Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 202: Qin Yuan, who was almost an eunuch, had no anesthesia surgery!

Chapter 203 Qin Yuan, who was almost an eunuch, had no anesthesia surgery! [Second update, 4000-word chapter! 】

"It should be fine!"

"Don't worry, wait for the smoke to disperse."

Hua Shanke grabbed Zang Chong, who was about to rush up, and seemed a little calmer.


"If something goes wrong with the **** company commander, don't worry about anyone!"

Zang Chong glanced at Hua Shanke with anger on his face.

"Zang Chong, don't be impulsive."

"It is still unknown whether there are any other mines in this minefield."

"Also, with the strength of the company commander, this company commander Lei may be fine. What if the next one?"

"Do you want to go in and make trouble for the company commander?"

Fang Tian also spoke up.

Although he was also in a hurry, at least the sanity still existed.

"Ha ha…"

"Could it be that we are looking at it like this right now?"

"It was just such a strong explosion, and the time interval was so short."

"What if we can go in now to help?"

Zang Chong's eyes widened.

In his opinion, going in now, if Qin Yuan and the two are all right, they will all be happy.

But if something happens, now is the best time to rescue!

"Okay, don't make trouble!"

"All we can do now is wait!"

"The minefield is completely smoky at the moment. Even if we go in, we can't see anything, and it may bring even more trouble!"

"Also, we have to trust Company Commander Qin!"

Zhao Ruixuan spoke at this time.

His face is also full of worry, but now the company commander is not there, as a platoon commander, he must stabilize the situation.

"Damn it!"

"Even you dare to make a few words, if something happens to the company commander, will you take the **** responsibility!"

Zang Chong couldn't bear it any longer, he stepped forward and grabbed Zhao Ruixuan by the collar.

"Cough cough..."

"Zang Chong! What the **** are you doing!"

At this time, in the smoke.

Qin Yuan was supported by Chen Cang and walked out, fanning the smoke in front of him, frowning and looking a little choked.

"Company... company commander!"

As soon as he saw Qin Yuan, Zang Chong couldn't care less and ran over with a happy face.

"I said you, so what are you impulsive about?"

"However, platoon leader Zhao is your superior, your platoon leader, have you thought about the consequences of doing that?"

Before Qin Yuan came out, he heard the quarrel outside, and naturally knew what was going on.

But at this moment, he still frowned and reprimanded.

After all, this kind of thing is a big taboo in the army!

"Captain, I..."

Zang Chong also calmed down.

He lowered his head, not daring to speak.

If he were to face other people, I'm afraid he would have already blushed and had a thick neck at this time.

But once he faced Qin Yuan, he seemed to be restrained by nature.

"Okay! Fortunately, the platoon leader is fine, you can go back and write a review, apologize to platoon leader Zhao in front of your face, and take platoon leader Zhao to forgive, and this matter is over."

Qin Yuan didn't intend to punish the opponent's physical fitness like the grassroots troops or before.

These things are trivial to Zang Chong.

Only in this way can he understand that a row leader is a row leader!

"Yes! Company commander!"

While speaking, Zang Chong glanced at Zhao Ruixuan.

However, he would not disobey Qin Yuan's order.

"Company commander, your arms and legs were injured?"

Hua Shanke frowned and stepped forward at this time, looking at the small blood holes on his arms and thighs that were bleeding continuously, his face full of concern.

"It's okay, it's just bitten by a shrapnel and rubbed a little skin, don't make a fuss."

Qin Yuan waved his hand and showed a faint smile, not taking it seriously at all.


"You're not scratching your skin!"

"The blood hole on the arm, the shrapnel is still inside!"

"Also, the hole in your thigh almost made you die!"

Hua Shanke was speechless.

As a doctor, he is very aware of the injury. If it is not handled properly, the shrapnel may remain in the body, and there will be suppuration, infection, and so on.

To be more serious, if it is not dealt with properly as soon as possible, Qin Yuan may not be able to continue participating in normal training!

That means Qin Yuan will leave the army and take off this military uniform!

"Come on, don't be so serious."

"Let's go back first and talk about it!"

Qin Yuan gave Hua Shanke a wink.

"By the way, platoon leader Zhao, you are responsible for contacting the engineer company, and sweep this place!"

