Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 201: Post-war minefields! Chen Cang Crisis!

Chapter 202 The post-war minefield! Chen Cang Crisis! [First update, 4000-word chapter! 】

A few hours later, the recruits had also successfully passed through the mangrove swamp.

On top of them, a giant python was lying limply, and the two icy green eyes were still staring, looking somewhat terrifying.

"Get in the car!"

Qin Yuan glanced at the giant python and ordered it directly.

It was okay to see through the drone before, and there was not much feeling.

But now when he actually saw this giant python face to face, Qin Yuan was even more surprised.


"Fortunately, the company commander didn't say that he wanted to take this giant python away. It's inevitable for us to have extra meals tonight!"

Standing on the troop carrier, Su Xiaoyu let out a sigh of relief when he took over the giant snake's head.

"It's all sloppy, don't wait for the company commander to regret it, then we won't have anything to eat!"

Zang Chong kept urging.

For a time, everyone's movements accelerated a lot, and they hurriedly stuffed the python into it.

When everyone boarded the car, the vehicle that had started dashed directly towards the next destination.

"In front of you is a minefield left over from World War II."

"In this minefield, there are all kinds of child and mother mines, serial bombs, anti-infantry jumping mines, anti-tank mines, and so on."

"Whether it's something you've seen in training, or something you haven't seen, you can find everything here!"

"It can be said that once you step into this minefield, your life and death will be determined by God and your hard power!"

"If there is a coward who wants to quit now, you can report it immediately!"

Qin Yuan pointed to an open field behind him.

Although the recruits were curious, there was no movement, no sound.

"Okay, since no one quits."

"Then take the class as a unit, and enter the minefield in groups of ten."

"Each group of one hour until this minefield is completely emptied!"

After a while, seeing that there was no sound, Qin Yuan spoke again.



"Company commander, we don't have any demining tools, can we go directly?"

Hua Shanke looked ahead.

"Who said you didn't have demining tools?"

"Military thorns! Daggers! It's your best demining tool!"

"I also taught you how to use a dagger to clear mines!"

"Do you have any other questions?"

Qin Yuan frowned and shouted directly.

"Report to the company commander, no!"

Huashanke responded immediately.

"If not, let's go!"

"The first group, led by Zang Chong!"

Qin Yuan ordered again.

"Yes! Company commander!"

"Class 1, follow me!"

With a big wave of Zang Chong's hand, he took nine people directly into the minefield.

Then, according to what Qin Yuan had taught before, everyone crawled on the ground, pulled out the dagger and put it on his mouth, and slowly crawled forward.

The stopwatch in Qin Yuan's hand also responded with a 'di' and started timing.


"In case an anti-infantry mine is accidentally triggered, wouldn't the entire minefield explode!"

Lin Dong couldn't help taking a deep breath as he watched the route that everyone was crawling.

Ten people are lined up, although they are constantly groping forward.

But they don't have any explosion-proof equipment except for simple training uniforms, combat equipment, rucksacks, etc.

Moreover, the recruits who have not yet entered are also not far from the minefield.

It can be said that once the minefield explodes, basically the entire recruit company will be wiped out!

For a time, all the recruits couldn't help sweating for Zang Chong's ten people!

"As long as you follow the training time, you will be fine!"

"Otherwise, the company commander would not be so reassured to let us do it ourselves."

Fang Tian also stared at everyone in the minefield with a solemn face.

Although the words are so, training and actually stepping on the battlefield are still two concepts.

In the latter case, once the psychological quality is not enough, it is really cool!

Qin Yuan also did not relax in the past, his eyes were fixed on the minefield. Once there was any change or danger in the minefield, he would stop them as soon as possible and go up to solve the problem in person!


"Found an anti-infantry jumping mine!"

"There is a cantaloupe grenade buried under the jumping thunder, and the pull ring is tied with the pull ring rope of the thunder jumping, which belongs to the child and mother thunder!"

At this time, Zang Chong was the first to speak.

