On the way back, Qin Yuan met the teams of the United States and Fusang who were still running hard.

The two teams were exhausted and panting at this time. After seeing Qin Yuan and the others returning by car, the expressions on their faces were as ugly as eating shit.

"Damn, why are these **** of the Dragon Country running so fast!" Brady roared in his heart. He has participated in more than one international special forces competition, and the last championship was won by the team he led.

But now, Brady felt a strong sense of crisis, which he didn't want to see anyway.

"Speed ​​up, we must not lose to Long Guo, hurry up!" Brady turned his head and roared at the team behind him.

On the other side, the Fusang team was similar, desperately pressing their own limits and rushing towards the finish line.

"Hahaha, they're not that good. Originally, I was worried that the boat would capsize in the gutter!" Su Xiaoyu laughed disdainfully, looking at the distant backs of Mi and Fusang.

"Of course, don't think about how perverted the training we have gone through. If you can't even handle these people and become a special soldier, you'll all go home and raise pigs!"

"Don't take it lightly, these teams should still be very strong, and you can't give them any chance." Qin Yuan's voice carried a little warning.

"The company commander is right. The last time he represented Longguo in the International Special Forces Competition was the Sirius Commando led by the first soldier Wang Ye Mo, but he only got the third place."

"What is Ye Mo's strength? You have all seen it in the military competition. If there is no company commander, the champion will definitely not be us. However, even so, he only won the third place. You can imagine how difficult it is! "

"Don't worry, we are not recruits anymore, we will definitely not fall off the chain!" Zang Chong patted his chest and said, suddenly his face froze, and thoughtfully said: "We have been in the military area for less than a year. , It seems... It seems that you are really a new recruit?"

"Yeah, I've experienced too many things, I thought it's been a long time, but in fact, it's only been less than a year, and we've all entered the ranks of special forces."

After Hao Lian Yaoyao finished speaking, he turned to look at Qin Yuan, Zang Chong, and Zhang Shuai who had brought about all these changes, with deep gratitude in their eyes.

Qin Yuan smiled lightly, waved his hand and said: "I've been bullshit, hurry up to rest and replenish my physical strength, this time we will bring the champion to the Dragon Kingdom, which is what every Dragon Kingdom soldier should do!"


In the silence, the car drove to the competition site, and the media who had been watching the real-time screen all surrounded them, and the long guns and short guns aimed at Qin Yuan and the others.

Under the leadership of Qin Yuan, Zang Chong and a few others walked through the crowd silently rather than politely, came to their own position, and silently waited for the return of the rest of the team.

This wait took more than three hours, and there were still 18 teams left from the original 30 teams. Those teams that were wiped out on the way, or did not reach the finish line within the stipulated time, were all eliminated!

"Hmph, maybe your physical fitness is really good, but the competition is not just a test of physical fitness. In the next two events, I will definitely leave you behind. The championship position is not something you sick men can get. of!"

The American captain Brady came to Qin Yuan's side, and his tone was full of contempt.

"Say it again when you step on the horse!"

Zang Chong's eyes widened, and he raised his huge fist to greet him, but when he just raised it, Qin Yuan grabbed it.

"Hahaha, you want to hit me, come here, hit this, if you have the ability, you can do it, or it will be your grandson!" Brady pointed to his head, his face was full of ridicule, and there was a trace in the bottom of his eyes. treacherous.

The media next to them, like vultures that smelled of carrion, gathered around one after another and pointed their cameras here.

Zang Chong also seemed to realize something, snorted coldly, turned his head away from looking at Brady with a defiant expression, but clenched his fists tightly and endured with all his might.

"Hahaha, rubbish, **** of the Dragon Kingdom, I don't even dare to do it. What kind of special forces competition is there to go home and drink milk... ah!!"

When Brady laughed wildly, he was so violent as if he had been stabbed by something, he covered his **** and screamed loudly.

"Bastard, what, ah!"

The corner of Qin Yuan's mouth evoked a cold smile, quietly put away a god-level intelligent poisonous bee, then turned his head and walked behind him, but he had already declared "death penalty" to Brady in his heart.

