An hour later, everyone got up exhausted and looked around, only to find that Qin Yuan had long since disappeared.

"Fuck, this instructor, you really don't worry, you're not afraid of us running away?"

"Are you trying to run?" Geng Jihui glared at the ostrich with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, Captain, even if you gave him ten courage, he wouldn't dare. At most, he was just enjoying himself." The hygienist mocked unceremoniously.

"Hey, I said hygienist, you will die if you don't fight against me!"

"Ha ha."

"You two are done. You've been doing push-ups for an hour. How can you still have so much strength? Don't forget that you have to run back to the training base for a while. When you go back late, you can't even eat hot steamed buns."

The ostrich and the hygienist looked at each other with a wry smile on their faces.

"The time should be 5:30 in the afternoon. Everyone rests in place for ten minutes, and then runs back. What do you think?" Long Xiaoyun looked at Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and several captains.

"No problem, everyone must have a good rest tonight, the instructor will definitely toss us hard tomorrow." Yang Rui said solemnly.

"Hey, when I think of this, I feel like I have no appetite, and I don't look forward to dinner tonight."

"There's no way. If you want to become stronger in a short period of time, you have to accept torture. That is, Instructor Qin Yuan. Others simply don't have the ability to formulate these training subjects."

"Yes, I remembered one thing. Didn't Instructor Qin say before that he might let us go to another military region to challenge him? Did he go to do this when he left before?"

"That's good, this kind of showy thing was never our turn before. Even if we were given a chance, we didn't have that strength."

"If you say that, do you think Instructor Qin will take us to challenge those special forces?"

"I don't know, but I will definitely go to the Tianfu Military Region to challenge the Sirius Commando, which is currently recognized as the No. 1 Special Forces Unit in our Dragon Kingdom, and their captain is the No. 1 Soldier King Ye Mo!"

"This, it should be difficult. We can see the strength of the Sirius Commando. The ordinary members of them are even more powerful than other military commandos!"

"Haha, have you all forgotten about the military competition not long ago, when Instructor Qin eliminated the entire Sirius Commando by himself!"

"But that's an instructor, he's not alone, he has turned over dozens of us..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone seemed to remember the one-sided beating and fell silent.

A few minutes later, Lei Zhan suddenly got up from the ground and shouted loudly: "There are all the Thunder Commandos, load-bearing cross-country, target training base!"

"Yes!" Yan Wang and the others roared, carrying a load not far away, and strode forward.

"Lone Wolf Group B, keep up!", "Yes!"


More than an hour later, Lei Zhan and others returned to the training base and went straight to the restaurant, where rich and nutritious food had been prepared.

When everyone was feasting, Qin Yuan slowly walked over from the door, and everyone quickly put down the food in their hands and stood up to salute.

Qin Yuan waved his hand and said casually, "Go ahead and eat a little bit more today, because this is your only meal for the next three days."

"What? Instructor, are we short of food?" Li Erniu asked with a puzzled look.

"You're stupid, what the instructor means is that we will not provide food for the next three days of training, and we need to solve it ourselves." Wang Yanbing patted his head with a look of helplessness.

"Could this be the training content? But the training base is 100 kilometers away from the barren mountains, and there is no food to be found at all!"

"Training shouldn't take place here..."

Looking at the doubts on the faces of the special forces, Qin Yuan smiled mysteriously, turned and walked outside, and soon disappeared.

After Qin Yuan left, everyone suddenly reacted and hurriedly stuffed steamed buns and meals into their mouths.

"Hey, ostrich, leave me some!"



Early the next morning, the rushing assembly whistle cut through the air and woke everyone up.

Three minutes later, Lei Zhan and others gathered downstairs neatly, with a hint of anticipation in their eyes.

As special forces, they dream of improving their strength. Even if they endure more hardships, they will be content with it and will not shrink back.

"Everyone has it, target tarmac, run forward!"


Three hours later, on a deserted island, several helicopters roared and landed on simple landing gear.

