Soon, the screen displayed on the satellite computer changed immediately, revealing a very cumbersome interface.

"Oh my God, the blue army's communication system has actually been cracked!" Tang Xiaoxiao opened his mouth wide, and his eyes were full of incredible light.

The faces of the rest of the people were also a little dull, looking at Qin Yuan's young and handsome face with shock, and a thought poured out in their hearts at the same time: "What is there in this world that an instructor can't?"

Qin Yuan frowned slightly when he looked at the complicated interface in front of him. The interface of this communication system is specially customized. Most people have not learned it and need to spend a lot of time exploring, but obviously, he does not have that much time.

Tang Xiaoxiao, who was next to him, seemed to have noticed Qin Yuan's change, and volunteered: "Instructor, just leave it to me. It won't take long to find the location of the Blue Army headquarters."

"it is good!"

Qin Yuan didn't say much, and directly handed over the satellite computer. After Tang Xiaoxiao took it, he put it on his lap for a while, his eyes opened brighter and brighter.

"It's done!"

Two minutes later, Tang Xiaoxiao turned the computer screen to Qin Yuan with a happy face.

"The location of the Blue Army headquarters is about 50 kilometers away from here. Instructor, shall we go straight there?"

Ye Cunxin and the others hurriedly looked at Qin Yuan, their eyes full of eagerness to try, if they could behead the Blue Army commander in one fell swoop, their Fire Phoenix Commando would be completely famous in the entire military region!

Qin Yuan didn't speak immediately. After pondering for a while, he asked in a deep voice, "How many troops does the Blue Army headquarters defend? Can you get this information?"

"No problem, the communication equipment in our hands belongs to the Chief of Staff of the Blue Army, and can easily obtain many useful things. Even if they know that this thing is in our hands, they cannot detect or stop it, because we use a secret door. Hacking into their system!"

Tang Xiaoxiao vowed, and then immediately began to operate on it. After about a minute, her face suddenly became ugly. With a wry smile: "There are actually four reinforcement regiments guarding there, and there is also a special team!"

"What, the defense is so tight, how can we beheaded?" Tian Guo said with wide-eyed eyes.

Everyone in the Fire Phoenix Commando looked at each other in dismay, the excitement in their eyes gradually faded, and they couldn't help but smile.

Qin Yuan thought for a moment and asked in a deep voice, "With the help of this satellite computer, can you send false instructions?"

"It's okay, but it can only last for no more than five minutes. The technicians over there can find clues and issue an alarm. At that time, the satellite computer will be useless!"

"Five minutes..." Qin Yuan stroked his chin, his eyes changed suddenly, as if he had made a decision, looked at the girls, and grinned: "You... do you want to play something exciting?"

"Think, think!" Tian Guo raised her right hand excitedly, her eyes full of eagerness to try.

"You are an instructor, we will not have any objection to what you want to do!" Tan Xiaolin said firmly when she saw Qin Yuan's gaze turned to herself.

The remaining women of the Fire Phoenix Commando nodded heavily.

"Okay! Then let's go to the Blue Army headquarters to give a big gift!"

Two minutes later, Qin Yuan stood in front of a helicopter, followed by the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando who looked puzzled.

"You...what else are you doing!"

The captain guarding the helicopter base asked nervously, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Hey, you're already dead, stay on the side!" Tian Guo said badly, the assault rifle in his hand had been raised slightly, as if he would shoot at any time.

The captain's face changed a few times, but he still took a few steps back and stood at the back to watch this scene from a distance. Although all empty bullets were used in the exercise, it was still painful to hit him at such a close distance. Incomparably, he really didn't want to try it a second time.

"Instructor, what are we doing here?" Ye Cun asked with some doubts.

"Of course I used it to give gifts to the Blue Army headquarters." Qin Yuan's smile looked a little weird.

"But, we don't know how to fly an armed helicopter here." Tian Guo glanced at the middle-aged female soldier and asked with some doubts. Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something. She stared at Qin Yuan with wide eyes and asked as if to prove it. Said: "Instructor, do you know how to fly a helicopter?"

