Qin Yuan restrained all his expressions, glanced at the girls coldly, and said loudly: "In the next time, I will conduct cruel training on you that I have never experienced and cannot imagine!"

"Your spirit and body will be subjected to all kinds of unbearable torture. I will not be merciful because you are female soldiers!"

"Because you are here to participate in special forces training, and you are the first Fire Phoenix Commando in the military region, and special forces are an army with no tomorrow. Accidents can happen at any time!"

"If you are not ready to sacrifice for the country and the people at any time, then don't waste your time and leave as soon as possible!"

Although Ye Cunxin and Tan Xiaolin were still dissatisfied with Qin Yuan in their hearts, they also agreed with what he said. They even knew that this **** instructor would really not be merciful towards them. The scene that happened in the dormitory before was enough to show that this Human blood is really cold!

No one chose to leave, even the foodie Tian Guo didn't move a bit, but just looked at Qin Yuan with some fear, as if he was a tiger that could eat people.

Seeing that no one came out, Qin Yuan grinned with satisfaction, but the smile seemed a little stern.

"Hehe, I hope you will remember your choices. Don't be slack because this is just a training ground, not a real battlefield, because I will train you in the most suitable way for the battlefield."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, you are not yet a member of the Fire Phoenix Commando. Only through this selection and training will you be eligible to enter this team."

"Selection training also has a death quota. If you die during training, you won't be counted as a martyr. Well... it's a training accident at most."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the female soldiers headed by Tan Xiaolin changed slightly. Even Shen Lanni, the most stubborn character, felt her scalp numb at this time. Tian Guo's face turned pale, and she looked at Qin Yuan with a dull look. .

The training that can train people to death, this... is it really just a selection training!

"Since none of you want to quit, let's talk about the subjects and rules of future training, Zang Chong!"


Zang Chong strode forward in response. He was nearly 1.9 meters tall, and with his strong black bear-like stature, it gave people a very heavy sense of oppression, as if facing a hill.

Glancing at a few female soldiers, Zang Chong roared in a rough and penetrating voice: "The selection and training of the Fire Phoenix is ​​divided into three stages!"

"The training subjects in the first stage are designed to squeeze your ultimate physical strength, and toughness, patience, hunger, exhaustion, etc.!"

At this stage, your meals are only steamed buns and vegetables, and the quantity is limited. Whoever completes the training first can go to the cafeteria to eat!

"No more than four hours of sleep a day, 30 kilograms of weight, and 5 kilometers of armed cross-country before meals every day!"

"Complete the 800-meter obstacle course ten times a day, no more than four minutes!"

"More than 1,000 one and two exercises on the single and parallel bars every day!"

"Hang the ladder up and down 300 times a day. Go back and forth 300 times through 30 meters of barbed wire!"

"every day…"

Zang Chong kept announcing the training subjects for the first stage. Ye Cunxin and several female soldiers stared at him with dull expressions, as if they were frightened.

If they follow this training intensity, can they last until the end of the training? Just kill them!

After Zang Chong announced all the subjects, Qin Yuan stepped forward. Most of the female soldiers were stunned, but Shen Lanni looked at him provocatively, as if to say, if you have the ability, you will be trained. Dead aunt!

And Qubi Azhuo looked at him with fiery eyes, and seemed to be very excited, Qin Yuan was very puzzled, does this girl have a tendency to be masochistic?

"This level of training is just an appetizer for a qualified special forces soldier!" Qin Yuan glanced coldly at the female soldiers.

"The special forces will face the most cruel and tortured environment. After going deep behind the enemy's back and being surrounded, without any support or food, there will be weeds and dirty rain all over the ground, and the task will not be completed. Before, the only thing you can rely on is your own tenacity!"

"For any qualified special forces, the task is more than everything. You can die, but the task must be completed. This is our mission. Only with tenacity, we can support our lives and successfully complete the task!"

"This is the special will, and these training subjects are to sharpen your willpower, using all kinds of extreme training, like a grindstone, to hone a tenacious will!"

"Maybe you don't know this yet, but when you become one of us, you will understand the meaning of these words!"

