Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 96 Here And There, Everything Is Dealt With Coldly

Be a big brother and understand your sister's temper.

In the same way, the younger sister must also understand the habits of the big brother.

Zhong Lan said, "Are you ready? I want to shout."


Feng Qing turned on the recording on the phone calmly.

Then, I heard the little sister shouting on the other end of the phone, "Brother! Get up! The sun is drying your ass! Get up and make breakfast for me!"

Audio is here!

Feng Qing ran faster than the whirlwind.

He quickly returned to the confinement room, and the signal disappeared in an instant.

He didn't take it seriously, and turned on the freshly recorded trump card.

The volume was turned up to the maximum, and finally the phone was stuck to Zhong Yuan's ear.


"Brother! Wake up! The sun is drying your ass! Get up and make me breakfast!"

The girl's crisp and cheerful voice echoed in the confinement room.

"Well...wait for me for five minutes and do it right away."

Zhong Yuan opened his eyes reflexively, and half sat up straight.

In a daze, I found that the surroundings were pitch black, only two purple light spots were suspended in midair.

These are not spots of light, but Feng Qing's eyes.

Even in the dark environment, sunglasses can't hide the abnormality of the eyes.

Zhong Yuan wasn't surprised at all, he was a strange person with no heartbeat or breath, and his eyes glowing was nothing.

Zhong Yuan pretended not to see his eyes shining, but frowned and asked, "Is it my illusion? I seem to have heard Lan Lan's voice just now. By the way, how long did I sleep? One minute, or two minutes?" "

Like last time, it feels like only a little time has passed, but the quality of sleep is super good, and the whole person is full of energy.

The confinement room is extraordinary!

Zhong Yuan couldn't help sighing secretly.

Seeing that he finally woke up, Feng Qing was so excited that he clenched his fists excitedly.

Then, he turned on the light without saying a word, took off his sunglasses, pointed to his bloodshot eyes and said,

"Sleeping from twelve o'clock in the evening to twelve o'clock in the noon, do you know how I got here for these 12 hours? My phone exploded in a hurry!"

so long?

how is this possible!

Zhong Yuan's face was dull, and he beeped softly, "What does it matter to me that your phone is blown up? I feel like I only slept for a minute!"

Feng Qing failed to claim credit, so he put on his sunglasses again, and said helplessly, "I see, your concept of time is different from normal people, half a day feels like only 1 minute has passed to you. Okay, you sleep again, if the first time It succeeded again the second time, and from now on you can sleep to death without any scruples."

Zhong Yuan's heart moved, and he asked expectantly, "Are you sure?"

Feng Qing murmured, "Ninety percent sure. I think it's okay."

"it is good!"

Turn off the light and continue to sleep in seconds.

After a few minutes, Feng Qing made sure that he had fallen asleep, followed the same pattern, and played Zhong Lan's recording again.

"Brother! Wake up! The sun is drying your ass! Get up and make me breakfast!"

Zhong Yuan opened his eyes reflexively again, and said, "What do you want to eat today, meat buns or siu mai?"

Feng Qing made up a lot of weird reasons, none of which could deceive Zhong Yuan's subconscious mind; but! It is his accumulated habit to prepare his sister's breakfast.

From elementary school to junior high school, Zhong Yuan was in charge of what Zhong Lan ate in the morning.

As long as he calls like this, he will wake up instinctively.

Feng Qing couldn't help but burst into tears, and his heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment.

It's done!

Still my sister is awesome!

"Okay! Give me your phone, and I'll send you the audio. You can use this as the ringtone for your alarm in the future."

Zhong Yuan was also quite happy in his heart, and took out his mobile phone and handed it over.

However, as soon as Feng Qing got the machine, the first thing he did was to blacklist Jiang Tianshuo's number!

In this way, even if he got Zhong Yuan's mobile phone number, he couldn't get through.

I'm simply too witty.

Feng Qing gave himself a thumbs-up, and only after finishing his little tricks did he start transmitting Zhong Lan's audio.

It was done in less than half a minute.

The tampered mobile phone returned to Zhong Yuan's hands. He turned on the audio, and after listening to it once, he was speechless.

It took a few seconds before he said, "Thank you for being able to figure it out..."

Feng Qing was overjoyed, and said with a smile, "I've given my all for my life."

Then, he suddenly thought of something, and said, "What trick did you use last night to defeat Simiguo's stupid pen? I heard that the person has not woken up until now, and has been in the hospital for emergency treatment."

Zhong Yuan was surprised, "What tricks can I use? I just punched him."

Feng Qing said, "No, no, it was later that he fell down suddenly. Did you use any kind of mental attack?"

Zhong Yuan shook his head, "I didn't do anything except that punch. He fell down out of nowhere, and it has nothing to do with me."

Feng Qing completely believed Zhong Yuan's words.

That being the case, Cui Shengshi has not woken up, maybe it is a bitter trick?

Feng Qing thought for a while and said, "Well, you stay here and don't go out. Also, I explained to your sister. She thought you were allergic after the rabies injection, and you are staying in the hospital for observation."

"Oh, thanks."

Zhong Yuan did intend to continue to sleep.

One minute is not enjoyable at all. After the alarm is set, you can sleep with peace of mind.

In short, let's set it to five o'clock in the afternoon.

Then, Feng Qing left the confinement room. Send another message to Zhong Lan, telling her that Zhong Yuan has woken up.

After doing this, the product simply shut down.

Both mobile phones are in a state of being unable to contact.

That's right!

This time, no matter who begged, Feng Qing would not save that silly pen from Simi Kingdom!

In the afternoon, the Market Management Bureau still had not received any reply.

The appeal of looking through Zhong Yuan's archives is like sinking into the sea, without any waves turning up.

Director Wang Podi was speechless.

You don't take the Market Management Bureau seriously, do you?

Then just procrastinate, whatever you like.

He called his investigator and ordered, "Send another investigation letter to Chengying College."

The investigator wondered, "Boss, Chengying College simply ignores us!"

Wang Podi smiled and said, "Just send it out, don't ignore it! Anyway, our Market Management Bureau doesn't care about this matter."

The investigator was terribly aggrieved, but the boss said so, what else could he do?


Chengying College has received three similar letters.

The wording was harsher than the other, accusing them of tampering with the grades of student files without permission.

However, Zhong Yuan's ability can bear the top secret, and if it is leaked at will, it will be a real violation.

What's more, Commander An hasn't spoken yet, who are you trying to scare, Wang Podi?

The Market Management Bureau clearly wants to exceed its authority to investigate!

This precedent must not be set, otherwise it will be messed up!

Gu Yan is a person who has seen strong winds and waves, and he didn't panic at all. He threw the letter aside and ignored it.

Here, there, everything is treated coldly.

Only Liu Yulian, who sent the anonymous letter, was sitting on pins and needles, waiting for news.

Towards evening, she finally couldn't sit still.

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