Chapter 216 Papa [1, please subscribe]

Although Zhang Fengling is only a layman for scientific research.

But this didn't affect his attention to these scientific research giants.

Each of them, their faces full of surprise and shock, already showed how awesome Qin Yuan was.

"This this…"

"So, you can still play like this!"

When they saw that Qin Yuan had polished the blood slot of the saber at a very fast speed, several people present were stunned.

It was a blue dragon that completely covered the blade, and it was so lifelike!

To do this, they have always had to rely on instruments and modules!

But now, Qin Yuan is so simple, a small knife, a small saw, easily completed in ten minutes!

For them, this is simply a miracle, a **** miracle!

Three hours.

Just three hours.

The whole is black, the blood tank is a blue dragon, and the handle is also a dagger protruding from the blue dragon, which is displayed in the eyes of everyone.

On the other hand, Qin Yuan frowned slightly, looking a little dissatisfied, and muttered subconsciously:

"These blades and handles are all good, but the blood trough Qinglong just seems to be offset by 0.1 mm, not perfect..."

His muttering was not small.

These researchers, including Zhang Fengling and Huo Yuanli, heard it.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then showed a look of crying and laughing.

Good guy, in just three hours, this guy made such a gorgeous saber by hand.

Why are you complaining here because of the 0.1 millimeter flaw?

It's just murderous!

You know, when doing research.

Although their requirements for weapons and equipment are also very strict, even harsh.

But a deviation of 0.1 mm will not cause any problems.

What's more, it's just a small problem in appearance, which is completely ignored!

However, it was the problem they ignored that attracted Qin Yuan's very dissatisfied expression...

Qin Yuan simply sighed and walked out with a saber.

"Come on, find a place to try."

Qin Yuan also had some expectations.

He also wanted to quickly try to see if the Azure Dragon Saber was as good as the system claimed.

After all, this is also the first time he has made a saber independently, and he is somewhat excited.

"Go! Now that it's done."

"Naturally, we have to see the effect!"

Zhang Fengling waved his hand, walked directly in front, and led the crowd to the scientific research and experimental site.

This venue is not simple, you can only try a cold weapon such as a saber.

Even grenades, explosives, or various rockets, automatic rifles, sniper rifles, etc.

All live-fire explosions and live-fire experiments are carried out here.

It can be said that many of the equipment, many guns and ammunition currently equipped by Huaxia, may be the first test shot here!

The many shells on the ground are almost all the first bullets fired by that model!

Qin Yuan looked at the targets around him, without saying hello, he looked very casual, and threw it very easily, as if it didn't even have any power attached.

The dagger pointed directly to a tank that is currently in service and is also known as the best defensive performance in China!


Just when everyone's eyes locked on the dagger.

The tank made a light sound, and the Azure Dragon Saber also pierced steadily, embedded in the hard turtle shell of the tank!

"not bad."

"However, you still have to compare the hardness with the Linglong Saber. Only by the degree of sharpness can you know which is stronger or weaker."

Qin Yuan nodded in satisfaction, walked over and took back the Qinglong Saber.

Immediately, he ignored the opinions of Huo Yuanli and others.

The blue dragon saber in the left hand and the exquisite saber in the right.

With a sharp wave of both hands, with a "clang" sound, the two daggers collided.

More directly, after the Linglong Saber made a sound again, it immediately cut off!

However, the Azure Dragon Saber is intact, not even a single ridge has appeared!

This time, everyone present was shocked.

In particular, the researchers headed by Huo Yuanli simply didn't know what to say.

It's nothing to break the exquisite dagger.

But directly stabbed into the tank, it is a good sentence from Versailles, this is simply killing people!

Their hair that has been mixed in the scientific research of weapons and equipment has turned white, but they still can't accomplish this.

Now that it has been completed by a young man, it turns out that in the mouth of the other party, it is not bad?

They only feel that their bodies are not hurt, but their minds are already pierced!

Zhang Fengling was also speechless.

He is an admiral, to be honest, what big scene has he not seen before?

Even the one at the top often shook hands.

But, this is the commander of a recruit company.

It took only a short three hours to make a saber that had never been seen before.

Can pierce a tank and just throw it casually!

Not only that, but this dagger actually cut off the exquisite saber that Huo Yuanli and the others were proud of!

This special is simply creating a miracle!

"Wow, the company commander is bullshit! It's better than these so-called experts, more powerful than their so-called sabers, but it's not just a star and a half!"

While Zhang Shuai complimented him, he also looked at Huo Yuanli full of teasing from time to time.

"That's right! I don't know who it is, saying that there is not a single scientific research talent in our recruit company."

"This time, our company commander slapped his face in the face!"

"I just don't know if it hurts or not!"

Su Xiaoyu also laughed happily.

"Oh, let's talk less."

"I didn't see that everyone's 'big talents' were already ashen, so embarrassed I could not wait to find a seam to get in?"

"Let's go, if we continue, I'm afraid everyone will hit the wall and commit suicide."

"At that time, if we are accused of another crime of driving people to death, then I will be sorry."

Lin Dong also spoke, yin and yang strangely.

The word 'big talent' was even more aggravated in his mouth.

The rest of the thorns didn't speak, just looked at the group of researchers with a mocking expression on their faces.

Those eyes seemed to say, "Just you guys, where did you have the courage to challenge our company commander, Liang Jingru?"

At this moment, even Huo Yuanli seemed extremely confused.

He didn't expect that Qin Yuan would really finish it!

And it seems so simple, so easy!


Before Huo Yuanli could say anything, Qin Yuan said very plainly:

"Chief, the bet is over."

"But I hope, please respect the Chinese soldiers and the soldiers fighting on the front line!"

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