Showing mercy on the training ground is no different from murder.




The whip stained with salt water slammed **** the backs of the soldiers in the front row, making a heart-pounding sound.

One after another bloodstain quickly revealed the thin training suit, which looked shocking.

However, even for example, those fighters didn't make any sound, they all gritted their teeth and endured. There was only the sound of tearing air and the sound of whips hitting flesh and blood in the entire training ground.

Looking at this scene, Qin Yuan nodded for the untraceable. These special forces from the five special forces are extremely powerful in terms of military literacy and psychological quality.

Compared with the original Sharp Knife Recruit Company, their ability to withstand is relatively strong, and he can also formulate some more brutal and practical training courses.

About half an hour later, each of the soldiers in the front row endured two hundred whips abruptly, their backs all became bloody, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and their faces were extremely pale.

However, even so, during the whole process, no one made a sound because of the severe pain.

Not far away, Zang Chong and several people showed a trace of admiration on their faces. If Qin Yuan had also used this cruel method to train before, they might have risen up long ago.

"Rest in place for five minutes, then switch rows and continue training!" Qin Yuan said loudly while looking at the crowd in front.


Five minutes later, Lei Zhan stood behind Long Xiaoyun with a grin and only felt a burning pain in his back. If it wasn't for his nerves being tough enough, he would have been rolling on the ground in pain.

"I said, do you really want to be beaten? You are a woman, not as rough as us. Besides, you mainly use high-tech means to play with your brain, and your physical fitness is not strong. You shouldn't be able to hold on to these two hundred whips."

"Why don't I tell Qin Yuan's little... um, explain the situation to Qin Yuan's instructor, I'm sure he won't be so cruel!"

After listening to Lei Zhan's words, Long Xiaoyun turned his head impatiently and said, "You are still not a man, so women are like this? Should women be treated differently!"

"This... I'm not thinking of you?" Lei Zhan explained helplessly.

"Hey, Captain Lei, you don't know. Although our Captain Long is a daughter, all the daily training is carried out with us, so don't worry, she will definitely be able to carry the captain over." Leng Feng next to him He opened his mouth with a smile.

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lei Zhan raised his right arm violently, and then dropped it down, the whip in his hand slapped Long Xiaoyun's back fiercely.

With a "pop", Long Xiaoyun's face suddenly turned pale, and he couldn't help groaning, but his eyes did not flinch.

Seeing Long Xiaoyun's realization, Lei Zhan no longer hesitated, and continued to beat with a whip full of salt water.

Soon, the two hundred whips were finished, everyone's faces were extremely pale, and their bodies were a little unstable.

"Very well, everyone will return to the training ground, arranged according to the formation of each special team!" Qin Yuan shouted in a deep voice.

"Instructor, I just received two hundred whips, what are you going to do?" Ostrich asked with a bitter face.

"It's nothing, it's just for disinfection." Qin Yuan said casually.

"What! Disinfection! do I have a bad premonition!" Hades murmured subconsciously.

"Don't think about it, it must be alcohol. When we train those rookies, this is not what we use!" Little Bee said with a wry smile.

"Congratulations, you guessed correctly, but there is no reward, Zang Chong, go and push things over!"


Soon, Zang Chong and the others pushed a large iron can full of alcohol and handed it to Qin Yuan with the water outlet.

"Everyone has it. Turn around and sprint into horses. If anyone screams in pain in a while, I will go back and get two hundred whips. Can you hear me!"

"heard it!"

Qin Yuan nodded, turned on the water pipe directly, and a pungent alcohol spurted out immediately, all of which fell on the **** backs of those people.

"Oh, oh, it's so exciting to ride a horse!"

The ostrich couldn't help but let out a strange cry, its face twisted into a strange shape.

"I said, can you cover your mouth, it's like being caught, my goosebumps are falling!", the hygienist next to him couldn't help but said.

"What can I do if I can't help it? If I call out, I'll get two hundred whips for nothing!", the ostrich grinned.

"Okay, okay, I don't care about you, okay, what's going on with love!"

