Qin Yuan didn't have the slightest pity and cherished jade, and took a step forward and threw his right fist like lightning.

With a muffled sound, the entire body of the female soldier flew out instantly, and then slammed into the bed, and the wooden bed shattered.

"Wow, this... what's the origin of this person? He actually punched Shen Lanni, who was born in the military sports team, into this!" The long-haired, feminine female soldier looked at Qin Yuan in shock.

"That's Shen Lanni. Her fighting ability is outstanding in the entire military sports brigade. Even many male soldiers have been convinced by her, but now they can't even get up!"

The other female soldier with a smaller stature, but with an air of air in her chest, had an O-shaped mouth. She looked at Shen Lanni, who was in pain and couldn't get up from the ground. She was afraid to look at Qin Yuan's indifferent eyes.

Qin Yuan glanced at a few female soldiers, and said indifferently, "Who else wants to try, just let the horses come over, as long as any of you can defeat me, I will turn around and leave, and I won't ask you all about it."

Seeing the strange but fearful expressions on the faces of several female soldiers, Qin Yuan sneered and continued, "You can go together, including you, Instructor Tan Xiaolin!"

Qin Yuan turned to look at Tan Xiaolin, who was stunned behind him.

Under Su Guoqiang's instruction, the psychology graduate student from the Command College of the National Defense University and a master black belt will also conduct training together.

Tan Xiaolin also seemed to know what her superiors had arranged for her, and after a moment of indulgence, she nodded solemnly to Qin Yuan.

"All together?" Several female soldiers looked at each other, and a flame rose in their hearts. They are all elites from various units, and their strength is naturally not weak, otherwise they would not be formed by the chief to become the first in the entire army. Women's Special Forces.

The four of them, Su Xiaoyu and Zhang Shuai behind them, looked at this scene with a playful expression. They seemed to remember the scene when they were trained by Qin Yuan. They couldn't help but mourn for these female soldiers, hoping not to be broken by the company commander!

"Sisters, let's go together and beat this **** captain hard!" the tall female soldier shouted, with a look of excitement on her face.

Qin Yuan glanced at her. He was already familiar with all the information of the Fire Phoenix Commando, and at a glance he recognized her name as Tang Xiaoxiao. She was born in the dance team of the art troupe. She had average physical fitness and average fighting ability, but she was full of femininity.

As soon as the words fell, a group of female soldiers who were eager to try rushed up one after another. The first to come to the front was Tan Xiaolin who was behind her. She squeezed her fist and slammed Qin Yuan's head unceremoniously. It is in line with the black belt fighting master style on the data.

But in front of Qin Yuan, it was simply not enough to see! Almost at the same time, Qin Yuan didn't turn his head back, and swept away behind him like lightning with a whip leg.

Tan Xiaolin's face changed greatly, but it was too late to avoid, so she had to raise her arms to block in front of her.

After a loud noise, Tan Xiaolin groaned, and her whole body was like a kite with a broken string, smashing towards the place where Zhang Shuai was standing.

Zhang Shuai didn't even think about it, he dodged directly, and Tan Xiaolin's delicate body slammed heavily on the door, making a loud noise, almost smashing the door directly.

Tan Xiaolin struggled to get up and glared at Zhang Shuai a little, as if blaming him for not being a gentleman to avoid.

Zhang Shuai shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

At this time, Qin Yuan, like a ghost, shuttled back and forth around the several female soldiers who were attacking. The speed was extremely fast, and the strength of the shot was not the slightest pity, and there were constant cries of pain.

Looking at this scene, Zang Chong seemed to hear the tragic experience of his own, and his body trembled slightly, but he was secretly glad that he had met Qin Yuan, otherwise, how could such a transformation happen.

Like a goddess scattered flowers, the female soldiers were kicked out one by one by Qin and Anu, some smashed on the wall, some smashed on the bed, lying on the ground groaning in pain.

"Hmph, with your level, even some recruits are inferior. It's absurd that your superiors want to use you to form the first women's special forces unit in the army!"

Qin Yuan stood there quietly, looking at them without blushing or beating, his eyes full of undisguised disdain.

"Now, who else is dissatisfied? Just stand up!"

Shen Lanni, who was lying on the ground and struggling to get up not far away, was full of anger in her eyes. She wanted to get up and punch Qin Yuan several times, but she couldn't do it at all.

