Tang Xiaoxiao, you also lost the communicator in the military area to reduce the load, and only brought the captured blue army communication equipment.

"What? Instructor, throw away the communicator, and we won't be able to get information and support from the military area!" Tian Guo said with a look of surprise.

Qin Yuan smiled and said: "As long as we succeed in this operation, this exercise will basically be over, and naturally there is no need for intelligence and support in the military area."

"What! Could it be that this time, we are going to behead the Blue Army?" Ouyang Qian's eyes widened, with a look of shock and excitement on her face.

"Calm down, let alone beheading. Now the instructor says to take us to the sky, I won't even blink!" Tang Xiaoxiao said slowly.

"However, if it is beheading, why do we go to the helicopter base on the edge of the battlefield, it must be far away from the blue army headquarters!" Ye Cun looked at Qin Yuan with some puzzlement.

Qin Yuan's face froze, he couldn't tell her, this is a task given by Gou System, and if you complete it, you can get world-class hacking technology, right?

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered that in the TV series, Ye Cunxin is a top student in the Department of Computer Science of Qinghua University, and is familiar with hacking technology. Can she crack the blue army's communication command system?

Yu Shiqin Yuan asked directly: "Ye Cunxin, aren't you proficient in computers, can you try to crack this equipment?"

Ye Cun was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "Instructor, you really value me too much. If it's an ordinary communicator, it's naturally no problem."

"But what we have is the communication equipment of the chief of staff of the Blue Army, which has a high level of confidentiality, and ordinary hacking techniques cannot be leveraged at all. I tried something similar when I was in college. It is only possible after special training.”

"Okay..." Qin Yuan nodded helplessly.

Soon, five minutes passed. Under the leadership of Qin Yuan, the members of the Fire Phoenix Commando, lightly dressed, quickly ran towards the Blue Army Helicopter Base, which is 70 kilometers away.

With the help of hundreds of god-level intelligent poisonous bees and peak-level danger perception, Qin Yuan easily bypassed all patrolling or passing blue army troops and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

Three hours later, in front of a heavily guarded base, Qin Yuan and others appeared in the grass 300 meters away.

The females of the Fire Phoenix Commando team had their chests heaving violently, panting heavily, beads of sweat dripping down their cheeks, looking exhausted.

"Instructor, we... what should we do next?", Tan Xiaolin stared at Qin Yuandao out of breath, and at the same time was extremely shocked. In three hours, she ran for 70 kilometers in the dense forest, even if the weight on her body was equal to Not much, but they were all almost exhausted, but Qin Yuan seemed to be spreading, but there was some fine sweat on his forehead, obviously not reaching the limit at all.

"Instructor, it's really...not a person!" Tan Xiaolin exclaimed in her heart, but she didn't show the slightest hint on her face.

"Take a rest for ten minutes, recover your strength, and remember to hide your figure." Qin Yuan said solemnly, staring at the base in front of him without blinking.

"it is good!"

Qin Yuan didn't speak anymore, his consciousness connected with more than a dozen god-level intelligent poisonous bees, and quietly probed the entire base.

The area there is not particularly large, it is more like a temporary set up. Except for a dozen simple lift pads, there are some tents and warehouses. At this time, a few staff members are busy outside.

Soon, everyone regained most of their physical strength, and Qin Yuan whispered: "You guys should be careful around the periphery. I'll go ahead and explore the way and destroy their communication equipment as quietly as possible."

"When there is movement inside, don't go in either, just ambush any enemy that appears outside, don't let anyone go, understand?"


The girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando said in unison, if it was before, they might have been very worried about Qin Yuan breaking into the Longtan Tiger Den alone.

But since the last time I saw with my own eyes, Qin Yuan, alone, quietly killed the chief of staff of the Blue Army, and then faced more than 20 special forces, and almost wiped them all out with ease, the girls already thought, Your instructor is almost omnipotent.

