"But, Instructor Qin, how should we practice?" Li Erniu said while rubbing the back of his head, his face full of confusion.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over, obviously they also wanted to know what tricks Qin Yuan could come up with.

"Throwing mainly relies on the strength of the hands and wrists. You can use the horizontal bar to do pull-ups, and you can even increase some weights appropriately. If you persist for a while, you can improve." Qin Yuan said slowly.

"Really? Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and grab the horizontal bar, there are not many equipped in the training base!" Ostrich couldn't help but said, seeing that Qin Yuan did not have any dissatisfaction, he immediately ran towards the training equipment area. .

"Fuck, ostrich, wait for me, you're in such a hurry, rush to eat and eat!" The hygienist quickly followed.

"If you slow down, you won't be able to eat anything hot!" The ostrich's voice came leisurely, and the figure disappeared.

The rest of them reacted suddenly, cursed one after another, and strode towards the equipment area.

Soon, everyone was doing pull-ups with heavy loads on the horizontal bar. Some of them were late and couldn't find a place, so they hung directly from the big tree and did it.

"I said, is it really useful for us to practice like this? I haven't touched this kind of thing since I joined the special team!" Wang Yanbing of the red blood cell special team couldn't help but said, with ten pieces hanging on his feet. A few bricks are used as weights.

"It's right to listen to Instructor Qin, I think so anyway!" Li Erniu said.

"That's for sure, who are we not listening to the instructor? With his perverted strength, even if he asks us to jump off a cliff, I won't frown." He Chenguang said as a matter of course.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, if you get caught again, you will be punished by the instructor again!" Gong Jian said solemnly.

"Hey, speaking of this, where did you say the few people around the instructor came from? The strength is so abnormal, the one called Zang Chong defeated Thor with ease, such a character should be famous everywhere! "

Xu Tianlong couldn't help but said in a low voice.

"Have you been staying in the old forest in the deep mountains these days? You haven't even heard of the sharp knife recruits? In the international special forces competition two days ago, they won the first place in the Dragon Kingdom for the first time." He Chenguang Yi His face was surprised.

"Wow, it turns out that they are the sharp knife recruit company. I heard that they have grown to this level in less than a year after entering the military region!"

"Doesn't that mean that our strength can be greatly improved after being trained by Instructor Qin Yuan for a period of time?" Xu Tianlong said excitedly.

"Of course, isn't that what we came here for!"


After more than an hour, everyone ended the training, and then under the command of Qin Yuan, they came to the throwing training ground again, and their performance was obviously better than before.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, everyone dressed in training clothes gathered in the open space under the dormitory building.

"Let's warm up first, each person carries a weight of 20 kilograms and crosses 50 kilometers!" Qin Yuan said indifferently.

"Fifty kilometers, the instructor actually calls this a warm-up? When will we all become Super Saiyans?" Ostrich couldn't help muttering.

"Hehe, if you are too tired, you can quit, the instructor will definitely agree!" The hygienist smiled.

"Hey, deserters, I'm ostrich, bah, I've been led astray by you, I, Deng Zhenhua, definitely can't do it! After all, I have to watch you guys with sick minds, right?"

"What nonsense, you two quickly follow!" Geng Jihui turned his head and scolded.

"Okay Captain!"


Two hours later, on the rugged mountain road.

Qin Yuan stood on the galloping military vehicle, and the assault rifle in his hand was shooting frantically.

"Come on, haven't you eaten yet? The old lady walking on the street is faster than you!"

"That's not true, now the old lady is fast in the supermarket, of course we can't match!" Qiangzi gasped and couldn't help but said.

"Shh, be quiet, be careful the instructor hears and ask you to add a few more bricks!"

"Hey, what's the matter, isn't it just a few bricks, my Viagra doesn't care at all!" Ostrich said with a smile.

"Don't, don't, let me go, I can't bear it!" Qiangzi smiled wryly.

"I said, where did you get so much energy to chat, our mission is 50 kilometers!" Xiaozhuang turned his head and panted.