She was rebellious and unwilling to admit defeat. When she was in the Military Sports Engineering Brigade, she almost never met an opponent in combat.

Although Qin Yuan knocked her to the ground in a circle just now, she was still dissatisfied, "If it is a life-and-death duel on the battlefield, who will lose and who will win?"

"Hmph, even if you fight well, so what, you're not a rude person, and now it's a modern society, your set is useless at all, on the battlefield, personal force has almost no effect!"

On the other side, the female soldier who fell under the wall gritted her teeth. Her skin was exceptionally fair, her facial features were exquisite, and her short hair looked extremely refreshing. At this time, she looked at Qin Yuan with a trace of disdain and anger.

Qin Yuan looked at her and immediately thought of her information in his mind.

Ye Cunxin, Pvt. of the Traffic Company, a top student in the Department of Computer Science of Qinghua University, is a computer expert and has a very unique insight into modern high-tech warfare. Once in a confrontation, a person infiltrated a false command sent by the enemy's command system. , which laid a crucial foundation for the success of acting.

Obviously, this Ye Cunxin was mocking him for being a vulgar person who only fights and kills, doesn't know anything about modern high-tech warfare, and is just a cannon fodder.

"Do you think that you can win a war with just some computer technology and combat theory?" Qin Yuan walked slowly to her, looking down at her with a mocking tone.

"Isn't it?" Ye Cun raised her pretty face with gritted teeth and looked at Qin Yuan with hostility. As a computer expert who penetrated into the enemy's command system and played a huge role in acting, she felt that There is nothing wrong with what he said.


Qin Yuan kicked out without warning, and Ye Cunxin's body slammed heavily on the wall, making a loud noise.

The few female soldiers behind them looked at Qin Yuan who was so decisive and brutal, and their faces were full of anger and fear.

Tian Guo's body trembled, desperately shrinking towards the corner, and murmured, "Can't see me, can't see me..."

"Blatantly contradicting the superior, this is just a small punishment."

Qin Yuan looked at Ye Cunxin, who was clutching his stomach and twitching, and said indifferently, as if the outrageous shot just now was just a trivial matter.

In fact, he didn't play too hard, he just made Ye Cunxin suffer a little, and he wouldn't leave any future troubles.

"I'll give you one last time. In three minutes, I want to see you all gather on the playground, otherwise all of you will get out. The Fire Phoenix Commando will not raise waste!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he turned around and walked downstairs. Su Xiaoyu followed closely behind him, while Tan Xiaolin stayed here. Although her military rank was the same as Qin Yuan, she came here as a team member. Yes, they will undergo severe training as well.

After coming downstairs, Su Xiaoyu's indifferent face completely disintegrated, and she said with a hint of distress: "Company commander, will you be too cruel? No matter what, they are all female soldiers..."

Zhang Shuai glanced at Su Xiaoyu and explained on behalf of Qin Yuan: "On the battlefield, will the enemy let them go because they are female soldiers? Bullets don't have eyes. Since they came to the Phoenix Commando, they would like to If you want to become a special force, you need to accept this hardship, otherwise you will go up and die!"

Su Xiaoyu was speechless, turned to look at the dormitory corridor and said, "Then will they come down and gather?"

"Hehe, definitely, since they came here after layers of selection, no matter how dismissive they pretend to be, deep down they must be eager to become official special forces!" Fang Tian said with a smile.

In the dormitory, Tian Guo slowly got up from the ground, came to Ye Cunxin's side, helped her up, looked at a few sisters, and said weakly: "Or... let's listen to this instructor first, Do you think of a way to fight him later?"

She was really frightened. She had never seen such a terrifying, unsympathetic instructor, who did not agree with each other directly, but all of them were besieged, and they couldn't help him at all!

"Hmph, this time we will admit defeat for the time being, but next time, we must unite, let's work together to overthrow him!" Ye Cun said angrily while covering his stomach. She was beaten, but she was beaten twice, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became!

"Okay, then it's settled. Hurry up and clean up the assembly. That **** instructor gave us three minutes. If it's really late, he might really drive us all away!"

Tang Xiaoxiao hurriedly said that when several people heard this, their expressions were different, but they all quickly put on their military uniforms and ran downstairs in unison.

As soon as I got downstairs, I heard a thunder in my ear, and the majestic and heavy rain fell, and the rain instantly accumulated on the ground.