"Does it need to be said, our instructor is all-powerful, just a helicopter. Even if one day, the instructor comes back with a fighter jet, I will not be surprised!" Tang Xiao smiled proudly.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, get on the plane quickly, we're running out of time!"

"Hey, what are you going to do? This helicopter is very expensive. You can't afford to pay for any collision!" The guard captain said nervously.

"Can't afford to pay? Just kidding, instructor, you can do whatever you want, even if you really break it, no matter how much money you need, I'll cover it!" Ye Cun patted his chest with a proud look on his face!

"The enemy is killed, your family is so rich, an armed helicopter is not a small amount?" Tan Xiaolin said with some doubts, of course she would not think that the instructor would damage the helicopter, just a little curious, is Ye Cunxin right? talking big.

"Hahaha, Yunque, you don't know this, right? Killing the enemy is a standard rich second-generation, and her family's wealth, even in the entire Dragon Kingdom, can be ranked first, just a helicopter, sprinkle. water."

Tang Xiaoxiao hugged Ye Cunxin's shoulders like a dog.

Tan Xiaolin's eyes widened, she felt as if she had never known her sister, and her face was still a little weird.

"It's true. On the day of the end of Devil Week, we went to the house where the enemy killed. It's just that you weren't there at the time and didn't see it." He Lu explained with a smile.

"Hurry up and board the plane, your instructors are not so low yet, it's just a helicopter, it's very easy to drive!" Qin Yuan urged.

"I'm coming!"

"No, you can't drive it away!" The captain of the guard finally changed his face and rushed over desperately, as if to stop Qin Yuan and others!

"Da da da!"

Tian Guo fired without hesitation, and a series of empty bullets landed on the captain's body. He couldn't stop screaming in pain. He squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, and did not dare to take a step forward.

"Hahaha, this is right, remember the rules of the exercise, you are already dead!"

In Tian Guo's arrogant shouting, the helicopter rolled air and flew forward quickly, disappearing from sight in the blink of an eye.

"Team... Captain, do we want to report to our superiors? If there is any damage to the helicopter, we will be responsible!" A soldier trotted to the front and asked anxiously.

"What to report! We are already dead, how can the dead talk!" The captain reprimanded the man angrily, "Everyone, gather immediately, you are not allowed to go there, let me clean the base inside and outside. , so many people, being surrounded by nine people, shame!"


On the helicopter, Tian Guo looked at the rapidly retreating scenery below, turned his head and asked Qin Yuan in the cockpit excitedly, "Instructor, can we learn to drive this thing?"

"Of course, as a special force, mastering the driving skills of various tools is a basic course. When the exercise is over, I will apply to the military region for some helicopters, tanks, etc. You must master them all!"

"Really! That's great! Instructor, I love you!"

"Hey, keep pistachio, everyone is watching! Not to mention that the instructor is not yours alone!" Tang Xiao smiled displeased.

"I'm happy, do you mind, a little bit!" Tian Guo stuck his tongue out at her.

"Okay, there's still an hour at most before we can get to the Blue Army headquarters. You guys should rest as soon as possible to replenish your strength." Qin Yuan thought for a while and continued.

"Tang Xiaoxiao, you can use the cracked satellite computer as soon as possible to set up a false command, so that we can enter the Blue Army headquarters smoothly!"

"Okay!" Tang Xiaoxiao responded, bowed his head and started to get busy.

"Instructor, what should we do when we arrive at the headquarters? We only have nine people, and the other party has four reinforcement regiments and a special team!" Tian Guo asked with some doubts


Tan Xiaolin and others also looked at Qin Yuan, with the same doubts on their faces. Although they were very confident in Qin Yuan, it was after all the heavily guarded Blue Army headquarters, and they were a little clueless in their hearts.

"As long as we can successfully create a false order and successfully approach the Blue Army headquarters, we will have the opportunity to give it a pot. Don't forget, we have an armed helicopter in our hands."

"Gunship, what's the matter? There may be dozens of them in the Blue Army headquarters!" Tian Guo's eyes widened.

"Could it be that the instructor wanted to use the rockets carried by the helicopter to directly overturn the Blue Army headquarters!" Ye Cunxin said abruptly, his face full of shock.