"It's only 50 kilometers away, our Lone Wolf B group is not a vegetarian, how can we not even resist this setback!"

"Haha, the ostrich's head is not big, but its tone is not small." The hygienist mocked unceremoniously.

"Hey, I said, hygienist, have you been itchy recently? You always don't deal with me, be careful I challenge you!"

"Hehe, come on, if nothing else, it's just an ostrich with a small brain. I'm still very confident."

"Shut up, you two, save your stamina for the next training!" Geng Jihui couldn't help reprimanding the two live treasures.

The hygienist and the ostrich looked at each other, stopped talking, and strode forward.

Half an hour later, Qin Yuan said loudly: "There are still the last five kilometers. I'll give you twenty minutes. If you haven't finished it, I won't have anything to eat tonight!"

After speaking, Qin Yuan sat directly on the co-pilot, and as soon as Fang Tian stepped on the accelerator next to him, the car sped forward and quickly disappeared into the distance.

"Two... Twenty minutes, God **** it, the instructor told me not to let people live!" Wang Yanbing gasped heavily, his body was already soaked in sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the lake. .

"I finally know why the Sharp Knife Recruits Company is so powerful. They train like this all day long. As long as they can grit their teeth and persevere, their strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds!" Leng Feng said in a hoarse voice, his eyes full of yearning.

"This kind of training, the average person will definitely not be able to persist, and it is only the special forces like us who have been trained for a long time, and can only hold on to their teeth. The foundation of that group of recruits is good, otherwise they would have been abolished long ago!" , Gong Jian said solemnly.

"That's true. Anyway, if we continue to train with Instructor Qin, we will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes, and our military region will not be at the bottom this time!"

"Hey, guess what, will the instructor take us to a restaurant?"

"What is kicking a restaurant?" Li Erniu asked with a puzzled look.

"Stupid, just go to other military regions and pretend to be coercive in the name of learning from each other!". He Chenguang explained seriously.

"Oh, so that's the case, but we don't have an order, and we can't even enter the gates of other military districts, right?"

Gu "Of course we can't get in on our own, but we, Instructor Qin, can, the first place in the dignified international special forces competition, and have a friendly exchange with them. Even if the commander of the other side is here, we have to give some face!"

"Come on you guys, have you forgotten what happened last year? Six people from the Sirius Commando swept our entire military region. Their captain Ye Mo is known as the first soldier king, and the other team members are only one point inferior. Even if we follow Qin The instructors have been training for a month, and there is a high probability that they will not be their opponents!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent, no longer talking and rushing forward, leaving patches of sweat behind them.

Fifteen minutes later, Qin Yuan stood on the roof of the car, looking at the crowd in the distance.

At this time, Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and the others had obviously exhausted their physical strength.

What surprised him was that although Long Xiaoyun was at the end of the team, she could still persevere. Her body was already covered in sweat, and she kept falling on the ground as she ran.

Although Long Xiaoyun is the captain of the Wolf Warrior Squadron, her overall strength is not outstanding in the team.

Leng Feng, who was beside him, tried to pull Long Xiaoyun to run several times, but she was avoided by her. His eyes were very determined. Obviously, he wanted to use his own strength to complete all the training.

Qin Yuan nodded for the untraceable, and his eyes immediately returned to dullness.

Five minutes later, everyone came to the end. Even though they were so tired that they could barely stand still, they still managed to walk slowly and did not lie down directly on the ground to rest.

Give you ten minutes of rest before starting the next round of training.


Although everyone was extremely tired, they still held their chests and raised their heads.

"I said, we are all sweating so much, will we not be able to carry on the next training?" Song Kaifei breathed heavily and couldn't help but whispered.

"Have you been training in vain before, do you want to prepare a bottle of Red Bull for you? Then get some hot water and take a comfortable bath?" Gong Jian reprimanded in a low voice.

"If it is on the battlefield and we need to travel long distances behind the enemy, can't you complete the mission without drinking water?"

