Chapter 305


Everyone roared in unison, quickly packed the bricks with their backs, and then followed the military vehicle and rushed forward.

"Hey, company commander, what way have you come up with to abuse these guys?" Su Xiaoyu came up with a mean smile.

"What, don't you think it's too idle to be an instructor and want to train with them?" Qin Yuan asked with a smile.

"No, no, I'll just ask casually, you have a lot, don't take it to heart!" Su Xiaoyu waved his hands again and again, then walked towards the military vehicle next to him, not daring to stay here for a while.

"Haha, Xiaoyu, this coward, a broken training will scare him into this!" Zang Chong looked contemptuous.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and drive to the river 20 kilometers away, we have to prepare first."


More than an hour later, Qin Yuan sat on the roof of the car and saw Lei Zhan and the others striding towards here from a distance. .

However, even so, everyone gritted their teeth and pulled their feet and ran, because Zhang Shuai was driving a military vehicle in front of him, and the speed never slowed down.

As old special forces, almost all of them have trained rookies. Naturally, they know that they must follow the car closely at such times. If they lose, they will definitely be punished.

Fortunately, the distance this time was only 20 kilometers, otherwise they would definitely not be able to resist.

After arriving by the river, Zhang Shuai slammed on the brakes, the car stopped steadily, and everyone in the back couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, lying directly on the ground, breathing the air violently.

Qin Yuan didn't make any movement. Ten minutes later, he slowly got up and said, "Assemble!"

With a "swoosh", everyone quickly got up from the ground and quickly arranged the formation. Although they were still tired, they were much better than before.

Glancing at all the special forces, Qin Yuan said loudly, "Seeing the river in front of you, today you will have breath-holding training!"

"What's so good about holding your breath? Isn't the most important thing for special forces not like marksmanship and fighting, after all, this is the key to victory."

"Yes, our previous training did not pay much attention to this aspect at all. As long as we can hold it underwater for four minutes, it is already very good!"

"This kind of training should be taken seriously by the Marine Corps. After all, most of their battlefields are at sea, and they need to lurk in the sea."

"Instructor, he should have his own intentions for doing this. Let's just follow orders. Where can there be so much nonsense!"

Qin Yuan snorted coldly and said in a stern tone, "What if you meet an enemy when you are swimming with arms? Do you have to wait for death or the fish will die and the net will be broken."

"Most of the tasks performed by the special forces are beheading and assassination. Concealment is the first priority. In such a situation, being able to hold your breath for a long time is the most important thing to complete the task assigned by the superior!"

Hearing Qin Yuan's words, everyone's faces became clear, and they couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Very well, now, everyone goes into the water!"


Soon, everyone walked into the turbulent river water, submerged above the chest, only one head was exposed, and from a distance, it looked very infiltrating.

"Listen to my command and sink your head into the water. You are not allowed to come out without my order. Remember to keep your eyes open as much as possible. If you are in a river in the wild, there may be water snakes and crocodiles. You need to be vigilant."


Everyone roared in unison, and then dipped their heads into the river together. In an instant, everyone disappeared, only Qin Yuan and a few others remained.

"Zhang Shuai, start the timer and remind me in five minutes."

"Yes, company commander!"

However, Su Xiaoyu smacked his tongue a little: "Company commander, this will not happen? Normal people can hold their breath for at most three minutes. Although they are special forces, after all, the army has not undergone special special training. You can hold on for four minutes."

"Don't worry, they are all veteran special forces. If you persist, you will be able to survive, otherwise the training will be meaningless." Qin Yuan chuckled.

He has already released all the god-level intelligent poisonous bees, scanning the status of everyone in the river, and if someone really can't stand it, he will take action in time.

Seeing that the company commander was so confident, Su Xiaoyu didn't say anything anymore, and his eyes were on the river.

Two minutes later, bubbles continued to bubble up on the river.

Three minutes later, the water surface swayed slightly. With perfect eyesight, Qin Yuan could see clearly through the river water. The faces of the special forces underwater became a little ugly, and they seemed to be holding their breath very hard.

