Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 148: Tactical drill! The military exercise begins! This task is a bit difficult...

Chapter 149 Tactical Drill! The military exercise begins! This task is a bit difficult! 【Please subscribe! 】

"Fuck! This is the beginning?"

"Men's favorite game is finally here!"

"In fact, there is no difference between police and gangsters! But in order to be worthy of my integrity, I should be a good person!"

"Che, just where you look like, children can be scared to cry! Are you still a good person? It's better for you to be an honest bandit."

"Fuck you! How scary is this authentic face of Laozi?"

"Your face with Chinese characters is not scary, but your shoehorn eyes and lips that are as sharp as a knife and as thin as a cicada's wings, this is terrifying."

The thorns chatted and laughed, and quickly divided the team.

The first 6 groups, each with 13 people, and the remaining 19 people, were divided into two groups, a group of 10 people and a group of 9 people.

It's just that the number of people is slightly smaller, but the actual confrontation process is still the same.

The confrontation begins soon.

"The first group, who will come first?"

Qin Yuan's training still pays attention to the principle of voluntary initiative.

"Of course I'll come first."

Zhang Shuai took the initiative to invite Ying and walked out with his team.

As the representative of the police, Zhang Shuai is very confident.

Zang Chong and Su Xiaoyu were assigned to a group as his opponents.

"Handsome guy, good marksmanship doesn't mean high level of actual combat. With me and Xiaoyu as partners, you have to be careful."

Zang Chong sneered.

"As a representative of the kb molecules, our strength is very powerful! Handsome guy, you are sure to lose today."

Su Xiaoyu smiled proudly.

"Haha, then let's see."

Zhang Shuai laughed.

"Then let's go and see!"

Zang Chong smiled.


Everyone quickly came to their respective positions and got ready.

In front of you is an abandoned 5-story building.

It is unknown on which floor the hostages were hidden.

Equivalent to a complete real simulation!

The special forces team needs to find out for themselves.

And in front of the abandoned building.

There is a place for cover.

Even the visual dead end of the unfinished building.

The special team needs to pass a 15-meter buffer before entering the unfinished building. This is the first difficulty of today's exercise.

Zhang Shuai and his party of 6 people reviewed the situation and began to formulate a pass plan.

"The 15-meter buffer zone has 3 obstacles, two of which can be used as bunkers, but the second and third bunkers are too small to cover the six of us. The first step, let's rush to the first Behind a wall, four people are covered by firepower, and the two of them go forward to attack, and they must rush to the downstairs in one breath, do you understand?"


"Okay! For the first attack, I will act as cover! The four of you, rush over in two batches."

Zhang Shuai gave an order.

"it is good!"

5 people nodded.

"call out!"

A quick whistle sounded.

The tactical drill has finally begun.

The six of them rushed to the back of the first bunker.

The battle started instantly.

Da da da!

Da Da Da Da!

Upstairs at the unfinished end, Zang Chong excitedly fired a burst of fire at the wall.

"Guys, they're right behind that wall, never let them show up."

"The firepower has suppressed me!"

"You don't need money for bullets anyway."

Zangchong shouted excitedly.


Everyone was scattered around, all staring at the wall.

"Handsome guy, let's just run forward like this, it doesn't seem to work at all."

"It will definitely be knocked out by them."

"What should I do?"

Zhang Shuai's 5 teammates were a little timid when they saw the firepower of the other party coming up.

"Then implement plan b, smoke bombs open the way!"

As Zhang Shuai spoke, he directly took out a smoke bomb and threw it towards the front.

"Haha, this is good!"

"smoking bomb!"



As soon as the thorns heard it, they were immediately excited, and they made English come out.

"Fuck! Let you throw smoke bombs, how did you throw grenades and flash bombs?"

"I'm not afraid that if I don't throw it now, I won't have a chance? Hahaha!"

"So exciting, so enjoyable, so cool!"

The smoke rose rapidly.


The grenade also exploded.

But no one was hurt.

I saw a thick cloud of smoke billowing from my feet.

Upstairs, Zang Chong, Su Xiaoyu and the others suddenly got into trouble.

"Brother Chong, you can't see anything now, how can you fight?"

"As the so-called random punches killed the old master! If they dare to rush, let's fight! Now, listen to me, throw all the grenades into the smoke! Throw a few grenades at the wall behind them, and it's best to throw them directly. They eliminated a few."

"it is good!"

So ever.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several grenades were thrown directly at the thick smoke.


The smoke disappeared.

Downstairs, there was no one there!

Moreover, the grenade did not eliminate anyone!

Zang Chong and others were dumbfounded!

Not a single one was killed?

"not good!"

"They've already touched it!"

"Brother Chong, I have seen them, please ask for support! Ask for support!"

Thorn, who was defending on the second floor, immediately asked in a low voice.

"Come on, stabilize them first."

Zang Chong glanced at the hostage and below, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He quickly opened the downhill rope, and after fixing it, the whole person jumped down and jumped down, "Xiaoyu, I'll leave it to you here, I'm going to steal their ass!"

"Fuck! Savage, you're crazy!"

