Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 132: The super food prepared by Qin Yuan!

Chapter 133 The super food prepared by Qin Yuan! [15, the first update today! 】

"team leader!"

"team leader!"

"Tiger Feng!"

this moment.

Everyone in the special forces brigade couldn't help but worry.

Wang Lang, who was beside him, didn't look good either.

"Qin Yuan, this Hu Feng, he..."

Fang Huaji's face was extremely ugly.

To know.

This Tiger God special team of Tiger Front is the strongest fighting force of his special forces brigade.

But now.

It was actually abolished by Qin Yuan directly?

Fang Huaji's face was dripping blood.

"Chief of Staff, his skills are not as good as others, and he deserves it."

Qin Yuan's eyes were unprecedentedly cold.

"In my imagination, soldiers should unite and help each other. Even if they make an occasional joke, it will be harmless. They will never insult recruits with arrogance and arrogance."

"But Chief of Staff, this Tiger Feng's performance disappointed me so much, and made me even more angry!"

"I don't know how Chief of Staff Fang usually teaches soldiers, but if it is me, such a subordinate doesn't know how to be shameless and insults others recklessly. Don't worry."

There was no emotion in Qin Yuan's voice.

Fang Huaji was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help the cold sweat on his forehead.

Glancing at the recruits who stared at him.

Fang Huaji felt panic in his heart.

"If there is no accident, this tiger edge is probably useless."

"And this Qin Yuan, not only has his own strength, but also has a very scary background. Most importantly, he has a group of young ancestors to support him. I... It's better to bow to him temporarily! This demon **** must not be provoked!"

Fang Huaji's head turned quickly.

Weigh the pros and cons.

He decided that it was better not to provoke Qin Yuan.

after all.

It is also Hu Feng who made a mistake first.

It's just that he never dreamed that the originally set challenge would turn into such a mess.

"Qin Yuan, this time, it's my fault."

Fang Huaji sighed helplessly, shook his head and said, "On behalf of Hu Feng, I solemnly apologize to you and all the recruits. I knew Hu Feng's temperament would cause problems, and now I pass your hand to him. He deserves the lesson, and I hope you, Qin Yuan, and the comrades in the recruit company, don't have any grudges."

"Humph! That's still a talk!"

"It's just a colonel. If you dare to bully us and our company commander, you won't be able to eat and walk around!"

"If it wasn't for Fang Tian's sake, I would have killed you earlier!"

"Come on, old guy! It's better not to come to our recruit company!"

When the thorns heard Fang Huaji's words, the bad breath that was stuck in their throats was finally vented.

If Fang Huaji dared to say no?

Or bad attitude?

no doubt!

They will swarm.

Let this middle-aged soldier be picked up by an ambulance!

"Chief of Staff Fang, it's best if you can think so."

Only then did Qin Yuan show a smile, and he said without a smile, "If there's nothing wrong, please go back! Our recruit company is busy with military affairs, and we will have to train later."

"Okay! Captain Qin Yuan, then we won't bother." Fang Huaji also smiled, but his smile was very embarrassing.

Immediately, very quickly.

Fang Huaji asked Wang Lang and others to quickly take Hu Feng and the others into the car and rushed to the military hospital.

And the veterans of the other seven companies.

Everyone was amazed!

Qin Yuan, alone, actually abolished a special team?

This is so special!

Too brutal!

Everyone felt a lingering fear!

The main thing is.

The chief of staff of the special operations brigade didn't get angry?

Instead, they respect Qin Yuan very much?

That is to say.

Did the chief of staff of this special operations brigade bring his people on purpose?

Everyone was shocked and stunned!

"All assembly!"

Wait for the people to leave.

Qin Yuan immediately shouted loudly.

For a moment.

Everyone quickly stood in the queue and automatically aligned.

"Being behind, you will be beaten!"

"Weak, we will be beaten!"

"No matter when and where you are weak, you will be bullied for no reason!"

"You have seen the scene just now! If it weren't for our strength, I'm afraid the self-esteem that was humiliated by that special team would have been lost!"

"So, you must remember today's shame!"

"Every day, you have to work hard! Try to be a general in the future!"

"do you understand?"

Ye Feng looked at everyone and spoke harshly.


"We're going to be generals!"

"Under one person, above ten thousand people!"

"I will never be bullied by anyone again!"

The thorns immediately expressed their opinions.

"it is good!"

Qin Yuan's eyes were sharp, and the anger contained in his tone was undisguised.

He was really **** off today.

"Zangchong Zhang Shuai Su Xiaoyu!"


"You guys now move all the roast lamb beer and other items sent by the second company commander into the cafeteria."

"Today, not only the second company commander prepared food for you, but I also prepared super food for you!"

"Today, it is also a celebration of the successful conclusion of Devil Week for you, so let you have a good meal!"

Only then did Qin Yuan reveal a smile.

"Yes! Company commander!"

"Wow! The company commander is so good! Didn't expect the company commander to prepare food for us?"

"Woooooo, I just love the company commander! The company commander is amazing!"

"The company commander is mighty! The company commander is awesome!"

The thorns were immediately excited.

Zangchong Haolian, Yaoyao, Su Xiaoyu and the others immediately acted, and their movements were very fast.

Move all three roast sheep and 50 cases of beer into the canteen.

10 minutes later.

All ready.

The thorns couldn't help but wonder.

"Company commander, what about the super food you prepared for us? Why haven't you seen any movement?" Su Xiaoyu couldn't help but be slightly puzzled.

"Yes, company commander, where's the food?" Fang Tian's stomach growled with hunger.

"Company Commander, this delicious food won't come up We have to eat roasted whole lamb first." Xiao Pang couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Qin Yuan couldn't help frowning, "What's the matter with this old Zhao? Didn't they let them prepare at six o'clock in the morning? Why hasn't it been done yet? Logically speaking, it should be done. "


Seeing that the thorns were noisy, Qin Yuan immediately shouted angrily.

"Good things come and go! Haven't you heard of it!"

Qin Yuan smiled and said to the thorns, "Please wait patiently for me!"

"I can guarantee! No one of you has ever eaten this delicacy! Few of you have even seen it!"

When Han Xiang heard this, he immediately retorted, "Impossible! Company commander! Whether it's the world's top restaurant or the world's most popular snack, I've eaten almost all of them. In this world, there are still things I haven't eaten before. ?"

"In addition to the big hobby of driving, my biggest interest is watching various food shows, company commander, you are saying too much, I bet, I have definitely seen what you call food! "Fang Tian doesn't believe it either.

is talking.

The three of Zhao Ruixuan came over with a large plate of steaming food.

"I'm coming!"

"I'm sorry, something went wrong and made you wait for a long time!"

For a moment.

Everyone's eyes lit up!

What kind of food is this?

Is it in a large tray, and it's still covered by the tray?

Everyone can only see the steaming heat from above, and they can't see what it is at all!

For a moment.

Everyone couldn't help but look forward to it.

?? Chapter 5 today, the first one is here~



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