"Ah! Why is it raining heavily, I knew I would have gone down when I heard the assembly whistle, so I don't have to suffer this crime, and I was beaten." Tian Guo pouted with regret.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, the instructor is waiting for us, hurry up!" Tan Xiaolin glanced at Qin Yuan, who was as straight as a pines in the rain, and ran over there first.

Several female soldiers looked at each other, and helplessly dived into the rain curtain.

After a while, Qin Yuan looked at the eight female soldiers standing by himself, with an indifferent expression without any emotion.

The female soldiers were named Tan Xiaolin, Ye Cunxin, Shen Lanni, He Lu, Ouyang Qian, Qubi Azhuo, Tian Guo, and Tang Xiaoxiao.

They came from various units and were sent here after being selected to form the first female special forces unit in the army. Naturally, their strength should not be underestimated.

For example, Ye Cunxin, Shen Lanni and Tan Xiaolin are very capable of fighting, Ye Cunxin and Shen Lani's marksmanship is extremely good, and He Lu is the commander of the Red Arrow Brigade's medical company, with excellent medical skills and outstanding commanding ability.

Ouyang Qian is from the communication class of the Chemical Defense Corps. She is a top student in the Department of Chemistry of Nanjing University. She has a keen sense of smell, is careful and calm, and is a master of demining.

Qubi Azhuo is the squad leader of the paratroopers of the Army Aviation Brigade. He has lived in Daliang Mountain since he was a child. He has a very good understanding of the jungle and has a strong comprehensive ability.

As for Tian Guo and Tang Xiaoxiao, they are the more common ones. Tian Guo was born in the cooking class of the chemical defense troupe and is an authentic foodie and nympho, while Tang Xiaoxiao was born in the dance team of the art troupe, tall and feminine.

The heavy rain poured down, and everyone's clothes were wet and stuck to their bodies. Tang Xiaoxiao frowned and wanted to say something, but seeing Qin Yuan's emotionless face, his body froze slightly, pursing his lips and saying everything Swallow back in your stomach.

"Everyone, 10,000 meters, you can only eat after running. If you can't do it, go back to where you come from. There is no waste here!" Qin Yuan glanced at everyone, his tone was unusually cold.


All the female soldiers endured the anger in their hearts, turned around and ran towards the playground with unusually tidy footsteps.

"Zhang Shuai, Su Xiaoyu, Zang Chong, Fang Tian, ​​the four of you are optimistic about them. If there is any cheating or cheating, they will be sent back to the original army!"


The tidy shouts of the four echoed on the playground, and several female soldiers were angry, but there was nothing to do for a while, they could only grit their teeth and head forward.

"Sisters, we must not be convinced by this **** instructor. We are indeed inferior to him in fighting. After all, men and women are different, but modern warfare can never be solved by brute force. When training later, we must Find the place from here, and slap the **** instructor's mouth fiercely!"

Ye Cun gritted her teeth and said, she has never suffered such grievances since she was a child~www.readwn.com~ At this moment, she was thinking about how to kick Qin Yuan to the ground.

"Yes, the enemy killed is right, we must not give in to him, as long as the sisters unite, we will definitely be able to kill him!" Shen Lanni also said angrily.

These female soldiers have been here for two days, during which they are doing basic training spontaneously, and they have also cultivated some feelings for each other, and they have also taken code names for each other.

For example, Tan Xiaolin's code name is Yunque, Shen Lanni's is Destroyer Spirit, He Lu's name is He Lu Xue, Ouyang Qian's name is Wenxiang, Qubi Azhuo's name is Shexiang, Tianguo's is Pistachio, and Tang Xiaoxiao's name is Barbie.

"Keep quiet during training!"

At this moment, Su Xiaoyu yelled loudly, holding an assault rifle that he didn't know when.

When several female soldiers heard the words, Shen Lanni's face filled with anger, she subconsciously clenched her fist and wanted to rush towards Su Xiaoyu, but was pulled out by Tan Xiaolin next to her.

Shen Lanni seemed to have thought of something, and ignored him, turning her head and continuing to run, the rain under her feet clattered.

Su Xiaoyu didn't have any expression on his face, but his heart burst into laughter, "It turns out that training people is so cool, hahaha!" He seemed to have discovered a new world, staring at the eight running in the heavy rain. female soldier.

Time passed slowly, and after about half an hour, the group of female soldiers had run more than 30 laps, and no one was left behind.

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