Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 147: Military uniforms cannot kneel! Tactical drill begins!

Chapter 148 Military uniforms cannot kneel! Tactical drill begins! 【For subscription】

For a moment.

The groom's face was ashen, and his face was extremely ugly.

The bride didn't seem to expect that her mother would suddenly get angry, with a look of surprise: "Mom!"

"Wang Rong, do you kneel or not." The mother-in-law suddenly stood up and roared angrily.

"Mom, what are you doing?" The bride quickly stood up with a worried look on her face.

"Damn girl, get out of the way." The mother-in-law was furious, "This Wang Rong made me lose face in front of so many people, and I couldn't even kneel down. I don't think this marriage will end!"

"Auntie, I," upon seeing this, the groom choked for a while, hesitating, unable to speak.

He can explain it to the directors generously, but when the words come to his mouth, facing the future mother-in-law, he doesn't know what to do.

"What are you! I think you don't take us seriously at all! Wang Rong, I'll tell you now, we're not going to end this marriage!"

Wang Rong's face suddenly dripped with blood.

this moment.

Qin Yuan was also angry.

He clenched his fists angrily.

"Ah, you hurt me." Han Lulu, who was next to her, couldn't help but let out a coquettish cry, and gave Qin Yuan an angry look.

It turned out that she had been holding Qin Yuan's hand, and when Qin Yuan was angry, how could Han Lulu stand Qin Yuan's terrifying power?

Qin Yuan seemed to be unheard of.

at this time.

A cold voice sounded, and Lin Ziyu was also full of anger, "Military uniforms carry the dignity of a country. Kneeling in military uniforms means that the country's position has declined, and it will be an insult to the country's dignity! This groom is very good! of!"

Qin Yuan was startled.

Although he didn't know why he couldn't kneel while wearing a military uniform!

But he just felt so wrong!

Now, after listening to Lin Ziyu's words, Qin Yuan was suddenly stunned.

Perhaps Lin Ziyu's explanation is not the most correct.

But she was right!

Once the military uniform is worn on the body, it represents the dignity of a country!

Comrades-in-arms sacrificed, parents parted, kneeling in military uniform, nothing wrong!

But in this case, it just doesn't work!

Such a wedding!

No matter what!

"Mom! What are you doing!" I didn't expect the bride to cry when she saw her mother's reaction, "Do you really want to ruin our hard-won wedding? You know I'll wait for this day, wait How long has it been? Do you know how much Wang Rong loves me? Do you know? He has paid so much to me! Are you just trying to satisfy your selfish desires, your so-called face, and deliberately embarrass A Rong and let him kneel?"

"If that's the case! I'd rather have a clean break with you!"

"A Rong, don't listen to him! The person who loves you is me! The person who married you is me! Not her! She has no right to organize us! Let's go!"

The bride pulled up the groom and ran out.

"it is good!"

"Nice girl!"

"md, it's too much for an outsider to see!"

"If there is no military protection, where would we come from such a peaceful and happy life now? This old woman still wants to embarrass such a good groom? What a blind man!"

"Fortunately, the bride is doing well! Otherwise, the groom will have to die of grievance!"

"What's wrong with that? If the bride won't resist and will only stand by her mother, once married, the groom's official is the real grievance!"

Seeing this, everyone immediately applauded!

Excited to see!

"You, you! You crazy girl, how dare you talk back to me for an outsider?" Mother-in-law's face turned green!

She suddenly ran outside the door and yelled at the door, "If you have the seeds, don't come back!"

"Let's go baby, I'm sorry, I let you watch a farce." With a shy smile, Han Lulu pulled Qin Yuan out.

"What kind of farce is this? On the contrary, it shows me the character and integrity of the Chinese soldiers!" Qin Yuan smiled and walked out with the three of them Lin Ziyu.

"Hey, I wanted to bring you here for a meal, but I can't eat it now. If that's the case, then I'll pay for it myself and invite you to have a meal."

After stopping a taxi, Han Lulu said with a smile.

It's too early.

It's still early until eight o'clock in the evening.

Qin Yuan wanted to make excuses for urinating, but seeing Han Lulu's enthusiasm, he couldn't bear to speak.

Most importantly, he also wanted to chat more with Lin Ziyu.

"Okay, you little rich woman, I won't kill you if I don't kill you."

When Lin Ziyu heard this, she immediately nodded with a smile.

"Haha, it's my honor to be slaughtered by Sister Ziyu once."

Han Lulu said with a smile, "By the way, darling, what do you want to eat? As long as you speak, I can buy it for you."

"Hey, can you not have a big baby in one bite? You call it that, so that outsiders feel that we are already very familiar with each other." Qin Yuan shook his head.

"That's what you call a couple, otherwise, what would I call you? Chief?" Han Lulu said with a smile.

