kingdom don't care. After all, this is unique to their country, and those who are capable in other countries have no chance to absorb it.

The so-called simulation is equivalent to an incomplete copy.

The prerequisite is the ability to reach out to the other party. After the simulation is successful, the power will be reduced by 20%.

The last and most critical thing is to simulate the number of opponent's abilities, which cannot exceed the number of your own abilities.

Cui Shengshi has a total of three abilities.

When he casts a simulation, the new ability he gets temporarily replaces the original ability.

So, he simulates up to three.

When Zhong Yuan attacked him, it seemed that he only used fighting and freezing, but in fact, he used four abilities!

Thus, Cui Shengshi had a tragedy.

Without knowing it, he imitated Zhong Yuan's attack, using the four abilities together, completely beyond his own tolerance.

The sneer on his face instantly turned into horror.

A large amount of blood poured out from the seven orifices, and the body trembled violently involuntarily, unable to stop.

Cui Shengshi had never encountered such a situation before, so he didn't know how to deal with it.

If you stop immediately and call for help, there may be a chance of survival.

Unfortunately, he didn't do that.

The simulation continues.

A pair of eyeballs slowly turned upwards, blood and tears kept flowing.


Cui Shengshi fell straight, his limbs were shaking non-stop.

"Ah! Why did Master Cui Sheng collapse suddenly?"

Everyone at Hualing College finally focused on him again.

Several girls screamed in fright.

Jiang Tianshuo was shocked when he saw this, and shouted at Feng Qing, "What did you do to him?"

You can't doubt your uncle, you can only point the finger at your opponent who has been fighting for many years.

Feng Qing spread his hands innocently, and said, "Don't make a mistake. I, the medical department, not the curse department! If I want to mess with him, will I be exposed in front of your faces?"

There is nothing wrong with that.

With Feng Qing's ability, killing Cui Shengshi secretly is a piece of cake.

Jiang Tianshuo looked extremely ugly, and said to Qiu Ren, "Send Master Cui Sheng to the infirmary for first aid!"

Can't let this scum get into trouble.

Even if something happens, they can't be at Hualing College.

In fact, all he had to do was ask Feng Qing to help him, but for some reason, Jiang Tianshuo didn't want to speak up.

Qiu Ren immediately led several students to lift Cui Shengshi and left in a hurry.

So far, the only freshman in Hualing College who can play has fallen, and Zhong Yuan lost his opponent and stood at the end.

Feng Qing smiled with his hands on his hips, "This year, Chengying Academy won!"

It was a matter of honor, how could Jiang Tianshuo give in, and immediately retorted, "There were 16 games in total, and our school won 15 games, 15 to 1. I, Hualing College, won!"

"Fart! Whoever stands at the end is the winner!"

"Feng Qing, if you can't afford to lose, you can't afford to lose. Why make excuses?!"

The two confronted each other and quarreled a lot, but they didn't realize that Zhong Yuan's expression became more and more gloomy and ferocious.

"Enough! Changed the topic, right? You think I'm being fooled?"

An unprecedented ferocious aura surrounded his body, and Zhong Yuan's eyes showed no emotion.

He stared at Jiang Tianshuo, and said word by word, "If you want to be with my sister, step over my dead body first!!!"

Feng Qing instinctively trembled.


Disturbed by Simiguo's silly pen, ignoring Zhong Yuan's feelings.

It's too late to fluff now!

The volcano is about to erupt, the world is about to be destroyed, and when the ultimate dangerous moment arrives, Feng Qing retreats decisively.

Jiang Tianshuo, take care of yourself!

If you can survive, I will call you the strongest scum in the world!

Feng Qing was extremely fast, running wildly. It can be said that I have never run so fast in my life!

In the blink of an eye, the person disappeared without a trace, leaving only Zhong Yuan at the gate of Hualing College, exuding the breath of death.

? ? ?

What happened?

Why did the president of Chengying Academy withdraw suddenly?

The people of Hualing College didn't know that they were about to face great terror.

Half of them sent Cui Shengshi to the infirmary, and the remaining half stayed by Jiang Tianshuo's side to cheer for the president.

Only then did they remember that the president had sincerely confessed just now!


The confession obviously didn't impress the other party. If Zhong Yuan disagreed and obstructed him, this inter-academic relationship would basically be useless.

Our president, keep it!

The people of Hualing College breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Jiang Tianshuo became anxious and asked loudly, "Why? Do you think I'm not good enough for your sister?"

"I am the student council president of Hualing College. My Jiang family is one of the top ten families in Shangdong City, with industries all over the country!"

Zhong Yuan interrupted, "I can't change the fact that you are a beast!"

Shangguanyi's words of insulting Zhong Lan were a strategy to provoke him and force him to take action.

Jiang Tianshuo's situation was different.

Zhong Yuan could tell that this bastard was serious and really had that kind of love between men and women towards Zhong Lan.

My sister only came to Hualing College once, and she was targeted?



I don't deserve to live in this world!

Zhong Yuan was really angry, he swiped his hands, and shot out six cold-looking throwing knives at the same time.

No one saw his movements clearly.

The knife, as thin as a cicada's wing, shone deadly in the dark night.

The moment he broke through the sky, Jiang Tianshuo realized that the crisis of death was coming.

Uncle is serious?

If you don't save yourself, you will die!

The six knives struck Jiang Tianshuo from different directions, blocking all escape routes.

Zhong Yuan's own talent for throwing knives is no worse than that of a fighting master, which makes up for his lack of long-range attacks.

Without time, Jiang Tianshuo finally made a move.

"Crystal wall!"


"Copper skin and iron bones!"

Three powerful defensive skills provide all-round protection.

At the same time, Jiang Tianshuo put his feet on the ground, made a steady posture, and activated the final control system ability.

"Magnetic force!"


The flying knife immediately changed its direction, went straight down, and stuck to the ground, less than 5 meters away from Jiang Tianshuo.

so close!

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Zhong Yuan yanked his feet and shortened the distance.

The tie that held up her long hair broke, and her head was covered in black strands that fluttered in the night wind.

The face of the boy in front of him completely overlapped with the lover in his dream again.

Jiang Tianshuo was taken aback.

Then, a fist broke through the defense of the crystal wall, ignoring the restraint of the magnetic force, and hit him hard on the face.

"What are you looking at?!"


All the bones in the hand were broken, but the power of regeneration allowed Zhong Yuan to recover to a good state immediately.

Jiang Tianshuo's center of gravity was unstable, and he was knocked down to the ground, with burning pain on his face.

Such a strong force!

What a heavy fist!

What a terrifying will to fight!

No wonder Cui Shengshi lost with one move!

The ability rock needs to stand firmly on the ground with both feet to provide a steady stream of defense and is immune to most controls.

Once it fell, the defense immediately appeared flawed.

Zhong Yuan's icing finally worked!

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