Tian Guo and Tang Xiaoxiao, who were relatively poor in physical fitness, also fell to the back of the team, gritted their teeth and insisted.

They had already been selected from the grassroots team. Compared with the beginning of Su Xiaoyu's group of thorns, they were not the same.

However, after Zang Chong's training, his physical fitness and various special warfare skills are all very consummate.

Even the worst Su Xiaoyu can easily take over the siege of Ye Cunxin and Shen Lanni, and even have a great chance to fight back. This is the improvement brought by the training method of Qin Yuan's god-level special forces.

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan watched the off-road vehicle chasing after him, and shouted in the heavy rain, "Yes, you have something that I am impressed by. If you were so good, you wouldn't have to suffer from the previous hardships!"

Several female soldiers ran silently, as if they didn't see him at all.

In Tang Xiaoxiao's words, since you can't beat this **** now, just endure it silently, and find an opportunity to take revenge in the future!

Qin Yuan glanced at Zhang Shuai beside him, and Zhang Shuai immediately understood, coughed lightly and shouted, "The 10,000-meter pass requirement is forty-five minutes during troop training. Finish it within ten minutes, if one person is overtime, then postpone the meal for one hour, two people postpone the meal for two hours, and all overtime don’t eat!”

Looking at the time, Qin Yuan smiled and said: "It's 3:50 in the afternoon, which means you have to run 10,000 meters before 4 o'clock, or you will be punished."

"Being able to come to participate in the training of the Fire Phoenix Commando, I think you still have a little strength!"

"What? There are only ten minutes left? Sisters, come on, work harder!" Tan Xiaolin's face changed, and she encouraged the team members around her.

Although Ye Cunxin and Shen Lanni were angry, they didn't let up, because they knew that this **** instructor could really do such a crazy thing!

All the female soldiers ran wild with their teeth clenched. Even Tang Xiaoxiao, who had poor physical fitness, was using all her strength to suckle at this time. She wished her parents would give her another pair of long legs.

Soon, Qubi Azhuo, codenamed Shexiang, crossed the finish line first, Ye Cunxin and Shen Lanni were in second place, followed by He Lu, Ouyang Qian and Tan Xiaolin.

While Tian Guo and Tang Xiaoxiao were panting heavily in the rainstorm, they tried their best to rush forward.

In the end, everyone completed the 10,000-meter long-distance run within the specified time, and the first place was won by Shexiang. Qin Yuan did not have the slightest accident. As a child living in Daliang Mountain, her physical fitness is almost the strongest.

"It's very good, all of them reached the end at the specified time, but unfortunately, it's only four o'clock in the afternoon, plus this sudden rainstorm, the comrades in the restaurant said that the ingredients are not ready, so today's dinner will be postponed by one hours."

Qin Yuan continued with a smile: "This hour can't be wasted. For soldiers, time is life!"

Hearing Qin Yuan's words, all the female soldiers looked a little ugly for a moment, but when they remembered the scene of his brazen attack not long ago, they gritted their teeth and endured it.

Qin Yuan didn't seem to see it, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, "Everyone, start now, squat, one hour!"

"What? Squatting for an hour, isn't this killing me!" Tang Xiaoxiao widened his eyes, as if he couldn't believe what he heard, his legs were a little weak.

"It's raining so hard, and I ran another 10,000 meters just now. I don't need to eat now. I still need to squat for an hour. Do you still have humanity?"

Tian Guo's face flushed red, she mustered up her courage to look at Qin Yuan, and seemed to put all her fears behind her.

But seeing Qin Yuan's cold eyes looking at him, Tian Guo; the expression on his face froze, and he turned his head quickly, only feeling that he was in his eyes, as if there were no secrets.

Tan Xiaolin also seemed to want to say something, but seeing the indignant expressions of several female soldiers around, she suddenly understood something and closed her mouth again.

But even so, all the female soldiers honestly started doing squats.

At this time, it was raining heavily, and after just running 10,000 meters, the faces of several people were full of difficult expressions, and their postures were also somewhat non-standard.

Qin Yuan wasn't polite at all, he patrolled around several people like a wolf and wolf, and if someone's posture was not standard, he would directly help them to correct them. Of course, this process naturally made them comfortable.

