"I know that Commander Su can let Qin Yuan serve as our instructor, which is enough to explain everything!"

"Not to mention, the value of this traditional Chinese medicine formula alone is inestimable, but Instructor Qin gave it to us without hesitation. Based on this, no matter how harsh the future training is, I will not have any opinion. !"

The hygienist said in a deep voice, and there was no longer that kind of smile on his face.

"I said, should we go downstairs? If we don't meet at the specified time, Instructor Qin won't leave!" After Xiaozhuang finished speaking, he ran downstairs.

"Damn, slow down, we Lone Wolf Group B are a whole, even if we are punished, we should be together!"

Two minutes later, on the training ground, Qin Yuan looked at the energetic people in front of him, and said with a smile, "How do you feel? Are you full of strength?"

"Yes!" Ostrich was the first to speak.

Then he suddenly found that the atmosphere around him was a bit weird, and everyone looked at themselves with the expression of looking at the pig teammates.

"Ostrich, don't talk if you don't know how to speak!" Lao Pao scolded in a low voice.

"An ostrich is an ostrich, and its brain capacity is too small. If it is outside, it is estimated that someone will sell it, and they will happily count the money for others!" The hygienist laughed and made a mockery.

"Very good, it seems that this morning's training is simply a piece of cake for you. In this case, the amount of training in the future will be doubled!" Qin Yuan said loudly.

In an instant, the ostrich felt that the surroundings became very cold, and invisible eyes fell on him, as if he wanted to flash him to Wankang.

He subconsciously shrank his head, feeling full of malice.

"The time is 11:10 in the afternoon, so let's warm up first. Everyone carries a weight of 30 kilograms and runs a hundred laps around the playground, that is, more than 20 kilometers. I will give you an hour to finish. Yes, you are not allowed to eat tonight."


Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and others roared in unison, then glared at the ostrich, and honestly went to the side to put stones.


Looking at the figures running wildly on the playground, Qin Yuan nodded with satisfaction. This morning's combat training did not leave any sequelae.

At this time, his traditional Chinese medicine has reached world-class level, and the effect of the concocted traditional Chinese medicine has been greatly improved. It is for this reason that rigorous training can be used to squeeze everyone's potential hidden in the depths of the body.

On the runway, the ostrich was no longer as lively as he used to be, because he felt the eyes full of murderous intent falling on him.

"Hehe, ostrich, you are full of strength? Then, do you want to help me carry some bricks? I'm too tired to straighten up!" Lei Zhan said with a smile.

"That, Captain Lei, these are all accidents, accidents, hehe!"

"Don't, don't be humble. I'm in the Thunder Commando, and I often hear your name. I heard of your armed off-road performance. You are either the first or the second every time, yes!"

"Haha, okay, Captain Lei, stop playing with this guy!" Geng Jihui stepped forward.

"Hey, I'm a little bored in my free time. Let's have some fun. We are all old fritters. We can still survive this amount of training." Lei Zhan said with a teasing face.

At this moment, Zang Chong strode forward and roared: "This is the training ground, is it like a vacation? You guys, add five more bricks, hurry up!"

Lei Zhan raised his eyebrows and said solemnly: "Qin Yuan can reprimand me, that's because he has such strength, I admire him, but what are you doing, you dare to teach me? You didn't know when labor and capital were special forces. Where are you playing in the mud!"

"I'm nothing, just your instructor. On the training ground, the instructor's words are orders. If you don't agree, you have to hold back. When the training is over, we can play whatever you want, and I'll accompany you at any time!"

Zang Chong said with a look of disdain, although his qualifications are indeed not comparable to Lei Zhan, but his current status is an instructor, which can definitely stabilize him.

What's more, because of his strength, there is no vain thunder battle at all. Since the opponent provokes first, he doesn't need to save any face.

"Okay, very good, I hope you can be so hard after a while!"

Lei Zhan took a deep look at Zang Chong, then left the runway directly, came to the pile of bricks that had been prepared long ago, and put it on without a word.

"What are you still doing, do you still want me to help!" Zang Chong yelled at the ostrich and the others.

Several people looked at each other and ran straight towards the pile of bricks.