While talking, the dagger in his hand also slashed the soil around the mine with great speed and great care.

The appearance of an anti-infantry mine and a cantaloupe grenade was fully revealed.


"An anti-tank mine found! No other anomalies found!"

Hua Shanke also spoke up.

But he seemed more relaxed.

after all.

There is a saying in anti-tank mines, as long as vehicles and tanks are not coming, and you stand on it alone and jump on it, it will not explode!

After the two reported, they also started demining directly.

Compared to Hua Shanke's ease, Zang Chong was much more dignified.

He shaved the entire area around the mine into a bowl, as if two mines were placed in a bowl.

"The child and mother thunder first take out the mother thunder, lock the pull ring, and then remove the child thunder explosion fuze..."

Zang Chong murmured in his mouth and repeated what Qin Yuan had taught before, and only then did he really start to operate.

He slowly approached his hands, first inserted the cantaloupe's tired pull ring, and then locked it.

After doing all this, he moved his hands towards the anti-infantry mine, unscrewed the **** above the mine, turned the fuze inside it upside down, and then turned the **** back, lightening the detonating cord that was originally hanging on the cantaloupe hand-pull ring. Under the relief, reset to the original position.

Finally, the grenades and mines were taken out of the pit and placed aside.

Seeing that both of them had dealt with the mines without any accident, everyone present was severely relieved.

But before the group crawls a few meters forward, they all start reporting one by one.

All kinds of landmines, tired hands, etc., are endless.

What's more, hundreds of mines and grenades appeared directly, as well as a chain of traps with complex intertwined anti-tank mines!

In the end, Qin Yuan was not at ease, and stopped the recruit who found it, and disarmed the serial bomb in person.

After all, this thing is more than dozens of times more difficult than those ordinary mines, mines, small serial bombs, etc.!

An hour passed quickly, and Zang Chong and the others also stood up and walked back with great confidence. The three platoon leaders were shocked.

"The second group! Let's go!"

Qin Yuan didn't say anything, looked at the second group and shouted directly.

According to Qin Yuan's original plan, it was more than asking them to come back.

After this minefield is completely emptied, only me and others will dare to walk over, roll around, and have fun on it.

That's the real qualification!

The second group also went to the original position of Zang Chong and others, and crawled on the spot, holding daggers to constantly search for the surrounding mines, and eliminate them one by one.

Time passed quickly, and one group after another entered the minefield in constant rotation. The sky was already dark, and there was a huge 'cricket' call around, making the environment where the needles could be heard, seemed a little noisy.

"Report to the company commander!"

"The minefield is cleared!"

"Please advise!"

When Chen Cang cleared the last mine and stood up with a smile on his face, he reported to Qin Yuan.


Qin Yuan also smiled, but just as he was about to speak, he heard a mechanical voice.

This sound is particularly harsh in this originally noisy environment!

"do not move!"

Qin Yuan hurriedly stretched out a hand and shouted with an ugly face.

The surrounding recruits and the three platoon leaders were also stunned for a moment, and then they understood.

Chen Cang didn't even dare to take a breath at this time.

He had just searched this place with a dagger!

There are no landmines at all!

Why are you stepping on it now...

"Everyone step back!"

"Others in the minefield also withdraw immediately!"

"Chen Cang, don't move!"

"Listening to that movement, it should be anti-infantry jumping mines. You may be smashed into a sieve by marbles if you move a little!"

While speaking, Qin Yuan had already taken the dagger in Su Xiaoyu's hand and strode directly towards the minefield.

The three platoon leaders also realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately organized the crowd to retreat to ensure that a safe distance was left in the middle so that the bomb would not explode and everyone would be left here.


"I feel a little numb in my legs..."

Chen Cang grimaced.

Human beings are like this, and there is nothing to do in the first place, but when the inner function comes up, there are all kinds of discomfort.

"Hold back and don't move!"

"It'll be fine right now!"

Qin Yuan didn't talk nonsense, he just lay on the ground.

