Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 131: 1 person heads up the Tiger Front Team! get out!

Chapter 132 One-person duel against the Tiger Front Special Forces! get out! [Please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass! 】

Bang bang bang bang bang!



"It hurts to death!"

at the same time.

On the training ground, the screams finally stopped.

The seven veteran companies were completely defeated, lying on the ground one by one, unable to stand up again.

And even the recruits are not doing well!

Person No. 97, the only people who can stand now are Zangchong, Zhang Shuai, and Su Xiaoyu, more than 30 people.

no doubt.

In this friendly discussion, the recruit company won again!


Winning is even more awesome!

After all, their opponents this time are 7 veteran companies!

When Qin Yuan and the seven company commanders saw Fang Huaji's arrival, they immediately stepped forward and respected the luggage, "Hello, Chief!"

Fang Huaji smiled brightly, waved his hand quickly, and said with a smile, "You don't have to be polite, what should I do? I'm here today to meet Qin Yuan."

The seven company commanders looked at each other and immediately understood.

This Qin Yuan is really not easy!

Even the chief of staff of the special operations brigade wanted to see him, did he need to come in person?

This is so special.

Shelves are ridiculously large.

"Yes! Chief!"

But the seven did not dare to be long-winded.

He hurriedly ran to his company to comfort his subordinates.

No idea!

Now everyone can't get up, and one can imagine how serious the situation is.

This group of beasts in the recruit company is simply dead, and the veterans lose their mobility in an instant.

Fang Huaji and others looked puzzled.

Seeing that a large area was poured down on the training ground, they were quite curious.

Wang Lang asked in confusion, "Brother Qin Yuan, what's the situation? Why are there so many people on the training ground?"

When they arrived, the battle had just ended, and it was impossible to see what was going on.

Qin Yuan smiled when he heard the words, "Oh, this, the recruit company and the veteran company have an unwritten agreement to have a friendly exchange every Saturday. No, just finished the fight."

"Oh, it turned out to be a discussion and exchange, not bad!" Wang Lang smiled and nodded, "I think there are about 700 or 800 people on this training ground, right? Which companies are the recruits teaming up with? I see that the few standing are from the recruit company, right? They seem to be playing well, but they have the last laugh?"

"Oh, they didn't join forces with anyone." Qin Yuan said with a smile.

"What's the matter? Didn't join forces with anyone? You mean, it's just a company-by-company heads-up battle, and the recruit company finally won?" Wang Lang was taken aback.

Qin Yuan pondered for a while, and said with a smile, "You can think so."

"Humph! As a soldier, keep it secret, mother-in-law! What a joke!" Hu Feng said impatiently when he heard the words, "Chief of Staff, if this person is the very magical Qin Yuan you said, I think , this challenge, there is no need to compare.”

"It's just a recruit company winning a veteran company! What's there to show off?"

Hu Feng spoke angrily, with a look of contempt.

Hu Feng was tall and tall, standing at 1.85 meters. He was very burly and stout. With his sharp eyes and domineering aura, he gave people a huge sense of oppression as soon as he opened his mouth.

Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard it.

Is this tiger edge a shabby pen?

So arrogant.

Fang Huaji and Wang Lang suddenly looked ugly when they heard this.

"Hu Feng, I tell you, don't be so arrogant! Being too arrogant will pay the price!"

Wang Lang couldn't help but reprimanded.

"I'm arrogant, what's the matter, the defeated generals?"

Hu Feng glared, his face full of contempt, "Have the ability to hit me!"


When Wang Lang heard this, he couldn't help but get extremely angry.

But helpless.

He knew that he was not a Tiger Edge opponent.

But now that Hu Feng has been bullied to the door, if he is more patient, this special soldier will not have to be!

"I'm **** your mother!"

Wang Lang suddenly threw his general's hat, roared, and rushed up.


Hu Feng groaned angrily.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

I saw a dazzling phantom!

Wang Lang was kicked away by Hu Feng.

Qin Yuan's figure moved, and a fluttering hand reached out to stop Wang Lang from falling to the ground.

Wang Lang was instantly grateful.

It's just that he looked at Hu Feng and became more and more angry.

With an indifferent smile, Qin Yuan said lightly, "A good man deceives the sky, and a wicked man is not afraid of the sky! This Comrade Hu Feng may be a good soldier, but his quality doesn't seem to be very good. Your new and old grudges, just let them I'll report for you together."

"It's a joke! Qin Yuan, it's not that I look down on you, you're just a company commander of my recruits. In my eyes, you are an ant that I can knead! I want you to be born, and you are born, I think Let you die, you die!"