Four minutes later, everyone's faces turned pale, and the bubbles on the water surface became sparse, apparently reaching their limit.

But everyone did not show the water, and still insisted on gritting their teeth.

Finally, Zhang Shuai said solemnly, "Company commander, five minutes are up!"

"Okay, you can come out!" Qin Yuan shouted loudly, his voice reaching everyone's ears through the river.

In an instant, the water surface tumbled violently, and one head after another rushed out, gasping for breath, looking like he was about to suffocate.

"Fuck, I almost thought I was going to die inside!"

"It's great to be able to breathe. It was really like a year just now. I really don't want to experience this kind of torture a second time."

"Did we hold on for five minutes just now, didn't we all break the records of the military region?"

"Hey, it seems that everyone is forced out. It turns out that I only last for four minutes at most!"

By the river, Qin Yuan showed a playful smile on his face, and shouted loudly: "Ten seconds have passed, continue to hold your breath!"


"Ah what, hurry up!" Qin Yuan said angrily.


All the special forces grimaced, took a deep breath, and plunged their heads directly into the river. For a while, there was only the sound of bubbles rolling around.

"This is too cruel!" Su Xiaoyu shrank his head subconsciously.

"Hehe, only in this way can the effect be achieved as soon as possible, Xiaoyu, do you want to try it too?" Qin Yuan asked with a smile.

"There's no need for that, company commander, no matter what I say now, I'm still an instructor, and I can't mix with them." Su Xiaoyu sneered, for fear that Qin Yuan would throw him into the river.

Qin Yuan glanced at him, and then said to everyone: "You guys watch here first, hold your breath for five minutes, then surface for ten seconds to breathe, and then continue to hold your breath."


"Company commander, where are you going?" Fang Tian asked curiously.

"I'll go to Commander Su to discuss the next training plan." Qin Yuan finished speaking, and drove the military vehicle directly, and drove towards the distance.

About an hour later, Qin Yuan came to the military headquarters, and suddenly saw a familiar figure after getting out of the car.

The man obviously found Qin Yuan and walked towards him with a big smile.

"Hahaha, Xiao Qin, I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been during this time?"

Qin Yuan looked at Dai Zhenghe who was approaching, and saluted with a smile on his face: "Hello, Chief, I've been at the training base recently, so I'm quite busy."

"Oh, I've heard about this. It seems that the brats of the Wolf Warrior Squadron and the Thunder Commando were all trained by you, right?"

Qin Yuan smiled and nodded.

"Haha, that's how it should be. With your strength, I believe it won't take long for their strength to improve by leaps and bounds, and our military region will not be so passive!"

"That's what I should do."

"Speaking of which, our laboratory has developed a new weapon with new materials. Do you have time? Do you want to visit and make some comments? After hearing about you, the group of guys clamored to see you. Woolen cloth."

There was a hint of embarrassment on Qin Yuan's face, and he shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Sir, I'm really sorry, I really don't have time right now. When I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely go."

"Okay then." Dai Zhenghe showed regret on his face. "You should have something to do when you come to the military area office. Then I won't disturb you. When there is time in the future, let's have a good chat."

"it is good!"

Qin Yuan agreed immediately, watched Dai Zhenghe go away, and then continued to walk forward.

Soon, he came to Su Guoqiang's office building, and just as he was about to enter the gate, a soldier suddenly reached out and stopped him.

"Hello, do you have a communication?"

"Huh?" Qin Yuan looked puzzled, and when he was about to speak, suddenly a person with two four stars walked in the distance and said with a smile: "Little Li, Commander Su has explained that Comrade Qin Yuan can come to see him at any time. He doesn't need any formalities."

"What? Are you the Major Qin Yuan who won the first place in the first international special forces competition for the Dragon Kingdom?"

The sentry, known as Xiao Li, was full of excitement, as if he had seen some great big man, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Qin Yuan nodded and pointed to the office corridor: "Can I go in?"