"If there is no problem, you can let the group release information."

Before leaving, Qin Yuan looked at Zhao Ruixuan and gave an order.

"Yes, company commander!"

Zhao Ruixuan immediately took out the phone and started to contact.

"Hey, what's wrong with you kid?"

"Instead, the company commander was injured?"

Zang Chong also supported Qin Yuan's other side and asked Chen Cang.


"At the moment when it was about to explode, because I didn't run far enough, I was still within the explosion range."

"The company commander rushed over and pulled me out of the blast range at the last moment."

"But the company commander himself is still at the edge of the range, so..."

There was some guilt on Chen Cang's face.

From the time he was inside, he felt that if it weren't for his own negligence to trigger the mine.

If not for not running out of the blast zone.

Qin Yuan will not be hurt...

Qin Yuan naturally discovered this, "Okay. Don't act like you almost killed me, kid."

"I'm not still alive and well, I'm still alive and kicking."

"Just be careful in the future, use more snacks in training, understand?"

"Yes, Captain!"

Chen Cang nodded, but Qin Yuan also knew that this guy should not have come out so quickly.

"Drip drip drip..."

At this moment, a loud horn sounded, and the lights also illuminated the position of the recruit company.

"Hey, they actually came here!"

Su Xiaoyu blocked the light with one hand and said in surprise.

"Isn't this normal?"

"They must have heard such a huge explosion just now."

"I guess I was worried that something might happen to us and the company commander, so I came here ahead of time."

Lin Dong on the side explained two sentences.


"Captain Qin, what's going on?"

"Why are you still injured?"

Before the vehicle stopped, the leading cadre got out of the car and trotted over.

When he saw Qin Yuan's blood-stained camouflage shirt and trousers, he subconsciously took a breath.

In desperation, Qin Yuan could only explain the rhetoric again.

However, this leading cadre is also dubious.

Especially seeing Hua Shanke's frowning and urging him to get into the car to treat Qin Yuan's wounds, he was even more convinced.

Under the urging of Hua Shanke, everyone quickly boarded the car and sat down without ink.

And Hua Shanke sat on the military jeep headed by Qin Yuan.

"Company commander, aren't you joking with your own life!"

"If the time comes for the eunuch, or the arm is pierced, who will be our company commander?"

As soon as the door was closed, Hua Shanke opened his mouth full of complaints.

It is true that this company commander is a little uneasy.

"Oh, what a big deal!"

"By the way, you directly take out the shrapnel on my arm, and then do disinfection sutures and bandages."

Seeing that Hua Shanke finished dealing with the thigh injury, he planned to disinfect and bandage the small blood hole in his arm first, and waited for the surgery to retrieve the shrapnel, Qin Yuan directly stopped the other party's movements.

"Company commander, I didn't bring anesthesia!"

"Your shrapnel is almost attached to the meat inside. If you take it out, it's almost no different from the pain of cutting a piece of meat from your body!"

Hearing Qin Yuan's words, Hua Shanke's mouth twitched, he thought Qin Yuan didn't know about it.

But Qin Yuan nodded directly, "I know, just do as I say."

"I can't stand the pain."

"Besides, if I go into the operating room, I guess you guys have to stop training for a day on your own initiative!"

Hearing this, Hua Shanke also hesitated, and then saw Qin Yuan's insistent expression, and said:


"Then let me try!"

"But if you feel any discomfort, company commander, or can't stand it, you must speak up as soon as possible, so that I can stop the operation!"

"No problem, just do it!"

Qin Yuan nodded.

"Squad leader, please drive steadily, don't have too many ups and downs, I'm going to start surgery to get shrapnel!"

Hua Shanke was looking at the non-commissioned officer who was driving again.

"no problem!"

The non-commissioned officer nodded and glanced at the two of them through the rearview mirror, and the cadres who led the team with the co-pilot couldn't help but twitch at the corners of their mouths.

Good guy, someone who dares to undergo surgery without anesthesia.

One who really dares to perform surgery without anesthesia while shaking directly in the car...

What kind of commander is this really bringing out what kind of soldiers!

Sure enough, all the recruits in the Sharp Sword Company are talented, and all of them are wolves...