When Hu Feng heard this, he was immediately annoyed, with contempt on his face, and he didn't hide it at all, "You still want to avenge this idiot Wang Lang? Haha... You really know how to make international jokes!"

"Hu Feng, don't be rude!" Seeing that the scene was about to get out of control, Fang Huaji quickly stood up and reprimanded with a cold face.

Hu Feng's sharp eyes glared, and he shouted in surprise, "Chief of Staff, do you want to stand on the side of this so-called recruit company commander?"

"Hu Feng, I know you've always been arrogant, but this time, you're really too arrogant." Fang Huaji reprimanded, speaking very implicitly.

"Hahaha, Chief of Staff, I'm arrogant? I'm being **** off by the recruits, okay? Look at his attitude! He's obviously a soldier, so he has to pretend to be the lord in front of us?" The color brush has changed, and the retort is hoarse!

"Nonsense!" Fang Huaji was furious when he heard the words, "Hu Feng, do you want to disobey the military order?"

Hu Feng was stunned and dumbfounded!

He didn't expect that Fang Huaji had turned against him for one of my recruits?

at this time.

Zangchong, Zhang Shuai, Qin Yang, Haolian, Yaoyao, and others who had won the battle rushed over.

All the way, they saw that the situation seemed a little wrong!

"Company commander, what's the situation? Is this shrewd thing out to make trouble?" Zang Chong glared, raised his head, and rushed up immediately.

Zhang Shuai is slow, his eyes are like hawks, and his tone is cold, "Dare to come to my recruit company to make trouble? You are so bold!"

"Jie Jie Jie, the mere major, it's ridiculous! I thought he was a powerful character!" Hao Lian Yaoyao smiled strangely, strangely infiltrating.

"Let's not be afraid of the old thing coming, this mere little thing, I didn't expect to dare to go wild?" Qin Yang snorted.

Fang Tian, ​​who was on the side, stared at Hu Feng in the crowd, and did not speak.

But he had already made up his mind!

If this Hu Feng did not bow his head and apologize.

He will let Fang Huaji directly punish Hu Feng!

"You, you!"

When Hu Feng heard this, his face turned green with anger.

What's the matter?

"Recruits! You are courting death!"

Hu Feng suddenly roared!

One punch!

A phantom rushed over directly!

"Find your mother!"

Zangchong slammed over with a punch, "md, dare to come to our recruit company to make trouble? Grandma! It doesn't matter how much you weigh!"

Be caught off guard!

Hu Feng hastily challenged!


He immediately felt an unmatched power coming from his fist!

This terrifying power is like a locomotive, vast and unfathomable!


Hu Feng roared, his face instantly flushed red.

He tried his best to resist Zangchong's attack.

It's a pity that he hasn't had time to fly out!

Zangchong's terrifying whip leg has come!

"Why so fast!"

Hu Feng was taken aback and quickly blocked with both hands.

Boom card.

The power of Zangchong's legs is even more terrifying!

The incessant terrifying force came out.

Hu Feng's hands immediately made a crackling sound of shattering bones.

"My hand! My hand!"

Hu Feng paled in shock and looked terrified.


No resistance!

Hu Feng fell heavily on the ground, his face ashen. He looked at this unusually brave guy in front of him in disbelief, like a demon god, his face was full of shock!

This is so special!

A new recruit, he came up and overturned him?

"team leader!"

"team leader!"

"Are you all right, Captain?"

The six teammates of Hu Feng immediately rushed forward with worried expressions on their faces.

"I'm fine! It's just a broken face," Hu Feng immediately shook his head, his eyes suddenly sharpened, "This idiot dares to attack me! I want you to kill him and the recruit company! Can you do it? "

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

"Just a recruit company! I don't care about a reinforcement platoon!"

"Dare to attack our captain! All have to pay enough price!"

The six people were gearing up, and their faces suddenly became angry.

follow closely.

They didn't hesitate either.

He looked directly at Qin Yuan, Zang Chong and the others.

"Dare to attack our captain?"

"You are really kind!"

"It's just, in front of us! You should all get down on the ground!"

The six groaned angrily, and rushed towards Zang Chong, Qin Yuan and others at high speed.

"Alas, there are idiots every year, especially today."

At this moment, a long sigh sounded.

Qin Yuan took the initiative to stand in front of everyone.

Qin Yuan gave Fang Huaji an irritated glance, "Chief of Staff Fang, my recruit company is not a place where you can come and leave when you want."

"I can promise you that a fight with this idiot Hu Feng is enough to give them face."

"I didn't expect them to be like this... without self-knowledge?"

"Chief of Staff Fang, I need an explanation for this matter."

Qin Yuan finished speaking.

