Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 145: Qin Yuan's tracking!

Chapter 146 Qin Yuan's Tracking! 【For subscription】

With the local tyrant shape of Han Xiang yacht and sunglasses.


Ge Lingling quickly passed the application.

Han Xiang quickly hooked up with the other party.

Recruit company, company commander's quarters.

[Ding Dong~ Now release the system task, at a critical moment, stop Su Xiaoyu Zangchong and others from killing people, and get a proficient reward. 】

Suddenly, a crisp system prompt sounded.

Qin Yuan's whole body suddenly became agitated.

"What's the situation? Stop Zangchong from killing them? Aren't they in the military camp? How to kill people? Could it be that they want to kill Wang Tianyi?"

Qin Yuan was startled!

These guys!

So bold!

Get on board quickly.

Qin Yuan immediately rushed to the recruit company.


Kicked the door open.

For a moment.

The entire recruit dormitory immediately quieted down.

His eyes swept away, and sure enough, Zangchong, Su Xiaoyu, Zhang Shuai, and Hua Shanke were all gone.

Even Wang Tianyi is gone!

"What about Zhang Shuai and the others?"

Qin Yuan's eyes instantly turned cold.

Don't waste time talking to thorns.

The whole place was silent!

Everyone looked at each other.

What's the situation?

This thing about them is very secret!

Why does it look like it was leaked now?

"Give you three seconds to think! If someone hides it, everyone will be fined 300 kilometers off-road!"

Qin Yuan said sharply.

"Report to the company commander, handsome savages and the others went to the city to find Ge Lingling in order to avenge Xiaoyu."

Ye Feng thought for a while and replied.

Facing Qin Yuan's inquiry, none of them could bear it.

"Find Su Xiaoyu for revenge and Ge Lingling?"

Qin Yuan was taken aback.

In his head, the image of a temperamental beauty instantly appeared.


That's right!

But he didn't expect Su Xiaoyu to be so fast!

"Do you know where they're going?"

"I don't know, company commander, other than that, we really don't know anything."

"it is good!"

A simple question.

Qin Yuan put on a casual outfit, and immediately drove to the city.

The peak-level car skills are fully displayed at this moment!

A military jeep that was supposed to run honestly, with a heavy body, looks extremely agile at the moment, and even played a beautiful inertial drift when it went through a turn!

"Damn it, am I dazzling? Jeeps have started drifting these days?"

The young man passing by happened to see this scene, and instantly felt that the Maserati in his hand was not fragrant.

He learned the posture and angle of the jeep and slammed the accelerator down.



Maserati slipped and almost hit the guardrail!

The young man was so frightened that his forehead was drenched in cold sweat, and his heart still lingered, so he immediately called his best brother to ask for help...

All the way, galloping fast!

However, in front of them, Su Xiaoyu and the others were never seen.

"From the military district to the city, the roads are winding and winding, with a total of 38 kilometers. If you drive, it will take at least an hour!"

"And my speed has definitely reached the peak limit of human driving on this road."

"It stands to reason that you should catch up with them!"

"Why haven't you seen their shadows along the way?"

"It can't be so fast!"

Qin Yuan looked in front of him, there were still a few kilometers to enter the city!

Could it be that they all flew over?


in the rearview mirror.

The three Mercedes-Benz E-Classes, which were as black as ink, turned a corner and were approaching at a constant speed.

Qin Yuan's eyes lit up when he saw it, "These three cars should belong to Su Xiaoyu and the others!"

Putting on sunglasses and rolling up the car window, Qin Yuan slowed down the car and parked on the side of the road.

Three Mercedes Benzes passed quickly, although the windows were so dark that it was almost impossible to see what was inside.

But Qin Yuan still recognized Su Xiaoyu and Zangchong at a glance!

no way!

These two are so special!

at the same time.

Inside the Benz.

Su Xiaoyu glanced at the military vehicle on the side of the road and couldn't help but wonder.

He was in the same car as Zangchong Han Xiang.

"Bald, did you see that jeep on the side of the road? How do I feel, that car might be the company commander?"

Su Xiaoyu spoke weakly.

"You're just worried! As soon as you see the military vehicle, you think it's the company commander! How many times have you said it along the way?" Zangchong said impatiently when he heard it.

