Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 134: 1 mouthful of fried noodles, 1 mouthful of snow, iced potatoes

Chapter 135 One mouthful of fried noodles, one mouthful of snow, and iced potatoes with one-coat straw shoes [35, please subscribe! 】

"One mouthful of fried noodles, one mouthful of snow, and iced potatoes with one-coat straw shoes!"

Qin Yuan picked up three icy potatoes and looked at everyone, "Today, let us also feel the food and mood of those soldiers back then!"

"eat together!"

Click, click, click.

Qin Yuan took three bites with all his might, his mouth full of frozen ballast and frozen potatoes, so hard that he couldn't bite at all.

What you eat in your mouth are some crushed ice cubes attached to the surface.

"Fuck! It's so tough!"

"I'm thick, big, and hard, so I can't say anything at all."

"Is this potato really the food of the past?"

The thorns saw that Qin Yuan began to eat iced potatoes, and they all began to bite.

But when I opened my mouth, I found the horror of ice potatoes. This thing was as hard as an iron ball and could not be bitten at all.

"Be careful! Don't break your teeth!"

Qin Yuan couldn't help but reminded.

"Now, learn from me!"

"Put the potatoes in your arms and heat them first!"

Qin Yuan found that in the face of difficulties, he immediately thought of this method.

It seems that the soldiers of the year were probably helpless, so they chose to put the cold potatoes in their arms and warm them up before eating them.

"it is good!"

Seeing this, the thorns immediately followed suit.

The three platoon leaders next to him also put potatoes into their arms.

In this scorching hot weather, I suddenly put a few potatoes in my chest, and I immediately felt a cool feeling.

But the next second, it will be a tragedy!

Is this so cool?

It's so heartwarming!

Biting cold!

"Damn it! It's too cold! I can't stand it!" Fang Tian screamed, and immediately wanted to take out the cold potatoes, Qin Yuan immediately shouted, "I hold back! You dare to take it out, I kick you to death!"

Fang Tian stopped immediately!

He dare not resist!

At the training ground today, they all saw how fierce Qin Yuan is!

That rascal!

With just a few kicks, a special team was kicked out!

It seems that Qin Yuan is merciful to them during normal training.

After all, they think that although they are awesome, they really can't stand such a terrifying kick.

"It's summer, and you can't stand it!"

"If you are dragged into the icy and snowy environment for you to fight, I'm afraid you will all be traitors!"

Qin Yuan angrily reprimanded.

Hearing the words, the thorns kept silent, gritted their teeth, and insisted desperately.

"Now is the time to test your willpower."

"If you can't even stand the temperature of three potatoes, you can just go home and die."

"Remember, don't make me look down on you!"

Qin Yuan reprimanded sharply.

"Company commander, we can resist!"

"We can stand it!"

"It's just frozen potatoes! Compared to the soldiers who were frozen into statues, we are so cold that we are nothing at all!"

The thorns finally stopped complaining.

Every thorn head gritted his teeth and insisted desperately.


Minutes passed by.

The thorns were shivering from the cold, and their teeth couldn't help chattering.

After all, only the part of the heart is cold and cold, and no one can bear it.

The face of the third rank leader is also not good-looking.

It's just that the recruits can carry it, and they have no reason to admit defeat!


The ice water on the surface of the potatoes melted, gradually soaking into the chest of each thorn.

Fang Tian took out a potato and took a tentative bite. At the entrance, there was a bit of piercing teeth, Fang Tian couldn't help but almost vomit.

Qin Yuan glared at him directly.

In desperation, Fang Tian had no choice but to swallow the ice **** and mashed potatoes into his stomach little by little.

After 30 minutes.

Feeling the potato in my chest, it seems to have returned to normal temperature.

Qin Yuan took the lead and took out the potatoes and bit them.

"Now the potatoes, although a little hard, are ready to eat!"

"Let's all eat!"

"After eating potatoes, let's eat roast whole lamb!"

"Yes! Company commander!"

One command.

All the thorns took out cold potatoes from their chests and began to bite them in small bites.

"Huh? Don't tell me, this thawed potato tastes pretty good."

"It looks like it's been boiled, soft, glutinous, and as delicate as mashed taro!"

"It would be nice if the inside was as soft as the outside, but unfortunately our chests can't heat the inside of the potato at all."

Under careful tasting.

