Chapter 307

Seeing that the piebald python's sharp teeth were about to pierce his neck, He Chenguang twisted his body sharply, then raised the stone knife in his hand and smashed it hard at its head.

With a "pop", the piebald python's body slammed to the ground.

The snake body with the thickness of the arm twisted a few times on the ground, and then lost all sound.

He Chenguang happily picked up the piebald python, poured the blood of the snake into the container that had been prepared a long time ago, and did not dare to waste anything, and then put the snake's body in the backpack to hide it. If the prey could not be found later, this Will be his food for the next three days.


More than 20 kilometers away, Lei Zhan was walking alone among the bushes, looking around vigilantly.

At this time, five hours have passed, the scorching sun hangs high above, and the ground is dry and hot.

Lei Zhan stretched out his hand to wipe off the sweat, and was about to find a place to rest for a while when a call suddenly came from his ear, and the distance seemed to be very close.

Without any hesitation, Lei Zhan strode towards the direction of the sound.

It didn't take long for a wet swamp to appear ahead, and the surrounding water vapor appeared a little distorted under the scorching sun.

There was a figure not far away, struggling in the swamp, trying to break free from it, but it was obviously in vain.

The man seemed to have spotted Lei Zhan, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Fuck, Thor, come and save me, I accidentally fell into this!"

Lei Zhan looked at the man carefully, and through the mud on his face, he quickly recognized the identity of the man, Wang Yanbing of the Red Blood Cell Special Forces.

"I said, are you stupid? You know this is a swamp and you still want to drill into it. If I didn't happen to be nearby, you would have been planted this time!"

While talking, Lei Zhan quickly looked for thick branches, broke a few, and stood two meters in front of Wang Yanbing.

After throwing a few branches onto the swamp, Lei Zhan took the longest branch and handed it to Wang Yanbing.

"Hurry up, I'll call one, two, three, let's work hard together."

"it is good!"

"one two Three!"


After a lot of effort, Wang Yanbing was pulled out of the swamp by Lei Zhan, and his face was already full of sweat.

"I said, is it time for you to lose weight? It's as heavy as a pig, which means I'm strong, otherwise you'll be here today!"

"Huh, anyway, thank you." Wang Yanbing wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Nothing!" Lei Zhan waved his hand.

"Hehe, you two are quite laid back..."

A voice suddenly came from behind, and the expressions of Lei Zhan and Wang Yanbing changed drastically at the same time, and a spirit jumped up from the ground. This voice was too familiar to them.

In the sight of the two, Qin Yuan walked out of the bush slowly, with a playful smile in his eyes.

"Teacher... Instructor, how did you find this place?" Lei Zhan smiled wryly.

Wang Yanbing seemed to have thought of something, and glanced at Lei Zhan's backpack as if nothing.

Qin Yuan stood ten meters away and did not speak immediately. When the special forces entered the island, he released all the god-level intelligent poisonous bees to monitor everyone. The purpose was that if someone had an accident, he could arrive in time. .

Just now, he felt that Wang Yanbing was trapped in the quagmire, so he rushed over quickly, but he didn't expect Lei Zhan to come one step ahead of him.

"You two, go up one by one, or together?" Qin Yuan asked with a smile.

"Cough, that, instructor, can we not fight?" Wang Yanbing asked cautiously.

"What do you say?"


Lei Zhan and Wang Yanbing looked at each other, shouted loudly, and charged towards Qin Yuan from left to right, obviously wanting to take the lead.

However, with the strength of the two, it is really redundant.

Three seconds later, Lei Zhan and Wang Yanbing groaned and lay on the ground, with a lifeless expression on their faces.

They have used all their strength, but they still haven't made two moves in Qin Yuan's hands, and they have been severely ravaged. At this time, they feel like they are falling apart.

Qin Yuan brushed off the dirt on his hands, and looked at Wang Yanbing with disgust, "Why do you smell so bad, it's like you just came out of the cesspool."

"Be careful, you two, there are poisonous snakes here, I'll go greet others first!"

After speaking, Qin Yuan turned around and walked behind him, and soon disappeared.

"Hey, what the **** did I do? I was just crawling out of the swamp when I was hit by the instructor and was cleaned up!" Wang Yanbing lay on the ground with a look of hopelessness.

