Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 216: Xuanwu grenade! Get collective 2nd class credit again!

Chapter 217 Xuanwu Grenade! Another collective second-class merit! 【2, please subscribe】

Hearing Qin Yuan's words, Huo Yuanli was immediately stunned.

After a while, with shame on his face, he said:


"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

"It's my fault, my vision is too short-sighted..."

Huo Yuanli's sudden apology made everyone stunned.

An old scientific research expert who was so proud before, was so solemn because of Qin Yuan's words!

"It's okay, everyone is proud in their respective fields."

"However, some things still need people to match."

"Even if a powerful weapon is not controlled by someone who is proficient in it and understands it, then it will not be able to exert its greatest power, right?"

Qin Yuan said with a smile.


Huo Yuanli nodded heavily.

"Old Huo, you don't usually do this."

"Did your incompetent son say something to you?"

Two commandos were added to Huo Yuanli's previous gambling conditions, and Zhang Fengling knew that it was not that simple.

Hearing this, Huo Yuanli couldn't help sighing.

"Oh, it's not what he told me."

"Just heard that he was defeated again, and it was a recruit company."

"So when I saw Company Commander Qin, my attitude might be a little..."

Having said this, Huo Yuanli himself felt a little ashamed, and the older he got, the more he went back!

For his explanation, everyone present was somewhat speechless.

However, Qin Yuan can be regarded as admiring his attitude of daring to admit mistakes.

after all.

Many generals have reached this level, this age.

Even if it is wrong, he may not be able to face his own problems calmly like him.

"By the way, Captain Qin."

"You have such a powerful talent and ability in weapons research."

"Would you like to stay in our Northwest Military Region Scientific Research Institute to jointly carry out weapons research and development?"

After a pause, Huo Yuanli continued eagerly:

"Others our scientific research institute dare not say."

"But in terms of scientific research conditions, we are definitely the best in the entire Huaxia Weapons Research Institute!"

"Also, our scientific research capabilities may not be as good as yours for the time being, but in China, we are definitely the best!"

"I'll give you a shot, it's absolutely no problem to be an assistant!"

Huo Yuanli's old eyes looked at each other expectantly.

For fear that Qin Yuan would reject him.

"Elder Huo, I'm not bragging."

"As long as I want, I can develop any weapon and equipment under conditions."

"But, these thorns were brought out by myself. Even if I want to leave, they have to be willing!"

"What's more, I'm used to being in the combat unit, and I feel like that's the life I want."

Qin Yuan said with a smile, and pointed at the thorns.

But having said that, Qin Yuan is really bragging. For now, except for the Qinglong Saber.

What else would he be? ? ?

Huo Yuanli was also stunned, and then looked at the group of recruits.

When he saw that these little guys were looking at him with angry faces, he was stunned again.

After a long time, he laughed, "Good guy."

"It seems that Company Commander Qin is not only extraordinary in scientific research."

"Even with the troops, he's a top performer!"

"My son and the Wolf Commando, it's not wrong to lose!"

Huo Yuanli really praised the thorns this time, and also praised Qin Yuan sincerely.

"The chief is rude."

Qin Yuan smiled lightly.

At the same time, in his mind, the system synthesis sound sounded again.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task! 】

[Get the reward 'Xuanwu grenade' complete production drawing! 】

As soon as the system's voice fell, a large amount of information was immediately poured into Qin Yuan's mind.

Regarding the introduction of the Xuanwu grenade, there is only a very simple sentence above.

"Just one can blow up all the tanks currently on the Blue Star!"

The military region in the northwest also came to an end.

Because of the previous two commandos.

In addition, the thorns have a strong hard power.

Therefore, the recruits also successfully won the first place in various competitions, collected all the medals, and returned to the Southeast Military Region.

At this time, in Ye Jianting's office of the Southeast Military Region.

"Chief! The Sharp Knife Recruit Company lived up to the expectations of the leader and successfully completed the mission!"

Qin Yuan stood in front of him, gave a military salute, and made a very serious report.



"I've generally heard about your affairs in the Northwest Military Region."

"I just killed the Wolf Commando, and pressed the female lieutenant colonel of the Wolf Commando to the ground and rubbed it."

"The next generation is terrifying! The latter is terrifying!"

Ye Jianting stood up, patted Qin Yuan's shoulder, smiled, and looked very excited.

"It's all well led by the chief!"

Qin Yuan also smiled.

"Boy, flattery is enough!"

"You said that, I won't give you that collective second-class merit..."

At this time, Ye Jianting took out a small box with a thief look on it, with a few large characters written on it, a collective second-class merit medal!

After all, this is a competition between special Sharp Sword Recruits Company is a unit that has just been enlisted for three months.

In this competition, he can win various championships.

The pressure they bear, the eyes.

It can be said that taking this collective second-class merit is well deserved!

"Thank you Chief!"

Qin Yuan didn't say anything nice. Looking at the medal box of the second-class collective merit, his eyes lit up immediately.

Good guy, since taking this group of thorns.

It's comfortable to live, and the medals are softer, just two words, great!

"You boy..."

Regarding Qin Yuan's sudden change, Ye Jianting smiled wryly and shook his head.

But then, his face turned pale, and he held the collective second-class merit medal box in both hands, and said seriously:

"Comrade Qin Yuan, company commander."

"According to the instructions of the superiors, the company won various championships in this Northwest Military Region exercise competition."

"It has set a good and outstanding example for our Southeast Military Region."

"Specially approved by the Southeast Military Region, Comrade Qin Yuan and the Sharp Sword Recruit Company will be awarded a collective second-class merit medal for encouragement!"

"Hope, Qin Yuan informs, the Sharp Sword Recruits Company, make persistent efforts to create greater glory, and create a new generation of special forces for the Southeast Military Region and the Chinese soldiers!"

After speaking, Ye Jianting kicked forward with his left foot, and pushed forward with the collective second-class merit medal box in both hands, coming directly to Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan also saluted and said:

"Never let down the high hopes given by the country, the people, and the chief!"

"Company Commander Qin Yuan resolutely leads the Sharp Knife Recruit Company to complete various tasks!"

After that, Qin Yuan took the medal box.

"Boy, let's talk about business!"

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