Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 144: Su Xiaoyu's road to revenge!

Chapter 145 Su Xiaoyu's Road to Revenge! 【Please subscribe! 】

"Drinking tea?" Zhang Shuai raised his eyebrows when he heard it. "Ah Feng, why are you behind your back? I said, I was very suspicious of you going to the toilet just now."

Ye Feng quickly smiled and waved his hand, "How is that possible, handsome guy! How can I do anything, maybe the head of the regiment really misses Wang Tianyi, so I picked him up and asked him to stay for a few days or something. "

‘Hahahaha, I get it, I get it! ’


"Ye Feng, Ye Feng, I didn't expect you to learn to play yin! However, you are fighting evil for the people. We like 1"

The thorns have a look I understand.

This made Ye Feng quickly defend himself, "I'm a good person, don't slander people."

"Hahahaha, you are getting worse and worse! Don't worry, Ye Feng, we really like your behavior! I just don't know, how long will Wang Tianyi stay in the regiment? What if he comes back in a few days? , we will still be helpless." Fang Tian first praised Ye Feng, followed by a helpless look.

"If there is no accident, he will not come back." Ye Feng blurted out.

"What the hell? He won't come back? Ye Feng, you won't let him be shot, right?" Fang Tian glared.

"Shoot your sister!" When Ye Feng heard this, he immediately realized that he had fallen for Fang Tian's tricks, "His father is now carrying a criminal case, and the military just fired him and retired. He didn't commit a crime. Why shoot him?"

Anyway, it's all over!

Ye Feng didn't hide it at all, and told everything about his phone call.

These two majors came to bring people, and he called one of his lieutenant generals to speed up the matter.

"So it is!"

The thorns are stunned!

It turns out that Wang Tianyi was fired!

This situation is the best!

Everyone is happy!

"Huh? Xiaoyu, why are you changing clothes? Do you want to go out? Don't sleep and rest?" Zangchong could not help but wonder when he saw Su Xiaoyu changing clothes quickly.

"It's raining heavily outside, are you crazy, Xiaoyu? Go out now?" Fang Tian was also very puzzled.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Su Xiaoyu's mouth, "Brothers, if you have revenge, you will not be a gentleman! That abominable woman has defrauded me of all my money. I have long wanted to settle the account with her. What if it's raining outside? These few days. During the training interval, I have already thought of a plan to deal with her, and I promise to make her spit out all the illegal gains!"

"I'm here to deal with my inner demons. Don't stop me. If this matter is not dealt with, I'm afraid I won't be at ease for the rest of my life."


Unzip the leisure backpack, fasten the shoelaces, Su Xiaoyu is ready to go out immediately.

"I'll wipe, Su Xiaoyu, you are a special mother, don't commit crimes!"

"Vengeance? If you can't do it right, it's easy to be sentenced!"

"Why don't our brothers accompany you? I'm good at dealing with women!"

Seeing that Su Xiaoyu was about to leave, the thorns stopped him immediately!

Since Su Xiaoyu is going to do such a fun thing!

Of course they want to go together!

It's the weekend anyway!

Idle is idle!

Su Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows and said weakly, "You don't think I can't deal with that stinky woman alone, do you?"

"Xiaoyu, you are jealous for a long time. How can you be unable to deal with a weak woman? It is the so-called father and son soldier, ah, no, it is the so-called tiger brother, to deal with this tigress who has deceived you, our brothers also want to fight for you. You do your best and do your best. For example, if you lack a handsome guy who can act, I will be happy to serve you." Fang Tian said with a smile.

"If you are short of a good guard, it's not impossible for me to sacrifice a little to be an internal response for you." Little Fatty smiled.

"If you need a pair of iron fists to end that woman, choose me." Zangchong smiled and raised his fist.

"If you want a master of poison who can wipe out a woman and her gang without any effort, maybe I'll be of use too." Hua Shanke smiled.

