The competition is divided into three rounds.

The main test in the first round is physical fitness. Competitors from each country need to carry a 200kg log, do 200 squats, and then carry a load of 30kg, cross-country for 50 kilometers, and the team that reaches the finish line first , will win.

"And in the process of carrying the load off-road, there will be personnel arranged by the international committee to intercept!"

After the rules were announced, 30 teams came to their respective competition areas. In each area, there was a 200kg log next to a timer and an international referee to prevent the contestants from cheating.

The international referees come from various countries, and two of them are in the Long Kingdom. They supervise all the areas by drawing lots.

Qin Yuan carried the log and stood at the front of the team, bearing the heaviest weight. Behind him was Zang Chong, while Su Xiaoyu, who was relatively weak, stood at the back of the team.

The moment the referee announced the start of the game, everyone carried a 200kg log and started squats.

At the beginning, everyone had a lot of physical strength, and the speed of doing squats was extremely fast, and the movements were very standard.

But with the passage of time, when the squat reached 100 times, some teams' physical strength was obviously unbearable, their legs were like knots, and they couldn't hold up.

Qin Yuan's expression remained the same, as if he had not exerted any force at all, but the weight of the entire log was almost on his shoulders, and Zang Chong's five people only borne a small part, so it was not strenuous.

In front of the live broadcast screen of the military region, the special forces watched this scene with incredible expressions in their eyes.

"Wow, that Qin Yuan is really amazing. That's a whole 200kg log! It's like a piece of paper on his shoulders. If it wasn't for the International Special Forces Competition, I'd almost be cheating in the future!"

"Oh, I don't know, our instructor's strength is more than that. He once carried a large tire of 300 kilograms, and it only took five minutes to run a two-kilometer distance!" In the position of the Fire Phoenix Commando, Tian Guo said proudly.

"Wow, it's true, why do I think this is not something that humans can do?", a special soldier said in surprise.

"Of course it's true. Look at it. In this international special forces competition, our instructor Qin Yuan will definitely win the championship!"

At the competition site, with the passage of time, the teams from other countries gradually showed their lack of support. There were even some teams from small countries. They were too physically weak and the logs on their shoulders fell on the ground, and they were directly declared eliminated by the national committee!

During the interval between the games, Qin Yuan swept his gaze across the teams, and soon saw the players from the United States and Fusang. What surprised him was that although the faces of the two teams were covered in sweat, their speed was not high. But it did not decrease in the slightest. Although it was far inferior to its own side, it was definitely in a leading position compared to the players from other countries.

The American team captain Brady was panting and doing squats. The log on his shoulders was like a hill. He couldn't breathe, but with his strong physique, he was still very confident. Finished two hundred times.

At this moment, Brady turned his head and looked to the left as if he had noticed something, and immediately his eyes were round as if he had seen some incredible scene.

In his sight, the team from the Dragon Kingdom was carrying the log and doing squats at a high speed. The speed was unbelievable. He even thought that the log was made of foam.

And the leading captain was even more understated, not even a drop of sweat on his face.

"This is impossible!"

His heart roared, his eyes stared at Qin Yuan fiercely, and then he turned to the log on his shoulder, his face full of anger. "He cheated, yes, the despicable Dragon Country team must have cheated!"

Brady suppressed the anger in his heart, turned his head away from looking over there, gritted his teeth and tried his best, as if to be angry with himself, doing squats frantically.

After ten minutes, more and more teams showed their weakness, and the speed slowed down a lot, but Qin Yuan and others had already done two hundred strokes. on the ground.

With a "Boom", the log made a loud noise when it touched the ground, and the ground seemed to tremble, causing a burst of dense dust.


Brady's eyes widened, and it seemed a little unbelievable. Originally, he thought that the Dragon Country team was cheating, and the log was manipulated. However, the loud noise was like a slap, and it slapped him fiercely. face.

The rest of the participating teams also looked at this scene in shock. The most of them had only done less than 150 times, and their physical strength was almost exhausted.

