Although Jiang Tianshuo failed to break into the top 100 youth rankings, many bigwigs in the military region are very optimistic about him.

Rank is not everything.

Jiang Tianshuo is a defensive player. Of the four abilities, three are defensive, and the last one is field control. Although it is impossible to beat someone with a high position, it is also difficult to defeat him.

Putting it in the team can play the role of Dinghaishenzhen.

Not only that, he has a calm personality, has served as the student council president of Hualing College for many years, and has strong leadership and charisma.

After graduating, the probability of joining the top-level warrior team is extremely high. There are even rumors that the military region may delegate power to him to form his own team!

This is a very remarkable thing. There is almost no precedent for becoming a captain right after graduation.

However, such a young talent with a bright future was being pinned down by Zhong Yuan and hammered to the ground!

bang bang bang!

No tricks are needed anymore.

At the end of the fight, back to basics, just a punch!

Another punch!

Kill it!

Jiang Tianshuo was brutally frozen, and without the control-free trait brought by Panshi, he could only be beaten passively.

Ning Bing seemed to want no money, one after another infinitely continued, and the result became infinite beatings, and there was no possibility of fighting back.

Fortunately, copper skin and iron bones can weaken the power of freezing. Jiang Tianshuo's movements were restricted, but he did not suffer from frostbite. The crystal wall and copper-skinned iron bones are superimposed together, and the defense is still considerable.

Zhong Yuan was expressionless, secretly surprised at this scumbag's endurance.

It's been two minutes since he was beaten violently, yet his tortoise shell (crystal wall) still hasn't exploded.

This was because, under the influence of the magnetic force, Zhong Yuan's attack was at least three beats slower, and his strength was also greatly reduced.

In the same way, Jiang Tianshuo was counterattacked by the magnetic force, the crystal wall vibrated, and his internal organs felt overwhelming discomfort.

He had to do his best to protect his vitals, his body was like a frozen shrimp, maintaining a curled up posture, trying to minimize the damage.

stop fighting!

Keep hitting and your hand will be useless too!

I really don't want to fight with you!

Jiang Tianshuo had no hostility towards Zhong Yuan, and tried his best to persuade him, however, every time his lips could move, they were frozen again.

This is the strength of the ability of the control system, once the opportunity is lost, it will be over.

Punch after punch, endless.


Jiang Tianshuo finally vomited blood.

The defense was weakening, and the crystal wall was beaten to only a thin layer, and it was almost impossible to maintain it.

He still doesn't know which sentence he said wrong, which caused Zhong Yuan to have such strong hostility.

Where am I a beast?

I am serious!

Your sister is so cute, I like her, why did you hit me?

Zhong Yuan: It was you who hit me!

Thoughts still maintain the distance of parallel lines, without any intersection.

In this contest of strength and defense, Zhong Yuan took the initiative from beginning to end.

Even with every punch, his bones would shatter.

After so many hits and countless cracks, he didn't care at all.

Under the domination of anger, Zhong Yuan perfectly controlled the ability of Guihao King Badger, turned into a humanoid alien, and unilaterally ravaged and massacred Jiang Tianshuo.

The situation is one-sided.

Several Hualing College students never thought that their president would rather be beaten for the sake of his sweetheart.

It can't go on like this!

I've already vomited blood, but if I don't stop, something big will happen!

Going up to rescue him, he was beaten to death within minutes. Several people acted decisively and split up.

One went to the instructor, one went to the school leader, and two went to the guard for help.

The guards of Hualing College are not like Cheng Ying College.

The guards here are all strong and strong, and they are all market talents hired with high salaries.

Some are veterans, and some are still working in the military region. They have formed two civilian teams.

The building where the guards are located is even more luxurious than a six-star hotel. The academy employs a Michelin-starred chef to take care of the meals. They don’t need money for food and lodging, and they usually have nothing to do. It can be said that they are living a life like heaven.

At this time, several guards were chatting while on night shift.

"I heard that the God of War team has done meritorious service again. The commander's daughter is amazing. She is said to have a medal for first-class merit! In a few years, there may be a female general in our military region."

"Old Qi, what are you so upset about? They fought back with their lives! The military region doesn't reward them, so who is willing to work hard in the future? Don't you think about how many people have died in the God of War team over the years? The missions they perform have the highest risk factor in the entire military region! "

"That's true. One of my brothers is in the Central China Military Region. I heard that when two members of their team came out of Fangjie, they were all turned into charcoal! It's terrible!"

Another person interjected, "Is he dead? Is there a vacancy in their team?"

Everyone laughed and teased, "Xiao Chen, are you tempted? Want to apply to join the team? I heard that the captain is not married yet, and you still have a son-in-law who hopes to become the commander!"

Xiao Chen, whose full name is Chen Jun, just graduated this summer and is a newcomer to the guard.

He has a good temper, and he was not angry when he was teased. He just smiled shyly and said, "That's what I mean. I'm still young and I want to go out and have a go. It's boring to stay in school all day. what."

A person dissuaded him, "Xiao Chen, don't be too hard on yourself. The academy is comfortable, the salary is good, and there are not many things to do. It's okay to join the team of marketers and perform tasks, but I'm afraid that you will meet the cheating captain and use you as cannon fodder." !"

Chen Jun was born in Shanglan City in the southwest, where the economy is relatively backward.

The family does not want him to perform dangerous tasks, but only wants him to live a peaceful life.

Therefore, when Hualing College recruited him to be a guard with a high salary, and the military region was willing to keep his military status, Chen Jun came to Shangdong City without hesitation.

The future seemed bright, but after half a year of doing nothing, he suddenly realized that this was not what he wanted!

Facing the persuasion of his colleagues, Chen Jun was silent for a while, and then smiled wryly, "It's better. Although I am a medical student, I also have ideals!"

A group of people laughed again and praised him as a hero.

It's not ridicule, but each of them once embraced ideals like Chen Jun and was full of ambition.

The chat continues.

"The two people from the God of War team have been saved, and they don't lack the medical department. However, the Nighthawk team is currently short of people. This team is from our local Shangdong City. Xiao Chen, you can try it."

"I also have some friends in the military area, I will help you find out later!"

Chen Jun said gratefully, "Thank you! Thank you!"

"You're all on your own, why are you being polite! There has always been a shortage of talents in the medical department. You have a life to share, and you will be a sweetheart wherever you go! You will be prosperous in the future, so don't forget to support our group of old brothers!"

When the atmosphere was harmonious, a student suddenly ran in.

He was out of breath, and said intermittently, "Something...something happened! Go to the school gate and help!"

Surprised, the guards found the picture of the school gate from a bunch of surveillance screens.

I saw Jiang Tianshuo being pinned down on the ground by a boy in black and beating him wildly.

The crystal wall was broken, blood flowed like a river, and he was left with copper skin and iron bones to support him.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the captain of the guard immediately said, "Let's go! Xiao Chen, you come too!"

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