Zhang Shuai also stood up, "If you need a think tank, perfect your plan, offer some clever ideas, and let me participate, it will only make your plan go more smoothly."

"Damn it, all of you want to join in?" Su Xiaoyu was taken aback, he thought that this time, one person would be enough for the road of revenge!

But I heard people say so.

He suddenly realized that his actions were probably really reckless.

That Ge Lingling looks beautiful and generous on the surface, but is actually ruthless, and she is very familiar with the means of committing crimes, so she is obviously a veteran.

Since she is a veteran, she must have accomplices!

I really thought about it simple!

"Brothers, I don't want you to be implicated, that's why I plan to act alone!" Su Xiaoyu was slightly moved and looked at everyone, "Of course I know that this operation will have risks and even accidents. But if you let you If you get involved, I'm afraid it will be bad."

"You keep calling us brothers, but you don't want us to participate together? What kind of brother is this called?" Fang Tian chuckled.

"If we are brothers, then we will act together!" Hua Shanke seemed to be very interested in this operation, he adjusted his glasses and smiled brightly, "Just starting next week, we will also conduct tactical drills, if possible. , This time, we can design a set of tactics, strictly implement it, and test the abilities of each of us."

"It's a good idea! I agree with it!" Little Fatty's eyes lit up when he heard it.

"Not bad, not bad! This suggestion is very good! Just one point, when designing the details of the action, we can't take guns and any lethal weapons into account. After all, we are here to help Xiaoyu get back his previous money, not hurt people. ." Zhang Shuai thought for a while and said solemnly.

If it is a military exercise, guns and ammunition are essential.

However, in this operation, they were only to help Su Xiaoyu get back the money that belonged to him, and they must not hurt anyone.

after all.

In case someone is hurt.

Big trouble.

"One word wakes up the person in the dream!" Zangchong patted his head when he heard it, "I just heard that I was about to act, and I still fantasized about holding a rifle and killing him hahaha! Now it seems, I think too much."

"Then you must be thinking too much!" Fang Tian rolled his eyes at him angrily.

"The handsome guy is right. We can't use any lethal equipment for this strategy, so we must take a long-term plan."

"Okay, then let's start making plans now!"

"Okay! Everyone can speak their minds after brainstorming!"

The thorns were very excited to plan immediately.

After 30 minutes.

An excellent strategy was devised.

And in order to avoid too much attention.

In this operation, they just selected 9 people to participate and divided them into three to act separately. Two teams are responsible for guarding, and one team is responsible for contacting Ge Lingling.

After the plan was made, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Han Xiang led the crowd to the luxury car that had been prepared at the door and drove to the city at high speed.

"Xiaoyu, don't get too excited later, just leave it to me." Han Xiang skillfully took out the latest mobile phones and distributed them to everyone.

Made everyone miss it.

no way!

It's been a long time since they touched their phones!

According to the number Su Xiaoyu said, Han Xiang opened WeChat, searched actively, and added Ge Lingling's account.

As a super rich second-generation, just by looking at Han Xiang's flamboyant number one, you know that this is a very rich pretender.

Ge Lingling is bound to take the bait.

"Brothers, everything is ready now, I only owe Dongfeng!"

"When the meeting arrives at the venue, plus Ge Lingling's WeChat, I will watch my performance!"

Han Xiang grinned, his right hand turned into a sword finger, and he threw it forward very handsomely. Combined with his unique temperament, he was simply handsome and cool. He was called a charming person, and he was not afraid that Ge Lingling would not take the bait!

?? Thanks to the "goblin" boss 1766 for the reward and support!

?Thanks to the "Rainy Day" boss for another 300 reward support!

?Thanks to so expensive" 100 reward for support!

?Thanks to the "one word" boss for 100 rewards and support!

?Thanks to the "absolutely" boss 100 for your support!

?Thanks to the "Feeling of Flying" boss for 100 rewards and support!

?Thanks to the "find someone to pet" boss with 100 reward and support!

?Thanks to the "Lishang" boss with 100 rewards and support!



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