In the team of Lone Wolf Group B, Ostrich asked curiously: "Hey, hygienist, what kind of tricks do you think this Qin Yuan instructor is going to do? This is both a leather whip and salt water, why do I have a bad premonition? "

"I'm not the roundworm in his stomach, how do I know!" The hygienist said angrily.

After a while, he said thoughtfully: "But I still admire Instructor Qin Yuan, at least in terms of personal strength. Anyway, none of us can get the first place in the International Special Forces Competition."

"That's it..." Ostrich nodded. "But his personal strength doesn't mean that his training method is easy to use? How many times have we been on the battlefield, and the general training method is useless at all!"

"You two, shut up! The training ground is the battlefield. If I were the instructor, I would be the first to tell you to get out!" Geng Jihui, the leader of Lone Wolf B group reprimanded.

The ostrich and the hygienist hurriedly restrained their expressions and made a stance of striving hard.


Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, your training subject today is combat training!"

"Everyone in the second row, with whips dipped in salt water in their hands, beat the players in front of them hard, one hundred whips per person, and fifty more whips every day! Until the next training subject!"

"During the training period, everyone should not make a sound, otherwise, one hundred whips will be added, and the accumulation will be infinite. Do you understand!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, the surroundings were quiet, no one answered, and everyone looked at each other in confusion, as if they did not understand this training method.

In the military district office, Su Guoqiang, Ye Jianting, Chen Xingjun and other chiefs who watched this scene through the high-definition camera were a little surprised.

"Xiao Qin is quite a ruthless guy. He worked so hard at the beginning. It is estimated that the guys from Lei Zhan have never seen this training method."

"Well, although this method is a bit radical, the effect is definitely very significant. It can greatly improve their physical strength. In the end, it can even reach the level where even if the bullet hits the body, the face will not change, and the combat ability will be improved to the greatest extent!"

"Yeah, it was once proposed to add this training method to the daily training of special forces, but because of the need for very experienced instructors, and the requirements for the physical fitness and willpower of the soldiers being trained are also very strict, so I just let it go, I didn't expect Qin Yuan to think of this method by himself."

"The method is a good method, but now this situation is a bit reckless. The guys from Lei Zhan have not completely convinced Qin Yuan yet. They are all relying on the commander's orders to suppress them. I'm afraid something will happen!"

"It's alright, those guys have been holding on, but I despise them. As a special forces soldier, you should have the spirit of the king and Laozi first, labor and capital second!"

"Hahaha, Lao Su, it turns out that you have always done it on purpose, and you are the only one who has a lot of bad intentions!"


On the training ground, Lei Zhan looked at the whip with salt water in his hand, as if he was going out of his way, turned his head and said loudly: "Qin Yuan, will you train? If you keep doing it like this, you will completely leave the root of the disease!"

"That's right, Qin Yuan, I admit that your personal strength is very strong, and we may not be as good as you, but training this kind of thing has nothing to do with personal strength. According to your method, everyone has half a cent. Disabled!" Chen Shanming said solemnly.

"I support Lao Lei and Lao Chen, this training method is too rash!" Geng Jihui also expressed his opinion.

"Instructor Qin, it's not our challenge. You have only joined the special forces for a short time, and your qualifications are relatively shallow. You should discuss this matter with a few of our captains, instead of calling the shots yourself!", Yang Rui, captain of the Jiaolong special team Shen said.

Qin Yuan looked at them and nodded indifferently, as if he was not surprised by their "uprising".

"What about you, what are your thoughts? We are all my seniors, both in terms of experience and military rank. I am a good person to get along with." Qin Yuan turned his head and glanced at the silent dragon. little cloud.

Long Xiaoyun stared at Qin Yuan with a pair of beautiful eyes, with a faint smile on his face, and said casually: "Don't dare to be, you are an instructor, we are students now, what you ask us to do, we will do it. How to do it."

Qin Yuan glanced at Long Xiaoyun unexpectedly, and couldn't guess what she was thinking.

But he didn't care about this either, his eyes slowly turned to Lei Zhan and the others, his face suddenly turned hideous, and he said loudly: "Remember, you are a rookie now, and a rookie has no human rights. What? Heavenly King Laozi!"

