These days, mastering p-map technology is equivalent to mastering a shortcut to making money.

In addition to looking for screenshots in the surveillance screen, you can also bribe Zhong Yuan's classmates to take photos.

Just the boy who ate Mala Tang with them last time, he looks quite philistine, and he should help.

Jiang Siyuan arranged the photos in minutes, and promised his brother that he would provide 100 high-quality photos a week.

Jiang Tianshuo's mood changed from cloudy to sunny. After hanging up the phone, he admired the new screen saver for a while, then opened the address book, ready to contact Feng Qing.

Apologies for being early.

The sooner the apology is made, the more sincere it will be, and if it is delayed for a long time, it will give people a feeling of reluctance. Since it's all a misunderstanding, it's good to make it clear, maybe there's still time to start with friends.

I heard that Cui Shengshi was seriously injured and had been transferred to an off-campus doctor for medical treatment. The people in Simi Kingdom are not very capable, but they are very vengeful and have a strong desire for revenge. Zhong Yuan must be reminded to be careful.

It would be great if I could get Zhong Yuan's cell phone number.

I don't know if Feng Qing is willing to give it.

dialing. . .

do not answer.

Dial again!

Still don't answer.

Feng Qing is such a person. If you call him, he will take at least five minutes to answer.

Having known each other for many years, Jiang Tianshuo knows this guy's habits like the back of his hand.

Sure enough, after calling more than a dozen times, he finally answered.

"Jiang Tianshuo, I never thought you were still alive."

It's not good to speak!

However, Zhong Yuan's mobile phone number is still counting on Feng Qing, so bear with it for now!

Jiang Tianshuo said in a deep voice, "Is Zhong Yuan there? Contact him for me."

Feng Qing said coldly, "What do you want to do? Get back on the field? Do you think you can beat him?"

If I told you that Zhong Yuan didn't use his real kung fu at all, would you cry in despair? Hahaha!

However, Jiang Tianshuo's answer greatly exceeded Feng Qing's expectations.

"I can't fight, I won't fight. I want to reconcile with him."

Feng Qing laughed with his arms crossed, "You admit that Hualing College lost this year?"

Jiang Tianshuo took a deep breath and said with difficulty, "Yes, I admit defeat. Can you give me Zhong Yuan's mobile phone number?"

Feng Qing said decisively, "Don't even think about it."

Jiang Tianshuo immediately became anxious, "Isn't it just a mobile phone number? Do you think that if you don't give it to me, I won't be able to find it?"

Feng Qing chuckled, and said, "Jiang Tianshuo, you want to recruit Zhong Yuan to your Hualing College, right? I'll tell you the number foolishly?"

From the looks of it, it was impossible for Feng Qing to let go.

Jiang Tianshuo suppressed his anger, gradually calmed down, and said sarcastically, "I just want to apologize to him. What are you in a hurry? If he thinks Hualing College is better, no one can stop him from transferring."

Veins popped out on Feng Qing's forehead, and he retorted, "A group of nouveau riche gather, and now they start picking up trash, what's the difference? Only I, Cheng Ying College, is the orthodox school!"

Jiang Tianshuo sneered, "Feng Qing, you are anxious, you are nervous. You can't be sure whether he will transfer!"

"You may not know it, but actually, Zhong Yuan has the ability to regenerate! He knocked out all my defenses, and his hand is definitely not much better, but in the end, he is intact."

This key information was like a fatal blow, and it immediately touched Feng Qing's nerves.

The hand holding the phone gradually tightened, and the voice became indifferent.

"What do you want to say?"

Jiang Tianshuo looked proud and said, "I want to say, Zhong Yuan doesn't need you. He has rebirth, what kind of treatment does he need? I'm the one he needs! In team operations, I can be his shield and defend him against Injuries, he can fight without scruples and will not be injured."

Beep beep beep!

The corner of Jiang Tianshuo's mouth twitched, and he checked the call status.

Depend on!

No manners, hang up the phone!

Forget it, Zhong Yuan's instructor is a sensible person, please contact her, there should be no problem.

Jiang Tianshuo successfully hit Feng Qing, feeling relieved.

At the same time, in the dark confinement room, Feng Qing could no longer contain his anger and exploded the phone with one hand.

When I came back to my senses, the phone was black, and the screen was cracked like a spider web, and I had to replace it with a new one.

It's just a purpose-built satellite phone. Although it is possible to apply again, it will inevitably take a while to think about it.

Feng Qing paced back and forth for two steps, and suddenly found that what Jiang Tianshuo said was absolutely correct, and felt anxious for a while.

After a while, I still couldn't calm down, so I had to walk to Zhong Yuan's side with red eyes, and said sadly, "I was bullied by Jiang Tianshuo. You are still in the mood to sleep."

Zhong Yuan: ...

The experiment failed again.

After a full night of experimentation, I still haven't found a new killer.

Seeing that it was almost noon, and there was no way to continue to consume it, Feng Qing walked out of the confinement room and took out the ordinary mobile phone he usually used.

When I saw it, I was shocked.

Message, SMS, Email, 99+

Fortunately, there was no signal in the confinement room, otherwise the phone would have been turned off automatically.

He looked over one by one.

Most of them were Gu Yan who came to ask what happened last night.

There are also some contacts from the military area, just like Gu Yan, who came to find out the situation.

Feng Qing was about to delete with one click, when he suddenly noticed that there was a text message from a special contact at around six o'clock.

Zhong Lan: Feng Qing big brother, please tell my brother, I don't feel well today, so I won't go to class. Don't wait for me in the cafeteria in the morning, I want to go at 8.

Good guy, Zhong Yuan hit the spot.

The little sister really asked for a day off.

As expected of a big brother, he really understands his sister's temper.

The news in the morning, I saw it at noon, it's a bit late, but I have to reply once.

Feng Qing was planning to edit the text message when suddenly a flash of light came to his mind.

Changing to Zhong Lan, can Zhong Yuan wake up?

The more I thought about it, the more interesting it became, so I hurriedly called Zhong Lan.

A few seconds later, the little sister's frustrated voice came.

"Feng Qing big brother, you didn't tell my brother, did I go to fight?"

Feng Qing could only say sorry in his heart, and replied, "Don't worry, I didn't tell him."

"That's good. What can you do with me?"

In fact, after losing the fight, Zhong Lan cried for a long time, her eyes were red and swollen, like walnuts, she couldn't see anyone at all. He simply didn't even eat breakfast and lunch, just stayed in the dormitory and ate snacks.

Feng Qing hesitated for a moment, then said, "Actually, your brother is still in the hospital."

Zhong Lan was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Didn't he go for a rabies shot?"

Feng Qing lied naturally, "Yeah, but it seems that I have a little allergic reaction, and I am still staying in the hospital for observation."

Zhong Lan worried, "Does it matter? In fact, my brother just had a car accident two months ago. Could it be related to the car accident?"

She obviously doesn't know what an allergy is.

But what about the car accident?

Feng Qing didn't take it to heart, and continued to fool around with all his heart, "It's all right, don't worry, it's just a little rash. That's right, there's a problem now."

Zhong Lan hurriedly asked, "What's the problem?"

Here comes the key!

Feng Qing said nervously, "He's fast asleep, can you help wake him up?"

Zhong Lan breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "I thought it was something. My brother fell asleep and that's it. You have to call him hard."

Harm, to put it simply, I tried my best to suck it up, it was useless!

"Why don't you try it."

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