Chapter 309 Against the Tiger Commandos

And they just left without any hesitation, Qin Yuan really didn't think of it before.

However, as the captains and elite members of the Wolf Warrior Squadron, it seems inevitable that they have this kind of awareness.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Qin Yuan's face, he stepped forward and embraced Fang Tian's shoulders and walked towards the tent, "I said, your cooking skills don't seem to be as good as Xiaoyu, it's so close, I didn't smell it. what scent..."

"The company commander is wronged, I am the real cooking skill of our Sharp Knife Recruits Company, okay, that guy Xiaoyu has nothing to do all day, so he just studies the recipes, why do you want to get a second-level chef certificate back!"


Time passed slowly, and the night came quickly. After Qin Yuan finished dinner, he stayed on the deserted island all night. Now is the most critical moment for the three-day extreme challenge.

Many people did not persevere at this time. After all, there are too few edible things on the desert island.

Fortunately, Qin Yuan has hundreds of god-level intelligent poisonous bees, which can monitor and scan the status of everyone. If something goes wrong, an alarm will be issued immediately.

But to his surprise, only three people fainted due to exhaustion all night, which was far beyond his expectations.

But thinking that these guys are from various special forces, and some of them have even participated in more than one extreme challenge, which is not comparable to ordinary people, I am immediately relieved.

After guarding all night, Qin Yuan returned to the camp with Hache in the early morning of the third day. At this time, everyone stood neatly in front of the camp, even though their faces were full of uncontrollable tiredness and weakness, But they all keep their chests straight.

With a light cough, Qin Yuan glanced at everyone. The clothes on their bodies were very ragged, and most of them had a stench on their bodies. Obviously, it was not easy to resist these three days.

"Very good, to be honest, your performance is somewhat beyond my expectations, but on the battlefield, you may need to stay in this cruel environment for a longer time. That situation is the real test of life and death."

"But I believe that you will also be able to survive, because we are special forces, the special forces of the Dragon Kingdom, and we can't collapse until we complete the tasks assigned to us by our superiors!"

Looking at the exhausted special forces, Qin Yuan said loudly: "All of them, I announce that the extreme challenge is over, and food and fresh water have been prepared for you later."

"I believe you all know some common sense, so I don't need to say more. I'll give you an hour to disband now!"


The faces of the special forces were full of joy, and they ran towards the camp like crazy, picked up the hot food and ate it.

"Hey, you all slow down, no one is rushing you, don't choke!" Su Xiaoyu said helplessly.

What they prepared were some easy-to-digest food, and a whole helicopter was enough for them to have a full meal.

"Hey, ostrich, how did you endure these three days? No matter how I look at it, I don't think you look like you can survive it?" Xiao Zhuang teased.

"Fuck you, I'm a paratrooper. If you can't even hold on to it, you'll be even worse!" The ostrich's mouth was stuffed with food, and his voice seemed a little unclear.

"Hehe, don't brag, let me tell you, the ostrich is a vegetarian. I watched him eat the grass roots in the soil with my own eyes!" The hygienist said with a smile.

"Fuck you, that's better than eating the leaves, you can't eat that stuff!" The ostrich revealed unceremoniously.

"Hehe, the ones I eat are all medicinal herbs. That stuff is coated in flour and fried in oil. It tastes no worse than meat, and it tastes like fruit when eaten raw."


"I killed you as a hygienist, and the labor and management are with you. You actually just watched me nibble on the grass roots. Do you know how hard that thing is? Do you have a good conscience!"

"Hahaha!" Xiaozhuang Geng Jihui and the others laughed mercilessly.

An hour later, the faces of the special forces were obviously much better, but they were at most three full after eating, because after a long time of hunger, people can't eat too much, and their stomachs can't bear it.

Watching everyone board the helicopter, Qin Yuan pressed his headset and said, "Take off and return to the military area."

After returning to the training base, Qin Yuan gave everyone a day off and asked them to adjust their state. There will be a new training task tomorrow.

And Qin Yuan took advantage of this time to stroll outside with Lin Ziyu for a day, and only returned reluctantly the next morning.

