Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From the Trash Bin

Chapter 44: Love Songs on the Ice (1)

061 didn't rush to take Chi Koike to the next world, but took him into a blank rectangular space.

He asked, "Do you need rest?"

Chi Xiaochi: "You can rest."

061 said, "After the end of the second world, the host can choose to rest for a while during the transfer of the world and the world, adjust the mood, and walk out of the previous world."

After all, the host he took in the past has had emotional dramas with the scumbags of various worlds, and every suicide escape, although it will not cause substantial psychological trauma like forced escape, but the suicide itself is a strong spirit Shock.

Iko Koike took out his own card and counted.

He asked, "Is there a time limit for this break?"

"According to regulations, the long can not exceed fifteen days, and the short ..."

Chi Xiaochi put the card together in the palm of his hand, and let it disappear into the data and disappeared: "It's done, let's go."

061: "..." ... After a short period of time, a deck of cards is ordered.

Chi Xiaochi said, "What's so fun here? I'll be snow blind in a little while."

061 snapped his fingers.

After a short while, this small room of only ten square meters moved.

The space folded into a rectangle looks like a cardboard box that has been dismantled, the ceiling is lifted, and the snow-white walls spread out layer by layer to the surroundings, extending into infinity.

Like the update of the game ’s data package, the scene is expanded from near and far--

Classically decorated cafes, crowded playgrounds and shopping malls, parks, gyms, all the way to distant snow-capped mountains and maple leaf forests, all kinds of facilities can be said to have everything.

The only place where Chi Koike stood on both feet was a white floor, similar to the starting point of the game.

People come and go around, and no one can see the space that does not exist in any one dimension.

061 said: "You can relax here."

Chi Xiaochi looked around, seemingly interested: "Can I go anywhere?"

061 Answer: "Only the places that currently exist in each world line can go."

Chi Xiaochi asked, "Are you going?"

061 said: "I would like to accompany you, but in non-mission space, my energy will be weakened to a very low level, only the most basic consciousness can be saved, and even the voice and visual system will be turned off. When the host is self-regulating and relaxing, the system is generally separated from the host and stays in the space until the host returns. "

Chi Xiaochi stood in the crowd and passed by countless people.

With one kick, Chi Koike can step into the hustle and bustle of the dust.

But he said, "No need. I hurried back."

The word "rush" made 061 inexplicably relieved, but like a needle, he touched his heart lightly.

...... It's numb and painful, not very comfortable.

He reconfirmed: "Do you really need a break?"

Chi Xiaochi said: "This saves me time and saves you time."

061 didn't ask any more, waved his hand, and the space moved closer to the center, folded at a rapid speed, and refolded into a white box of more than ten square meters.

[System Number 061 Application Transfer to the Next World]

[Under review of transmission rights]

[Drop, review has passed and can be transmitted]

[Generating random selection in the world]

[Drop, completed randomly, and transmitting to World Line 1983]

When Chi Xiaochi opened his eyes again, he looked at the surroundings and observed the size of his hands and feet.

061: "... ????"

The situation at hand is indeed worth doing.

Chi Xiaochi was confined in a small men's toilet cubicle. The doors and walls of the cubicle were covered with dark scratches. At first glance, the smokers who hid here smoked them out.

In addition, there are all kinds of graffiti on the wall, sleep, unlock, same-sex dating, XX loves XX for a lifetime, XX is Dasha X.

...... Stupid words are less written.

The sky outside is dim and the small overcast wind is very rhythmic. From the direction of light input, it should be the twilight.

But Chi Xiaochi's focus is different from 061.

He stared at his palm and asked, "How old is this owner?"

All the information of the World Line has not been transmitted yet, only basic information is available for inspection. 061 checked it and took a sip of air conditioning: "... now 11 years old."

"How old was he against the Raiders?"

"It was 11 years old when they met. It was 19 years old when they were together."

Chi Xiaochi calculated the same time difference between the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War, and then said, "Mr. Six, have you heard of the sharp knife?"

061: "..."

Chi Xiaochi, like a salesman at a tourist attraction, seduced Xunshan: "With one shot, the short and pleasant life of the task object will soon end. I promise it will not hurt."

061: "..." Don't eat, I won't eat this Amway.