"Hey, hygienist, don't you feel pain? This thing is high-concentration medical alcohol!"

"Haha, my rough skin and thick flesh are used to it!"

"You cow!"

The ostrich gave the hygienist a hard middle finger.

"Can you two be quiet!" He Chenguang, who was next to him, couldn't help but said, "Don't you realize that the instructor has been rushing towards this side? It's going to implicate me!"

The ostrich turned his head to look, and suddenly found that Qin Yuan's eyes were falling on him lightly, and he was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head and tightly closed his mouth.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan turned off the alcohol tap and handed it to Zang Chong behind him.

"Okay, give you five minutes to rest before you start your next workout."

As soon as these words came out, even Lei Zhan and several other captains showed a wry smile on their faces. They hadn't been trained at this intensity for a long time, and they couldn't bear it for a while.

"Wow, this instructor is too ruthless. Even the Devil Week when he was selected to join the team didn't feel so scary!" Li Erniu sat on the ground with a wry smile on his face.

"I think it's okay, as long as I can improve my strength, I'm willing to do anything!" Lao Pao said indifferently.

"Really!" Xiao Zhuang slapped Lao Pao on the shoulder, the latter bared his teeth in pain, and slapped him away!

"Didn't you say you're willing to do anything? I'm here to improve your ability to fight, why don't you know good people!"

"Fuck you, if it's Instructor Qin, I naturally have no opinion, just forget it!" Lao Pao looked disgusted.

"Speaking of which, Instructor Qin's strength is terrifying. When will I be able to reach half his level and wake up beautifully from my dreams!" Qiang Xiaowei said with a longing look on his face.

Gu "Hehe, what are you thinking! Don't say it's half, even if it's only one-tenth, we can easily overthrow our entire team!"

"I think as long as we can train with Instructor Qin Yuan for a month, our strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. At that time, our military region will not be at the bottom. Presumably this is what Commander Su thinks."


The morning passed quickly, everyone came to the restaurant exhausted, and all kinds of high-energy food had been brought up.

Qin Yuan did not let them eat raw snakes and mice like he trained the Fire Phoenix Commandos, because it was not necessary at all.

After entering the special forces team, they can already eat these things without changing their face. Now this kind of high-intensity training, they should eat well and drink well, take in enough energy and nutrition, and improve their strength step by step.

"You have an hour to eat to recover your energy. I hope that on the training ground in the afternoon, everyone's state can return to the peak!"


The five special teams said in unison.

Qin Yuan nodded, and was about to turn around to leave when he suddenly heard a low voice. With the blessing of peak-level hearing, there was almost no sound within the 300-meter periphery of his body that could hide from him.

"In an hour, how to recover, just the welts on the back, and dressing the wound with medicine does not take more than this time."

"Yeah, if you don't bandage it properly, it's easy to tear the wound during training in the afternoon, and it will be even more difficult to heal when it falls!"

"However, I think that since the instructor said so, there must be a way to avoid these things. We just follow the orders. Why waste so much energy!"

Qin Yuan's face didn't change, and he left the restaurant.

Soon, everyone finished their lunch and supported each other back to the dormitory.

"Hey, hygienist, show your brothers if you can take care of the wound on your back. If it really cracks again in the afternoon, there's really nothing you can do!"

"Hehe, with so many wounds, what can I do? Even the most advanced special medicines can't do it." The hygienist Pi Xiaorou said without a smile.

"That's not right, don't you call yourself a family of traditional Chinese medicine? Let's make some fiddling with the two herbs, in case a blind cat encounters a dead mouse!"

"Fuck you, even if you pull the old man Hua Tuo out of the soil, will it be of any use!"

"Hey, that would be miserable, but fortunately, the instructor gave us alcohol to flush us, at least we don't have to worry about infection!" Ostrich said weakly.

"Hey, where's the captain? Did any of you see it?" Lao Pao said suddenly, his face full of doubts.

"Hey, I was called away by the instructor, and I don't know what happened!" Xiaozhuang explained casually. When he was about to lie down on the bed to rest, the dormitory door was suddenly pushed open. Geng Jihui strode in, holding a Big bag of black stuff.