In the thunder battle in the river, the faces of Chen Shanming and the others instantly became extremely ugly, and they subconsciously dropped the whip with salt water in their hands.

"What? Don't agree? Hehe, well then, I'll give you a chance, everyone will come together, and within ten minutes, if there are still people standing on the ground, I'll resign myself as an instructor, otherwise, I'll take the horse to my old man. Lie down honestly!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in dismay, a little surprised by what they heard.

"Is he crazy, he wants to challenge us all alone? There are no less than 100 elite special forces here, all of them are carefully selected. Which one is placed in the regular army is the existence of the king of soldiers. !"

"However, why do I feel uncertain? Don't forget that Qin Yuan led a team of six at the International Special Forces Competition and defeated more than a dozen foreign special forces!"

"You also said that there are six people. He just said that he is alone, not to mention the others, it is Captain Lei Zhan, Captain Yang Rui and the others, which one does not exist as ten!"

"Are you sure you're not kidding?"

Lei Zhan looked at Qin Yuan, his face was full of surprise, but there was a hint of sarcasm in his heart, "Hmph, it really is a newcomer, if you are randomly provoked, you will be in chaos, that's all, you want to be our instructor, it's just It's just delusional."

"Qin Yuan, are you sure you want to do this, all of us have really experienced battlefield tempering, not ordinary rookies. Do you really want to challenge us all alone?"

"Haha, you are afraid!" Qin Yuan said disdainfully.

"Hmph, since that's the case, don't blame us for being rude. We all know your record in the International Special Forces Competition, so there won't be any holding back!"

"I said, why are you talking so much nonsense? Are you going to fight? More than a hundred big gentlemen, we've been chatting, our company commander has said it, and we can still go back and regret it!" Zang Chong sneered.

"You!" Lei Zhan said angrily, "Everyone, surround Qin Yuan for me!"


Swish swish!

The special forces quickly surrounded Qin Yuan, their faces full of eagerness to try. For them, it was a great honor to be able to fight against a strong man like Qin Yuan.

Even if they were besieging each other together, although everyone was full of confidence in winning, none of them relaxed their vigilance. The International Special Forces Competition has fully demonstrated Qin Yuan's strength.

Qin Yuan's face was indifferent, as if he didn't take them to heart at all.

"Come on together, too!" Qin Yuan glanced at the Wolf Warrior Squadron who didn't move at all.

Long Xiaoyun gave him a deep look, and with a wave of his hand, the special forces of the Wolf Warrior Squadron immediately stepped forward and surrounded Qin Yuan.

"Old Su, is there any problem with Qin Yuan? Although he is indeed very powerful, is it a bit too much for experienced special forces captains like Lei Zhan and Long Xiaoyun to face hundreds of special forces?" , Chen Xingjun had a worried look on his face.

"You've known this kid for so long, have you seen him say something you can't do?" Su Guoqiang said with a smile.

Gu "Hahaha, I think, Lao Chen, you should be worried, after this battle, will Lei Zhan and the others be beaten down!" Ye Jianting laughed happily, without any worries.

"You just squeak, hum!" Chen Xingjun said angrily.

On the training ground, Qin Yuan looked at the hundreds of special forces around him, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his right hand and hooked his fingers at Lei Zhan.

Lei Zhan's expression changed, and he strode towards Qin Yuan with a light snort. When he got close, he suddenly raised his right foot, swept through the air, and slammed it towards his eyebrows very quickly.

Lei Zhan's speed is very fast, even Chen Shanming and others, who are also the captain of the special operations team, dare not say that they will definitely be able to take it, and they will definitely avoid his edge before making plans.

However, Qin Yuan looked at the whip leg that was getting closer and closer, as if it suddenly became sluggish, and did not respond.

"What's the matter? Why doesn't Qin Yuan dodge? Thor's kick obviously used all his strength. If he is hit from the front, let alone a person, even a brown bear will have to be killed!"

"Could it be... He couldn't react at all? But it's a little impossible. We have seen the horror of him with our own eyes in the live video of the International Special Forces Competition."

