Half an hour passed quickly. At this time, the U.S. team, which was in the absolute lead, had already done nearly 600 push-ups, and most of the Fusang team had done 500.

Brady stopped, took a deep breath, calmed his violent heartbeat, and turned to look at Qin Yuan and the others.

"Hahaha, in the last game you were just a fluke in the lead. Now you are half an hour behind, let's see what you can catch up with!"

"Longguo's team, don't struggle anymore, just announce your withdrawal quickly, so as not to waste time, the International Special Forces Competition is not something you can interfere!", a US country sneered.

However, no matter how they ridiculed, Qin Yuan and the others didn't even pay attention to Zang Chong, who was often impulsive, as if they didn't see it.

This scene made Brady and the Austrian referee look regretful.

"Team Dragon Country, you can start the game!" After the Austrian referee finished speaking, he took out an instrument and stared at it, as if any non-standard movements would be stopped by him.

Qin Yuan took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Show your full strength and tell them with your strength that the special forces of the Dragon Kingdom are the most powerful!"


Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai, Su Xiaoyu, Hao Lian Yaoyao, Fang Tian said solemnly, then stepped back with both hands on the ground, doing push-ups with the most standard posture.

At the beginning, both the American team and the Austrian referees looked at them with disdain, without the slightest sense of crisis in their hearts.

In the previous competitions, the strength of the special forces of the Dragon Country was not very good, whether it was physical strength or fighting, they were all inferior.

If it wasn't for Qin Yuan and the others who performed so well in the first round, they wouldn't care at all.

But now, Qin Yuan and the others have been fined for half an hour, and no one will think that they still have any threat, so they can only leave the venue sadly.

However, almost instantly, the Austrian referee watched helplessly, Qin Yuan and others were moving faster and faster, and even an afterimage appeared in the end.

At the same time, the number on the timer was beating wildly, and it had reached fifty in a moment, and it continued to flip at a high speed.

"This... this is impossible!" The Austrian referee couldn't hold back his emotions and screamed.

The U.S. team and the Fusang team looked at the sound with some doubts, their eyes widened instantly, and the movements of their hands subconsciously stopped.

"God, are they really human?" Brady murmured, his expression sluggish, and an absurd thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

On the committee seat, Ye Jianting, who had always had an ugly expression, saw this scene, so he couldn't control his emotions, and laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, these are the soldiers of my Dragon Kingdom. Even if they encounter unfair treatment, they can use their powerful strength to clear all obstacles."

The special forces in the various military regions of Longguo who watched this scene through the live broadcast instantly boiled, like the turbid air accumulated in their chests, which was completely emptied and became very comfortable.

Ye Mo, the first soldier of the Tianfu Military Region, showed a smile on the corner of his mouth. In the last session, he led the Sirius Commando and won the first third place for Long Kingdom.

But now, looking at Qin Yuan's face on the screen, for the first time in his heart, he has extremely strong confidence in the champion.

"Hahaha, I knew that this kid would definitely surprise me, Lao Chen, should we discuss what kind of reward we should give Champion Qin Yuan!"

In the military district office, Su Guoqiang smiled like a child, not at all poised as a commander.

"Are you thinking a little too far? It's only the second game, how do you know that Qin Yuan can get the first place!" Chen Xingjun said slowly, his face didn't seem to change, but deep in his eyes there was a hint of confusion. With a touch of uncontrollable excitement.

For many years, Long Guo has participated in so many international special forces competitions, but he has not brought back a champion. This is a thorn in the heart of almost every soldier.

And now, this thorn seems to be pulled out by that young man named Qin Yuan.


At the competition site, almost everyone's eyes fell on Qin Yuan and the others, their faces were full of disbelief, as if they had seen something shocking.

Among those participating teams, many people subconsciously stopped their movements, and there was a bit of bitterness in their hearts. With such a perverted team, they have no confidence at all to compete for the first place.

It took a long time for American captain Brady to react from his sluggishness. His face was full of unwillingness. He gritted his teeth fiercely, endured his arms that seemed to be filled with lead, and quickly did push-ups.