An hour seems to be a short period of time. Usually, it will pass by sleeping, taking a bath, and taking a bath, but now everyone feels like a long year.

"I'm here to join the Fire Phoenix Commando, not to be trained. When will this hard life end?" Tang Xiaoxiao was crying and grimacing.

"That's right, meeting such a Jagged Instructor will definitely be difficult in the future, hey!"

"Hey, I can't help it. I can't beat him. We've all been beaten down together. Let's just bear with it and wait for a chance to attack again. The mother who beat this **** instructor directly doesn't know."

Finally, an hour passed, and with a harsh whistle, all the female soldiers seemed to have collapsed, their legs were weak, and they fell directly into the rain, their bodies covered with mud.

Qin Yuan looked at a few female soldiers on the ground with a smile on his face: "Your performance today is a little bit beyond my expectations. I take back what I said before. You are not trash, at least not now!"

When Ye Cun on the ground heard Qin Yuan's words, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of recognition in his heart, and his senses towards Qin Yuan instantly improved a lot.

But she woke up instantly, and warned herself fiercely in her heart: "Ye Cunxin, Ye Cunxin, what are you thinking, this **** instructor is your enemy, so it is possible to have a good impression of the enemy!"

"Everyone has it, disband now, let's go eat!" After Qin Yuan gave the order, he didn't leave immediately. He wanted to see, after the 10,000-meter long-distance running and an hour of squatting, who can get off the ground first stand up.

Hearing Qin Yuan's words, Shen Lanni subconsciously got up and wanted to go to the cafeteria. Just as her legs left the ground, a feeling of powerlessness hit instantly, and her whole body hit the ground again.

Looking at Qin Yuan's gaze, Shen Lanni turned her head away fiercely, thinking that the **** instructor was watching her jokes on purpose.

Not only Shen Lanni, but Tan Xiaolin and Ye Cunxin were like this. They wanted to get up, but their legs were weak. They fell weakly into the rain, and then stared at Qin Yuan, as if they wanted to kill him.

Qin Yuan shook his head. When he was about to turn to leave, a low roar suddenly sounded. He turned his head and saw that Tian Guo, who was not very physically fit, was clenching his teeth, struggling to get up from the ground like he was struggling with all his strength.

Tian Guo's petite body fell into the rain again and again, but she got up again and again with gritted teeth, as if there was a strong goal supporting her.

Finally, after falling a dozen times, Tian Guo forced his body to get up from the ground under Qin Yuan's somewhat surprised eyes, and then stumbled towards the cafeteria without looking back.

I don't know if it was an illusion, when Tian Guo passed in front of him, Qin Yuan vaguely saw a string of crystal saliva from the corner of her mouth...


Ye Cunxin looked at Tian Guoyu's back in the distance, and cursed inwardly, but his eyes subconsciously looked at his unsatisfactory legs.

He tried to struggle to get up again, but he slumped to the ground again, laying in the rain as usual, throwing his head and gasping for breath, preventing the rain from entering his mouth.

Qin Yuan glanced at Tian Guo's back in a weird way, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the potential of a cook is really endless. If she starved her for a few days, and then threw a pot of pork belly at the enemy headquarters, she would not be alone. Overrun the enemy base with a gun?

After thinking for a moment, he just sat on the stone pier not far away, looking at the seven female soldiers in front of him who didn't care about their image with great interest.

Zhang Shuai and the four went to the cafeteria to eat an hour ago. Now this training volume does not require so many people to supervise them. If these female soldiers can last until Devil Week, then they will only need the assistance of four people.

Two minutes later, Ye Cunxin eased a bit, glared at Qin Yuan angrily, and supported each other towards the dining hall.

On the first floor of the cafeteria, several female soldiers were sitting at a table, gobbling down the food in front of them, ignoring the image of a lady.

"Wow, these steamed buns look like ah, why have I never felt this way before!"

"Hey, hey, slow down the pistachios, no one will **** it from you, let me put down the pot with the pork belly!"

"Barbie, haven't you always called yourself a lady, is there a lady with a big meat bag in each hand and a mouth full of oil?"

"Wuwuwu, everyone is stopping me, I want to eat ten bowls in a row!"