Qin Yuan rolled his eyes: "..."

"Come on, darling, what do you want to eat?" Han Lulu stared at Qin Yuan with big eyes.

"I want to eat roasted yam." Qin Yuan said casually.

"Roasted yam? What kind of food is this? I've never heard of it." Han Lulu shook her head.

Lin Ziyu couldn't help but laugh.

"Haven't heard of it? Then I want to eat baked gluten." Qin Yuan said casually.

"Baked gluten?" Han Lulu frowned slightly, "Isn't that thing just a lump of noodles? Is it delicious?"

"Encourage me, swept me away, intoxicated me with roasted gluten, opened me up, gently twisted me, roasted gluten melted me..." Qin Yuan snorted and said with a smile, "No? You haven't eaten it yet? Even big stars have written a song about roasting gluten. It's super hot."

Lin Ziyu was about to laugh.

"What? Baked gluten and songs? Let me search." Han Lulu opened the music software.

Under a search.

In an instant, the whole person laughed.

"Big baby, it turns out that this is a ghost song, wow, it has more than 50 million views, it's too strong! Is this baked gluten really as delicious as they sing?"

"That must be delicious!"

"Hahahaha... There is also a song "Gluten Town", which is really amazing."

Along the way, Han Lulu couldn't stop laughing.


The three came directly to a snack street.

Once you enter the snack street.

no doubt.

Qin Yuan instantly became the most handsome boy in the entire snack street.

\'Fuck, people are more popular than people, why is this guy so ugly, and he can bring two such beautiful women? \'

"Brother, when did you become blind? People are very handsome! The most important thing is that they are so handsome. If I were a girl, I would also like to hang out with him."

"Those two women are so beautiful, alas, if only I could be so beautiful."

It's true that the man was sad and weeping, and the woman was ashamed when she saw it.


The three stopped in front of a gluten roasting stall.

The three asked for a few gluten and skewers.

The moment when the gluten roasted is fragrant and spicy, and it is put into your mouth.


Everyone is comfortable!


"It's delicious!"

"My God! It's so delicious!"

Han Lulu looked satisfied.

Qin Yuan felt warm when he tasted this familiar taste again.

"Well, I'm so tired, Sister Ziyu, why don't we go back to the room to rest?" Han Lulu suggested with a smile after she had eaten and drank.

Lin Ziyu couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "Go back to the room to rest? What about Qin Yuan?"

"Oh, you mean my darling? Of course we'll go back to the room together." Han Lulu smiled, her face doting on her face.

"It's getting late, I'm going back." Qin Yuan shook his head directly.

back to the room?

Qin Yuan was speechless for a while.

"Then how can it be done? It's not even 8 o'clock in the evening, and there are still more than three hours." Han Lulu suddenly felt reluctant when she heard this.

"Next time, it really won't work this time. The recruits are particularly arrogant. They will be away from the military camp for a while. I don't know what will happen. Doctor Lin, Han Lulu, I will go back first, see you next time. " Qin Yuan left with a smile.

"Goodbye." Lin Ziyu said with a smile.

"Then you still owe me three and a half hours! Remember!" Han Lulu pouted in dissatisfaction.

Leave the two women.

Qin Yuan suddenly felt relieved.

no way.

It's too tiring!

The main thing.

Qin Yuan is not the kind of person who cares.

On the way back, Qin Yuan was in a relaxed mood.

In the evening, I walked around with the Black Emperor in the military The whole person is in a better mood.

Early the next morning.

All assembled!

Warm up with a 10km weight run.

After breakfast.

Qin Yuan took the thorns and came to an abandoned unfinished building.

This is the training venue that Lin Dong applied for through the relationship of his second uncle.

With an indifferent smile, Qin Yuan looked at everyone, "Now, your marksmanship and fighting stamina has reached a very advanced level! So from today, your mission becomes a tactical exercise!"

"Today's first level, hostage rescue!"

"Police and bandits confrontation!"

"A group of 13! 6 are soldiers, 6 are criminals, and 1 is hostage!"

"Soldiers need to eliminate all 6 target criminals without harming the hostages! If the hostages are shot or all the soldiers are killed, the mission fails. The winning side will get a rest time, and the losing side will directly bear the weight of 3 kilometer!"

"Now, I will explain the tactical requirements for this time..."

Take a few minutes to complete the speech of the tactical actions of this mission.

The thorns sounded very strange.

after all.

Logically speaking, they shouldn't learn tactical moves at such a moment!

but now.

They actually started!

The main thing is.

They were surprised to find that the movements of the previous 400-meter obstacle practice could almost be used in the terrain in front of them.

"Okay, let's make your own group!"

"After 3 minutes, start the exercise confrontation!"

?? Thanks to the "goblin" boss for another 1666 reward and support!



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