Looking at Qin Yuan and the others who were almost leaving afterimages, Fusang's captain, Kojiro, shook his head fiercely, and repeatedly threw the scene out, just like Brady, and continued to do push-ups.

About forty minutes later, Qin Yuan and the others quickly completed a thousand push-ups. When they got up, even half an hour earlier, none of the rest of the team completed.

The international committee members, referee cameramen, etc., who had been focusing on them, all had a dull look on their faces. For a while, there was no sound of conversation in the arena except for the sound of violent gasps.

"A mere 1,000 push-ups, isn't it a small thing? When I was trained by the company commander, this thing was calculated by the hour!" Su Xiaoyu couldn't help muttering while looking at the sluggish crowd.

"What? By the hour? What kind of training is this horse riding?" When everyone heard Su Xiaoyu's voice, they were even more shocked.

At this moment, Brady, the captain of the United States next to him, suddenly roared and finished the last push-up. Large beads of sweat fell on his face, almost completely soaking the ground, and his arms trembled slightly. Compared with the performance of Qin Yuan and others, the appearance of exhaustion is simply the difference between clouds and mud.

"You bastards, you are just a little more physically fit. The most important thing in this game is your marksmanship. Don't be complacent!" Brady yelled hoarsely, and then ran directly to the shooting range not far away.

"Haha, isn't this guy beaten crazy? Don't you know that the marksmanship competition can only be played after all the team members have completed a thousand push-ups?" Su Xiaoyu laughed.

Bryce's body stagnated abruptly, and then returned like crazy, shouting to his teammates: "Hurry up, you bastards, hurry up, we represent the United States, and we must not lose to the Dragon Kingdom. Bunch of bastards, hurry up!"

When Brady's teammates heard the reprimand, even though they were exhausted, they gritted their teeth and accelerated to do push-ups.

"Company commander, let's see what they do here, let's go to the shooting range quickly, so as not to have too many dreams at night." Fang Tian suggested.

"Don't worry, since the US captain is so confident, let's wait a moment, let him fight first, and then use his strength to ravage him!" Qin Yuan grinned, but his eyes were full of frost.

"Haha, this is possible, let him feel hope first, and then kick it to pieces. Only in this way can we really beat him!" Su Xiaoyu agreed with a face.

Zang Chong glanced at each other, and immediately stopped worrying, putting his arms around his chest to look like he was watching a good show.

Soon, everyone in the United States had done a thousand push-ups, and their arms were shaking when they got up. Obviously, they needed a little rest before they could have a better shooting competition.

But Brady was very anxious. He didn't stop at all, and ran straight to the shooting range. The team members behind him looked at each other and followed behind him with a wry smile.

Qin Yuan chuckled lightly, and without any hesitation, walked towards the shooting range.

Brady quickly adjusted the sniper rifle in his hand as if he hadn't seen Qin Yuan and the others, but he was already laughing in his heart.

"Hahaha, the stupid people of the Dragon Kingdom, who don't know how to use the advantage of physical strength to open the gap, dare to wait for us to catch up, it's just courting death!"

"Let's show you now, what is the real marksmanship, the first place in this game belongs to our country!"

After Brady loaded the sniper clip, he took a deep breath and suppressed it, letting his almost exhausted arms shudder. the trigger.

With a burst of gunshots, Brady quickly fired ten bullets. His face was full of confidence, and he seemed extremely confident in his results.

A few seconds later, the referee who had been standing behind Brady glanced at the tablet in his hand and shouted loudly: "US Captain Brady, score 99!"

"What? Ninety-nine rings, this... how is this possible!" After hearing the results, a member of the Fusang Kingdom who caught up was full of disbelief.

"It's incredible, it won't be the American team that won the first place in this competition!"

