Don't Misunderstood!

Chapter 28 - 28: Drama And Film Club

"If it is what his Holiness wants, this slave will obey" Cain replied in a humbled and subservient manner. He was really treating Klein as if he was some sort of God

"Silly" Klein said with a chuckle before grabbing one of the snacks inside the bag and threw it on Cain

Compared to the 'unpleasant' Calix that always makes Klein's blood boil in anger and annoyance, Klein would rather have interactions with Cain

This guy is the exact opposite of Calix. He was a 'pleasant' guy that has a good sense of humor

Those two are like polar opposites in Klein's eyes and naturally, the way he treated them are also different

"Give me one too!" Liam hungrily requested. Knowing his friend's personality, Klein gave the whole bag to Liam before Shane asked something that the others were interested in

"Speaking of clubs, what club are you going to join?" Shane asked everyone present and coincidentally, no one has thought about that yet

At Stanford University, the first whole month since the class started is the duration in which the students can apply for clubs they want to join in

Some clubs are only for fun but some still have a lot of academic values. Either way, any club would give plus credits and most students would join one

"I actually don't know yet" Klein answered and the others nodded their heads. They are in the same position

"Are you not going to join the volleyball club or maybe try out for the varsity team?" Shane asked.

Back in high school, Klein's sport was volleyball and he was part of its club. That makes Shane think that Klein would join the club or even try out for the varsity team

However, Klein shook his head as he doesn't have that kind of thoughts. "Nah, I want to try something new"

For Klein, he already experienced being in the volleyball club and he wants to experience a new thing

After all, his goal in college was to both excel and enjoy it. He can fulfill the academic part by studying and he'll want to join a club he would enjoy for the sake of well, enjoyment

"How about you?" Klein asked back and Shane thought for a moment before answering

"No clue either" Shane replied while shrugging her shoulders and Cain decided to flirt with her at that time

"Why don't you join the Drama and Film club? With how beautiful and hot my girlfriend is, I'm sure you'll become a well-sought actress!" Cain suggested

The Drama and Film club actually has two kinds of members. The first one is those people that will act in a drama, they are the actors and actresses of the club. Acting was their main job

The second one, on the other hand, is the people responsible for 'filming'. They are the cameraman, editors, and crew

They were responsible to capture the acting skills of the other members and make it into anything they want like a short film, movie, or even a web series

The whole club was literally like a professional set for movies and series. The University decided to combine the club for actors and actresses with the ones that are good at photography and cinematography in hopes that the students will have a closer connection with each other

"That sounds good and Klein can even scout me. Their family owned a talent agency" Shane agreed jokingly

"Pfft, even before you start, you'll already have a lot of scandals for flirting with every handsome man that you would see!" Liam blurted out while laughing a bit causing the others to chuckle

True, with Shane's personality that is really possible. This girl would literally have a crush on any handsome guy she would ever see

It's not hard to imagine what kind of career she would have if she decided to become an actress

"Hey! Don't judge me. I can control myself you know!" Shane complained while glaring at her friend. However, her words just make Liam laugh even harder

"Hahaha! Y-yeah! Y-you cough!"

"As they say, karma is a bitch" Shane rejoiced after seeing Liam choking in his own saliva

Even without Shane doing anything, the law of karma already moves. This is indeed a wonderful day!

Fortunately for Liam, the person that he gave tons of good guy cards starts rubbing his back to comfort him

Tristan even took out a tumbler from his bag that contained water inside and had Liam drink it to help relieve his throat

"Wow, he looks like a father taking care of his child" Cain can't help but blurt out after seeing Tristan's actions. Tristan just looks at him though before he continued taking care of his 'kid'

"Well, anyway, if you really want to, I'll try to help you" Klein said, pertaining to Shane walking the path of an actress

Anyways, all three of them only decided to take a Business Management course for their families

Although they weren't forced, it was they that decided to help their family. But of course, other paths are also not close for them

It's just better to be ready in case something bad will happen to their family businesses. If the unwanted thing actually happened then they can at least help their family since they studied their course

Klein would naturally support his friends' decided path. If he can help, why not?

"I can join the Drama and Film Club for fun but as for taking acting as my career... we'll see. I still don't have any experience so I don't know if I'll do good at it"

Most people in their childhood dreamed at least once about becoming an actor or actress. To be loved and idolize by many people

Shane is a part of that population. Shane along with her other friends still doesn't really know what career they would want to have but acting does not sound that bad. Well, that is if she has some talent on acting

"Then I think I'll join the club too. Since it sounds enjoyable and who knows, I might also be able to use it in the future"

Since Klein's family owned a talent agency, having some filming experience would be good

That is beneficial for Klein once he helps with the family business. Besides, because of the family business, he has always been exposed to celebrities

Now that this matter was brought up, Klein was curious and he also wants to try filming something

"If that is the case then I'll also join the club. If my girlfriend would be the female lead, I naturally need to be the male lead, right?" Cain grinned and Shane pinches his nose

"You can be one of my male leads" Shane teased causing Cain to pout playfully at her. Such action coming from a handsome guy is too awesome

Shane's eyes almost twinkled brightly at such a sight. As she has always thought, handsome guys are really the best!

"Me too! Me too! I'll also join the club!" Liam almost shouted. He wouldn't let himself miss out on the fun

Wouldn't it be boring if his friends are in the same club and he is the only one that is not part of it? Liam can't let that happen!

"Kid, I always told you to make your decisions on your own. Don't depend on us too much"

Out of the three, Klein is the most independent, second is Shane and as for Liam, he was anything but independent

He is that type of friend that would mostly make his life decisions based on his friends' decisions

That attitude of his was something that Klein always wants to fix. After all, he wants the three of them to grow as a person

Liam can't always be like a little child that would only do something just because his friends were also doing that

"I-it's my own d-decision!" Liam cried out but it was obvious that he was lying due to how fidgety he becomes

This guy really sucks at lying and Klein almost smacked his head

"Your own decision my ass!" Kleins replied while rolling his eyes. If Liam is going to lie then better be good at it!

"Don't be too hard on the kid, he might cry" This time, it was Shane that teased Liam to get back for his words earlier

Liam almost cried on the spot and he just stuffed his mouth with chips while avoiding looking at Klein

"I'll also join" Tristan that was keeping his silence from the start finally said something again and his words were quite a surprise

"Woah, I really thought you wouldn't join any club"

Based on Tristan's personality, he would rather hole himself up inside his room than join a club wherein he would need to interact with a lot of people

That decision of Tristan really makes Cain surprise before he turned to look at Calix

Calix was completely ignored by everyone. He was just focusing on checking the papers and he also didn't say anything since there is a risk that someone here would give him an attitude

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