Holding the dagger to clear the surrounding soil at the fastest speed, an anti-infantry jumping thunder was firmly exposed.

There are several mines linked together beside it, and there is even an anti-tank mine!

And these mines, including anti-tank mines, are all loose at this time.

Once the current weight of the old warehouse is lost, or there is a large weight fluctuation.

Then, within three seconds, these mines will explode in an instant!

"Damn it! It's still a series of mines!"

"And it's buried so deep. I said why you didn't do anything when you just detected mines."

Even Qin Yuan couldn't help but scolded when he saw this scene.

"Company commander, can we still get out alive..."

Hearing this, Chen Cang's face became even more ugly.

"What's your name?"

"If I'm here, I must go out alive!"

"Could it be possible to let you die here?"

Qin Yuan rolled his eyes at the other party, trying to make his expression as relaxed as possible.

In fact, these mines have been fully triggered.

If you want to turn the fuze upside down, only a few can do it, let alone the others, it is unrealistic to put the pull ring back.

Like anti-infantry jumping mines, the fuses have already popped out at this time, and as long as they lose their strength, they will pop up in a short time!

Even Qin Yuan felt very difficult at this moment!

He even regretted that he didn't bring a lightning rod.

Like such a deep mine, there must be still in this minefield, but the recruits have not explored it.

"Captain, what should I do now..."

Qin Yuan's words also brought a glimmer of hope to Chen Cang, and asked weakly.


"In this way, I will count 321 later, and you will run away as fast as you can. The moment you leave, you will count silently in your own heart. When you count to 2, you will immediately lie down on the ground. Within these two seconds, You can run as far as you can, understand?"

Qin Yuan thought for a while, and finally decided to detonate these mines on the spot!

If he stepped on the mines himself, he did have a 100% certainty to escape, or to clear the mines.

But now standing on the mine is Chen Cang!

Because of Chen Cang's limited location, Qin Yuan couldn't see the details of many bombs at all.

Or a lot of mines, even if he wants to operate, it is not easy to operate, and it may even be self-defeating to let the bomb explode in advance!

"Yes, company commander!"

When Chen Cang heard this, he also understood Qin Yuan's plan, and immediately took a deep breath and began to prepare.

Seeing this, Qin Yuan started to count without ink.





Qin Yuan shouted word by word, staring at these mines.

When Chen Cang heard these numbers, he rushed out immediately after Qin Yuan's last voice fell, and counted the numbers silently in his heart.

As for Qin Yuan, the moment he saw the Lei Lei loosen, he also ran wildly in the other direction.

The two of them counted to two almost at the same time, and fell directly to the ground.


A huge sound exploded instantly.

The open space that was originally empty suddenly burst into flames, and marbles hit the soil not far away from the naked eye.

And this is just the beginning!

Because of the explosion of the jumping mine, the mines below also started their own performances, and the continuous sound occupied the minds of everyone present!


"Could something happen to Company Commander Qin and the others..."

Outside, the leader of a team put down the cards in his hand and looked at the minefield with a solemn expression.

These successive explosions are no small matter!

"Probably not!"

"Company Commander Qin and the others are all top soldiers. Could this be the sound of centralized destruction?"

A non-commissioned officer also spoke, but his face was also full of worry.

"No! We have to go and see."

"Live to see people, die to see corpses!"

"Order the convoy to set off immediately!"

The leader of the team spoke directly.

"Yes! Platoon leader!"

The non-commissioned officer also knew that this was not a child's game. He threw the poker in his hand and picked up the walkie-talkie to let him know.

The team that was still waiting in the distance suddenly started, the bright lights pointed directly in the direction of the minefield, the engine let out a roar of beasts, and kept galloping!

The speed of the vehicle was fast, and it swayed left and right on the road with bad road conditions.

But this group of soldiers didn't care, and the accelerator under their feet deepened a bit, as if they could not wait to step on the accelerator into the fuel tank.


"What about the company commander and the others..."

Su Xiaoyu looked at the minefield full of gunpowder smoke and muttered to himself.

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