"You said, could it be... Qin Yuan didn't plan to avoid it at all, he was going to take this whip leg!"

"This... how is this possible!"

Between the electric light and flint, Lei Zhan's kick had come less than half a meter in front of Qin Yuan.

Looking at Qin Yuan, who seemed to be sluggish, Lei Zhan subconsciously restrained his strength. He knew very well how powerful his kick was, and the two didn't have any deep hatred, so he didn't want to just abolish Qin Yuan.

However, the next moment, Qin Yuan stretched out his right hand lightly and grabbed Lei Zhan's right foot, which was swept up with amazing momentum, and the scene suddenly became extremely silent.

" is this possible, Qin Yuan just casually grabbed the right foot that Lei Zhan kicked with all his strength, that's Lei Zhan! The strength of the entire military area can be ranked in the top five!"

"As expected of Qin Yuan, I now know why the commander made him our instructor. He definitely has this qualification!"

Lei Zhan looked at Qin Yuan with a dull look, as if he hadn't reacted yet, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Qin Yuan chuckled and kicked out his right foot like lightning, so fast that everyone felt a flash in front of them. Lei Zhan's body flew out like a broken kite, and slammed into the concrete pavement.

"Captain, are you alright!" The old fox and others stepped up on their faces and helped Lei Zhan up.

The force of Qin Yuan's shot was very precise, only making Lei Zhan feel the pain, not hurting his body.

"I'm fine!" Lei Zhan pushed a few people away, stood up swaying, the pain couldn't stop coming from his body, and his body trembled uncontrollably.


Qin Yuan glanced around, his tone was very indifferent.

Chen Shanming, Geng Jihui and the others looked at each other and became very solemn. They stopped shooting alone. With a loud shout, dozens or hundreds of elite special forces rushed forward.

Outside the arena, Zang Chong and Su Xiaoyu had been leaning against the wall for a year, without any worries on their faces.

"Hey, you said, how long does it take for the instructor to get these people down." Su Xiaoyu smiled cheaply.

"I think it takes seven minutes anyway. Their strength is still there. After all, they are veteran special forces who have experienced hundreds of battles. It is still a little difficult to solve them all."

"Haha, don't you look down on the instructor too much? I think it takes five minutes at most. Do you dare to make a bet, and the loser will stand upside down and eat!" Zang Chong squinted at Su Xiaoyu.

"Hey, of course... don't gamble! Labor and management are not stupid!"


In less than five minutes, there were sheets of special forces groaning constantly on the ground, unable to stand up again.

The only ones who were still standing were the captains Geng Jihui, Long Xiaoyun, Yang Rui, and the sanitation staff, Xiaozhuang, He Chenguang, and Leng Feng.

However, soon, these people were knocked to the ground one after Except for Qin Yuan, no one could stand up again.

"Hahaha, I knew that this kid Qin Yuan would definitely be able to do it. If Zhang Tianzheng's old guys saw this, they would be desperate to dig a foot in the wall!"

"Hmph, they still don't have the courage, they are all buckled to death, and they want to dig Qin Yuan, they just don't even have a door!"

"Well, I can't wait to see how strong these guys can be after being trained by Qin Yuan. By that time, the special forces of our military region will be able to rank first in the entire military department!"

"That's natural!"


"Who else has doubts about my training methods, I'll give you a chance now, otherwise after today, whoever has meaning, don't blame me for being rude!"

Qin Yuan's voice was a little cold, and his eyes slowly glanced at the crowd on the ground.

There were only groans of pain all around, and no one spoke.

"Okay, since you have no opinions, then continue training, everyone, according to the content just now, stand in two rows!"


Lei Zhan and others said in unison, and climbed up from the ground with some difficulty, without any resistance on their faces.

Soon, everyone stood in two rows in the rushing river. The special forces in front were doing standard horse steps, and the people in the back were holding whips soaked in salt water, waiting for Qin Yuan's order.

"Very good, start now, remember to grit your teeth and hold back, don't make any noise!"


As soon as the words fell, the team standing behind immediately raised the whip in their hands and slapped them on the back.

They have all experienced severe special selection, and naturally they will not be soft-hearted, because this is a very dangerous thing.


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