Don't Misunderstood!

Chapter 57 - 57

Klein doesn't know what to do in this kind of situation and he can only look at Calix while worrying, especially about this man's cracked eggs

"A-are you alright?" Klein asked worriedly and Calix turned to look at him with eyes burning with rage

"Let me hit your balls and then tell me if you are fine!" Calix replied while wiping the blood in his nose

What Klein did was really a double kill on his part. No man would want their balls to be kicked!

"You don't have to be sarcastic" Klein said in a low unsure voice due to guilt

"And you don't need to hit me where it hurts the most!" Calix replied and he once again shut down Klein's argument that can't help but pout a bit

"I-In my d-defense it's not only my fault. A-and look, y-you even got blood on my bed sheet but I didn't say anything!"

Klein wants to lessen his own guilt by trying to make some excuses and Calix look at him with a deadpan expression that made him bury his body deeper into the bed as if he wants it to swallow his whole body

"Really? You inflicted this much pain on me and this is what you are worried about? A freaking bedsheet?"

Klein has no argument for that and he decided to give up. A person must know and admit when they are at fault for something

That is the mature thing to do although it was hard for most people

"O-okay, I'm sorry. I-I'll go get you some umm water and painkillers maybe?" Klein said before trying to get out of bed but he forgot something

Due to his movements, the handcuff got pulled again and Calix that was already in pain finally sensed the pain coming from his wrist that he ignored earlier and yet another groan came out from hin

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Klein apologizes. How can he forget about these freaking handcuffs?

"If one day I decided to kill you please know that I also didn't mean to!" Calix said with a glare and Klein decided not to fight anymore

"I get it, I get it. Just tell me when you are ready to move. We also need to clean the blood in your nose"

It might get some complications if they just left the blood in there and it was the least that Klein can do

"That you yourself have caused" Calix said and Klein nodded his head

"That I, myself have caused. You don't need to— okay, I'll shut up"

Klein wasn't able to defend himself after he saw Calix's glare. He needs to be the bigger man today

But tomorrow... Klein is not sure that he would do the same thing

With a sigh, Klein turned his head to survey his bedroom to see where his phone was but he can't find it in the bedside table nor his pockets

Where did it go?

After some time, Calix finally recovered some strength and Klein can finally search for his phone

However, instead of the phone being found, it was a note that Klein sees

"Hello, my dear friend! I confiscated your gadgets but don't worry, I'll bring them back later! Use this chance to get close with Calix, I'll be back later in the evening to remove the handcuff!"

That was the message that the note has and Klein immediately crumpled it angrily

"Son of a bitch" Klein cursed loudly due to so much anger. Without a phone, how can they call for help?

Even if Shane won't give the keys, Klein still planned on calling people that can help with the situation

But without his phone, Klein wouldn't be able to do that. He certainly wouldn't go outside while he was tied with Calix

Klein doesn't want people to think that he was some kind of a kinky bastard

"What happened?" Calix inquired after seeing that Klein's expression is not looking good

However, instead of answering, Klein immediately went to find his laptop. If he doesn't have his phone, he can still use his laptop, right?

For the nth time, Klein forgot the handcuff and he pulled too hard again

"For fuck's sake, I just got my balls and nose hit. Can you freaking slow down?"

Perhaps, this day is the day that the two have cursed so much and not even the 'normal' ones that people would usually say

Well, who could blame them? They had such a bad day even though it was only morning. They still have the whole day ahead

"Oops, sorry, I forgot about it"

Klein wanted to find his laptop as soon as possible and he unconsciously forgot about Calix

"I'm getting the feeling that you are doing it on purpose" Calix accused and the other man with him rolled his eyes

"Stop accusing me of something that I want but didn't do considering your condition" Klein replied frustratedly after seeing that even his laptop got taken away

That Shane really knows how to drive people in the corner and Klein can only grit his teeth in anger

"Maybe if you stop deliberately hurting me, I wouldn't accuse you of something that you are clearly doing"

Klein can feel his patience nearing its end and he turned his back to look at Calix with a smile that isn't a smile at all. He looks like he was trying to calm himself not to lash out

"Okay, how about we do this. Since I am the owner of this apartment, you go find the first aid kit and I'll follow. In that way, you wouldn't be dragged 'accidentally' by me" Klein even emphasizes the word 'accidentally' since it was really only an accident

"I'm going to ignore that clear sarcasm for now. Where's the kit?"

"In the drawer near the kitchen"

The two finally reached a consensus and Calix walked in front with Klein following behind him

Klein thought that they would at least have some peace that it was now Calix in charge but he was mistaken

"Aww! You are the one pulling the handcuff on purpose!" Klein said angrily after seeing what Calix had done but the man just look at him with a sneer

"Oh sorry, is that painful? Try getting your balls hit until you feel like you would pass out"

"It was an accident! You don't need to always bring it up and looking at how you are acting now, it doesn't seem like you will faint"

"I am freaking venting. Don't you at least have some conscience to let me do that?"

With that, Klein kept his mouth shut again. Fine, it was his fault. He needs to take responsibility

Calix want to vent then vent, whatever

Klein didn't see it but Calix smiled a bit. Seeing Klein being this docile to him is a new experience

This guy has always been aggressive towards him. It feels good to put him in place from time to time

The two exited the bedroom and Klein cursed Liam in his mind

"Is there a hole in that little bastard's mouth or something? Why are there so many chip crumbs in here?" Klein muttered before he remembered something

"Oh shit, Liam saw us! I'm sure he's thinking about t-that!"

Due to the events that happened earlier, Klein completely forgot about that for a moment

But after seeing the chip crumbs, Klein was reminded of it

"Can we deal with that later cause I can still feel your fist in my nose and blood do not have a nice scent" Calix grumbled and Klein just made face in return

Anyways, since Calix was had his back on him, Klein wouldn't be seen and he can do annoying expressions as much as he wants

Calix opened the drawer and went to find the first aid kit which wasn't that hard to find since Klein's apartment was very organized. Almost everything has a label on it and it wasn't hard to find what you would need

Taking the box in his hand, Calix walks into the sofa and opened it

Since this is Klein's fault, he decided to volunteer to help

"Give it to me, I'll help you" Klein offered his help but Calix just looked at him with a face full of doubts

"You, as in Klein Arceus Ferrer, will help me?" Calix said in disbelief and Klein took a deep breath before answering

"Yes cause I do have some conscience"

"That, I am not sure. Who knows what you will do to me. You might even become the cause of my death"

Klein almost lash out but he decided to keep it to himself. He can just smile without really smiling due to so much annoyance and frustration

"I'm not so stupid to kill someone in a place and situation that only I would be the only suspect. You can rest assured, okay?" Klein said 'nicely' and Calix almost had a goosebumps

Klein really wouldn't kill him, right?

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