Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 133: Frozen potatoes! Why doesn't your great-grandfather eat meat?

Chapter 134 Frozen Potatoes! Why doesn't your great-grandfather eat meat? [25, please subscribe! 】

"Captain, what kind of food is this?"

"Yes, company commander, why is it so mysterious?"

"I bet it's delicious!"

The thorns were drooling and blinking, staring intently at the large tray.

Qin Yuan smiled when he saw it, "Now, it's time to reveal the answer!"

"Long line, uncover the plate!"

"Yes! Company commander!"

The clanging sound of opening the lid sounded.

Three platters of "hot" potatoes appeared in front of everyone.

The thorns were dumbfounded!

what's going on?

After so long, it turned out to be potatoes?

"I see! The potatoes prepared by the company commander look ordinary on the surface, but in fact they contain a mystery! These potatoes are by no means ordinary potatoes!"

"I've seen God of Cooking before, and the lotus sparrow in there is a universe inside! Presumably, there must be something special in the middle of this potato. I guess there is some very special meat in it!"

"Damn it! I didn't expect the company commander to be a God of Cookery? Did you prepare such a good thing for us early in the morning?"

As soon as the thorns saw the potatoes, after a brief discussion, they were immediately excited!

Just ecstatic.

Qin Yuan couldn't help frowning.

These beasts are too good at making up their minds!

You said that potatoes have hidden secrets?

This potato does have a hidden mystery!

Just hope they can eat happily later.

"Hey hey, brothers, look carefully, why do I feel that the gas coming out of the potatoes is not hot, but cold?"

"Air-conditioning? Don't be kidding, little fat, how could there be air-conditioning on such a hot day?"

"You are such a rich second generation, of course you don't understand these common senses. When an icy object is just taken out of the refrigerator and comes into contact with the hot air outside, it will instantly produce cold air."

"The same is true of heat, it will be seen by the naked eye."

"Fuck! I suddenly understand!"

"What do you understand?"

"It's the motherfucker! If I'm not mistaken, it's frozen potatoes!"

"What the hell? Frozen potatoes?"

"Why are potatoes frozen?"

"Since you ask this question, then you have to talk about the battle in the ice and snow half a century ago! Alas, speaking of which, these frozen potatoes are still my grandfather's father back then. Simply put, my great-grandfather said One thing happened, after he came back from the battlefield, every time he saw my dad and the others wasting food, he reprimanded him fiercely, saying that in the war that year, under the environment of 40 degrees, he could only eat frozen teeth. The potatoes, how difficult it is, one of his comrades, eating frozen potatoes, lost his teeth..."

"Shit, stop talking! I have a toothache when I hear it!"

"Hey! It's freezing and snowing, eating frozen potatoes? Lin Dong, why don't your great-grandfather eat meat?" Han Xiang couldn't help but ask.

Lin Dong stared: "..."

"Wori, are you despising me? Isn't it better to eat something good during the war? Why do they eat potatoes? Are frozen potatoes more delicious?" Han Xiang said angrily.

"Wori, your uncle!" Lin Dong suddenly scolded, "You rich second-generation rich in brocade clothes and jade food, you don't understand the suffering of the people at all."

"My uncle has been buried for more than eight years, you can go." Han Xiang smiled, "I just wondered, am I wrong? I remember someone said before that the war in the Biao Liang country, All they eat are chicken thighs, bread, barbecue, beer and coffee, all kinds of food, everything. Am I wrong? Do our soldiers prefer potatoes?"

"I prefer your sister!" Lin Dong couldn't help roaring, "They eat frozen potatoes because they only have potatoes to satisfy their hunger!"

"As long as there is a little other food, how can they wear a single coat and eat cold potatoes in the ice and snow?"

Han Xiang blushed after hearing this, and was silent for a while.

This is so special!

Shame on you!

"Brother Han Xiang, you are really the contemporary Emperor Hui of Jin. The people have no corn to satisfy their hunger, so why not eat minced meat?" Su Xiaoyu couldn't help sighing.


Hearing the words, the thorns burst into laughter.

clap clap.

At this moment.

Qin Yuan smiled and took the lead in applauding.

"Xiaoyu is right! Han Xiang, just based on your sentence today, why your great-grandfather and the others don't eat meat, it is enough for you to write a 40-character review!"

"But looking at your expression now, you seem to have awakened, and your recruit company defeated seven veteran companies today! I won't punish you!"

With an indifferent smile, Qin Yuan opened his mouth with a smile.

Han Xiang was instantly grateful.

Qin Yuan continued, "Lin Dong is right. Seventy years ago, in the icy and snowy battle, we made millet and rifles and defeated the most powerful country in the world at that time! That battle brought our national prestige to Extreme!"

"That battle shocked the world!"

"That battle was also the first defeat of the Biao Liang Kingdom to the outside world!"

"That war made the whole world dare not show any contempt for the motherland!"

"However, due to various reasons, the country did not carry out too much propaganda about that war."

"Why is this?"

"It's because it's too tragic! Too tragic!"

"If the battlefield at that time was filmed live, it would be a human tragedy."

"Perhaps more than one billion people have forgotten this battle!"

"But as soldiers, we can't forget it at all!"

"Because the motherland is getting stronger and stronger! It's getting richer! Maybe, we will never have the opportunity to wear single clothes, hold backward weapons, and use potatoes as food to fight in the ice and snow!"

"But we can feel a little bit about their mood at the time!"

"So, I've prepared a meal for you today—a very rare meal in the world!"

"Three frozen potatoes per person!"

"Chew it well and eat it slowly! I hope you can understand the state of mind of those soldiers back then!"

"Can it be done?"

Qin Yuan snorted loudly.


The thorns answered in unison immediately.

Even a few thorns cried.

Zhang Shuai's eyes were also slightly red.

His great-grandfather also participated in that battle back then.

Although he finally came back, he lost a leg forever.

After that, my grandfather resolutely joined the army!

Desire to revive the glory of the family!

In the past, he did not understand the persistence of his grandfather, but now, he finally understands a little bit.

"Three platoon leaders, give potatoes to the thorns!"

"Yes! Company commander!"

"Platoon leader, give me the three largest!"

"Platoon leader, I want a big one too! You give me a small one, and I'll be in a hurry with you!"

"I want to eat four!"

"I want to eat five! Hey, these potatoes are so cold! It's too cold!"

The thorns were really infected by Qin Yuan's words. When distributing the potatoes, one by one no longer had any resistance, but instead scrambled to grab them.

Qin Yuan was also moved for a while, and his eyes were slightly moist.

Perhaps the soldiers of the year were so enthusiastic when they saw potatoes in the desperate situation without backup and ice and snow!

after all.

It's their only food!

?? The second update~



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