After all the special forces jumped out of the helicopter, there was a trace of confusion on their faces.

"Where is this? It looks like a place where birds don't poop. Are we going to stay here for three days?"

"Isn't the instructor asking us to perform extreme challenges here?"

"I have been to this place before during the exercise. This is an isolated island. It is very large and far away from the land. Usually, no one comes. The most important thing is that there are very few living creatures on it."

"Ah? So, is the instructor really going to give us an extreme challenge?"

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and said loudly: "Everyone pay attention, you will all spend the next three days here."

"You don't have any food and water. If you want to survive these three days, you can only rely on yourself. Of course, if anyone really can't hold on, they can go back here, but in that case, they will lose the next training. qualifications."

"Report!" Ostrich shouted.


"Instructor, this is a desert island where birds don't poop. Where can I find food?"

"That's right, let alone snakes and birds, even if it's insects, I'm afraid I can't find a few, let alone fresh water!"

"If you stay here for three days, it is estimated that when you go back, you won't even recognize your own mother!"

Qin Yuan laughed and said: "I didn't eat, can't all those bark and grass roots be eaten, and it can satisfy hunger and replenish water, how wonderful."

"Ah! Eat that stuff, instructor, are you kidding me? My parents didn't give us the ability to digest these stuff!"

"Then I can't control it. I feel that I can't hold on, so I don't have to go." Qin Yuan still smiled.

"Report, we will not quit!" Lei Zhan said loudly.

"Okay, all of them are there. If you see the barren forest behind, you will all spend the next three days here, and our instructors will also hunt you down. Don't worry, even if you are caught, you will not be caught. If you will be eliminated, you will be beaten."

"If anyone can't hold on anymore, just go back here and take a helicopter back. Don't hold on."

"I'm going, it's okay to challenge the extremes, and I still have to be beaten up. Brothers, remember to hide it!"

"Hey, let's think about how to find food first. If you don't eat or drink for three days, no one can persevere. Let's not gather together, or we won't be able to find enough food at all."

"It really doesn't work, just dig grass roots to eat, how can you last for three days?"

A playful smile appeared in Qin Yuan's eyes, and he shouted loudly: "Extreme challenge, from now on, you can move freely. After three days, everyone will gather here."


The special forces immediately turned around and walked towards the barren forest ahead.

Before coming to the deserted forest, Leng Feng looked at Long Xiaoyun and said, "Captain, let me go with you, so that we can help each other."

"No, we should all act separately, this is the real extreme challenge." Long Xiaolong said with a stern face, and after speaking, he walked straight ahead, and soon disappeared.

"Hahaha, Leng Feng, you haven't got the captain yet?" Shao team laughed and patted Leng Feng on the shoulder.

Leng Feng shook his head with a wry smile, his face full of disappointment.

"Hey, relax, as the saying goes, where there is no fragrant grass in the world, why should you love only a flower."

"Team Shao, what do you mean by this sentence?" Shi Sanba asked with a puzzled face.

"It means that there are so many men in the world, why keep chasing women!" One meter five said seriously.


"Okay, don't waste time, go in and find something to eat." Team Shao said with a smile.

Several people nodded, spread out and strode forward.

In front of the helicopter, Fang Tian asked worriedly: "Company commander, is this really okay? There are basically no living creatures on this island, and the fresh water is even more pitiful. Can they really last for three days?"

"If you can't hold on, then quit. What do you care about? They are not fools. If they can't hold on, they will choose to quit." Su Xiaoyu said indifferently.

"Besides, it's not really that there is nothing here. There are still some wild fruit, earthworms, worms, etc. As special forces, it's not that they dare not eat these things."

Qin Yuan glanced at them and said with a smile: "Hurry up and rest for a while. After two hours, take the tracker to do some activities. Remember not to be too harsh, just let them hurt."

"Okay! I've been itchy all over the past few days, and I can finally take action!"

Zang Chong snapped his fingers, his face full of excitement.

