Qin Yuan's face seemed a little solemn, and he flew directly towards the blue army commander's tent through the information obtained before.

However, the helicopter hadn't gone far, and the radio immediately came with a harsh siren.

"One, three and five helicopters, where are you going, land at the nearest place immediately and accept the interrogation, otherwise you will be fatally hit!"

"Instructor, the internal instructions I forged for this helicopter are to transport a batch of materials, which should be heading to the warehouse, which is exactly the opposite direction to where the Blue Army commander is." Tang Xiaoxiao reminded in a low voice, clenching his hands involuntarily as he assaulted rifle.

"Barbie, why are you so stupid? Why don't you forge an order to go straight to the target? Well now, we haven't even seen the face of the commander of the Blue Army, and we're about to be discovered!" Tian Guo said with wide eyes .

"I think so, but all high-risk weapons should not go within 5 kilometers of the commander's location, otherwise, when the command is forged, it will immediately attract the attention of the technician of the other party." Tang Xiao smiled aggrieved.

"Okay, hold on to the helicopter, it might be a little bumpy for a while!" Qin Yuan, who was sitting in the cab, said solemnly, and subconsciously clenched the control stick.

"Ah?" The girls were stunned for a moment, and then reacted abruptly. They grabbed all the things that could be fixed in the cabin, and their faces were a little nervous.

"One, three, five helicopters, within three seconds of the countdown, immediately land nearby. This is the last warning!"

The corner of Qin Yuan's mouth twitched into a smile, and he pressed the button at the top of the joystick, and a rocket carried by the helicopter flew out immediately and landed directly on the company below that raised their guns to warn them.

With a "Boom", a fire exploded violently, and the smoke alarms on everyone in the company were triggered, announcing that they were eliminated.

When Qin Yuan launched the rocket, he directly controlled the helicopter to fly forward at a high speed. At this speed, it only took one minute to reach the camp where the blue army commander was located.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, 325 artillery regiment, immediately launch an attack on the invading helicopter, be sure to protect the safety of the commander!"

The troops stationed in rows of artillery not far away, heard the command from the radio, and immediately started to operate. The black gun muzzles quickly aimed at the helicopter driven by Qin Yuan, and then without any hesitation, they shot dozens of artillery shells directly. .


Qin Yuan's scalp was numb while sitting in the cab, and he gave a crazily warning of peak-level danger perception.

Through their high-precision detectors, Qin Yuan could faintly see the trajectory of dozens of shells from the god-level intelligent poisonous bees whose consciousness had been connected to them long ago.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yuan's face looked extremely solemn, and he exerted his world-class driving skills to the extreme. The gunship was like a bright racing car, flying an erratic trajectory in the air.

Inside the helicopter, Tan Xiaolin and the others felt like they were riding on a roller coaster.

They also finally understood why the instructor said before that all they need to do is to hurry up with the helicopter!

The commander of the ground artillery regiment stared blankly at the sky like a butterfly fluttering in the sky, dodging dozens of shells from the helicopter, and a series of question marks raised in his heart.

"The regiment... regimental commander, what should we do next, do we need to continue to reflect?" A man who looked like an adjutant behind him stammered, his eyes were looking up without blinking, as if he was shocked and speechless. Come.

"Hit! He's the one, the labor and management don't believe it, inform everyone, put on the explosive bombs, and all the artillery fires together, covering the entire airspace, I see how he can hide!"

"But, he... he has already arrived in front of the commander's tent." The man behind him said with a bitter expression.


In the tent of the blue army commander, a man with two bars and four stars said anxiously: "Commander, a helicopter has broken into this place and is rushing towards this side. You should evacuate quickly, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Humph! What are you withdrawing, what are the four reinforcement regiments around for food? What are the special forces for food? Let a helicopter break into this place, but I will not withdraw, let's see if he can behead me!" , Zhang Zhengtian, commander of the Tianfu Military Region, said angrily.

"Commander, this is not the time to be angry. How did the enemy break into this place? We will investigate it later. The most important thing now is to evacuate here quickly, otherwise our Blue Army will be completely finished!"

