Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 91 The Truth Is Usually Cruel, But It Is Often Expected

By the time the people from Hualing College arrived at the school gate, the battle had come to an end.

Jiang Tianshuo was beaten to death, his copper-skinned iron bones turned into scrap copper and rotten iron. I don't know how many bones were broken, his internal organs were seriously displaced, and his appearance looked horrific.

In fact, his injury was not as bad as that of Cui Shengshi who was sent away before.

As long as the treatment is timely, it can be completely cured.

Zhong Yuan dispelled the effect of the ice and dragged Jiang Tianshuo up from the ground.

What a high-profile defense system warrior, at this time completely lost his resistance, and became a fish waiting to be slaughtered.

"The ability is not weak, but he is a scum..." What a pity.

The simulated skin gloves had long been broken into pieces, and the cold hands were exposed, strangling Jiang Tianshuo's neck.

Jiang Tianshuo's limbs drooped weakly, and he struggled to open his swollen eyelids. There was a hideous long and narrow gap at the corner of the eye, extending all the way to the temple, bleeding continuously.

Looking at Zhong Yuan who was still angry, he said foolishly, "I...I really like your sister..."

After being beaten like this, you still don’t repent!

This scum is down to the bone, he can be regarded as the king of scum!

Zhong Yuan was not at all moved by the other party's infatuation, his heart was as hard as iron, "If this is the case, go to hell."

Jiang Tianshuo's face was ashen.

The cold murderous aura rushed towards his face, stinging his heart.

Consciousness is about to blur.

He could only vaguely see the young man's cold posture and uttered cruel words, as if taking someone's life was not a big deal in his eyes.

It's not the first time he's done this kind of thing.

He has killed people...

Jiang Tianshuo's heart trembled, and he murmured, "Kill me, you will get into trouble... You also seriously injured Cui Shengshi. Well... none of this is important to you..."

At such a young age, as long as it is deduced afterwards that he missed in the duel, he will not be sentenced.

Even if this reason is not sufficient and the combat power is so strong, the military region will try to keep him and will not pursue him too much.

Dead, also dead in vain.

But at least, let me know why I must die!

Jiang Tianshuo's eyes were about to burst, and finally at the moment when the light came back, his body gushed out the last strength.

He widened his eyes and shouted, "Why? Tell me! Why on earth didn't you let me be with her?!"

What's the point of being angry with unrepentant scum?

Zhong Yuan could no longer feel the anger, and calmly said, "My sister is only twelve years old this year, so you dare to set her up! Leaving you in this world will only harm more underage girls! To kill you is to eradicate Harmful!"


Only twelve years old?

Is there something wrong?

The mysterious little beauty I met in the corridor obviously looked sixteen or seventeen years old.

Jiang Tianshuo's whole heart was trembling, and his thoughts were in a fog, in a mess.

Before he died, he was extremely eager to grasp the truth with his own hands, and finally asked the most critical question.

"Have we met somewhere?"

Zhong Yuan said lightly, "Didn't I just bump into you in the corridor? Do you think this little debt will allow me to let you go? Stop dreaming!"

The truth is often cruel and often expected.

Jiang Tianshuo couldn't stop the infinite sadness in his heart anymore, tears rolled down his face, and he was so choked up that he couldn't speak.

It's really you!

I actually...

I'm still dead!

Zhong Yuan ignored the pile of male tears that he never flicked lightly, and said indifferently, "I have nothing to say? Then..."

Just about to hurt the killer, suddenly there was an urgent shout from a distance.

"Be merciful!!!"

The guards arrived.

Before running in front of Zhong Yuan, Chen Jun had already used life sharing on Jiang Tianshuo.

Once the ultimate life-saving Dafa comes out, you will die even if you want to.

The vitality that had bottomed out was pulled back half in an instant.

At the same time, the two guards released their abilities on Zhong Yuan.

"Spiritual cage!"


One is the ability to make people lose their fighting consciousness, and the other is the ability to control the field in a wide area, turning the ground into a quagmire.

However, Mire has a fatal flaw: it is slow to activate.

Even at the blue level, it takes at least three seconds to complete the state transformation of the ground.

Interestingly, if the mud is put away again and the ground returns to its original state, people trapped in it will be stuck in the concrete ground.

The three-second launch speed is easy to evade for the Ruins, and no one will stand stupidly doing nothing unless an ambush is set in advance.

As such, Mire is often used in conjunction with a Psychic ability.

The two guards partnered for many years.

First use the mental cage to make the target lose their will to fight, and the quagmire controls the field. After the person is trapped, the quagmire is lifted. The person is trapped in the concrete ground and cannot move, and the detention is implemented.

Finally, use Mire again to drag people out.

Perfect solution!

Unfortunately, they met Zhong Yuan.

With the blessing of fearlessness, the mental cage doesn't work.

The ground under his feet suddenly became soft, and Zhong Yuan keenly sensed that something was wrong, so he immediately backed away, and at the same time threw Jiang Tianshuo hard, hitting the ground immediately.

The cement floor within one square meter has turned into a brown muddy swamp.

Jiang Tianshuo fell headlong into it, and was soon swallowed half of his body.

The guard who used this ability was shocked and shouted at his partner, "Old Qi, your mental cage!"

Lao Qi looked solemn, "It's been used long ago!"

You can tell it didn't work.

That kid has the ability to fight against the mental cage!

This time, instead of trapping the murderer, Jiang Tianshuo got trapped.

He didn't know anything, his head sank in the mud, he couldn't breathe, and he died after a while.

Moreover, it cannot simply stop the ability, otherwise it will be stuck in the concrete floor and cannot be pulled out.

The faces of the two guards turned black, and they rushed to Jiang Tianshuo, trying to drag him out of the mud. Unexpectedly, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply without warning.


Zhong Yuan retreated more than ten meters and found that the range of the ground mutation was limited, it seemed to be only two or three meters away. While the guards were helping the scum, he boldly returned to the battle circle and used his abilities calmly.

Thank you to the person who used the mud, the annual god assist is none other than you!

Once the soil with such a high water content freezes, it will become extremely hard permafrost.

Get stuck in it and die!

At this moment, the two guards were shocked: No good! Hired!

They didn't sink deeply, but their bodies froze and they temporarily lost their mobility; Jiang Tianshuo was in a bad situation, only half of his calf was still exposed.

Once it continues to freeze, it will be bad luck!

Not far away, Chen Jun could only feel the accelerated loss of vitality, and couldn't help shouting, "Hurry up and save people!"

There are three guards left, of which the big bearded man is the captain,

He also tried to save the situation and shouted at Zhong Yuan, "Remove your freezing ability immediately! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude..."

The little guy looked young and was wearing the uniform of Chengying Academy. In line with the purpose of staying in the front line, the captain of the guard shouted to persuade him to surrender.

However, what answered him was a flying knife that was extremely fast.

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