All the female soldiers present, after hearing these words, seemed to have a flame burning in their hearts, and their perception of him was much better, but they still did not fully believe him!

This is only the first stage of training. As for the second stage and the third stage, I don't think I need to explain it at all, because, in my opinion, you can't last until this time! , the contempt in Qin Yuan's eyes was almost undisguised.

As soon as these words came out, the flames in Ye Cun's heart and Shen Lanni's hearts instantly turned into anger, and they stared at Qin Yuan with gritted teeth. Even Tan Xiaolin, who had always been cooperative, also looked at him angrily at this time.

Qin Yuan sneered and shouted: "Everyone, with a load of 30 kilograms and an armed cross-country of 10 kilometers, one hour, if you don't finish it, don't sleep tonight!"

Thirty kilograms... ten kilometers... run in one hour!

The faces of the female soldiers changed slightly, Tang Xiaoxiao's calf twitched, and she almost collapsed to the ground.

"If you think you can't do it, and want to quit, you can come out now, then go back to the dormitory, sleep in the warm bed, and someone will pick you up back to the original army tomorrow morning!"

"Otherwise..." Qin Yuan pointed to a pile not far away, turned his head, and shouted loudly, "Just put the bricks in my backpack, enough for 30 kilograms, if I find out that someone is short of jins or less. Two, get out of here, no waste is needed here!"

Shen Lani gritted her teeth: "Sisters, don't let him look down on us, no matter what we say, we are all top soldiers in our unit, we can't just go back in such a bleak way and put up bricks!"

"That's right, just die, anyway, they're all here, they want me to leave, there's no door!" Ye Cun said in a loud voice, turning around and running towards the pile of bricks.

Under the encouragement of the two, no one chose to quit, even Tang Xiaoxiao, who was of average physical fitness, forced to load bricks into the backpack.


Qin Yuan waved his hand and shouted towards Zhang Shuai behind him.

"Bang bang bang!" A series of gunshots came violently, Zang Chong, Su Xiaoyu and Fang Tian, ​​each carrying an assault rifle, opened fire in the sky.

"Everyone, follow the car in front. Whoever dares to stop will be blamed for being rude! Run!"

Zang Chong roared, his majestic and tall body looked very oppressive, he pressed the muzzle of the rifle in his hand and shot frantically at the feet of Ye Cunxin and the girls.

The metal bullets hit the ground and made a dull sound, which made the scalp numb. Rao was a few women who were reckless, and they were so scared that they shivered, raised their legs and ran!

In front of them, Zhang Shuai drove a military vehicle to lead the way. Zang Chong, Su Xiaoyu, and Fang Tian also got into the car. They stared at them on both sides of the team, shooting at their feet from time to time, which made them scream. Running quickly.

"Run fast, at your current speed, any old lady who just pulls in can run faster than you, and it's ridiculous to even want to join the Fire Phoenix Commando!"

Su Xiaoyu held a gun and looked majestically at the female soldiers running on the ground, not to mention how comfortable he was. At the same time, he also thought that when his company commander was training them, did he also have this idea?

At this moment, Shen Lanni at the front of the team suddenly turned around and glared at Su Xiaoyu, looking at his slender body, she seemed extremely disdainful.

Su Xiaoyu snorted, raised the muzzle and fired a few shots towards the ground ahead unceremoniously. It just hit Shen Lanni's raised feet. His marksmanship has reached the peak level, and naturally there will be no misses.

Shen Lanni was frightened by the sudden shots, and she could even clearly perceive that the air flow caused by the bullets almost swept past the soles of her feet, almost falling to the ground.

After reacting, Shen Lanni's face was full of embarrassment, and she glared at Su Xiaoyu for three seconds, as if to write down his face.

Su Xiaoyu lowered the muzzle abruptly, and pretended to continue to shoot, so scared that Shen Lanni hurriedly turned her head and strode forward, cursing in her heart.

If it is a conventional army, there must be no live ammunition during training. Only when shooting at the shooting range will some live ammunition be equipped.

The Fire Phoenix Commando is a special force, and they all train with real guns and live ammunition, so when the special forces are training, there will be some irreversible accidents, but these are all they have to face.

