Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 200: Thrilling confrontation! Improve the food!

Chapter 201 Thrilling confrontation! Improve the food!

I have to say, even at this time.

Zang Chong's brain still seemed calm.

He was completely different from the impulsive look he had when he first came to the recruit company, who only knew brute force.

Of course, another reason is that he knows a lot more about these beasts and the jungle!

"Then what should we do? Could it be that we are waiting here to die?"

Zhang Shuai asked again, his face already seemed a little anxious.

Zang Chong glanced at the surrounding comrades in arms, and seeing everyone's anxious expressions on their faces, he took a deep breath:

"Everyone, don't worry, there are so many of us, and we all bring daggers, it should be no problem to kill such a giant python!"

"Besides, we have eaten so many meals of steamed buns and pickles. With our own strength, we can improve the meat and meat. With the character of the company commander, I shouldn't say anything, right? Or, you don't want to eat something good? "

After reacting, Zang Chong looked at the giant python as if he was looking at plates of delicious food.

What braised ah, snake soup ah, wait and so on, almost drooling.

"Such a big python, the meat should be quite rough, it's not delicious!"

Fang Tian also said with a smile at this time.

With the drive of the two, the atmosphere at the scene has eased a lot.

However, the big python was still approaching, and this battle was definitely unavoidable.

"Zang Chong, you know this stuff better!"

"Just tell me, how do you want us to cooperate with you to kill this thing!"

Wang Zejing also showed a faint smile.

For a time, the other recruits also joined in.


When Zang Chong saw this, he was about to take out his plan tray.

He used to do this by himself, but now there are so many people.

If this was in the past, he would not have dared to imagine that he would one day fight such a wealthy battle!

This scene was also learned by Qin Yuan through the drone.

However, he didn't have any intention of taking action. He folded his arms and leaned on the rattan chair with a cheerful expression.

"Company commander, we really don't care about this group of recruits?"

"After all, such a big python, what if they can't handle it?"

Li Yongjun couldn't help but ask.

The other two platoon leaders also looked at Qin Yuan somewhat complicatedly.

Qin Yuan glanced at them, "Do you all think so?"

The three nodded in unison.

"Don't worry! Look at the way they are now, as if they can't handle a python?"

"Just give them pots and seasonings!"

Listening to the conversation from the drone, Qin Yuan couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.


"They are recruits after all!"

"If you say so, you may not be able to do it, that's another matter!"

Li Yongjun spoke again, and his heart was still full of unbearable and worry.

"Don't worry! Trust them, and trust ourselves!"

"The miracles they have created are not once or twice!"

Qin Yuan shook his head with a smile and said no more.

Seeing this, the three platoon leaders could only look at each other and did not persuade them any further.

But they all made up their minds secretly.

Once these recruits really can't handle it, then even if they risk their lives, they have to rescue these recruits!

On the other side, with Zang Chong's plan, the recruits were also gearing up to pull out their daggers one by one.

Only the recruits in the third row did not take out the daggers. Instead, under the command of Hao Lian Yaoyao, they slowly approached the python, and even shouted, "Mother Xippi! I will kill you. of!"

That expression, that tone, let alone provocation, it was so arrogant and arrogant.

The word arrogance can't describe his appearance at this time. It's almost like flying to the sky and side by side with the sun!

If this is facing Qin Yuan, it is estimated that one kick can kick him out.

As for the first row and the second row, they were gradually hidden under the leadership of Zang Chong and Chen Cang, and slowly approached the python on the left and right sides.

"Fuck! Don't you just look a little rough because of your size?"

"It's scary here all day long, if you have the ability, you will eat Lao Tzu!"

"Long and fat, I don't know how many innocent and fragile little lives have been harmed!"

Hao Lian Yaoyao had already brought three rows of snakes, only fifty or sixty meters away.

He himself even left the team directly, standing at the front, pointing at the giant python's huge head and cursing, saying whatever was offensive.

Even the eighteenth generation of the other party's ancestors, the mother's family, etc. have all said a lot.

I don't know if this big python listened, but in a word, its eyes became colder and colder, and it looked at Hao Lian Yaoyao as if it was staring at a corpse.

Obviously, Hao Lian Yaoyao's extremely provocative attitude was completely taken in his eyes, and he took it to heart.

Even the speed at which it originally seemed a little lazy has sped up a bit, and the speed of revealing the snake letter has also become a little faster, as if a big man saw a beautiful woman, and his breathing became almost short.

"This kid, he can scold him without repeating it..."

Hua Shanke looked back at Hao Lian Yaoyao with a bewildered expression. At this time, they were already very close to the side of the python.

"Being down to the next step!"

Even Su Xiaoyu sighed at this moment, his face full of shame.

"Don't be squeamish, and move quickly."

"Hao Lian Yaoyao is taking his life to delay us, but don't wait to kill his ink marks."

Chen Cang also spoke at this time, without turning his head, he still quickly approached the big python.

For a while, a platoon led by Chen Cang was quiet, and hurriedly kept moving forward with their heads down.

After all, it is no exaggeration to say that the lives of the brothers in the third row are in their hands at this moment!

"Drip drip drip..."

At this time, in the jungle on the left side of the big python, a small voice sounded, and if you didn't listen carefully, you might not be able to hear it.

"Let's hurry too!"

"Zang Chong and the others are already in place, and now we are missing. Let's work harder!"

When Chen Cang heard the sound, he hurriedly shouted again.

"Hao Lian Yaoyao, why don't we retreat a little..."

At this moment, behind Hao Lian Yaoyao, a recruit's voice trembled.

Hao Lian Yaoyao watched the giant python that kept getting closer and closer, as long as he flicked his tail, he and others could die, and he swallowed subconsciously.


"You two, hurry up!"