After Qin Yuan finished explaining, he got up and touched the front. Under the cover of the dense jungle, he soon came to a position 100 meters in front of the base.

Under the detection of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he easily found the four secret whistle hidden in the dark.

With the help of peak-level concealment skills, Qin Yuan silently touched the nearest secret whistle, and soon came to a position five meters behind him, and then a flying body jumped directly behind him and covered it. His mouth, while pressing the handle of the dagger against his back.

"Shh, you're already dead, remember the rules of the drill!"

As soon as the voice fell, the body of the subdued blue army dark whistle slackened, and no longer made a whimpering sound.

Seeing this, Qin Yuan also let go of his left hand, took off the communicator on his ear, and put it on his body.

"I said brother, are you a human or a ghost? How could you suddenly appear behind me?" The man looked at Qin Yuan in shock, unable to think of an answer.

Qin Yuan didn't speak, he made a shush gesture, then turned out the hidden spot of the dark whistle, and moved towards another place.

In less than three minutes, Qin Yuan cleaned all the surrounding dark whistle and got their headsets. Once the other party had any abnormality, he could immediately notice it.

According to the investigation of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, there are only more than 30 people left to guard the entire helicopter base. Fortunately, there is a helicopter parked on the apron.

At this time, the entire base was already under Qin Yuan's control. He avoided all the monitoring equipment, like a ghost, and quietly moved towards the tent where the communication equipment was located.

Soon, he appeared in a relatively large tent, which was brightly lit. Did he hear the sound of typing on the keyboard, as well as the sound of long breathing, obviously he had fallen into a deep sleep.

Without any hesitation, Qin Yuan directly took out the only remaining hand. Lei, after unplugging the fuse, he opened the tents, reached out and flipped them in, and then his feet seemed to be loaded with springs, quickly disappearing into the darkness. middle.

Almost at the same time, a muffled sound came from the tent, and there was a faint scream after being awakened.

In the rest of the tents around, the lights were bright at the same time, and one figure rushed out of it quickly, all the muzzles of the gun pointed at the tent where the movement was heard, and his face was full of solemnity.

A man with two bars and three stars and the appearance of a captain shouted: "Go to two people and see what's going on inside, remember to be careful, the rest are on alert immediately, and if there is any abnormality, shoot directly!"


The two people in the front looked at each other and moved cautiously towards the tent door. The others raised their guns and stared straight ahead without blinking.

After the two lifted the tent curtain with guns, they immediately looked inside, and soon reported to the back: "Report captain, as long as we have people inside, they will be eliminated!"

The captain's expression changed, and he said in a dignified voice, "Can the communication equipment in it still be used?"

"It has been completely damaged and cannot be used any more!"

"Grass!" The man scolded fiercely and said loudly: "The enemy is using hand. Lei, it must not have run far away now, we still have dark guards outside, we can definitely..."

Before he finished speaking, his expression changed again, and he quickly pressed the headset and said urgently, "Yelang No. 1, please answer when you receive it!"

However, a terrifying scene appeared. As soon as he finished speaking, the same voice suddenly came out from a tarpaulin not far away, which looked very strange.

The captain suddenly wanted to understand something, and was about to raise his muzzle to shoot over there, when a vague figure jumped up, holding an assault rifle in his hand, pouring bullets without warning.

In the blink of an eye, thick yellow smoke billowed out one after another, and a dozen people, including the captain, were eliminated directly.

The rest of the people reacted immediately, turned their guns, pulled the trigger frantically, and then the figure was like a ghost, disappearing directly into the jungle after a few jumps, leaving only an empty magazine.

When those people were about to chase after them, the captain suddenly scolded and scolded: "Idiot, if the other party dares to attack the base, it must not be alone. If you go up now, you will definitely fall into the trap of the place!"

"Then... Captain, what should we do next?" a person asked with a bitter face.

