The ostrich was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he lowered his body quickly, his voice trembling a little: "Instructor Qin, take it easy! I can't bear the seeds in my head!"

Lei Zhan, Yang Rui and the others listened to the sound of the ostrich, silently lowered their bodies, and climbed towards the top of the mountain in a muffled sound.

After an unknown amount of time, everyone felt that their whole bodies were trembling uncontrollably. The clothes on their forearms and knees had been torn, and the blood stains continued to seep out, and the entire mountain road was stained with red.

"Fuck, I feel like my arms are going to cripple. This is even harder than doing a plank for an hour!" Xu Tianlong grinned.

"Mine is already useless, the ghost knows who is crawling forward now!"

"Hey, hygienist, come and move me a place, there seems to be less stones on your side!"

"Fuck you, hold back and talk to me!"

Time passed slowly, and everyone only felt that their arms and legs were hit hard by the giant hammer, and they almost lost consciousness.

Finally, Lei Zhan and Leng Feng took the lead to reach the top of the mountain. When they got up, their whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and they almost fell to the ground.

However, their hearts were extremely comfortable, as if they were breaking through a certain limit. If it wasn't for their bodies, they would even want to shout.

Soon, everyone climbed to the top of the mountain with incomparable difficulty, and couldn't help falling down on the ground.

Qin Yuan slowly walked to the top of the mountain with a smile on his face.

Looking down at the time, he chuckled: "Very good, you actually completed the training in only fifty minutes. Your strength is greater than I imagined, um... It seems that the training will be more difficult in the future. It's gone!"


Everyone's faces were sluggish, and after a wry smile, they smashed their heads on the ground in resignation, with an expression of hopelessness.

But they don't have any resistance in their hearts. As long as they can improve their strength, they won't have any objection. Anyway, the instructors won't really train them, just suffer some hardships.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan glanced at the ground, then picked up the muzzle and pulled the trigger.

"All rise!"


All of them were stunned and climbed directly from the ground. Even though they were still sore all over, they didn't hesitate.

"Well, it's 4:30 in the afternoon. If you can get back as soon as possible, maybe you can have a hot dinner."

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but light up. They had been devastated by Qin Yuan for an afternoon. They had already digested everything they had for lunch. Now their stomachs were empty, and they needed to replenish energy urgently.

Qin Yuan looked at them with a smile, "What are you waiting for, aren't you in a hurry? Would you like to have another training session?"

"No, no, no!" Everyone waved their hands again and again, and when they were about to go down the mountain, they were suddenly stopped by Qin Yuan.

"Don't you want to go down the mountain like this? Isn't it too disrespectful to it!"


Long Xiaoyun, Lei Zhan and the others raised a string of question marks in their hearts at the same time, and subconsciously felt that the instructor was going to do something wrong!


"Since you were lying on your stomach when you came, then when you go down the mountain, you can jump. Everyone goes down the mountain in a frog jumping posture. Dinner is waiting for you. When you can eat it, it's up to you!"

"Frog...Frog jumping, please, this is a mountain range, do you want to kill us!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he walked directly down the mountain without looking at the bitter faces of everyone.

"Forgot to tell you that the restaurant closes after eight o'clock. You still have 50 kilometers to go after you go down the mountain. If you want to have dinner, hurry up!"

"Fuck, brothers, hurry up, if it's too late, you'll have to go through the night hungry!" After the ostrich finished speaking, he jumped down the mountain at the fastest speed in a leaping posture.

However, this is a mountain. Although it is not particularly steep, if you want to jump down the mountain, you still need great balance and precise control of the muscles of the whole body.

Seeing that the ostrich had moved, everyone took a deep breath and jumped down the mountain together.

Qin Yuan didn't stop here, he quickly came under him, and then drove his car towards the training base.

He didn't even leave the god-level intelligent poisonous bees to monitor whether they were lazy.