Qin Yuan watched this scene from a distance, without any intention of stopping him, and observed a moment of silence for Lei Zhan in his heart.

With the current strength of the sharp knife recruit company, these people are not their opponents, even Lei Zhan, Yang Rui and others who are the captains.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, this group of veteran special forces can see what it means that the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the front waves fall to their death on the beach.

Soon, an hour passed, and the five special forces lined up neatly, all gasping for breath.

These training subjects, Qin Yuan formulated according to the comprehensive quality of everyone, can fully squeeze everyone's physical strength.

"Rest in place for five minutes, and then start the next project." Qin Yuan threw out a sentence lightly, and was about to turn around and sit under the awning when a voice suddenly came from behind.


Qin Yuan knew it, turned his head and found that it was Lei Zhan who was looking at him.

"What's the matter."

"Report to the instructor, I want to challenge Zang Chong, even now, please approve." Lei Zhan said solemnly, looking at Zang Chong, his face was full of provocation.

"Okay, in five minutes, I'll give you a chance to regain your strength!"

Lei Zhan hesitated, and wanted to say that he was just dealing with a new recruit, so he didn't need to be so troublesome, but suddenly thought that Zang Chong had been trained by Qin Yuan since he entered the recruit company, and his strength was definitely not weak. He took a deep breath of air, trying to calm his beating heart.

"Hey, savage, how are you? Are you sure? Thor is a long-established special forces soldier. He has very rich experience in actual combat. He has really fought on the battlefield, and his strength is quite unfathomable." Su Xiaoyu asked with a smile.

"Hehe, do you want to make a bet? I'll turn him over in a minute, you wash my socks for a month, or I'll wash you for a month, how about that?"

Su Xiaoyu's eyes rolled around, and he said with a mean smile: "No, I'm a good person, and you won't let you wash my smelly socks!"


Zang Chong turned around and stopped looking at him.

The five minutes passed quickly, Lei Zhan's breathing had returned to normal at this time, the sweat on his face had been wiped off, and although his physical strength had not fully recovered, it was definitely enough.

"Would you like to rest for a while? Don't say I took advantage of you!" Zang Chong raised his head.

"No need, just deal with you, end the battle in minutes!" Lei Zhan's face was full of disdain.

"Give you one minute, if no one gets beaten down, you two will do a thousand push-ups each!" Qin Yuan said with a smile.

"Hehe, no need for the company commander, give me half a minute, this guy has to lie on the ground!"

"Mommy Haw!" Lei Zhan raised his right fist and smashed Zangchong's head fiercely.

"Good come!"

Zang Chong didn't dodge or evade, he straightly stretched out his right fist, and rushed away with Lei Zhan.

With a "bang", the two fists collided fiercely, Lei Zhan's face changed greatly, his entire body took a few steps back uncontrollably, and his drooping right arm trembled slightly.

Gu Erzangchong only took a step back, then stabilized his body, and said with a look of disdain: "The captain of the Thunder Commando, but that's it!"

"What did you say!"

Hades, Harley, and the old fox shouted angrily and stepped forward one after another, glaring at Zang Chong.

"All go back!"

Lei Zhan roared, then turned his head to look at Zang Chong, "Your strength is indeed very strong, but for a special forces soldier, these are far from enough!"

"The girls are chirping, if you want to fight, fight, how come there is so much nonsense!" Zang Chong looked impatient.

"Wow, handsome guy, why didn't I find out before, how can the savage's mouth be so poisonous!" Su Xiaoyu's eyes were full of surprise.

"I guess it's because I didn't have the opportunity to play before. I didn't expect that the seemingly careless savage actually knew how to provoke the other party with words first!" Fang Tian stunned.

"In this way, the entire Sharp Knife Recruit Company is actually the purest I am. If you have one, it's all old silver coins!" Su Xiaoyu said with a melancholy expression.

"Fuck you!"


On the training ground, Lei Zhan's eyes were already dignified. He took a deep breath and slammed his legs towards Zang Chong, then raised his right foot and smashed it towards his chest like lightning.

Zang Chong sneered and stopped resisting hard. At the moment when Lei Zhan's right foot was about to land, his entire body evaded instantly and directly avoided the foot.