Han Xiang chuckled, "Xiaoyu, you are guilty of being a thief. Our road is the only road leading to the city. I don't know how many military vehicles pass by every day. Is every one of them a company commander? No matter how fast it grows, it can’t be faster than us. After a little discussion, we came out. In the middle, we just turned a corner on the road, went to the supermarket to buy some fruit drinks, and stopped for two or three minutes, even if it was a company commander. He really came, he could only be behind us, and he would never run ahead of us."

"Not bad, it seems that I really thought too much." Su Xiaoyu smiled shyly.

"By the way, the second generation of rich, how are you and Ge Lingling chatting?" Su Xiaoyu couldn't help but ask.

The key to success or failure this time is whether Ge Lingling can be invited out.

When Han Xiang heard this, he couldn't help but frown slightly, "The chat went well. I asked her out for dinner, and she agreed. It's just that I always feel that there is something wrong here, but I don't know what the problem is."

"She promised to come out to eat with you?" Su Xiaoyu suddenly became angry when she heard this, "The problem is that she agreed. MD, this woman is really persistent. If I guessed correctly, her routine, It's almost the same as last time! She first promised you to go out to eat, and then when it was almost time, she would call you suddenly, saying that it hadn't been sent, and there was an accident at home, etc. If she can, she'll let you go."

"Let me go?" Han Xiang was taken aback, "And then?"

"Then, he will use her body to tempt you, and then ask you to transfer money to her. If you don't agree, he will seize your weakness and threaten you! Even filming and Your process. For example, your words are sent to your parents' company to force you to submit." Su Xiaoyu said bitterly.

"Damn it. It's so **** good." When Han Xiang heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat.

I didn't expect such a vicious woman in the world?

If it's just to make some money for her, he's not afraid.

But if any nasty video is sent to his parents, or even made public to the whole world, then he will be doomed.

He, the rich second generation, may have to die directly.

After all, the Internet is so developed now, if his video is leaked, at least in the future, it will be impossible to inherit the family business.

"Why don't we wait for her to refuse, and then take action after posting the location?" Han Xiang asked.

"That's all I can do, wait until the downtown area, and discuss it with the handsome guy." Su Xiaoyu nodded.

The three cars galloped quickly towards the city.

Behind the crowd.

Qin Yuan immediately released three god-level poisonous bees and stared at them quickly.

A god-level poisonous bee, the flight speed can easily exceed 100 kilometers per hour.

Tracking a few sedans was no problem at all.

With the god-level poisonous bee, Qin Yuan could try to stay as far away from Su Xiaoyu and the others as possible.

After all, the control range of the god-level poisonous bee is 3,000 meters.

That is to say, within 3 kilometers, Qin Yuan will not lose them.

Su Xiaoyu's car stopped at a seven-star hotel in the city.

Under the leadership of Han Xiang, a group of nine people directly checked into the presidential suite that had been reserved for a long time.

"Fuck, is this the life of a rich man?" Zangchong couldn't help but sigh.

"This presidential suite costs tens of thousands a day, right?" Su Xiaoyu pouted.

His grandmother's, for the sake of hundreds of thousands, he couldn't think of it for a while, and almost died.

But Han Xiang spends tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands every day, just like playing, he doesn't care at all.

"Normally, the price of this presidential suite is 30,000 a day, but I am an old customer of this hotel, and I can get a 30% discount. After the discount, the price is not expensive." Han Xiang sat on the sofa with ease. up, smiled.

"Fuck, that is to say, after the 30% discount, you still need 9,000 yuan?" Zangchong glared.

"Savage, you haven't heard the true meaning of Fu Erdai's words." Zhang Shuai smiled and said, "This sentence is not 30,000, but a 30% discount! If you are not a very noble person, how can you take it? To such a low discount? You know, this presidential suite has always been in short supply."

"Wori! That's the point!" Zangchong felt his scalp tingle when he heard it, "Forget it, I won't talk to you rich people, it's pointless to talk too much! Anyway, someone pays, we'll be fine. Just enjoy!"

Everyone quickly began to discuss the next plan.

at the same time.

Qin Yuan also stopped at a parking space not far from the hotel.

The three god-level poisonous bees had already flown into the hotel and were waiting in the corner. Zangchong couldn't run away alone.

At half past seven in the afternoon, it was getting dark.

Qin Yuan simply ate dinner to fill his stomach.

When he passed through the god-level poisonous bee and found that Zangchong and the others were eating a delicious seafood buffet at the hotel, he couldn't help itching his teeth.