Zhang Shuai, Su Xiaoyu, Zang Chong, and Fang Tian stared at the table in stunned eyes at the female soldiers who did not care about their image at all, devoured their mouths with oil, but they all understood it very well, because they all came here like this. …

They were trained too hard in the afternoon, their physical energy was consumed violently, the energy in their bodies was almost exhausted, and they almost had to grit their teeth to hold on.

Ten minutes later, Ye Cunxin and the others slowed down to eat, and began to discuss in a low voice how to deal with this **** instructor.

In the end, they decided not to be tough with Qin Yuan. After all, not long ago, they were not Qin Yuan's opponents when they joined forces, and they were like chickens in front of him with no backhand.

No matter what conflict arises, it is only them who will suffer. All they want to vent their anger can only be put in the next training, and slap Qin Yuan's face fiercely in a certain event to let him know that they are not easy to mess with !

After eating, Ye Cunxin and the others returned to the warm dormitory again. After a brief tidying up, they lay comfortably under the covers and began to sleep.

However, it didn't take long for the piercing emergency muster whistle to sound.

"Ah!! I can't take it anymore, who will kill this **** instructor with me!" Tang Xiaoxiao grabbed her messy long hair in an unbearable posture.

''Is the training of special forces like this, I heard that it is not so ruthless, right? , Tian Guo frowned.

"Hmph, this **** instructor must be taking revenge. We ignored him before, but now he is here to torture us in the middle of the night, so careful!" Ye Cun looked downstairs in the dormitory, his eyes full of resentment.

"Okay, stop complaining, hurry down, so as not to be punished by the instructor again." He Lu frowned and said while putting on her clothes.

After the rest of the people heard it, although they were reluctant, they all quickly put on their clothes when they thought of Qin Yuan's cold eyes.

Soon, Tan Xiaolin was the first to get dressed and rushed downstairs, Ye Cunxin, Shen Lanni, He Lu, Ouyang Qian and Azhuo followed closely, and Tian Guo and Tang Xiaoxiao finally left the dormitory.

Three minutes later, everyone stood neatly in the open space, Qin Yuan looked down at the time, with a satisfied expression on his face.

He really did not expect that these female soldiers who came from various units to participate in the training of the Fire Phoenix Commando would be so well behaved this time.

Originally, he thought that he would need to be shocked again to have this effect, but now it seems that these female soldiers are still very aware of current affairs, and they have avoided suffering again.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly came from behind.

The four Zhang Shuai dragged two boxes and ran over excitedly, "Company commander, tear gas is ready, if I say this is the first time you should use this thing..."

Before Zang Chong finished speaking, he suddenly looked at the neatly arranged female soldiers in front of him, as if he hadn't reacted.

"Company commander, what's the situation? Why are these female soldiers so obedient this time? All of them came out!"

Zhang Shuai also raised his brows, and his face was clearly disappointed, "Company Commander, are we running for nothing? They all came down, hey!"

Fang Tian and Su Xiaoyu were also full of disappointment. Before Qin Yuan blew the assembly whistle, they notified them to bring in two boxes of tear gas, so that the female soldiers could gain a better understanding.

As a result, the tear gas was laboriously moved, and now it is not used! They were looking forward to this scene with great anticipation~www.readwn.com~ After all, they were greeted by Qin Yuan with this thing, and now they can't help feeling a little unbalanced.

"Wow, Instructor, you are too dark, you actually want to use tear gas to **** us, do you still have any sense of pity!" Tian Guo stared at the two big boxes, and couldn't help but be glad that she had won. Lazy will, got up from the bed.

Ye Cunxin's faces were also filled with joy. Although they had never tried the taste of tear gas, they already knew the horror of this thing just through some understanding.

They would rather be beaten by Qin Yuan than be devastated by tear gas.

"It's alright, you go and move the tear gas to the vacant room in the dormitory building. It can be used sooner or later anyway." Qin Yuan said indifferently, as if he had foreseen the future.

"Yes, hahaha, it can be used sooner or later, come here, let's go!" When Su Xiaoyu heard this, the expression on his face instantly brightened, and he greeted Zang Chong and a few people to move the tear gas box.

Ye Cunxin's brows furrowed instantly when several people heard it, but they quickly relaxed again.

"Humph! Can it be used sooner or later? Just kidding, we will do whatever this guy asks us to do in the future, and we will never give the **** instructor a chance to punish us!"

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