Because these people are veteran special forces, the basic qualities of the players must be there, otherwise they will not be selected. After all, the five captains of Lei Zhan and Long Xiaoyun are not vegetarians.

"Company commander, you are really ruthless. You just leave them on the mountain. Even if they come down, they have to run 50 kilometers and get back to the base before eight o'clock before they can have dinner." Su Xiaoyu tutted.

"What, do you want to accompany them?" Zang Chong glared at him.

"Forget it, I don't have the time to spare, let's go back quickly, I'm hungry, I heard that the training base has a lot of financial support, isn't our dinner very rich?"

"Okay, concentrate on driving. After you go back, hurry up and rest. There are still things to do tonight." Qin Yuan said with a smile, as if he had thought of something, and the smile on his face was even stronger.

"Hey, every time the company commander laughs like this, someone will be unlucky. It seems that these guys are going to be unlucky tonight!"


Before 8 o'clock in the evening, Lei Zhan and the others returned to the training base, then ran directly to the restaurant, opened the door and saw a large table of rich food.

At this point, Qin Yuan didn't think about tempering them and being able to enter the special forces. They have all experienced this, and now they need sufficient energy and nutrients to complete all the training.

After Lei Zhan and the others had dinner, they ran directly to the dormitory. Without wasting time, they just fell back to sleep. After a day of brutal training, everyone was exhausted and fell into a deep sleep as soon as their heads touched the pillow.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, Qin Yuan appeared outside the dormitory building, Zang Chong and four people stood behind him, and there were two large boxes of things on the ground, which were full of tear gas.

"The company commander is really cruel. It is estimated that they are in dreamland, and they will continue to be tortured soon!" Su Xiaoyu said with a mean smile on his face.

"What's the matter? That's what the company commander did to us at the time of our recruit company. They are veteran special forces. They should have experienced this long ago!" Zhang Shuai looked indifferent.

"Stop talking nonsense, Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai, go to the left, Su Xiaoyu, Fang Tian, ​​go to the right with me. After seeing the gesture, throw the tear gas inside together."


Soon, everyone was holding a few tear gas in their hands. After seeing Qin Yuan's signal, they threw them directly into the dormitory window. They were all trained to throw the things in their hands accurately at the same time.

After more than a dozen muffled sounds, thick smoke immediately emerged from the inside, but the expected coughing and scolding did not come.

Qin Yuan frowned slightly, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded in the corridor of the dormitory, followed by Lei Zhan, Leng Feng and others walked out with a smile.

"How, I'm right, how could the instructor let us sleep peacefully all night, and will definitely prepare some meals!" Ostrich said proudly.

Before everyone went to bed, he remembered this. After notifying everyone, he was immediately recognized. All of them didn't really fall asleep.

"It seems that you have been prepared for a long time. Yes, you have all experienced special selection, so you naturally know these methods." Qin Yuan laughed.

'Haha, of course, Instructor Qin, I'm not telling you, we don't bother to use this method now, because it's too low! ', said the ostrich with a proud face.

Everyone listened to the ostrich's self-satisfied words, and then looked at the faint smile on Qin Yuan's face, and their hearts sank, wishing to tear his mouth apart.

Sure enough, Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "Very good, you are all very alert, but my little trick seems a little naive!"

Everyone suddenly felt their scalp tingle.

"Well, it's twelve o'clock in the morning. Since you can't sleep, let's do push-ups for an hour first!"

"What! An hour!"

Chen Shanming, Xiaozhuang and the others had wry smiles all over their faces, and then glared at the ostrich, if it weren't for this guy, how could the instructor...

"Start now!"


Even with a wry smile in their hearts, everyone quickly fell on the ground and started doing push-ups.

"It's too slow, speed up, haven't you eaten yet!"

"Faster, or an extra hour!"

All the special forces smiled bitterly in their hearts, but they still subconsciously accelerated.