Kojiro, the captain of Fusang, who had been watching this scene, looked at Qin Yuan's back with some doubts. He subconsciously believed that Brady's abnormality was caused by the other party, but with his eyesight, he couldn't find anything. Traces of the shot.


Kojiro murmured, but he didn't care, "It's just some small tricks. After all, it won't make it to the top. Although the physical fitness is a little behind the Dragon Kingdom, the next marksmanship and fighting are the most proficient and proficient in me. , the Great Fusang Kingdom will definitely win the championship.”

"Company commander, this American captain is really hateful. After the third round of fighting, we must beat him to the ground! Let him not get up on the ground!" Su Xiaoyu said bitterly.

"Does this need to be said? The United States has always been hostile to our Dragon Kingdom. Whenever there is a chance, it will fall into trouble. It is full of villainy behavior. This time, I must not be polite to them!" Zhang Shuai also nodded.

"Well, not only the United States, but also the Fusang Kingdom standing next to us. We will take care of them together!" Qin Yuan glanced at the Fusang Kingdom team standing in the distance and looked very polite.

Just when he passed by them, Qin Yuan turned on the proficient mind-reading technique, and naturally he knew what they were really thinking in their hearts. For this kind of superficially laughing, but actually vicious country in his heart, Qin Yuan just wanted to sweep the trash like a rubbish. They are completely cleared.

"Don't worry, company commander, Fusang Kingdom has been colluding with the United States all the time behind the scenes, nothing special!" Zang Chong scolded.

"Hahaha, Xiao Qin, congratulations to you for winning the first place and winning honor for the Dragon Kingdom. Now the special warfare battalions of various military regions are watching this live broadcast. You are considered famous in the whole army!" Ye Jianting, who was at the committee seat, greeted him, his face full of uncontrollable joy.

"Sir, these are what we should do!"

Qin Yuan's voice was sonorous, and Zang Chong and the others behind him also straightened their waists, their faces solemn.

Gu "Hahaha, okay, okay! You guys have a rest as soon as possible, I won't bother you anymore, the second game is next, you must play well and don't embarrass Long Guo."


After Ye Jianting left, Su Xiaoyu suddenly said excitedly: "Company commander, is what the chief said true? Are we in the Longguo Military Region broadcasting live footage now?" Adjust the wrinkles on your clothes.

Qin Yuan hadn't spoken yet, but Zhang Shuai rolled his eyes and said in a low voice, "Of course, not only the pictures, but also the sounds will be broadcast live. If nothing else happens, the Fire Phoenix Commando is also watching here, you Would you like to... say hi to her?"

"Really? Alright, alright, I'll give it to Shen..." Su Xiaoyu's face was excited, and when he was about to say something out of the heat, he suddenly noticed something unusual, and quickly covered his mouth and stared at Zhang Shuai with wide eyes.

"Hahaha, Xiaoyu, you are really stupid, you almost made all the tricks with a little trick!" Fang Tian laughed and mocked Su Xiaoyu.

"Handsome guy, you bastard, I... I'm not finished with you!" Su Xiaoyu was so angry that he was about to shoot, but remembering that it was a live broadcast now, he could only suppress the suffocation in his heart, and turned his head to avoid watching. he.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

When everyone made fun of Su Xiaoyu, the international committee officially announced that the second round of competition had begun.

This competition is about the most basic marksmanship. Of course, they won't just pick up some targets and let the contestants shoot, which seems a bit unforced.

Before the shooting starts, each team member needs to do 1,000 push-ups on the spot, and it needs to be completed within the stipulated time.

And on the shooting range, there is an artificially generated irregular wind field. The team members need to eliminate the interference of the wind field when their arms are exhausted, and use the sniper rifle to accurately hit the high-speed moving target 1000 meters away. The difficulty can be Imagine.

The final result is determined by the time to complete the game and the number of targets shot, so if you can complete a thousand push-ups as soon as possible, you can seize the opportunity.

After announcing the rules, Qin Yuan led Zhang Shuai and others to the competition area. As the referee blew the whistle, when they were about to get down and do push-ups, the American team next to them suddenly squeezed in and took the first place.