On the base playground, Qin Yuan looked at the spirited special forces and said loudly, "Today, your mission is to challenge the special forces of other military regions. If you fail, everyone will be punished. Do you have any confidence?"


Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and others were full of excitement. They were all veteran special forces. In the past, only after the drills could they have the opportunity to play against other special forces.

But that level of confrontation is not entirely dependent on the strength of the special forces, and the support of their respective military regions' intelligence and logistics is also the key to victory.

So they basically never won, they were beaten every time.

Right now, after Qin Yuan's training, they clearly felt the improvement in their strength, and they couldn't wait to find a place in their hearts.

"Very good, but let me tell you first, to challenge the special forces of other military regions, Commander Su is under a lot of pressure. This is about the face of the military region. If you fail, everyone will do 10,000 push-ups!"

"Fuck, 10,000 push-ups, isn't that killing me!" The ostrich said with wide eyes.

"Hehe, it's enough if we don't win all of them, they beat them." The sanitation staff laughed and said, not seeming to take this matter to heart, but with a dignified look in his eyes.

"That's right, everyone has one head on their shoulders, so why did they lose to them? This time we must make a name for the military region and let them see, we are not easy to mess with!" Wang Yanbing agreed.

"Very good, everyone has it, the target helipad, the running department moves forward!"


On the helicopter, Qin Yuan's voice clearly reached everyone's ears through the loudspeaker, "Your first opponent is the Tiger Commando."

"Although the Tiger Commando was established not long ago, its comprehensive strength is extremely strong. It has completed difficult tasks many times. It is a special team that has truly experienced blood and fire."

"Which one of you has the confidence to win the first victory?"

"Report, the Thunder Commando is requesting to fight!"

"Report, our red blood cell special team can absolutely complete this mission, and ask the instructor for approval!"


Hearing the leaders of several special teams scrambling to speak out, Qin Yuan pondered for a moment, then said solemnly: "Lone Wolf Group B!"


Geng Jihui, Xiaozhuang, Laopao, Qiangzi, ostrich, and the hygienist spoke with sonorous voices.

"The Tiger Commandos will be handed over to you, do you have the confidence to kill them?"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

"Okay, but if it fails, do 20,000 push-ups each of you!"


Two hours later, outside the Nanjing Military Region, under the leadership of Qin Yuan, everyone stood neatly in several rows.

But after seeing the military uniforms on them, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Qin Yuan coughed lightly and walked towards the gate of the military district.

The Nanjing Military Region Tiger Commando Training Base, captain Shen Hongfei gathered all the team members.

Looking at the puzzled expressions on their faces, Shen Hongfei said loudly: "The superiors have temporarily assigned us a task. Several special teams from the Southeast Military Region will discuss with us today."

"Discuss communication? Isn't the communication between the special forces just convincing each other? If you say that, is the Southeast Military Region here to challenge things?" Ling Yun said solemnly.

"Hehe, why are we still afraid of them? The special forces of the Southeast Military Region have not performed well in military competitions for several consecutive years, and there is a guy named Qin Yuan recently, which is enough to watch." Zheng Zhi said a little. sneered.

"Don't underestimate them. The special forces of the Southeast Military Region used to be the eldest brother of all the military regions. Although they have been in decline in recent years, the camels are bigger than horses, so we can't take them lightly." Zhao Xiaohei said solemnly.

"Why do you think so much? The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil, as long as we do our best." He Miao didn't care.

Shen Hongfei squeezed his hands, and everyone immediately fell silent, listening carefully to the captain's words.

"The task given to us by the chief is that we must win, and we must win beautifully, if we lose..." Shen Hongfei paused for a while, and continued: "All of them are rebuilt!"

As soon as these words came out, the members of the Tiger Commandos immediately showed fearful expressions on their faces, their eyes were full of fighting intent, and they paid more attention to the next challenge.

At this moment, the communicator on Shen Hongfei rang. After glancing at his teammates, he directly pressed the answer button.

"Okay, I see, okay."

"Cough, they have already arrived, and they are mourning at the training ground. Let's hurry over there!"