Special forces will only be equipped with blank ammunition during some exercises, and at other times, they will use live ammunition.

The purpose of this is to allow them to participate in training with the most seriousness at the beginning, in order to cope with the actual combat state.

At this time, Qubi Azhuo, Ye Cunxin, and Shen Lanni were running at the front of the team, and at the back were Tian Guo and Tang Xiaoxiao, who were less physically fit.

Both women opened their mouths wide, gasping for breath, looking like they were about to suffocate.

"No, I said, Pistachio, what are you doing, always following my ass? I don't feel safe, okay?"

Barbie Tang laughed and shouted to Tian Guo who was behind him panting.

"Jianghu, Jianghu emergency, I'm following behind you, you can let me block the wind, huhuhuhu!" Pistachio's white face was covered in sweat, gasping for breath, and stammering explained.

"You... don't follow me, He Lu Xue, the big man, wouldn't it be better if you follow behind her?" Barbie was a little speechless, and pointed her finger at He Lu Xue Road in front of her.

"I... I can't catch up with her..." Tian Guo raised her head and said extremely aggrieved.


Fang Tian, ​​who was on the military vehicle not far away, couldn't help laughing. Seeing Tian Guo looking at him, he quickly restrained all his expressions and turned into a cold-blooded instructor again.


Tian Guo snorted Fang Tian angrily, turned her head and continued to shrink behind Barbie.

Ye Cunxin, who was in front of the team, touched Shen Lanni next to him, then turned his eyes and said, "Destroyer, when you were in the Military Sports Work Brigade, wasn't your marksmanship always at the forefront? Let's find an opportunity to shoot the next time. During training, I slapped the instructor hard in the face, to see if he is still arrogant!"

Hearing Ye Cunxin's words, Shen Lanni's eyes lit up. She is best at fighting and shooting, but when it comes to fighting, let alone her, even if everyone goes together, she is no match for the **** instructor.

At the moment, it seems that only shooting can hope to crush him, so that the previous revenge can be avenged!

"Okay! Let's do it like this! Show him some color and let this **** instructor know that we are not to be messed with!" Shen Lanni held her pink fist, her tone was excited, she seemed to have seen Qin Yuan kneeling on the ground The appearance of being conquered.

Ye Cunxin hadn't spoken yet, when a shuttle of bullets hit them beside them, splashing a piece of mud.

Qin Yuan was riding in a military vehicle, and at some point, he came behind them, screaming and hiding to the side.

"Are you training or on vacation? Are you running very easy? In that case, you two will stop for me and put three more bricks each!"

After speaking, Qin Yuan directly threw the few bricks he had prepared.

"Wow! If you say a few words, you have to add bricks. Is there any reason for this!" Tang Xiaoxiao protested loudly at the back. Although people are more polite, she is still very loyal. Anyway, she thinks so!

"Contradict the instructor, you also add three bricks!" Qin Yuan's tone was very flat, almost indifferent, as if he had no emotion.

Looking at the three bricks thrown in front of him, Tang Xiaoxiao opened his mouth wide, as if he was about to cry, and wanted to slap himself.

Then he looked at Qin Yuan with tears in his eyes. UU reading www.uukanshu.com tried to influence his hard heart by selling cuteness, so that she didn't have to plug these bricks.

Qin Yuan seemed to have not seen it, and passed by her very calmly.

Ye Cunxin and Shen Lanni in front looked like they were going to eat him, but they still endured their anger and put the bricks in their backpacks.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yuan was a little surprised. Originally, he thought that the two thorns would continue to contradict, but he was already ready to take action, but he didn't expect the two to endure so much.

Oppressing and insulting their spirit and self-esteem is one of the important training purposes of special forces.

If a special soldier is scolded, he can't bear it and wants to teach the other side a lesson, then he can't fight behind the enemy at all.

Fighting behind enemy lines does not mean just finding a place to hide, then launching an offensive against the enemy, and lurking undercover, and it is more likely to face torture after being captured.

Once faced with this situation, is it possible that after being provoked by the enemy a few times, he will do all the tricks?

This is why, in the special forces training, those instructors always rack their brains and use all kinds of language and actions full of ridicule and contempt to stimulate the newcomers.

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