"It's too arrogant!"

"So envious! So handsome!"

When the thorns saw this, they were immediately envious.

However this time.

Zang Chong has reached the first floor.

\'Fuck! So handsome! \'

"Savage, your special mother is really fierce!"

"Aren't you afraid of death? Dare to play with this stuff?"

However, when the thorns outside saw this scene, they were directly boiling.

One by one screamed in excitement.

This is so special.

Jump straight down from the fifth floor.

So handsome!

It's like making a movie!

Zangchong turned his head, smiled indifferently, and didn't say anything, and quickly disappeared into the unfinished building.

Qin Yuan was also shocked by Zang Chong's hand!

This is so special!

You haven't taught them yet, have you?

This Tibetan Chong, even without a teacher?


Just strong!

Da da da!

Just touched the second floor, the gunshots sounded immediately.

A gangster couldn't stop Zhang Shuai and his special team.

Especially under the blessing of Zhang Shuai's terrifying marksmanship, and under his leadership, the Special Forces effortlessly solved the thorn and quickly reached the third floor.

"Handsome guy, there are no hostages on the third floor."

Touching the third floor, according to the tactical moves taught by Qin Yuan, Zhang Shuai and the six quickly checked each room.

But got nothing.

"Then they must still be up there."

Zhang Shuai nodded solemnly.

no way.

This kind of gameplay is really exciting!

For people like them who have never played before.

Such tactical drills, in their minds, are actual combat.

"Everyone remember, you must treat the exercise as an actual combat, and be careful."

"After all, the battlefield in the future will be like this! It's just that the guns are loaded with live ammunition! Once hit, we won't have a chance to come back!"

"do you know?"

Zhang Shuai couldn't help but exhort.


The 5 people responded in unison.

"Handsome guy, why do I feel like there are faint footsteps downstairs?"

Suddenly, a thorn near the entrance of the stairs said.

"There are footsteps downstairs? Did you hear it wrong? They are all upstairs, how could there be someone downstairs?"

Another thorn head suddenly retorted.

"Hey, maybe I heard it wrong."

The thorn head smiled embarrassedly.

"Everyone must be careful, everything is adaptable."

"Keep going upstairs!"

After making some adjustments, taking a deep breath, Zhang Shuai took the people and continued to go upstairs.



A grenade suddenly fell from the top of the stairs.

"Flick away!"


A dull explosion.

The two thorns were eliminated immediately.

Thick smoke immediately rose from the two of them, and their faces were stunned.

"Oh, it's impossible to guard against it."

The two sighed.

Just died.

It's so embarrassing, so useless.

The combat power dropped sharply by one-third, and Zhang Shuai couldn't help but look ugly.

"Hahaha... I hit the hit! Eliminate two at once!"

From upstairs, a thorn head shouted excitedly.

"While you are sick, I will kill you!"

Zhang Shuai gave an order and rushed upstairs with the people.

Get ready to attack!

Da da da!

Da Da Da Da!

Gunfire erupted upstairs.

The sound of being eliminated kept coming.

After a few minutes.

Zhang Shuai took the only remaining teammate and finally attacked the top floor.

"Strange, handsome guy, why didn't you see Zangchong and Su Xiaoyu on the way?"

The thorn was very cautious along the way, and he thought about this doubt all the way.

Their results are astonishing.

With Zhang Shuai's terrifying marksmanship and flexible reaction.

They killed 4 of the enemy, of course, lost 4 of their teammates.

"The key to this mission is to save the hostages safely. I'm afraid they are both staying upstairs and watching the hostages, right?"

Zhang Shuai thought about it and said.

"Then if they keep guarding, we have no chance at all, handsome guy."

As soon as I heard it, I immediately felt that Alexander was very difficult.

"Watch it change!"

As soon as Zhang Shuai gritted his teeth, he also felt the difficulty.

The two went upstairs cautiously.


Up to the top floor, not a single figure was found!


In a room in the north, they found the hostages tied up.

The hostage kept shaking his head, his mouth was stuffed with stockings, and he hesitated, unable to hear what he was saying.

The thorn-headed look wanted to laugh.

But at this critical moment, he knew that it was wrong to laugh.

"Handsome guy, put down your weapons, we can have a good talk with you!"


Su Xiaoyu's voice came from the room.

It's just that they don't know where Su Xiaoyu is hiding.

"Put down the weapons, aren't we sure to lose?"

Zhang Shuai raised his eyebrows.

"If you don't put down your weapons, I will immediately collapse the hostage and make your mission fail!"

Su Xiaoyu laughed.

"If you kill the hostage, then we all lose! You have no benefit at all."

Zhang Shuai didn't believe it at all.

If one of the gangsters kills the hostages, both parties will fail.

Only if the hostage is accidentally wounded and killed by the special team, or the special team is completely eliminated, the gangster will win.

"In case I'm in a hurry! Of course I'll kill the hostages!"

"It's a big deal to lose both."

Su Xiaoyu laughed.

"You are mean!"


Thorn head immediately denounced.

"Hahaha, I'm a gangster, I must be despicable, otherwise, why would I take hostages?"