"I'm just unlucky, I came to save you with good intentions, but I met the instructor!" Lei Zhan said angrily.

Wang Yanbing turned his head and glanced at him, then got up without a word and touched Lei Zhan's backpack.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Wang Yanbing ignored him at all, and soon pulled out a mezzanine and threw it in Lei Zhan's hands.

"What is this?" Lei Zhan asked with a question mark on his face.

"Tracker, the instructor should have followed this."

"What? Tracker? Why do I have this in my bag?"

"Think about it with your head. With so many people on an isolated island doing extreme challenges, the instructor must be under a lot of pressure. He didn't want something to happen, so he secretly got this thing." Wang Yanbing said firmly.

"Heh, three days of extreme challenges, everyone in my Thunder Commando team can persevere!" Lei Zhan said bluntly.

"Accidents can happen at any time, like this swamp, I just fell into it accidentally..."

Lei Zhan stopped talking, rested for a few minutes and felt that the pain in his body was no longer severe, then got up and walked cautiously towards the depths of the swamp.

"Hey, what are you doing, aren't you afraid of death?" Wang Yanbing asked anxiously.

"It's just a swamp. The places I've experienced before are many times more dangerous than here!"

"But you don't need to drill in here, do you?"

"Idiot, didn't you hear the instructor say that there are poisonous snakes here!" Lei Zhan said helplessly.

"Fuck, yes, there are poisonous snakes here, hey, wait for me, let's go together, you can't eat alone!"


More than ten kilometers away, Zang Chong and Su Xiaoyu wore camouflage uniforms and shuttled through the dense forest.

Su Xiaoyu glanced at the tablet in his hand, which showed dense red dots, representing the special forces players one by one.

"Savage, we have a cat five kilometers to the left and two to the right six kilometers, which way should we go first?"

"Right!" Zang Chong said bluntly.

"it is good!"

A few minutes later, two figures appeared in Su Xiaoyu's sight. They were pouting as if they were digging something on the ground.

"Fuck, savages, these two guys aren't really digging grass roots to eat, right? It's only been a long time, and they won't be so hungry, right?" Su Xiaoyu said with a look of surprise, his voice was very low, and he was not alarmed. figure in front.

"It doesn't matter what they are doing, Xiaoyu, be careful, let's sneak over and knock them over with one punch. Let's see if they dare to be so careless in the future!"

"Hey, okay!"

The two looked at each other and walked forward cautiously.

"I said hygienist, is your method reliable? We've been digging here for more than an hour, how can anyone come?" The ostrich gritted his teeth and whispered, his face full of complaints.

"Shh, be quiet, maybe the instructors and the others are watching us right now." The hygienist said softly, "Since Instructor Qin Yuan said he would hunt us and installed a locator in his backpack, he would definitely find us. of."

"As long as the instructors have the intention to hide behind our hands, they will definitely be recruited. At that time, we will not let us take the materials on them!"

"However, if we succeed, won't we really be retaliated against? We have to train for a month, enough to die hundreds of times at their hands!"

"What's the matter, the courageous and the cowardly starve to death. If you don't do this, you will have to starve for three days. We have been searching for so long, and we haven't even seen the hair of a living creature."

"It's also..."

"Shhhh, there seems to be movement..."

When Zang Chong and Su Xiaoyu in the back walked under a big tree, their feet suddenly seemed to be touched by something, and two ropes woven by vines suddenly appeared, wrapped directly around their right feet, and then Hanging from a tree.

"Fuck, Xiaoyu, did we fall for the trick!" The savage said in shock.

"Hahaha, Instructor Zang Chong, Instructor Su Xiaoyu, we've been waiting for you for over an hour, why are you here now?" Ostrich said with a mean smile.

"Two instructors, these are all made by Ostrich alone, and have nothing to do with me. Don't hate me!" The hygienist tried to clear the relationship.

"Hehe, neither of you can escape!" Su Xiaoyu struggled hard, but in vain.

"Hey, you black-hearted hygienist, this matter was obviously suggested by you, and the noose was also arranged by you, but now it's a slap in the face, bah!"

"Okay, don't complain, hurry up and see if the two instructors have anything to eat, I've been hungry for a long time!" After finishing speaking, the hygienist walked directly towards Su Xiaoyu, and the ostrich also walked towards Su Xiaoyu.

