Chapter 218 A Mere Fifty Million

"Boy, let's talk about business!"

Ye Jianting's face turned straight and he said again.

"Please instruct the chief!"

Qin Yuan also put away his bells and whistles, his face full of seriousness.

"According to the results of this competition, the head of the military region believes that the special training of the sharp knife recruit company has ended, and it is even far more than that of many special commandos. Everyone's performance is very outstanding!"

"Therefore, the superior leader decided to use the Sharp Knife Recruit Company as a special operations company, a company-level unit."

"Take the class as the organization, and form a special commando team!"

"That is to say, each class will be a special commando team, and their jurisdiction is only you, Qin Yuan!"

Ye Jianting said bluntly.

It can be said that Qin Yuan immediately soared into the sky.

Don't look at the rank of the grass-roots company commander.

However, his real power is much larger than that of the general special warfare assault echelon!

One echelon has four squads, and one squadron has three echelons!

This is the difference!

"Yes! Chief!"

Qin Yuan was a little excited. This was the real recognition of the special operations nature of the Sharp Sword Recruit Company.

"Well, one more thing."

"The current sharp knife recruit company is in addition to what happened at the 301 station before."

"There is no formal contact with actual combat."

After a pause, Ye Jianting glanced at Qin Yuan, and then said:

"Last time, the chief decided to let the Sharp Knife Recruit Company officially engage in actual combat!"

"And now I have a task in hand, will you do it?"

Hearing the other party's words, Qin Yuan froze subconsciously.

Good guy, this is the first time he heard that the mission can be chosen by himself.

"Go! No matter what the mission, the Sharp Sword Recruit Company is fearless!"

"The Sharp Sword Recruit Company is looking forward to actual combat and is eager for actual combat!"

Qin Yuan shouted loudly, his face flushed.


"The d-trafficking group in country y has become a little less sensible recently."

"Continuously importing white fox into our country through some channel we don't know, persecuting our people!"

"Therefore, I decided that you will personally lead a team of six to go to country Y to kill the opponent, and there will be none left!"

After a pause, Ye Jianting spoke again, "But."

"Because this time it's a regional battle."

"Can't give you effective intelligence, can't give you effective fire support."

"Not even guns and ammunition can support you!"

"The only thing we can give you is money! Banknotes! List!"

"Are you confident to complete the task?"

Ye Jianting's expression was still serious.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

This can be said to be the first battle of the Sharp Knife Recruit Company.

Such harsh conditions made Qin Yuandu realize the difficulty subconsciously.

"But don't be so nervous, kid."

"In country y, we have always cultivated a dark line, codenamed Violet!"

"I remember Xiao Qin, you don't have a girlfriend yet, that's a beauty!"

Ye Jianting said with a smile, his eyes meant something.

Qin Yuan was a little ashamed, "Chief, if there is nothing else, I will go back and make arrangements first."


"The helicopter will arrive at your recruit company in three hours."

"In these three hours, you should go back first and adjust the arrangement of each shift!"

"I look forward to the news of your triumph!"

After speaking, Ye Jianting stretched out his right fist rarely, hanging in the air, as if waiting for something.

"Triumphant return!"

Qin Yuan also stretched out his right hand and punched it with the opponent's right fist before leaving.

Three hours passed in a flash.

Qin Yuan, who had just arranged the formation, changed the six thorns into casual clothes, and the seven people, including Qin Yuan, boarded the plane immediately.

Qin Yuan glanced at the interior of the cabin.

Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai, Fang Tian, ​​Lin Dong, Hua Shanke, and Hao Lian Yaoyao were all upright and sat there with serious and serious faces.

In this regard, Qin Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

Then he said: "This time we will face actual combat!"

"I repeat, this time is not an exercise! It's an actual battle! Understand!"


The thorns tightened unconsciously and became more serious.

"This battle is not only to test whether your training during this period of time has made you a qualified special forces team member."

"At the same time, it is also a test for our Sharp Knife Recruit Company by the superior leader!"

"I hope that how many of us will go and how many will come back to completely wipe out the enemy army and leave no one behind!"

Qin Yuan simply made a pre-war mobilization, and then continued:

"I will briefly talk about the situation of the enemy this time."

"Our destination is city a in country y, where there is a trafficking group that pretends to be an international trade and transportation company on the outside, but is actually trading in d products."

"And, recently, the d products of this group have gradually flowed into our country through which channels, persecuting our people."

"The superiors hope that we can kill them and clear up the troubles!"

"Resolutely complete the task!"

As soon as Qin Yuan's voice fell, the thorns shouted.

Nodding his head, Qin Yuan said again:

"This battle is different from the past."

"The other side is an armed force with live ammunition, guns, and even heavy firepower."

"Similarly, we won't be able to directly land in city a can only land at the edge of country y, and then find a way to go to city a on our own."

"This computer is also the only thing we can get in touch with the military region."

"All the weapons and equipment, we need to win and get them by ourselves. Do you understand what I mean?"


The thorns responded again.

They also feel a little strange.

This is the face of a whole trafficking group.

But there is nothing on it, so let them wear casual clothes and go directly. The difficulty factor can be imagined.

Talk about the seriousness of the task.

Qin Yuan also laughed, "Okay, everyone relax."

"Don't worry about weapons and equipment."

"Isn't there a saying before, if we need guns and cannons, then let the enemy make them for us!"

"Besides, isn't it better to wear casual clothes?"

"We can still treat it as if we were traveling in the past."

"However, your clothes are really too lame. We'll go to country Y later. Let's go buy some clothes first."

"Director Ye approved us a full 50 million Huaxia Coins for action funds!"

When speaking, Qin Yuan waved his hand like a rich man.


"In the TV series I watched, the funds for action were all smashed and searched!"

"This one is 50 million, why am I a little uncomfortable?"

Zhang Shuai opened his mouth, his face full of surprise.

Good guy, that's fifty million!

"Little family."

Qin Yuan cursed angrily.

Then he said quietly:

"What we can bring back to Huaxia is not only this mere fifty million!"

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