An hour later, Qin Yuan announced to stop, and everyone's arms softened, and they all fell on the ground, unable to get up again, and a large amount of sweat soon appeared on the ground.

Zang Chong and the others behind Qin Yuan were stunned. Although they had been doing push-ups for an hour before, they didn't need to be so fast, otherwise they wouldn't be able to hold on at all.

If the training continues like this, the strength of the five special forces will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

Five minutes later, Qin Yuan asked everyone to stand up, and then did a horse stance for another hour, and then another hour of horizontal bar crunches.

It wasn't until everyone was so tired that they couldn't get up that Qin Yuan stopped the training and let them go back to rest.

The special forces almost crawled back to the dormitory, and fell asleep as soon as their bodies touched the bed.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone gathered on the training ground. Under Qin Yuan's instructions, they carried a load of 30 kilograms and ran around the playground for two hours. allowed to eat in the cafeteria.

And these are the necessary trainings for them every day this month.

After breakfast, Qin Yuan did not let them exercise vigorously immediately, but called them all into an empty room.

After entering the room, everyone found that apples and oranges were placed on the ground.

"What is the instructor going to do, is he trying to invite us to eat fruit? But why are they all thrown on the ground?" Li Erniu asked with a puzzled look.

"Hehe, invite us to eat fruit? What are you thinking, Er Niu, if the teacher is so kind, that sow can climb a tree!" Wang Yanbing looked contemptuous.

"That's right, what is the instructor doing?"

"I don't know, just wait, I can't run anyway, hey!"

Soon, Qin Yuan led Zang Chong and a few people into the room. They held iron cages in their hands, and hissing noises came out continuously.

"This is... a snake? Does the instructor want to improve our food?" Ostrich looked excited.

"Hehe, do you think it's possible? It's not like the instructor doesn't know. We can all eat raw snakes without changing our faces. These things must have other uses." The hygienist said firmly.

"Fuck, you say that, why do I feel a little cold, the instructor won't come up with any weird training methods!"

"Hey, anyway, you have entered the wolf's den, and you can only let him be at his mercy. Do you still want to leave?"

"that's true!"

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone lightly, and then directly opened the iron cage in his hand, and poured a dozen snakes out of the cage.

Zang Chong and others behind him also poured out the remaining snakes. Suddenly, the whole room was covered with snakes, and there was almost no place for their feet. Although these things were not poisonous, they were not small in size. Some pythons can also sting if bitten by their sharp teeth.

"Your task is to pick up the apples on the ground. Each person needs to pick up at least five apples. If they are bitten by a snake, add five more."

"What! This is too cruel!"

"Yes, the speed of reaction of snakes is not comparable to that of humans. It takes great courage to reach out to them, not to mention to avoid their attacks and pick up apples on the ground. This is simply impossible!"

"This is indeed very difficult, that is, we, the experienced special forces, if we let new recruits come here, I am afraid that they will be stunned by the snakes all over the place, let alone avoid the dense snakes~www.readwn. com~ I went to pick up something on the ground."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Qin Yuan didn't make any extra moves, just bent down and grabbed the ground.

In an instant, more than a dozen snakes covered in gray and brown were biting directly at his arm.

Seeing that the sharp teeth were about to pierce the bare arm, Qin Yuan's speed suddenly accelerated, like lightning, he directly avoided a dozen sharp fangs and precisely grabbed an apple on the ground.

Qin Yuan took a careful look at the apple in his hand, the meaning of which is self-evident.

"This... This, the instructor's speed is too fast. I feel it is faster than bullets. It turns out that the thing about dodging bullets in the TV series is true!"

"When can I have such a reaction speed!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, since the instructor has taught us the training method, hurry up and practice, don't tell me, you dare not catch those pythons!" Lei Zhan said solemnly.

"Haha, Captain, you look down on us too much. These things are not poisonous. Even if they are bitten, it will only hurt for a while, and it will not be a big problem."

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