Hua Shanke also did what he said. When he took out a complete set of surgical instruments and put on surgical gloves, his whole face became serious.

"Company commander, it will be very painful to remove this shrapnel without anesthesia."

"It can be said that it is no different from the second brother Guan's bone scraping and healing!"

"Are you still sure?"

Hua Shanke looked at Qin Yuan very seriously, as if making the final confirmation.

"Well! You start!"

While Qin Yuan was talking, he had already taken out his mobile phone, opened the short video software and flashed it.

Seeing this, Hua Shanke no longer hesitated. First, he took out a scalpel and expanded the small blood hole again, allowing tweezers or something to enter easily, and then take out the shrapnel later.

The two people sitting in front were shocked when they saw that Hua Shanke really made a move and Qin Yuan didn't say a word. Hard!


"Company commander, I'm going to take shrapnel."

Although only a few minutes passed, Hua Shanke was already sweating profusely, and he informed Qin Yuan while disinfecting the tweezers.

"let's start!"

Although Qin Yuan's body level is very high now, but without anesthesia, when you let a knife cut through your skin tissue, or even meat, the corners of your mouth can't help twitching.

But this step has already been reached, and Qin Yuan doesn't want to give up halfway. It is better to get it all at once.

After receiving Qin Yuan's rather calm reply, Hua Shanke sanitized the tweezers, and then slowly stretched out towards the shrapnel.

Immediately, the shrapnel was slowly clamped again, and then the shrapnel was taken out.

For a time, the wound, which had been slightly stopped by the blood, spewed out again, but in a short while, the arm was completely stained with blood.

And Hua Shanke's movements were also fast. He put the shrapnel aside, picked up the hemostatic cotton, and pressed it very **** the wound.

"Captain, how do you feel?"

Hua Shanke asked.

This is a normal post-surgery question.

"It's not a big deal, your technique is very neat and very good."

Qin Yuan shook his head, what he said was the truth.

"That's good."

Hua Shanke nodded, and after stopping the blood from the wound, he disinfected and bandaged Qin Yuan again.

After doing this series of things, the cadre who led the team in front of the co-pilot also said, "Company Commander Qin, we have reached the camp."

"Thank you!"

After Qin Yuan nodded, he got out of the car first.

Outside the car, a group of recruits had also lined up to stand, and at the back of the queue was a huge python.

"This is the end of today's training. Take a good rest. I will take you to a place tomorrow."


After speaking, Qin Yuan glanced at the big python and left without saying anything.

"Huh... scared me to death, I thought the company commander wanted us to hand over this thing!"

Han Xiang patted his chest, looking like a joke.

"Come on, don't be poor."

"The second row and the third row will deal with this thing, and the first row will be responsible for contacting the veterans of the cooking class, borrow the kitchen, and prepare everything in the kitchen by the It's such a big one, it costs seven. Eight dishes will do."

Zang Chong immediately began to assign tasks to each platoon.

When everything was settled, Zang Chong looked at Hua Shanke again.

"How's the company commander?"

"It's okay! The shrapnel has just been taken out, and the wound has stopped bleeding and bandaged."

Hua Shanke shook his head.

Zang Chong nodded, then looked at Chen Cang, "Go take a shower too!"

"Looking at your dismal face, those who didn't know thought you were stealing chickens with the company commander..."

Zang Chong was speechless.


Chen Cang nodded in disinterest and left without saying much.

And under the busy work of this group of recruits, the delicacies cooked by the giant python were soon served on the table.

"Damn it! You recruits can do it!"

"You guys got this guy."

As soon as the dish was on the table, the veterans of the cooking class appeared with bowls and chopsticks.

"Come on, the mate sit down and have something to eat together."

Fatty invites.

After all, people in the evening open the cooking class to themselves and others, which can be regarded as a personal favor.


The veteran headed by him was not polite, he just nodded and sat down with the big guy.

"Second class, wait a minute!"

"Let's send it to the company commander on the hour first."

Su Xiaoyu came over with a bowl at this time. Before they even touched the chopsticks, he hurriedly brought some of each dish to Qin Yuan, and then sent them to the dormitory.

"Tsk, your guarantee is in place!"

"Don't forget your company commander when you steal it."

The veteran said jokingly.

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