"Hey, I guess they didn't think of it at all. There are trackers buried in their clothes, and we can accurately locate them."

"That's not necessarily true. There are still experts among them. Maybe they can find this."

"That's true. After all, they are veteran special forces. There should be some vigilance. Especially after we caught and beaten them up, we should be able to find out the abnormality soon."


On a hilltop, the ostrich looked into the distance with a bitter look, and let out a wailing from its mouth.

"God, why are you doing this to me? It's been two hours, and I haven't seen anything to eat. Are you going to starve me to death!"

At this moment, a few bird calls were suddenly heard in the distance.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The ostrich's eyes suddenly lit up, Gulu got up from the ground, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and carefully touched the direction of the sound.

After climbing over the mountain, there was only a bare mountain forest in front of it, and there was no living thing on it at all.

The ostrich walked over with a surprised look on his face and muttered, "Could it be that I'm hallucinating from hunger? No? I'm not hungry yet..."

Suddenly, like a ghost, a figure suddenly attacked the ostrich at an extremely fast speed. Before he could react, he had already approached.

"Fuck, what the hell!"

The ostrich turned pale with fright, and when it was about to make a move, its body was overturned to the ground by a huge force.

Without any hesitation, the ostrich reached out and grabbed a handful of soil and threw it straight ahead.

"Bah ah! When will you be able to use hidden weapons, ostrich?"


The ostrich's face froze for a moment, and then he scolded angrily: "You bastard, hygienist, it's you, you dare to make fun of me!"

After he finished speaking, he grabbed two handfuls of dirt again and threw them at the sanitation staff.

"Hahaha, an ostrich is an ostrich. If you don't have enough brain capacity, you will be fooled."

"Fuck you, I know that the labor and management are hungry now, and they still do such a rude thing. Also, I'm not called an ostrich, I'm a paratrooper!"

The ostrich got up and stared angrily at the hygienist, but found that the other party was still smiling, and he was even more angry.

"Hey, by the way, how did you find me?" Ostrich asked with some doubts.

"Hehe, I heard you cry from afar, let alone me, even if there are lonely ghosts, they will be attracted by you."

"Okay, do you have anything to eat? I'm a little hungry now!"

"Where can I go to find something to eat? This is a desert island. There are no birds on it, let alone wild fruits. It seems that the tree roots will really have to be dug up."

"Hey, the last time I participated in the extreme challenge was the last time."

"Hehe, you can put it on here, don't talk nonsense, let's be together, and we can take care of each other."

"Okay, then I'll reluctantly join you!"

"Ha ha…"


More than ten kilometers away, He Chenguang was walking in a dense forest, the surroundings were quiet, and no sound came out.

"Hey, what a sin, there is nothing here, and I don't know where the instructor found this kind of place. I don't know how to get through these three days."

He Chenguang controlled his breathing and minimized the loss of water. He didn't know whether there was fresh water on this deserted island, so he could only make plans early.

Suddenly he stopped abruptly, then his expression changed, and he hurried to the side.

Almost at the same time, a shadow jumped down from the tree above and fell directly towards his head. If he hadn't hid quickly, he would have been hit by now.

After stabilizing his figure, He Chenguang took out a sharp stone and looked at the place where he stood just now with a vigilant look, and a surprise burst out in his eyes.

In his sight, a piebald python with the thickness of an arm is arching up, opening its mouth to reveal sharp teeth, and staring at him with a pair of triangular eyes.

"Hahaha, I was thinking that there was nothing to eat, and this stuff was delivered to my door. It seems that God treats me well!"

He Chenguang thought so, the piebald python let out a neigh, as if warning him not to come.

"Hahaha, little snake, it's fate to meet each other, so don't struggle!" After speaking, He Chenguang rushed forward, and the sharp stone knife in his hand fell ruthlessly towards him.

The piebald python neighed again, and then leaped towards his neck like lightning, its sharp teeth flashing with cold light, apparently able to easily cut through his exposed skin.

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