But the team from the Dragon Country had already done two hundred times, and it didn't seem to be particularly difficult, and the man standing at the front didn't even have a drop of sweat on his face.

Not only the team members, the American referee standing beside Qin Yuan and the others was stunned for a long time. He had already made preparations. As long as their movements were a little bit non-standard, he would write them down and let them know. redo.

However, this team from the Dragon Kingdom not only completed 200 squats with the fastest speed and the most standard movements, the most important thing is that they didn't seem to consume too much physical strength at all, which is simply amazing incredible.

"Hey, Captain, the rest of the teams haven't finished yet. Shall we set off immediately and finish the next 50 kilometers as soon as possible?" Su Xiaoyu came up and looked at the panting teams around, smiling. asked.

"Xiaoyu, are you stupid? You said it when you announced the rules just now. There will be people intercepting on the 50-kilometer road. We just passed by alone, didn't we just bear the brunt!" Zhang Shuai whispered.

"Ah? It seems to be the truth, then let's rest here for a while, and then go over together when there are more people?"

"Don't waste time like this, go and prepare the load now, we will rush to the finish line as soon as possible!" Qin Yuan said solemnly, then turned his head and walked directly towards the 30kg load that had been prepared.

Zang Chong glanced at each other and followed without any hesitation. In the previous project, since Qin Yuan borne most of the weight of the log, they did not consume too much physical strength, and they could quickly complete the load-bearing cross-country fifty kilometers. inside.

Seeing this scene, Brady from the United States and Kojiro from the Fusang country showed unwilling expressions on their faces, turned their heads and yelled at the team members behind them: "You bastards, speed up all of you and catch up with the people in the Dragon Country. , we must not fall behind.”

The Long Kingdom special forces who watched this scene through the live broadcast showed extremely excited light in their eyes.

In the previous international special forces competition, Long Guo only won the third place, and everyone's heart was filled with flames, which could burst out at any time.

But now, they seemed to see hope, and they all silently encouraged Qin Yuan and others in their hearts.

At the competition site, Qin Yuan and the others quickly put on a 30kg load, turned their heads and glanced at the rest of the participating teams who were still doing squats behind them, grinned, and strode forward.

Brady and Kojiro's faces were full of anger, but they were helpless. They gritted their teeth and continued to do squats. At this time, their physical strength had been rapidly exhausted, but they did their best to persevere.

Qin Yuan and the others followed the long-established route and ran forward quickly, followed by a car with a cameraman and an international referee not far behind.

After running for about three kilometers, Qin Yuan's face condensed slightly. With the blessing of his peak-level vision, he clearly saw that there was a group of no less than 30 figures, wrapped in their bodies, five hundred meters away. A wooden stick, as if waiting for their arrival.

"Be careful, the interceptor is right in front. They are all armed, there are about 30 people, remember not to get hurt, otherwise it will definitely affect the next game." Qin Yuan reminded in a deep voice.

"Hey, don't worry, company commander, I don't think they are enough to fight, there are only 30 of them, who can't stand it!" Zang Chong squeezed his fist, his face full of disdain.

"Savage, since you're so powerful, I'll leave it all to you in a while, how about that?" Su Xiaoyu said with a cheap smile.

"I think it's okay, we must not interfere later, give the savage a fair environment, let him be a pair of thirty, haha!", next to Hao Lian Yaoyao agreed.

Zang Chong's expression changed, and he said with a stubborn neck: "As long as the company commander agrees with the old man, then there is no problem!" After speaking, he looked at Qin Yuan eagerly.

Qin Yuan laughed and said, "That's good, I'll leave it to you in a while, and we'll cheer you on by the side!"

"Company commander, you can't treat me like this!" Zang Chong had a bitter look on his face.

"Hahaha, savage, you deserve it, who made you brag all day, the company commander can't stand it anymore!" Su Xiaoyu laughed.