"Yes, as long as the Blue Army Headquarters can be brought in, they will be almost paralyzed. Each unit will fight for itself. If it doesn't last long, it will be eaten up by our Red Army!" Qin Yuan nodded.

"Wow, this is too crazy! There have been no less than 500 exercises in various military regions, and it has never been so crazy. If we can succeed, it will definitely create a precedent!"

Tang Xiaoxiao raised his head and said loudly, as if he had already thought of that scene, his face was full of longing.

"How about it? Have you made any false orders? Whether this plan can succeed or not depends on you." Qin Yuan asked.

"It's a bit complicated, but don't worry, instructor, I will definitely complete the task!" Tang Xiaoxiao clenched his fists, his eyes were full of excitement, and his breathing became a little heavier.

"Instructor, what do we need to do when we arrive at the Blue Army headquarters?" Tan Xiaolin asked, even her temperament was inevitably a little nervous at this time.

"Just hurry up with the helicopter!"


A row of question marks rose in the minds of the girls of the Phoenix Commando.

About fifty minutes later, the helicopter came to an extremely dense jungle. When Qin Yuan was about to speed up to fly past, a harsh alarm sounded in the cabin.

"what happened?"

The girls were awakened immediately, raised their assault rifles, and their faces were full of alertness.

Qin Yuan looked at the display on the interface, thought for a moment, first let the helicopter hover in place, and then pressed the wireless answer button.

"Uncontrolled helicopters in the sky, please send a secret order immediately, otherwise we will judge you as an intrusion and immediately launch artillery strikes!"

At the same time, the muzzles of the black holes suddenly protruded from the dense forest below, all pointing here, as if they would open fire at any time.

Hearing the voice from the communicator, Qin Yuan turned his head to look at Tang Xiaoxiao who was behind him.

Tang Xiaoxiao seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and directly handed over a data cable connected to the satellite computer.

"Instructor, I've got the secret order. As long as you plug the data cable into the onboard radio, it can be sent."

Qin Yuan took it with his hand and inserted it directly into the designated slot. Tang Xiaoxiao immediately pressed a few times on the satellite computer, and then looked nervously at the muzzle in the dense forest below.

"Barbie, do you have a record or not, the lives of your sisters are in your hands!" Ye Cun looked at her nervously.

"Don't worry, this device was seized from the blue army chief of staff. After successfully cracking it, it has a lot of authority, and it can avoid the other party's technical personnel. As long as the other party has no communication experts, there is no problem. "

"What if the Blue Army headquarters... just happens to have a communications expert?" Tian Guo said weakly.

"Then there's no other way, let's die together!" Tang Xiaoxiao spread her hands helplessly.

Female Phoenix Commando: "..."

At this moment, the muzzle in the dense forest below suddenly began to drop, and in the blink of an eye, it disappeared under the canopy again, leaving no trace.

"Identified can pass!"

"Huh!" Tan Xiaolin and the others couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief, even Tang Xiaoxiao who forged the secret order was the same, the big stone in his heart finally fell.

Qin Yuan's face did not change, he directly controlled the helicopter and flew towards the Blue Army headquarters very quickly.

About ten minutes later, a patch of military camps and tents appeared below. There were military vehicles driving up and down the road constantly, and a team of troops ran neatly into the distance. It seemed that everything was in order.

"Wow! We really touched the Blue Army headquarters, Skylark, what should I do if I'm a little nervous?" Ouyang Qian looked at the scene below, her breathing became a little short.

Tan Xiaolin smiled bitterly in her heart. She has experienced many large-scale exercises, but she has never been so crazy. She swaggered directly into the enemy's headquarters, which was almost an act of courting death, and she couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Her eyes fell on the helicopter cab, Qin Yuan's back was not particularly wide, and his heart was inexplicably settled.

"Sisters cheer up, if this time the commander of the Blue Army is successfully beheaded, our Fire Phoenix Commando will definitely be recorded in the history of the military region and become a role model for everyone to learn from!" Tan Xiaolin said in a sonorous voice.

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