Uncovering the tactics that Amazingly did not go out, Chi Xiaochi looked around and said, "I knew I would stay here for seven years, so I wouldn't hurry so quickly, and drink a cup of coffee first."

061 relieved him: "You don't have to worry too much about time ..."

Before the words of 061 were finished, the grumbling noises and the sound of tap water rushing into the foreign iron barrels came from outside the compartment.

Soon the door was kicked from the outside.

A proud child's voice came from outside: "You curse it? Dumb? Isn't it the tip of your teeth?"

Immediately, Chi Xiaochi kicked himself from the inside and determined that the toilet door should have been blocked from the outside by things like mops.

He replied loudly, "Go and die."

061: "... don't ask what's the situation first?"

"I have something to ask." Chi Xiaochi moved his neck to the left and right twice, clicking and beeping, "... this kind of campus violence has been played for many years."

Then he made a brief estimate of the physical condition.

The original protagonist was practicing sports, wearing a layer of dark black tights, slender limbs, wrist lines over the crotch, and elbows over the waist, but by no means was thin and thin, and the abdominal muscles were thin and beautiful.

Although I can't see my face for a while, I think it's not bad.

The snoring of Chi Xiaochi obviously irritated the people outside, not to mention his companions were not too big to see the excitement, and they were outraged outside.

The child who took the lead turned around and ordered the others: "Fill it! Fill me up, and I'll give him a big one."

Chi Xiaochi stepped on the toilet and looked up at the condition of the compartment.

There are gaps of tens of centimeters wide above and below the compartment. In terms of the physical quality of the original owner, it is okay to climb out, but in case someone outside prepares, a few sticks can bring back the person who is trying to escape.

At this time 061 said: "I have received the World Line message. The horse uploaded it to you."

"You have to wait a moment." Ichiko rolled up his sleeves, "I'll talk to them when I'm done."

061: "..."

Chi Xiaochi squatted down to look out, and found that the mop against the toilet door was a bare pole, supported on the corner of the raised toilet floor tile.

After a while, the sound of water stopped.

The bucket full of water was really heavy. Under the command of the leader, two people picked up the bucket and staggered towards this small prison.

The water was too full. Many of them splashed directly on the ground when they were moved. The splashed water splashed onto the feet of the pond.

The leader shouted: "Fell down! Hang him here and see if he dares to speak hard?"

Chi Xiaochi picked up a plastic toilet brush from the edge of the toilet, stood sideways next to the door, and squatted straight on his calf.

The bucket of water was splashing and splashing, and it was a lot missing when it was lifted near the compartment.

Together they lifted the bucket and wobbled to reach the gap above the compartment.

Iko Koike licked his lips and waited for the moment.

The moment the leaded foreign barrel appeared above the compartment, he quickly handed out the gripped toilet brush, and swiped horizontally at the mop lever against the toilet door.

The moment the wooden pole fell to the ground, he quickly jumped onto the toilet. He controlled the edge of the lead barrel that had gradually tilted down, but was unable to find the right angle. Severely knocked the open door outward--

The bucket was knocked over, one of them grabbed their hands, and the water slammed the two heads and faces.

Chi Xiaochi lay on the door panel and stood high, quickly identifying the leader who gave the order.

As soon as he lit a cigarette, before he had time to put it in his mouth, he was brushed into the face by a toilet in Chi Xiaochi.

061: "..." Yes, this weapon has a lethality of 5, stigma and mental damage of 10,000.

Chi Xiaochi's goals are clear. If he knocks people down, it is a meal. The positioning is also very precise.

The leader was stunned by this violent storm, and only returned after a while, yelling, "Dare you hit me!"

Chi Xiaochi: Papapa.

He proved with action that he not only dared, but dared to slap more.

When he rushed out, he found that these little farts were all twelve or three years old. They were not much higher than the original owner. They looked at the same level. They wore the same clothes as the original owner. "Skating Team".

Iko Koike calmly beat him while analyzing the surrounding situation.

There are a total of five people in the toilet plus the original owner, which can be roughly attributed to those who are now being stabbed, who are now being stabbed, who are driving the seedlings, soft eggs, and soft eggs +1.

After assessing the situation, Chi Koike was relieved.