Hearing the words of his subordinates, Zhang Zhengtian's face showed a hint of hesitation, and he snorted coldly. When he got up and was about to walk out the door, there was a sudden hum of a helicopter in the sky in the distance.

"Not good! Quickly protect the commander!"

Almost at the same time, a rocket passed directly through the curtain and exploded in the open space, sending a thick plume of smoke.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Zhang Zhengtian coughed and left the tent, the smoke alarm on his body had been activated, announcing that he was eliminated.

The helicopter above was also hit by the artillery regiment's artillery fire, and all the people inside were also announced to be eliminated.

He looked up at the helicopter with a look of interest in his eyes. He was able to easily behead his commander in the army. Zhang Zhengtian was a little curious as to who the person inside was.

However, what surprised him was that the helicopter circled around, as if to confirm that he had been eliminated, but twisted his **** and flew directly into the distance.

"Bastard, get down here!"

Zhang Zhengtian scolded angrily, is there such a person? He beheaded him for thousands of miles, and then he patted his **** and left without even seeing him, so he just left!

"Commander, do you want to stop him!" the man behind him asked, his eyes also full of anger.

Although it is only an exercise now, and the helicopter cannot be really shot down with artillery shells, they still have many ways to force the helicopter to land.

"Forget it, let them go, anyway, now that I have been eliminated, go and find out where this helicopter came from, as well as the instructions for it to enter here, and check it out for me, this is a talent! ", Zhang Zhengtian waved his hand, and then said with great interest.


At the same time, inside the helicopter, Tian Guo looked at Qin Yuan and asked curiously, "Instructor, why are we leaving? Haven't we all been eliminated?"

"Don't go, wait to be beaten!" Qin Yuan said angrily.

He doesn't even have to think about how much the four reinforcement regiments below and the special brigade of Tianfu Military Region want to beat them. There are so many of them, guarding the commander, and they were beheaded by a helicopter in the area. It's almost ruthless. He slapped their faces fiercely, and when the exercise was over, they couldn't raise their heads.

If he does land there, Tan Xiaolin and the others are female soldiers, and these guys won't do anything, but they will never bypass him, especially when they know that he is the commander.

"Oh, so that's the case? It seems that the people in the Tianfu Military Region are not in a good mood. Isn't it because they were beheaded, as for!" Tian Guo muttered.

"Hehe, what would you do if your superiors arranged for you to protect Commander Su, but someone beheaded Commander Su in front of you?" Ouyang Qian said with a smile.

"Then it goes without saying, of course, beat that **** first, otherwise you won't be able to let out this breath!" Tian Guo said without hesitation, then stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said to Qin Yuan: "Instructor, hurry up and fly! , let's get out of here!"

"Hahaha!" Ye Cunxin and the others couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Tian Guo seemed to remember something, turned to look at Tang Xiaoxiao, who had been burying his head between his legs, and asked with some doubts, "Barbie, what's wrong with you? Are you injured?"

Tang Xiaoxiao raised his head when he heard the words, his face was full of pain, "I... I am motion sick, vomit!" After speaking, as if unable to bear, he stretched his head out of the cabin and vomited out.

"You don't call it motion sickness, you call it airsickness!" Tian Guo smiled and said, reaching out and patting Tang Xiaoxiao's back lightly.

At the same time, her stomach was also rolling. When Qin Yuan was dodging the cannonballs, the helicopter kept moving around. Even if the gods came, he would faint.

"Okay, take a rest as soon as possible and adjust your state. This helicopter can still fly for about an hour, and then we can only use our feet to run to the place where the car is hidden."

"Then... where shall we go after that?" Ye Cun asked with some doubts.

"We have all been eliminated. Of course, we have to return to the base to continue training. Although the blue army commander has been beheaded by us, there are many blue army troops. Even if they are fighting each other, it will take a day or two to devour them. I believe the Blues will also take this opportunity to accumulate experience of fighting alone."

"Ah, we have all made such a great contribution, even if there is no reward, we can't go back to continue training." Tian Guo muttered, her face full of frustration.