The thorns were surprised to find that the frozen potatoes were delicious.

There is a special food aroma that I have never experienced before.

Qin Yuan couldn't help laughing when he saw it, "I'm afraid these children in the city haven't eaten much boiled vegetables! Naturally, they can't experience the taste of frozen potatoes."

Zhang Shuai eats very seriously.

When he finished eating the first potato, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Grandpa, if I knew that you fought so hard back then, I might not have been so naughty when I was young!"

Zhang Shuai burst into tears.

Chen Cang couldn't help his tears.

There are also a few thorns.

They were all in unbearable tears.

The thorns stared blankly.

They couldn't feel why Zhang Shuai and Chen Cang cried so sadly.

All they know is that this potato is really unpalatable!

The battlefield back then must have been very difficult!

After all, I can't even get enough to eat!

No, not even the most basic food!

How did they get over it back then?

And, also won the battle?

"I know, some of you must be wondering. In the battle that year, when there was a shortage of materials, no supplies, and extremely backward weapons and equipment, why was our country able to win that victory?"

Qin Yuan's eyes narrowed and he swept to everyone, "The biggest reason is the steel-like willpower of our soldiers! The will is like a knife, and the blade is invincible! It depends on the bravery of our soldiers who are not afraid of death and dare to sacrifice!"

"There is no advanced weapons and equipment! But we are united, not afraid of sacrifice, and protect everyone's pride!"

The thorns burst into tears.

"Now, 70 springs, autumns, winters and summers, the country is stronger! The weapons are advanced!"

"We don't need to let the darlings of tens of millions of families use flesh and blood to fight the enemy's muzzle!"

"However, we still have to train hard and desperately!"

"The purpose is to reduce bloodshed casualties!"

"After all, everyone is the jewel in the family's palm now, and any bloodshed and sacrifice is a severe pain for the family."

"So, you must train hard! Do more training! Understand?"

Qin Yuan looked at everyone.

"Yes! Company commander!"

The thorns nodded quickly.

"Okay! Let's eat! After dinner, I'll take you to the training ground to test your marksmanship and the 400-meter obstacle! After all, the ten-day period has come!"

Qin Yuan nodded in relief.

This speech of my own is finally not in vain!

Furthermore, Qin Yuan also wanted to see how powerful the proficient marksmanship of the thorns was!

"Test our strength? This is good!"

"I've been dreaming for the past two days, and I've been practicing guns in my dreams! Hahaha, my marksmanship seems to have improved a lot, and I also want to try the current marksmanship!"

"Che, it's as if I never practiced guns in my dreams! I feel that my marksmanship is also very good now!"

"Really? Then we can compare later!"

"Compare, compare, who is afraid of who!"

When the thorns heard it, they were immediately excited!

Click click. UU reading

The thorns began to eat potatoes in ecstasy!

After a few minutes.

Whether they like it or not, the thorns finally finished eating the three potatoes.

Immediately begin to share the roast lamb feast!

It's a mouthful of oil.

"Fuck you, bald man, how can you eat like a bandit, save some lamb leg for Laozi." Su Xiaoyu shouted angrily, and hurriedly grabbed the lamb leg.

Zangchong ignored him at all, "Go away! This leg of lamb is mine, even if **** comes! I said it!"

20 minutes later.

The three roasted sheep were eaten cleanly, and the thorns finally showed a look of excitement and satisfaction.

After all, it is necessary to test their strength!

No beer for now!

follow closely.

The thorns were pulled to the training ground by Qin Yuan!

?? The third update is here~ There are two more updates today!

?in addition,

?Solemnly thank "Time and People" for their support!

?Solemnly thank "Half a Cup of Bitter Tea" for the support with a 500 reward!

?Solemnly thank you for the big 200 reward for "Sister Come and Call Brother Listen"!

?Solemnly thank "Feeling of Flying" for 200 donations and support!

?Solemnly thank ""Da Da 100 for your support!

?Solemnly thank "Banana is not burnt" with a big 100 reward and support!

?Solemnly thank "Zhengmei" for the support of 100 donations!

?Solemnly thank "Broken Heart" for 100 donations and support! Solemnly thank ""Da Da 100 for your support!

?Solemnly thank "Exiled Immortal Resentment" for its 100 reward support!

?Solemnly thank "TangTang" for its 100-dollar support!



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