He let go of the leader, crawled from him, and stared at the two men sitting wet on the ground, sneer.

061 I've seen eyes and laughter like Chi Koike. He used it when acting as a murderer.

Before the leader got up from the ground, he cried in a crying voice: "What are you all doing ?! Do him!"

Those people finally woke up from the sudden situation.

The two on the ground were crawling up and down like a goose. Ji Xiaochi stared at him and screamed, "Sit down!"

His voice was far more terrible than the leader who had just met the cricket, and immediately shattered the fighting spirit they had just gathered together.

Chi Xiaochi turned his head and looked at the leader, raising his eyebrows slightly: "Aren't you, are you crying?"

Wiping his face with a lead, he said in a crying voice, "Where did I cry?"

Chi Koike whistled slightly disdainfully.

This group of bear children who rely on bullying others to fight for existence, but can't carry it at all, has seen many of them, and it is often a person who acts as the central character and is responsible for giving orders. Others give help, and people get together as if It's amazing, you can run wild.

From Chi Xiaochi's point of view, this was nothing more than a flock of flies, flying around in a buzzing, posing as a bee with poisonous chelates.

Sure enough, Chi Xiaochi casually pointed out the "crying" they took the lead in, and several others looked at him with suspicion and anxiety.

How could the leading face hold up, wiping his red, white and white face, and saying, "Dongge, don't leave if you have the ability! Today my brother is in the team, I told my brother to clean up you!"

"Don't." Chi Xiaochi leaned against the door of the cubicle, holding his arms up. "Why is it enough to just call your brother? Otherwise, you can call your parents together. Many people will do their part to support you."

061: "..." Chi Koike's mouth.

It seemed that the leader was not irritated by Chi Xiaochi. After cursing bad words, he got up from the ground and rushed towards Chi Xiaochi.

Suddenly, a pleasant juvenile cavity came from the door: "... what are you doing?"

These people looked back, and saw the two standing side by side at the door, suddenly standing upright.


"He brother !!"

I have to say that the two came very timely.

Take a step further, the leader is afraid to be beaten again.

Chi Xiaochi put the mop lever he just picked upright, put it in his palm, nodded at two teenagers who looked three or four years older than him.

Their identity is not difficult to identify.

The same-color fiery red coats worn on the two men bear the logo of the "Provincial Team Skating Team".

And their bodies are the same as those of the children present. They have long legs and long arms, like works of art that are accurately measured with a ruler and measured exactly.

He was called "He Brother" by a boy with a delicate eyebrow and a cold temperament.

Seeing the water all over the floor, he frowned, as if thinking of something bad.

It's just that the scene and atmosphere are a little weird.

He was the first to notice the kid with a stick.

There is no reason for him. A beautiful embryo of a beautician stands there, and anyone will see him for the first time.

The corners of his eyes and mouth were broken a little, but his eyes were more dazzling. Lips, eyes, and nose were beautiful everywhere, but they were amazingly harmonious.

However, in stark contrast to his appearance, his little Mustang-like temperament, showing a strong energy from the inside out, an ambition not to lose.

The other four were dodging when they came in contact with them, only he dare to look straight back.

In sports schools, it is not uncommon to be bullied by a hug, and it is clearly a bullying scene.

But the situation looks as if the beautiful child returned the revenge on his own, four to one.

... and the more he looked at the beautiful child, the more familiar he became.

The younger man standing next to him, slightly older than him, said to him, "Longevity, do you forget? He is the child the coach said could be absorbed by the provincial team in the future, the one wearing the blue moire on the court just now. "

He Changsheng remembered: "The one who jumped" Unstoppable. "

Chi Xiaochi replied succinctly, "Yes."

He doesn't have time to study the world line, only let 061 tell him some basic information about the original owner.

The original owner Dongge, now 11 years old, came from a small county covered by snow for five months a year. His parents opened a home skating rink. He grew up on the ice since he was a child. He did n’t even know that he was Learn to run first, or learn to skate first.

However, his parents had bad feelings and often fought.

When they quarreled, the little Dongge wore himself into a fluffy dumpling, holding his hands on his back, sliding ice around the open ice rink, closing his eyes and spinning with the love song in the big horn.