"Being able to do a thousand push-ups and almost exhausted, eliminate the interference of the wind field, and hit the terrifying result of the 99th ring at a distance of 1,000 meters. If nothing else, the champion of this competition is the American team. Yes, even if Long Guo had an excellent result in the first game."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes fell on Qin Yuan and others. Under the shooting of dozens of cameras, they didn't seem to care at all, and their faces were all indifferent.

"Cough, just show your usual strength, don't care too much about the number of rings!" Qin Yuan coughed lightly, as if very casual.

"Hey, that's natural." Su Xiaoyu smiled cheaply.

On the committee stage, Ye Jianting snorted lightly, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with Qin Yuan's indifferent attitude, but his heart was filled with joy.

He is very aware of Qin Yuan's temperament, and knows that the other party has full confidence and does not have any psychological pressure.

Qin Yuan took a step forward, came to Long Guo's target position, picked up the sniper rifle on it, barely aiming, and pulled the trigger one after another.

After ten gunshots, Qin Yuan put down the firearm and returned to the original position with a calm expression.

Bryce and Kojiro nervously looked at the big screen in the distance, which was showing the target Qin Yuan hit.

However, just after a glance, the two laughed loudly, "Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, the trash of the Dragon Kingdom is indeed a guy with only one brute force!"

"In ten shots, only one hit the target, hahaha, are you joking!"

"Although the shot hit the bull's-eye, it must have been a blind cat hitting a dead mouse, which is a relief, hahaha!"

Listening to the ridicule of the people around him, Qin Yuan looked at them like a fool, as did Zang Chong and others behind him.

This kind of gaze made Brady and Kojiro's faces stagnate slightly, and suddenly they seemed to think of something, and then they were instantly squeezed out of their minds, trying desperately not to let themselves think there.

The Austrian referee standing behind Qin Yuan looked down at the tablet computer, with a look of disbelief on his face, he pondered for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and said, "Qin Yuan, captain of the Dragon Kingdom, shooting score... 100 rings!"

With a "Boom", the scene immediately exploded. All the participating teams looked at the Austrian referee with puzzled expressions, as if they had heard a joke.

"Referee, are you joking? This Qin Yuan clearly only hit one ten, and the rest missed the target. How could it be one hundred!"

"Yes, how could it be a hundred rings? This has never appeared in previous competitions."

"Could it be that he shot ten guns into a hole?" A voice asked with some doubts, his voice was full of shock, as if he couldn't believe it.

"How is this possible? If it is normal shooting, it may be possible to complete this difficulty, but everyone has just completed a thousand push-ups, and it is difficult to pick up an assault rifle with both arms~www.readwn.com~ And there is still wind on the shooting range. How can it be possible to achieve such a perverted level!”

The shooting range immediately boiled, and they all looked at Qin Yuan with suspicion and disbelief, as if to see through it.

The Austrian referee standing at the back gritted his teeth. Due to the rules of the competition, he reluctantly released a slow replay of Qin Yuan's just shooting on the big screen.

In an instant, the surroundings fell into a dead silence. Everyone stared at the picture on the screen with wide eyes. They saw ten bullets with their own eyes, all of which were shot into a single hole.

"My God, this is a miracle, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed this scene!"

"Can this really be done by humans? The Dragon Kingdom is indeed a magical country."

Qin Yuan ignored the incredible gazes around him, coughed lightly, and nodded his chin at Zhao Zang.

Several people immediately understood, strode towards their shooting range, and then in the eyes of the surrounding teams and referees, they all scored 100 rings.

At this time, the onlookers were speechless, and Brady and Kojiro were even more sluggish, as if they had been drained of all their energy, and almost no longer had the confidence to compete with Qin Yuan and others.

Even if they were the captains themselves, they could only play the 99th ring at most, not to mention the team members whose marksmanship was even worse. This kind of performance could not compete with Qin Yuan and others.

The Long Kingdom special forces who watched the live broadcast of this scene were uncontrollably excited. Although many of them had never participated in the competition, they knew very well how difficult this competition was.

Under normal circumstances, Brady, who can hit the 99th ring, is already an insurmountable mountain, but unfortunately, he met Qin Yuan.


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