"Alright then, I'll give you a day's rest. Tomorrow morning, everyone will gather at the training base!"

"Yeah! The instructor is mighty!"

Two and a half hours later, Qin Yuan led the female soldiers to the place where the vehicles and equipment were hidden, packed everything, and was about to leave when Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly exclaimed, and hurriedly came to Qin Yuan's side and handed a headset.

"Instructor, Commander Su is looking for you!"

Qin Yuan stretched out his hand to take the headset and said solemnly, "Sir, I'm Qin Yuan."

"Xiao Qin, you are really my lucky general!" Su Guoqiang's very excited voice came out.

"This is what we should do!" Qin Yuan looked up at the female soldiers of the Fire Phoenix Commando beside him.

"Don't say anything, you hurry back to the military area, anyway, you have already been eliminated, return as soon as possible, we are all here waiting for you!"

"Uh, chief, I have promised to give them a day off. Anyway, the exercise is not over yet, so I won't disturb the chiefs for now."

"Well... well, now the Blue Army is a leaderless group, and they can be completely wiped out in a maximum of twenty-four hours. You must come at all times, and you must be rewarded for your merits. You are the biggest contributors."


"Okay, you guys have a good rest, see you tomorrow!" Su Guoqiang finished speaking and ended the communication connection.

"Wow, you are so amazing, instructor, how dare you disobey the commander's order?" Tian Guo's eyes widened with a look of disbelief.

Qin Yuan couldn't help but knocked her on the head, and said angrily, "I'm not here for you, why don't I go on vacation and go directly to the military area?"

"Don't don't don't, there are often rewards, but not very often breaks. We can still handle which is more important." Ouyang Qian said with a smirk.

"Get in the car, it's very far from the training base. If you don't leave, it will be dragged into the night."



"Hey, have you heard that Qin Yuan, the company commander of the Sharp Knife Recruit Company, is the one who won the military competition. In this exercise, only eight female soldiers were brought directly to the headquarters of the Blue Army!"

"Is it true? Why does it sound like a fantasy movie to me, the Blue Army headquarters is heavily guarded, let alone nine people, even an entire division is difficult to attack!"

"Brother, you are ignorant, you didn't feel that the attack of the troops suddenly became violent? Isn't the blue army's command system completely paralyzed, giving us a chance."

"Is that true? It's really incredible, that Qin Yuan is really a god, and he only brought a few female soldiers to do such a shocking thing!"

"Does it need to be said? It's just a championship in a national military region competition. Our military region has not won it for many years? I heard that even the two ace special forces of the Tianfu military region were killed by Qin Yuan alone. Many chiefs are rushing to dig him first!"

"Really, I really want to meet this legend, but unfortunately I am three years early, otherwise when I enter the recruit company, I can be his soldier!"


The next day, the military exercise announced the end. After losing the command system, the Blue Army struggled for 18 hours before being devoured by the Red side.

The exercise ended with the red side winning ~www.readwn.com~ and Qin Yuan and his Fire Phoenix Commando, who decided the victory of the exercise, appeared in front of the leader and every soldier.

Military District Office.

Qin Yuan stood in front of a conference room with the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando who had finished their vacation.

"Little Qin, you really don't think about it. I have already pulled down my old face, so you won't give me this face?" Zhang Zhengtian stood in front of Qin Yuan, digging hard at the corner.

"As long as you come to my Tianfu Military Region, the position of the commander of the special team is yours. That kid Ye Mo has to do things with you too. Do you really stop thinking about it?"

Qin Yuan shook his head with a wry smile. He didn't know how many times he had refused. As a result, the commander of the dignified Tianfu Military Region had the cheek to keep poaching him, as if he was not tired.

"Okay, you shameless old Zhang, Xiao Qin has already made it clear that you won't go to your Tianfu Military Region, why don't you give up!"

"Hmph, Lao Su, are you threatening Xiao Qin, otherwise how could he refuse to agree to me? He is just a company commander and an instructor on your side. Going to my place will immediately be the commander's job. I really want to not understand!"

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