"This is so special, people are more mad than people!"

Qin Yuan couldn't help but feel very depressed.

After the thorns had a full meal, Han Xiang's mobile phone finally rang. When he opened it, he saw a paragraph of text, which was probably similar to what Su Xiaoyu said. Because of something at home, he suddenly couldn't come, and he asked Han Xiangneng. Can't go there.

"Brothers, this Ge Lingling has taken the bait." Han Xiang sent the text message to everyone to watch.

Zhang Shuai looked at it and nodded, "Then just follow the plan. When the time comes, Han Xiang will go first. If there is any danger, we will rush in together."

"Okay!" Everyone nodded.


The crowd moved quickly.

This time, in order not to attract attention, everyone just let Han Xiang drive a Mercedes-Benz.

The remaining 8 people followed behind in a commercial vehicle.

As for Qin Yuan?

It was driving a very conspicuous military vehicle and following from a distance.

Han Xiang stopped in an apartment building.

Qin Yuan immediately followed.

At the same time, he called out more god-level poisonous bees, so that he could monitor everyone.

Han Xiang pressed the elevator and came to the 18th floor, and then knocked on the door of 1802. Ge Lingling, who was tall, with snow-like skin and long legs, immediately walked out with a smile and welcomed Han Xiang in.

At the moment when the door was closed, Qin Yuan wanted to let the god-level poisonous bee rush in.

But the door closed too fast, the god-level poisonous bee didn't get in at all, but was almost crushed by the door.

Qin Yuan couldn't help frowning.

"How can this be good?"

"If there is an accident at that time, the trouble will be big!"

"This group of thorns is really true! You are not afraid of the sky!"

In desperation, Qin Yuan had to get out of the car and hurried to the apartment building.

The 19th floor staircase of the apartment building.

Zangchong Su Xiaoyu and others are quietly waiting.

10 minutes passed.

There was no movement.

Everyone communicated with Han Xiang through mobile phones.

But Han Xiang and everyone sent a message to say that everything is fine and there is no problem for the time being.

Su Xiaoyu couldn't help but wonder, "It shouldn't be! Logically speaking, within 10 minutes, something should have happened."

"Handsome guy, what should we do now?" Su Xiaoyu couldn't help but look at Zhang Shuai.

Zhang Shuai couldn't help frowning slightly, "Wait a minute."

The crowd nodded.

time flies.

Another long 20 minutes passed.


Han Xiang has been communicating with everyone through WeChat.

"What the **** is this Han Xiang doing? Isn't he already working with Ge Lingling?" Su Xiaoyu was puzzled.

"Fuck you, stinky fish, can you not be so direct with your words?" Zang Chong glared.

At this moment, Han Xiang sent a text message, "Brothers, everything is done, come in."

Seeing this, everyone was overjoyed, rushed downstairs and knocked on the door.

The door opened quickly.

But the room was a little dim, with only one bedside lamp turned on.

There was a very unpleasant odor in the room.

Everyone rushed in and quickly closed the door.

"Fu Erdai, how about you?"

'Fuck, why do I feel a little dizzy. '

"Han Xiang, get out of here for Lao Tzu. UU Reading"

"No good brothers, the air in this room is poisonous!" Hua Shanke roared.

"What? Toxic? Uh..."

"Fuck! It's a trick!"




The crowd fell one after another.

Even the most powerful Zang Chong couldn't hold back.

Seeing everyone fall to the ground, Ge Lingling and a few burly men walked out of the room.

"Just these nasty guys trying to seduce me?"

"Hmph, since I just added your WeChat, I feel that you are not easy!"

"It's good now! One by one, lie down for me and wait for my exploitation! All your money will be mine! Your family and relatives will be tempted because of your stupidity and irresistible temptation. Pay a terrible price!"

Ge Lingling smiled brightly.

"Boss, this guy named Han looks like he is really rich. Maybe he can make a fortune from him."

"How much money can he have? It's just that there are nine people in total, and they add up!"

"Don't be idle, let's take pictures and video first!"

"Yes! Boss!"

Under Ge Lingling's order, everyone quickly began to get busy.

But right now!

A loud bang!

The door was kicked open instantly!


Ge Lingling's expressions changed instantly.

"The one who kills you!"

Bang bang bang bang bang!

In an instant!

A few leg shadows swept across.

Everyone, including Ge Lingling, was kicked away and passed out!

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