Zang Chong's face was immediately full of anger. When he was about to shoot, he suddenly remembered Qin Yuan's reminder, and endured his anger and said to the referee not far away: "Hey, the team from the United States has taken our place, hurry up and take them out. Drive away!"

When the referee from Austria heard the voice, he frowned and stepped forward impatiently, and said involuntarily, "Team Longguo, rude words, provoking the referee and the participating teams, you need to be punished, wait in place for ten minutes, To play!"

"What's the matter? Say it again, believe it or not, labor and capital will kill you!" The anger on Zang Chong's face could no longer be suppressed, as if he wanted to do it at any time.

Qin Yuan stepped forward and grabbed Zang Chong, frowning and said: "Referee, it is the United States that has seized the area of ​​our Dragon Kingdom first. Even if my team members speak a bit aggressively, they can't just punish us, right?"

"Hmph, the field of competition is not divided. You are asking for it if you are slow and others will grab it. The US team has no violations, and he tried to threaten the referee. The Longguo team needs to wait for half an hour before they can continue the game!"

The Austrian referee glanced at Zang Chong with no expression on his face, but the depths of his eyes were full of ridicule, and he turned and left.

Zang Chong glanced at the American players and saw that they were staring at him with a smirk. He immediately understood that he had been tricked, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Company commander, I'm the one who's implicated you." Zang Chong lowered his head and clenched his fists tightly. He wanted to punch himself. If it wasn't for his inability to control his temper, he wouldn't have caused the team to be punished.

"It's okay, it has nothing to do with you. It seems that our first performance was so good that it caused the villain's hatred!" Qin Yuan said indifferently, his eyes slowly moved to the international committee stage, a general of the United States. .

Ye Jianting's face on the stage was also a little ugly, but there was nothing he could do, because in the final analysis, it was Zang Chong who made the first words.

In normal times, this trivial matter is nothing at all, and it is impossible to give a half-hour suspension, but here in Austria, they are the loyal sons of the United States, and Qin Yuan and the others are in The performance in the first round was so dazzling that they were deliberately targeted.

The Long Kingdom special forces who watched this scene through the live broadcast burst out with fiery anger, and they were not stupid. Naturally, they knew that Qin Yuan and the others were deliberately targeted.

"This Austrian referee is too shameless. If I were at the scene, I would definitely go up and give him two kicks. It's too bullying!" Tian Guo said angrily.

"It's fortunate that the instructor didn't let you follow and beat the referee for no reason. We, Long Guo, were directly disqualified from the competition!" Tan Xiaolin said irritably. Although her chest was also full of anger, she could still make a rational judgment.

"However, what should the instructors and the others do now? This match is timed. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com and the others have been delayed for half an hour. This is literally killing people!" Ouyang Qian said with great concern.

"I believe the instructors and the others, even if they were treated unfairly, they can still achieve a good result, let those **** see what a crushing strength is!" Shen Lanni clenched her fists tightly, her eyes full of confidence .

"Yes, I also believe in the instructor. He is omnipotent, and he will definitely win honor for the Dragon Kingdom!" Qubi Azhuo, who was usually taciturn, also raised his head and looked at Qin Yuan on the screen at this time, his eyes full of eyes. It is unreserved trust.


At the competition site, Brady glanced at Qin Yuan provocatively. After seeing that the other party ignored him, he felt a little bored and greeted the players to start doing push-ups.

As if they had been prepared for a long time, they were doing push-ups at a high speed, and soon they were ahead of the other teams by a large margin. Only the Fusang team could still bite tightly behind.

Qin Yuan looked at Zang Cong and the others a little frustrated, and said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, small tricks are never on the table, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are vulnerable! Half an hour later, I will send you Bring out all the strength of the Dragon Kingdom and let them see what is the soldier of the Dragon Kingdom!"


Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai, Su Xiaoyu, Hao Lian Yaoyao, and Fang Tian roared in unison, without any flinch on their faces.

With their strength, even if they were postponed for half an hour, it would have no effect. They were just a little unwilling to this unfair treatment.

However, now, everyone's hearts are full of burning flames, and they can't wait to use their absolute crushing strength to slap the ugly faces of those villains.


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