"The lives of so many people in Lao Tzu are really hanging on the wire now, and they may get cold at any time!"

Hao Lian Yaoyao glanced in the direction of the other two rows, and kept praying in his heart.

But he still comforted the recruit, "It's okay, we don't have to retreat!"

"They should be in place by now. If we retreat again, if this big python bursts up or moves quickly, then this matter will be screwed up!"

"We're not going to die here!"

"Then I'm not reconciled!"

"I didn't die under the enemy's gun on the battlefield, but was swallowed by a big python..."

Another recruit opened his mouth with mixed emotions in his eyes.

There are fears, unwillingness, and perseverance!

"As of now, we can only choose to believe them!"

"And, I think they'll do it!"

Hao Lian Yaoyao didn't say much, his tone was full of firmness.

Immediately, he continued to provoke the big python again, and his gestures and actions were completely murderous.

"Company commander, what is this Hao Lian Yaoyao doing with the three platoons!"

"In case that big python suddenly riots, dozens of them will be there!"

Zhang Mingmin, as the platoon leader of the third row, looked at the picture transmitted by the drone, and his emotions suddenly became excited, and he could no longer calm down.

They are not fools either, San Pai and Hao Lian Yaoyao, this is a proper bait!

"Yes, company commander!"

"It's too dangerous!"

"It really doesn't work, let's just blast it at a fixed point!"

"Our drone is carrying live ammunition anyway, let's fire!"

Li Yongjun has almost begun to plead.

These people are not only recruits, but also elites in the army, and they are still fresh lives!

They dare not gamble, nor do they want to gamble!

"Company commander! Please give the order to fire!"

Zhao Ruixuan's eyes also became rosy.

A heart is even mentioned in the throat.

However, what they said was only silence, dead silence.

Just when they could hardly wait, Qin Yuan said hoarsely, "I believe them!"


Li Yongjun roared, "This is no longer a matter of believing or not!"

"But we must open fire to save them!"

While speaking, his hand had already reached towards the fire button, trying to control the drone by himself.


"If you can't pass even this little test."

"Then why did they become the elites of the military region!"

"Why are you on the battlefield in the future, and why are you lurking behind enemy lines!"

Qin Yuan opened his hand and stared at each other coldly.


"This is not a battlefield!"

"If it is a battlefield, I have nothing to say!"

"But if these people really died here instead of on the battlefield, that would be the biggest pity, Captain!"

Li Yongjun only felt that Qin Yuan was very unfamiliar now.

At the beginning, Qin Yuan considered almost everything for this group of recruits.

But now, it is too abnormal to even care about their life and death!

"I'm sure they'll be fine!"

Qin Yuan spoke again, and then his eyes fixed on the picture transmitted by the drone, and he stopped talking.

That is, at this time, in the jungle.

Chen Cang also sent a signal that had been confirmed with Zang Chong in advance.

Afterwards, Zang Chong jumped up suddenly, "Brothers! Give it to Lao Tzu!"

"Brothers in the third row, retreat immediately, and quickly organize into the first row and the second row according to the original plan!"

"Success or not is here, brothers!"

Following his roaring command, the entire recruit company suddenly moved.

The first row and the second row jumped high behind them, and dozens of people held daggers in their hands, aiming at the giant python seven inches!

The shortcomings of the snake's long size have already been exposed, even this seven-inch, so easy to find, and so easy to aim!

As for the third row, under the command of Hao Lian Yaoyao, they spread out at the fastest speed. According to the original division, while pulling out the daggers, they were temporarily incorporated into the first row and the second row to fight.

After the recruits in the third row were in place, they jumped up immediately, and the dagger slammed down toward the seven-inch position.

For a time, more than a hundred daggers, all white knives entered and red knives came out, and blood spurted out!


Under the sudden surprise attack, the big python also felt pain and roared loudly. At this moment, the originally stable body swung violently, constantly moving left and right.

The huge snake body is constantly circling, trying to hide Qi Cun, and even trying to kill a few recruits close to him by the way.

"Brothers! Another round, this guy can't take it anymore!"

Seeing this, Zang Chong shouted with excitement on his face.

He had also seen this scene before when he killed the pythons. Once Qiinch was threatened or attacked, these pythons would keep circling, trying to hide Qiinch, which was not unusual for him.

Moreover, with such a fierce attack just now, Zang Chong was convinced that this giant python would not last long!

"Brothers! Go!"

"Eat snake meat at night, drink snake soup, and improve food!"

Xiaopang let out a loud roar with surprising excitement, UU reading jumped up first, and stabbed the dagger in his hand again before the boa constrictor had reached seven inches.

The rest of the recruits also got excited and kept yelling, jumping high and it was a knife!

It wasn't long before the big python didn't fully react.

It had already slammed to the ground with its wide eyes open, and those cold eyes seemed to be filled with confusion and confusion.

Obviously these people were afraid to die at first, but why did they suddenly become so brave...

"Win! Win!"

"We won!"

"We're still alive!"

Seeing the big python that was covered in blood and fell to the ground, the recruits couldn't help being stunned, and then one by one couldn't help crying with joy. .


"Fortunately! Fortunately, they created another miracle..."

Li Yongjun let out a long sigh and said with some fear.

The three platoon leaders looked through the surveillance screen, and they were already covered in cold sweat.

That scene just now was too scary.

If the giant python just resisted a little more, I am afraid that even more than one hundred recruits will die on the spot!

"I always believed they could!"

Qin Yuan also smiled, and his face was also slightly surprised.

He knew that these thorns would definitely be resolved.

I just didn't expect it to be so easy and fast!


"It was just too scary."

"I hope that if there is another next time, we must give fire support!"

After the surprise, Li Yongjun looked at Qin Yuan with a complicated expression.

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