"No, instructor, I just said that casually. Besides, aren't we on the training ground? There's no need to fight like that."

"The training ground is the battlefield. Even a rookie in the recruit company knows this truth. You have been living more and more in the past few years!" He Chenguang snorted softly.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, bro, please spare me."

"Hurry up and rest, we will continue training in ten minutes, and I don't know how the instructor will play with us!" Wang Yanbing lay comfortably on the hard stone ground, his face full of exhaustion.

Ten minutes passed quickly, Qin Yuan raised his assault rifle and shot towards the air.

The special forces who were lying together on the ground were awakened one after another, got up like a conditioned reflex, and stood in a neat queue.

Looking at the sweat still remaining on everyone's faces, Qin Yuan said with a smile: "How about it, is the warm-up very thorough, and do you feel that you are full of strength?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, but none of them speak.

"Why is no one talking? Is the body still not moving, or let's go another 50 kilometers?" Qin Yuan smiled.

"Don't, don't, the event is open, it's definitely open!" Everyone said in a hurry, joking, if this is another 50 kilometers, they will not fall apart!

"Very good, all of them, facing the mountain, all lay on the ground for me."

Although Lei Zhan and the others had some doubts in their hearts, they still honestly lay down facing the mountains.

"Brothers, why do I have a bad premonition, how is the instructor going to torture us?" Ostrich couldn't help but said.

"It should be a limited time to climb the mountain, otherwise there should be no tricks to play?"

"Why do you want us to lie down when we climb the mountain? Could it be..." Xiao Zhuang couldn't help shivering.

Qin Yuan glanced at a few people and said loudly, "I see the mountains in front of you, give you an hour, and let me crawl to the top of the mountain!"

"Everyone can't get up. Taking the barbed wire in the 400-meter obstacle as the standard, if anyone's **** is raised too high, don't blame me for being rude."

"Oh, by the way, this mountain is only four kilometers away, grit your teeth, and you'll be over soon!"

"What? It's only... 4,000 meters. My God, this is a mountain road. The ground is full of broken stones. If you climb up, you won't have to take off a layer of skin!"

"Hey, I think that after this month's training, we will not have any intact parts. This method is too harsh!"

"I think it's okay. This can train our endurance and will, which can save lives on the battlefield."

"I understand the truth, but just thinking about this thing makes my scalp feel numb, and I don't know how the instructor came up with it~www.readwn.com~ What are you doing here, it's been a minute. , you still have fifty-nine minutes, if anyone fails to reach the top of the mountain within the stipulated time, go to bed hungry tonight!"

"I wipe, the instructor didn't say start, how can I remember the time!" Ostrich looked depressed.

"Okay, stop talking and crawl now, don't you want to have no food tonight?" As soon as the hygienist finished speaking, his body quickly crawled forward.

"Hey, dead hygienist, wait for me!"

Seeing the silhouettes of the people walking away, Su Xiaoyu couldn't help but said: "Instructor, the physical fitness of these special forces is really not bad. They have just finished running 50 kilometers under heavy load, and they are alive after a ten-minute rest. too much!"

"Of course, even the most junior among them has joined the special forces for more than a year. I don't know how many missions I have participated in. It's not surprising to have this quality!" Zhang Shuai said, having been in the military since childhood He grew up in the college, and he knew these things very well.

"Company commander, let's follow quickly, these guys are almost gone!" Zang Chong said, looking at Qin Yuan.

"Well, Fang Tian, ​​you are looking at the car here, Zang Chong, bring the guys with you, and give them some extra food, otherwise this journey will be too boring!"


Su Xiaoyu, Zhang Shuai, and Zang Chong smiled, picked up their assault rifles, grabbed a few clips, and strode towards the mountain.

"It's too slow, speed up, ostrich, put your **** down, who's going to show it so high!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he pulled the trigger unceremoniously, and a series of bullets cut through the air, almost fitting the ostrich's scalp and swept past.


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