Then he violently threw his fist and smashed it at his head unceremoniously. It was extremely fast. Almost at the moment when Lei Zhan's right foot landed, a fist the size of a sandbag came close.

Lei Zhan's face changed drastically in an instant, and it was too late to avoid, so he could only twist his head abruptly, and let his inevitable fist fall into his eyes.

With a "bang", Lei Zhan's body staggered and fell directly to the ground, looking very embarrassed.

Zang Chong stood firmly on the ground, the outcome was clearly decided.

Lei Zhan slowly got up from the ground, his face was full of a wry smile, his eyes were already flushed, and the tears fell uncontrollably.

"Wow, Captain Lei, even if we lose, we won't cry, right?" Su Xiaoyu's face was full of exaggerated surprise.

"Screw you!"

Lei Zhan was not angry, and then gave Zang Chong a straight salute, "Instructor Zang Chong, you won, I apologize to you for my previous behavior."

Seeing Lei Zhan's sincerity, Zang Chong touched his head a little embarrassedly, "Well, it's alright, in fact, what I did was wrong, and we don't know each other.

"Look at the way you two are so awkward, why don't you get married in a whole Taoyuan!" Su Xiaoyu interjected in a very untimely manner.

"Xiaoyu, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!"


"Since the fight is over, what are you still doing, go back to the queue!" Qin Yuan shouted at Lei Zhan.


Looking at the neat crowd in front, Qin Yuan smiled and said: "Since the warm up is over, let's start today's bomb-dropping training."

"What? Bombing training? Instructor, what can I do?" Li Erniu asked in confusion.

"Haha, have you reached the pinnacle of your throwing skills? No matter what time of day, throwing bombs can play a key role."

"The predecessors of the year used these to overthrow the enemy's tank bunkers!"

"But, Instructor, we all understand the truth. The key is to drop bullets. Who doesn't know that? Is it necessary to waste time practicing these?"

"Really? Zang Chong!"


"Go get an iron bucket and put it 100 meters away."


Soon, Zang Chong placed an iron bucket the size of a washbasin 100 meters away. From this place, it looked like a small black spot.

"This... the instructor doesn't want us to throw our hands into the iron bucket, right?"

"No way. Fifty meters of Lei, a thrower in the military area, is considered excellent, but it is hundreds of meters, and the caliber of the iron barrel is so small, how can it be possible to throw it in?"

"That's right, isn't the instructor embarrassing us?"

Listening to everyone's discussion, Qin Yuan said loudly: "Do you think that this kind of difficulty cannot be completed at all?"

"Instructor Qin, in everyone's daily training, there is not much about throwing, not to mention the distance and the target are too harsh." Long Xiaoyun said with a frown.

"You mean ~www.readwn.com~ this can't be done at all?"


"Okay, I'll show you a demonstration first!" Qin Yuan said in a calm tone, according to the headset: "Zang Chong, keep the target 100 meters away."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zang Chong hugged the iron bucket, strode forward, and soon came to a position of 200 meters.


Qin Yuan picked up a training hand Lei that had been prepared for a long time, and without any hesitation, threw it straight ahead.

Hand Lei crossed an arc in the air and smashed straight into an iron barrel the size of a needle tip two hundred meters away.

Seeing this scene, everyone around was stunned, and it seemed that they could not believe the scene in front of them.

"My requirement for you is to be able to hit 100% of the iron barrels 100 meters away. If this standard is not met before the end of the training, I will propose to Commander Su to transfer him from the special operations team!"

"Do you have any confidence!" Qin Yuan glanced at everyone.


Long Xiaoyun, Lei Zhan and the others roared, with flaming flames in their eyes, since the instructors can accurately hit the iron barrels 200 meters away, it's only 100 meters away, and it doesn't seem that difficult.

"Very good, start practicing now!"


An hour later, everyone felt extremely sore in their arms. Even the simple lifting action became extremely difficult, and the beads of sweat kept dripping.

However, even so, until now, no one has been able to throw Hand Lei into an iron bucket 100 meters away.

Looking at the dejected crowd, Qin Yuan said lightly, "Throwing is something that everyone needs to train when they enlist in the army, but to really master it requires a lot of practice."


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