The captain looked at the thick smoke that was still rising from his body, and lowered his voice and said bitterly: "Quickly evacuate here, and spread the news of the sneak attack here as soon as possible, the other party has come here thousands of miles away, there must be some secret mission! "


The remaining nearly 20 people's faces tightened, and they rushed in the direction away from Qin Yuan, daring not to stop at all.

Three hundred meters away, Ye Cunxin observed the scene through the sniper scope and said solemnly, "Instructor, nearly twenty people are coming here, all with weapons in their hands, what should we do?"

Tan Xiaolin looked at He Lu next to her, and after nodding her head, she immediately said, "When they come within a 100-meter range, take action immediately, and don't give them a chance to react."

"These people are obviously released to us on purpose by the instructors. With such a large advantage, if even they can't solve it, the Fire Phoenix Commando will no longer need to exist. I hope you can show all your strength!"

"Yes!" Ye Cunxin and the others shouted in a low voice, with a flash of excitement in their eyes. The exercise has been going on for so long, and it is the first time they have encountered the enemy head-on. I can't even lift my head up!

In the helicopter base, Qin Yuan looked at the backs of more than 20 people leaving, and did not intend to continue shooting, but got up and walked slowly towards the front.

When the captain saw Qin Yuan appear, he immediately showed a resentful expression on his face, and then he suddenly found that there was no one behind Qin Yuan, obviously there was only one person.

His face changed drastically, as if he had thought of something, and he was about to shout out to the people who were leaving, reminding them that there was a trap ahead, a huge force was slammed into the back of his head, and his mind immediately became dizzy. Controlled to the ground.

"What are you doing, why did you knock out our captain?"

The other dozen or so people who were eliminated together were immediately furious, and raised their weapons one after another, as if as long as Qin Yuan didn't give a reasonable explanation, they would have the opportunity to take action immediately.

"Hehe, the rules of the exercise, have you let it go as a fart? This person has already been eliminated, and he has tried to remind others many times that it is light for me to knock him unconscious. Believe it or not, when the exercise is over, I will sue him. Go to court martial!"


A dozen people looked at each other, subconsciously put down their weapons, pursed their lips, and the anger in their eyes disappeared.

Qin Yuan snorted coldly and strode forward. Those people immediately gave way and watched his figure slowly disappear in front of him.

His speed was not fast, and when he walked more than 100 meters, the gunshots in front had stopped.

Through several god-level intelligent poisonous bees, Qin Yuan could clearly see that the twenty or so people he deliberately released to the Fire Phoenix Commando had been wiped out. Clear what happened.


When Qin Yuan came to the fire phoenix commando's position, all the girls greeted him one after another, the excitement on his face could hardly be suppressed.

"You did a great job!" Qin Yuan praised without hesitation, then looked at Tang Xiaoxiao~www.readwn.com~ and gave me the Blue Army's communication equipment. "

Tang Xiaoxiao immediately put the equipment on her back on the ground with some difficulty when she heard the words. During the previous 70 kilometers of running, this thing almost crushed her.

Qin Yuan squatted on the ground and started it directly, and an input password box immediately appeared on the screen.

"Instructor, did you find a way to crack the Blue Army's communication system in the helicopter base?" Ye Cun asked curiously.

Qin Yuan nodded perfunctorily, focusing all his attention on the communication equipment in front of him. Just now, the reward for destroying the Blue Army Helicopter Base, that is, the world-class hacking technology, has been issued. He is confident enough to succeed. Break the communication system.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yuan stretched out his hand and pressed a few times on the touch screen of the computer. A series of complicated numbers and symbols immediately appeared on it, and they were running rapidly.

Using both hands, he quickly entered a string of codes on the screen with his ten fingers, dazzled by the onlookers.

Ye Cunxin, who was born in the Department of Computer Science of Qinghua University, stared at the big-eyed boss, looking at the fast-running code in front of him with an incredible expression, and a storm of waves broke out in his mind. The instructor is actually a computer expert who is proficient in hacking technology.

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