"Captain, what is the instructor looking for from you? What are you holding in your hand?" Ostrich asked curiously.

"I don't know. The instructor gave us a few captains, each of them a big bag of this thing, said to stir it with boiling water, and then apply it to the wound on the back." Geng Jihui raised the black thing in his hand. .

"Huh? Come and show me." The hygienist stretched out his hand with a puzzled expression.

Without any hesitation, Geng Jihui directly handed over the things in his hand.

The hygienist opened it carefully and sniffed lightly on the tip of his nose.

"Tian Qi, dried blood, bergamot ginseng, black wolfberry... um, there are some things I didn't smell, probably a medicine for nourishing blood and nourishing qi."

"But why did the instructor give us these things? Although traditional Chinese medicine can warm up the injury and leave no sequelae, it will not have any effect in a short period of time. It is not suitable for training at all?" The hygienist frowned. , some do not understand.

"Hey, what are you doing, the instructor won't hurt us anyway!" The ostrich snatched the things from the sanitation staff and went to get the hot water.

"However, our instructors are actually involved in traditional Chinese medicine, which is quite strange. Hygienist, do you know this formula?"

Xiao Zhuang turned his head to look at the hygienist.

"I haven't seen it before, but Chinese medicine is extensive and profound, and it is not surprising that there are many secret recipes. Even if it is the same medicinal material, the dosage may be different, and the effect after taking it is also different."

"Really? You said that the instructors won't use us as guinea pigs to experiment with formulas?" Lao Pao asked suspiciously.

"Anyway, I believe the instructor, come here, the hygienist will help me get some medicine!" The ostrich happily handed half a bowl of the strange-smelling medicine paste to the hygienist, then took off his shirt and lay on the bed, revealing densely packed Welts.

"Hehe, let's try the medicine with you. If there's no hiccups, it's not too late for us to use it!" The hygienist smiled and quickly picked up the medicine bowl and applied it.

Soon, the hygienist covered the entire back of the ostrich. He clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Okay, Mr. White Mouse, please tell me how you feel now."

The ostrich didn't seem to hear anything and didn't move.

"Hey, hey, I won't hang up! Squeak!" The hygienist patted the ostrich's buttocks.

The next moment, a slight snoring sound came out, and Xiao Zhuang looked at each other in dismay, and cursed a few words in disbelief.

"Okay, since it was brought out by the instructor, it should have some effect, let's apply some, just the few I can are very precious medicinal materials, and they are very rare outside. Hard to get."

After the hygienist finished speaking, he walked directly towards Geng Jihui and applied dark medicinal materials for him.

Soon, after everyone finished taking the medicine, they fell asleep in a daze.

I don't know how long it took, everyone was awakened by the rushing and piercing assembly whistle, and quickly put on clothes and made the messy beds.

Xiao Zhuang was the first to finish this, and was about to run downstairs when he suddenly found something and reached out and touched his back in surprise.

"Xiao Zhuang, what are you doing, hurry down and gather, if you go late, you will definitely be taken care of by the instructor!" Geng Jihui said strangely.

"Hey, no, have you noticed any difference in your body?"

"It's just a nap for a while, but it's not enough to have an extra pair out of thin air!" Ostrich said in an angry voice.

The hygienist seemed to remember something, so he stepped forward and pulled Xiao Zhuang's shirt off, revealing his back still full of scars.

However, unlike an hour ago, the scar at this time has become dark red, and the scabs around it have disappeared, and there is no rough and fragile feeling when touched by hand.

"Fuck, what's going on?" Ostrich looked shocked.

"Yeah, how do these wounds look like they'll heal quickly?"

"Could it be those dark Chinese medicines that the instructor brought out? But how is this possible!" The hygienist's face was full of shock. He was born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine, and subconsciously thought it was impossible.

However, apart from applying the medicine given by Qin Yuan, several people never treated the wound again. The fact was in front of them, and it was impossible for everyone to disbelieve.

"Fuck, the instructor is really a genius. Not only is his strength unfathomable, he is also proficient in Chinese medicine!"


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