At this moment, the thirty figures in front of them appeared in everyone's sight. Just as Qin Yuan said, they were wrapped tightly, holding a wooden stick in their hands, standing on the only road. Staring straight at them.

"Come on, be careful!" Qin Yuan reminded again, of course he wouldn't think that he would fall on these people, but if Su Xiaoyu is injured, it will definitely affect the next game, and there are always cameras behind him. Teacher, it is impossible for him to take out the proficient gold sore medicine to heal them.

"Don't worry, Captain!"

Those people obviously found them, and after roaring, they raised the wooden stick in their hands and rushed over here with great strides.

Qin Yuan stepped forward a few steps, grabbed the smashed wooden pipe with one hand, then raised his right foot and kicked his lower abdomen fiercely. With a muffled sound, the man fell to the ground uncontrollably like a kite with a broken string. , hit the ground and bowed into a shrimp shape, unable to get up due to pain.

Zang Chong's five people's faces were also very solemn, and they fought with the interceptors holding wooden sticks.

Their strength was already extremely strong, and with Qin Yuan among them, more than 30 people were quickly defeated and fell to the ground groaning.

Everyone in the Longguo Military Region watching this scene showed extremely excited expressions on their faces, and they were more and more looking forward to Qin Yuan and others winning the championship.

You must know that these interceptors are all special forces from various countries. Although they are not as strong as those who participated in the competition alone, they are not much worse, not to mention that there are more than 30 of them, which is five times that of Qin Yuan's team.

However, even so, they only lasted for less than two minutes, and they were completely cleaned up. One can imagine the horror of Qin Yuan and others' strength.

After packing up the interceptors, Su Xiaoyu adjusted the weight on his back and was about to follow Qin Yuan to continue running towards the finish line when he suddenly heard a faint movement behind him.

Turning his head and looking, he found that the teams from the United States and Fusang were chasing after them. Their faces were covered in sweat, and they were panting heavily. Obviously, after squatting, they did not have any rest, so they chased after them.

"Company commander, they are catching up. It seems that the strength is not weak!" Su Xiaoyu said with great interest as he ran forward.

Qin Yuan didn't turn his head to look behind him, and said indifferently, "Don't worry about them. With their current physical strength, they can run a maximum of 20 kilometers. If they don't stop and rest, their body can't bear it at all!"

"That's right, the champion is destined to be ours, let them fight for the second place!" Hao Lian said with a wicked smile.

Everyone continued to run forward, and soon they met a group of interceptors again. This time there were more than fifty people. It took Qin Yuan and others three minutes.

When they ran 15 kilometers, the U.S. and Fusang teams who had been following far behind were completely thrown off. Obviously, they had to rest to prevent their bodies from collapsing.

In the previous journey, hesitant Qin Yuan and the others kept running ahead, blocking all the interceptors for them, so that the two teams could run so far.

Otherwise, once they encounter the interceptors alone, they will definitely be eliminated. Because they are too eager to chase Qin Yuan and others, they have spent too much physical strength in the weight-bearing squat, and they are unable to deal with the interceptors.

Time passed slowly. After more than two hours, Qin Yuan led Zang Chong and the others to the end, panting. They did not know how much resistance they encountered along the way, but fortunately, they were all resolved without any risk. No injuries were sustained.

And there is no doubt that the Dragon Kingdom represented by Qin Yuan and others in the first round won the first place!

The various military regions of Longguo who had been watching the live broadcast fell into a boiling commotion, and Tian Guo and other girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando jumped up excitedly.

"Hahaha, I knew that this kid won't let me down. This year's International Special Forces Competition, our Dragon Kingdom, will definitely win the championship!"

Su Guoqiang sat at the front of the conference room, looking at the live broadcast screen, his face was full of uncontrollable joy.

The same goes for the several chiefs who were working around them.

At the scene of the competition, after Qin Yuan and others ran to the finish line, they first rested on the spot for half an hour. After recovering most of their physical strength, they got in a car and drove in the direction they came from. The competition will continue there.


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