First come first.

Rush directly into the crowd.

"Company commander be careful! They are the top special forces!" Zhang Shuai couldn't help worrying.

"Brother Qin Yuan, although Hu Feng's personality is not very good, each of his six teammates is no worse than him. You must be careful!" Wang Lang was also anxious when he saw this!

Tiger God special team where Hu Feng belongs.

The reason why they can become the ace special team of the special forces brigade and beat the cat **** special team is because each of them is extremely powerful!

Just pick one out, and you can even defeat Wang Lang!

At this moment, Wang Lang couldn't help but worry for a while.

"Oh? Is that so?"

Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows.

I don't care.


Just go as fast as you can!


Bang bang bang bang bang!

While everyone was shocked and worried.

I saw Qin Yuan's speed was like a ghost.

Everyone only heard a series of screams, and the six people all fell to the ground, holding their right hands, screaming incessantly.

"Captain, my hand seems to be broken!"

"Captain, my hand is broken too!"

"This motherfucker, this person is too cruel!"

"Woooooo, it hurts!"

The six wailed.

Seeing this, Hu Feng's expression changed completely!

He looked at Qin Yuan in horror!

Just in this moment!

This recruit company commander, who he didn't like at all, actually abolished his six teammates at once?

This, this is incredible!

At this moment, Hu Feng was shocked!

Zang Chong was shocked!

Zhang Shuai was shocked!

Wang Lang was shocked!

Everyone, including Fang Huaji, couldn't help but widen their eyes with shock and disbelief!

Qin Yuan alone, so easily, killed the six powerful teammates of Hu Feng?


It's not over yet!


Hu Feng only felt an illusion in front of him!


As if teleporting!

next second.

Qin Yuan actually appeared directly in front of Hu Feng.

Hu Feng was taken aback.

Qin Yuan grabbed Hu Feng and raised it lightly above his head.

"Put me down! You lunatic, what do you want?"

Hu Feng is really panicked!

Because Qin Yuan's big hands were like iron tongs, and he was horrified to find that no matter how hard he struggled, Qin Yuan didn't move at all?

"What do I want to do? Comrade Hu Feng, I want to ask, what do you want to do!"

Qin Yuan smiled coldly, "Didn't you say that you want to kill my recruits? Do you know that what I, Qin Yuan, hate the most is the threat of the enemy?"

"Enemy? You are wrong, brother Qin Yuan. We are comrades-in-arms, brothers."

Hu Feng was so frightened that his face turned blue, he quickly apologized, "Brother Qin Yuan, I was wrong, I was just angry, how could I really kill all your recruits? Let me down, okay, what's the matter? We can sit down and have a good discussion."

"Sorry, it's late." Qin Yuan shook his head lightly.

"Huh? What's this smell?" Qin Yuan suddenly smelled a special, faint fragrance in the air, and couldn't help but instantly change color, "Fuck, this smell is poisonous!"

Qin Yuan suddenly felt something, and glanced in the direction of Hua Shanke, only to see Hua Shanke's calm face, and he couldn't see any clues at all.

"It's definitely Hua Shan Ke! This kid, actually poisoned Hu Feng and the others?"

Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows and was surprised.


very quickly!

Hu Feng and his six coughed very quickly, and they were coughing violently. Seeing their sad and painful appearance, it seemed that they were about to cough out their lungs!

Seeing this, Qin Yuan showed no pity. His eyes were condensed, his sharp eyes were like blades, and he looked at Hu Feng, who immediately shuddered, "Hu Feng, we are all adults! What you say, what you do, you are responsible for!"

"If it weren't for my recruit company, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, you Tiger God Commandos would have brought us down long ago! And humiliated us severely!"

"In your subconscious, you won't believe that we are an iron plate that you can't kick!"

"So, bear a punch of 30% of my power!"

"Then go away!"

"Okay! Brother Qin Yuan, as long as you can let us go, everything is easy to say, not to mention one punch, even ten punches and eight punches." Hu Feng nodded hurriedly.

Fang Huaji sighed as he watched.

This tiger edge...

Today, he disgraced the special forces brigade and his own face!

"Okay! Go away!"

With a cold snort, Qin Yuan suddenly punched.

A bang.

Shoot directly on Hu Feng's chest.


Hu Feng immediately widened his eyes and spat out a mouthful of blood!

Then the whole person fell heavily to the ground and passed out directly!

?? tossing and turning in bed and can't fall asleep!

?no way!

? The conscience is uneasy!

?Weak, I got up and wrote another chapter!

? Start the code early tomorrow and continue to break out!

?Hope the big guys have fun watching it!

? Finally, roar and ask for a reward!



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