However, parents who are deeply divided and have a stock attitude towards Dongge are extremely unified in one matter.

——They never say that Dongge is good.

In the winter song exam, 98 points, you will definitely be asked about the 2 points you lost. The final summary is how you are so careless.

Dongge fights with classmates, and they will apologize to the classmates according to Dongge ’s head, regardless of whether the classmate first threw Dongge's pencil box out of the window.

Dongge was afraid of thunder, but they were too timid and did not look like a man. Later, when Dongge heard it alone, he was not afraid.

Under such tutoring, Dongge became dumb, but he was more competitive.

He was the lead dancer of the dance team in elementary school. Since he likes skating and is eager to stay away from his parents, he simply gave up his studies after graduation and was admitted to the figure skating team of the city sports school.

He is first-rate among his peers, but he is stubborn and does not understand the flexible personality, which is always unpleasant.

The person who took the lead in bullying him this time was Xue Yibai, who didn't look down on him since he entered Dongge. The reason for bullying him this time was that the provincial team figure skating coach brought some students who graduated from Binzhou Sports School to exchange experiences.

Dongge and Xue Yibo are the same coach. He pushed Dongge up like a treasure and asked him to dance one for the provincial coach.

Dongge went away with a cold face.

This was a normal exchange of experience, and the provincial coach did not expect too much from a little baby who had just entered the school for six months.

Who would have thought that after less than a minute of watching, the coach straighted up from the chair and looked at the child who was dancing on the ice rink.

The ice skate made a very full arc on the ice. When he jumped, the blade scratched the fine ice flowers, and white butterflies chased his pants.

The provincial team coach watched the entire game and didn't even ask anything about him. He first said: "The provincial team will recruit new people next year and call him."

Unsurprisingly, as soon as he left the ice rink, he was locked into the bathroom by several people, led by Xue Yibai.

Chi Xiaochi only understood the previous summary and the ending.

Dongge was traumatized mentally and entered psychiatric treatment.

On a winter day, the skinny Dongge was accompanied by a walker to take a walk, and the walker went to make a personal call. He noticed that there was an ornamental lake in the hospital, and the lake was frozen.

... that ice is really thin.

As a world of B-level difficulty certified by the system, Chi Xiaochi thinks that this plot is acceptable compared to the **** A-level.

The person traveling with He Changsheng smiled gently and turned back to He Changsheng and said, "Look, little cool brother."

His voice is very nice.

It was he who spoke just now and successfully prevented the possibility of this group of people being beaten.

He Changsheng looked at the bully children coldly, and said nothing.

The man walked into the stubborn and dirty toilet and asked with a good attitude: "What were you doing just now? Are you playing games?"

The steps were timely, Xue Yibo nodded immediately.

"Don't play such games in the future, have you heard them," he said.

After speaking, he pressed Dongge's shoulders and raised his voice: "I know Dongge, he is my former neighbor. You need to take care of him, okay?"

Xue Yibo opened their mouths in surprise.

Xue Yibai stuttered: "Fan? ... He, he never said ..."

Even Dongge showed a little surprise: "You ..."

Fan Ge smiled warmly and whispered to Dongge: "You may not remember me, but I know that your family has an ice rink. When you were a kid, you liked to play with a little yellow dog.

Chi Koike's throat stunned.

An inexplicable feeling pervaded his mind.

He asked, "Teacher Six, Teacher Six. Which one of them is this task?"

Only by selecting "Receive the World Line" will the relevant information of the Raiders be displayed on the data board in front of Chi Xiaochi.

061 said that the object of the mission was when Dongge was 11 years old.

Choosing Chi Xiaochi instead of Dongge at this time proved that the task object is likely to appear today.

061: "... hmm?"

Chi Xiaochi was silent for a while, and then asked, "... Mr. Six, weren't you out of your mind just now?"

061 Hesitating for a moment, mildly: "Sorry."

He Changsheng took a deep look at Dongge again, and didn't seem to want to stay here any more.

He said, "Brother Lou, let's go."

These two words shot fiercely in Chi Xiaochi's heart, and the deafening echo echoed in his chest, causing his ribs to faintly hurt.

At the same time, 061 spoke.

His tone sounded different from the past, strangely: "... he is the target of this mission. Lou Sifan."

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