Looking at the two people who were striding forward, Zang Chong's mouth curled into a mocking smile, his whole body violently exerted force, and his rock-like muscles bulged high, containing explosive power.

"Fuck, ostrich, something's not right, hurry up!" The hygienist screamed.

"Hehe, it's too late!"

The savage let out a roar, the rope woven by the rattan on his body suddenly broke, and his body slammed to the ground with a bang.

"Is this still a human being!" The ostrich turned around abruptly, without any hesitation, and ran in the other direction of the hygienist.

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of the savage's mouth, his body violently exerted force, and he ran towards the ostrich like lightning, and he came behind him almost instantly.

Reaching out to grab it, a big fan-like hand grabbed the ostrich's shoulder, picked it up like a chicken, and smashed it violently towards a big tree next to it.

After doing this, Zang Chong ignored the howling ostrich and strode towards the direction where the sanitation staff disappeared.

"Fuck, savage, put me down first!" Su Xiaoyu shouted, but got no response, Zang Chong's figure had disappeared.

Running with all his strength, Zang Chong's speed was extremely fast, and the ground seemed to be cracked, making a muffled sound.

Hearing the muffled sound coming closer and closer behind him, the hygienist showed a wry smile on his face. If you don't die, you won't die. He fully understands this sentence. You said that it's not good to catch snakes, not to catch birds. You have to go. provoke these perverts!

At this moment, there was a loud banging sound behind him. The sanitation staff didn't hesitate to turn around, cut through the air with his right fist, and slammed it hard behind him.


A huge force came violently, the sanitation staff's face changed, and the whole body was like a kite of wires, slamming forward fiercely.


Under the big tree, Su Xiaoyu tried hard to untie the rope on his ankle, but he was unsuccessful.

He glared angrily at the ostrich, and said angrily, "I said you guys are really going to die, so put me down quickly!"

The ostrich grinned and got up from the ground. He felt uncomfortable at that moment. His body seemed to fall apart, and his whole body was throbbing.

Glancing at the distance, he didn't notice any movement, a look of joy appeared on his face, and he turned his head and stared straight at Su Xiaoyu.

"You...what are you going to do, I'm your instructor, don't do stupid things!" Su Xiaoyu was hung from a tree, and he subconsciously protected his body with his hands.

"Hey, instructor, anyway, you don't have to take part in the ultimate challenge, and it's useless to keep your things on your body. Why don't you help us, I will definitely remember your great kindness!"

Saying that, the ostrich walked towards Su Xiaoyu with small steps, and the throbbing pain in his body could not hide the fiery heat in his eyes.

In Su Xiaoyu's humiliating eyes, when the ostrich was about to succeed, there was a sudden movement in the woods behind him. He turned his head and looked, Zang Chong dragged his nose and bruised face. Own.

"Fuck!" The ostrich's face changed wildly, his eyes rolled over and he fell directly to the ground, looking like he had passed out.

"Hehe, the sample looks quite similar!" Zang Chong walked up with a smile, and threw the sanitation staff on the ostrich, pressing him to groan.

"Savage, put me down quickly, you actually got hit by these two guys, don't tell Zhang Shuai and the others!"

Soon, Zang Chong put Su Xiaoyu down from the tree, looked at the two people on the ground who were pretending to be and asked, "Just let them go like this, the instructor said, let them be If you can't walk the beaten path, this kind of training is meaningful!"

"Forget it, we still have to take care of others, these two guys have been devastated by you, let's let them go for now." Su Xiaoyu said slowly.

The two people who were pretending to be dead on the ground were moved to tears.

"Okay, there are two people nearby, hurry up!" After Zang Chong finished speaking, he ran to the left, ignoring the two ostriches.

After a long while, after confirming that there was no movement around, the hygienist cursed angrily: "Ostrich, get up so fast, like a pig, crushing me to death!"

"Bah, if it wasn't for your bad idea, I would have been beaten so badly!" The ostrich scolded and stood up, glaring at the sanitation staff.

"Hehe, you didn't object at all at the time, you set the trap, and now you want to cheat, there's no door!" The hygienist looked contemptuous.

"Okay, I don't have time to talk to you, hurry up and find something to eat, I'm so hungry that I can't walk!"

(End of this chapter)

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