Su Xiaoyu ignored it at all, "Now, give you 1 minute to put down your weapons and surrender. Otherwise, I will kill the hostage directly. Let's run 3 kilometers together."


When Zhang Shuai heard this, he was also angry.

This Su Xiaoyu.

Too shameless!

How can you play like this!

"I'm starting the countdown!"

"If you don't surrender, I'm going to shoot."

Su Xiaoyu started the countdown.

"What should I do? Handsome guy?"

The two were in a hurry.

"Through the sound, I have basically determined Su Xiaoyu's position. First pretend to surrender, and then attack!"

"Put down our weapons, we definitely lose! If we don't put down our weapons, there is still the possibility of a fight!"

Zhang Shuai quickly analyzed.

"it is good!"

Thorn, nodding immediately.

"Su Xiaoyu, wait, we surrender!"

"Isn't it? You surrendered so easily?"

Su Xiaoyu's voice came from inside.

"Then you throw the guns in."

Su Xiaoyu exclaimed excitedly.

"Throw the gun?"

"it is good!"

Zhang Shuai immediately threw the pistol from his waist.

At the same time, he also threw the last two smoke bombs!

Chi Chi Chi!

Thick smoke immediately spread across the room.

"Damn it, you guys are so treacherous! You even threw smoke bombs? Look at me directly destroying the hostages!" Su Xiaoyu was furious.

"Hahaha, it's too late! Go to **** Su Xiaoyu!" Zhang Shuai's voice sounded excitedly, and at the same time, he began to shoot wildly at Su Xiaoyu's position.

Yet at this moment.

Da Da Da Da!

Da da da da da!

Behind them, there was a sudden sound of gunshots.

The two had no suspense, stood at the door and were eliminated directly.

"Want Su Xiaoyu to die? Let's see if I, Zangchong, agree or not!"

Zang Chong smiled and climbed up from the stairs.

"Savage? Mother Nit, how did you detour behind us?"

Thorn head suddenly looked surprised.

Zhang Shuai was also stunned!

He can be sure that when they came up, Zangchong was definitely not hiding downstairs!

"How did you get around? Just when you were attacking the building, I jumped right off."

Zang Chong couldn't help but smile brightly.

"Now, I declare that in the first group, the special forces lose and the bandits win!"

At the same time, Qin Yuan's voice came over.

The room was already full of monitors.

Every move in the building could not escape Qin Yuan's monitoring.

"Come down."

Qin Yuan's faint voice sounded.

have to say.

Both offense and defense performed brilliantly this time.

Especially Zang Chong was shocked.

At that time, Qin Yuan was amazed.

In the end, the Zangchong team won, and it was reasonable.


If Zangchong hadn't detoured behind the special team, and the battle was head-to-head, it was hard to say who would lose and who would win.


Zhang Shuai and his entourage walked out of the unfinished building with a downcast look on their faces.

On the other hand, Zangchong Su Xiaoyu and the others all had bright smiles.

"Hahahaha, handsome guy, I didn't expect you to have today."

Su Xiaoyu was very happy.

"Che, look at how successful you are. Victory and defeat are common affairs in military affairs. I'm not a general victorious, so can't I lose?"

Zhang Shuai sighed helplessly.

"Of course I can! Haha! It's just that I will be wronged later, you guys, and go for a 3-kilometer run." Su Xiaoyu laughed and laughed.

"Run and run! Isn't it just 3 kilometers!" Another thorn said indignantly.

"Okay! Next group!"

He ordered Zhang Shuai and the others to reflect and accept the punishment at the same time, and then Qin Yuan started the next group of training.

The day goes by quickly!

this day.

3 rounds of drills in total!

And Zhang Chong's except for the first loss to Zang Chong, the second and third time they faced other people, and they all won easily.

And Zangchong's move, which falls from the sky, is not easy to use after gaining experience!

In short, after a day of training, everyone felt a lot and gained a lot.

Everyone realizes that the form on the battlefield is changing rapidly.

Only you can't think of it, nothing is impossible.

Six o'clock in the afternoon.

Everyone just returned to the recruit company.


A rapid horn sounded throughout the entire barracks!

Everyone's expressions changed suddenly.

"First-level combat readiness?"

"Damn it! What's the situation? This is going to be a war?"

"It's impossible to fight a war! I'm afraid it's an exercise!"

"No! We've only been here for more than a month, and we're about to start the exercise?"

"What do you do now?"

The thorns were aware of the unusual sound.

Immediately a little excited, and a little panic!

"Assemble all! Go to the warehouse to pick up the equipment now! Then gather at the training ground!"

"Yes! Company commander!"

Qin Yuan gave an order, and the thorns immediately took action.

However, Qin Yuan was also very surprised!

I didn't expect a military exercise so soon?

[Ding Dong, now release the system task, lead the recruit company, blow up the Blue Army Headquarters, eliminate the Blue Army No. 1, and reward 3 god-level skills! 】

At the same time, the crisp system prompt also sounded immediately.

Qin Yuan's eyes lit up when he heard it!

"This task seems a bit difficult!"

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