"Of course!" The sentry hurriedly gave way and watched Qin Yuan stride inward until he could no longer see him, and then he turned his head reluctantly.

Qin Yuan went directly to Su Guoqiang's office and shouted, "Report!"

"Come in!"

After opening the door and entering, Su Guoqiang asked with a smile, "Xiao Qin, why do you have time to come to me? Could it be that those **** disobey you, tell me who they are, and I will teach him a lesson in person, it's wrong. return!"

"Not so, they are all very good, they are training hard now." Qin Yuan's mind flashed through the special forces in the river, with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha, that's good, this group of guys will be handed over to you, let me practice to the death, and only release them when you are satisfied."

"Commander, I am here today for them."

"Oh? Tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely support you." Su Guoqiang asked curiously.

"That's it, after two days, I decided to take them to various military regions to challenge their ace challenge troops, such as Tiger Commando, Sirius Commando, etc."

Su Guoqiang's face showed a touch of surprise: "Could it be that the strength of this group of guys can already challenge those teams?"

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. In previous military competitions, our military region almost never got good results, and sometimes we didn't even get into the top ten."

"Don't worry, Commander, I will definitely make them the top special forces. At that time, our military region will be the strongest!" Qin Yuan said confidently.

"Okay! With your words, I can rest assured. The military region will definitely use its resources to assist you!"

"Well, I will communicate with them as soon as possible about challenging the special forces of the other military regions. You can take the team with you within three days at most!" Su Guoqiang said with confidence.

"Yes, but there is one more thing. In the next two days, I am going to take them to the extreme survival challenge in the wild, but I can't think of a good place for a while. Do you have any comments?"

"Well..." Su Guoqiang pondered for a moment and said, "I do know a good place. It's an island with a large area. Usually few people go there. There are swamps and virgin forests on it, which is just right for them to carry out extreme challenges."

"Okay, let's just be there. Commander pays off and arranges it as soon as possible. I'll take them there tomorrow."

"Okay! Leave it to me!" Su Guoqiang agreed, and continued after thinking for a moment: "What else do you need, even if you bring it up, the military region will definitely support you."

"I don't need it now, but I'll definitely talk about it when it's useful in the future!" Qin Yuan said with a smile.

"Okay, Xiao Qin, those guys will be handed over to you. You can train them as you like. If anyone is not convinced, just tell me!"


Qin Yuan stood at attention and saluted: "Then don't bother the commander, they are still training here, I have to go back and watch them!"

"Hahaha, UU reading is good!"


After leaving the military district office, Qin Yuan drove quickly towards the river.

About an hour later, Qin Yuan saw Lei Zhan from a distance, Chen Shanming and the others standing on the shore breathing heavily. Some even bent down and spit out water, apparently pouring a lot into the river.

"Company commander, they have been training for more than two hours!" After Qin Yuan stopped the car, Zhang Shuai walked up to report in a low voice.

"it is good!"

Qin Yuan patted Zhang Shuai on the shoulder, looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Tell you the good news, there will be a fun game tomorrow, you can play to your heart's content, there are no annoying assembly whistle, and abnormal instructors."

"Brothers, why do I feel a little cold all over, what kind of damage did the instructor think of to toss us?" Ostrich said with a bitter face.

"Hey, what else can we do, since we can't resist, just enjoy it, who made our lives suffer!" Lao Pao was half lying on the ground, with a look of hopelessness on his face.

"I miss the training of special forces in the past. Compared with now, it is a paradise. It's a pity that I was young and ignorant at the time. I don't regret it!"

"Why are you all with a bitter face? This is a good thing, aren't you happy?" Qin Yuan asked with a smile, but no one paid him any attention.

"Hehe, all of them, gather!"

"Damn it, I've only had a two-minute break, so let's live!"

"Don't talk nonsense, just hold your breath, where do you need to use physical strength!" Qin Yuan said angrily: "It's four o'clock in the afternoon, push up on the spot for an hour, and then run back to the training base with weight!"


All the special forces responded weakly, then lay on the ground and started doing push-ups.

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