Not long after, everyone from the Tiger Commandos came to the training ground with a look of surprise on their faces.

"No, why did they come with so many people, do they want to besiege us? Why did the chief even agree to this?" Zheng Zhi couldn't help saying.

"You pig brain, the other party will definitely not be full, otherwise why bother to come to us?" Ling Yun said helplessly.

"I heard that it seems that the Southeast Military Region has conducted some kind of special recovery training. Their elite special forces are all handed over to Qin Yuan for training. Now it seems that this news is true."

"No, that Qin Yuan is really so powerful? How could the commander of the Southeast Military Region hand over the elites to him with such confidence?"

"Hey, you don't know about He Miao, right? Who is Qin Yuan? That's the first time that our Dragon Country won the first place in the International Special Forces Competition, and his strength must be extremely powerful."

"No, I know they are powerful, but personal strength is personal strength. Leading a team in training is completely different. The two are not even related?"

"That's true, but anyway, the commander of the Southeast Military Region believes him, and it seems that he has been training for a long time. Now it seems that he is here to test the training results and treat us as a whetstone!"

"Haha, the sharpening stone, I'm afraid they will grind themselves down!" Zhao Xiaohei whispered.

"Okay, shut up, don't have any resistance for a while, this match is also a test of our strength." Tiger Commando Captain Shen Hongfei said solemnly.

"Yes, Captain!"


On the training ground, Qin Yuan looked at the group of people coming, with a smile on his face, and strode up to meet them.

"Hello, my name is Qin Yuan, I take the liberty to disturb you, and I hope you forgive me."

"Haha, Comrade Qin Yuan is too polite. We are all soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom, and we should learn from each other. By the way, my name is Shen Hongfei, and I am the captain of the Tiger Commando."

"Captain Shen, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Qin Yuan stepped forward and shook hands with Shen Hongfei.

"No, I'm lucky to meet. I watched the live broadcast of the international special forces competition that day, and I didn't even blink an eye. It would be great if our Longguo could have more talents like Comrade Qin Yuan. what!"

Qin Yuan smiled and shook his head, turning the subject around.

"Captain Shen, compared to the fact that you have already received the order, we will play a confrontation, which can be regarded as an exchange. Whether we win or lose, don't take it to heart."

"It's natural, but... Comrade Qin Yuan, do you plan to have that team fight against my Tiger Commando?" Shen Hongfei said, his eyes swept to Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and the others in front of him.

"Lone Wolf Group B!"


Geng Jihui and others stepped forward and answered in a deep voice.

"Okay, I've heard about the reputation of the Lone Wolf Commando of the Southeast Military Region for a long time. It's our honor to play against you today."

"Captain Shen is very polite, time is running out, why don't we..."

"Okay, no problem, Ling Yun, Zheng Zhi, Zhao Xiaohei, He Miao, Tao Jing, Duan Weibing, prepare for you..."

"no no!"

Qin Yuan interrupted Shen Hongfei and said with a smile, "Since it's a confrontation between the special teams, it is natural for all the team members to participate. After all, the team's combat effectiveness is the greatest, not to mention that you are the captain and the command core of the team, so you can't be absent. what."

"If that's the case, then I'll do what you want!" Shen Hongfei nodded and did not object. After all, what Qin Yuan said was true.

"Alright then, Lone Wolf Group is ready to fight!"


Geng Jihui and others set up a battle formation, Qin Yuan and the rest of the special forces retreated one after another, giving the venue to the opposing teams.

"Instructor, do you think Captain Geng Jihui and the others can win this match?" Long Xiaoyun stared at Qin Yuan and asked with interest, but there seemed to be other things hidden in his eyes.

"The strength of the Tiger Commandos is not weak. It is still difficult to beat them, but it is not impossible." Qin Yuan said with a smile.

"So, the instructor is very confident in Lone Wolf Group B?" Long Xiaoyun asked, his eyes still on Qin Yuan.

"Of course we want to hope that Captain Geng and the others will win. If they lose, we will do 10,000 push-ups!" Yimiwu said with a bitter face, but suddenly found that the captain turned his head and glared at himself, and quickly covered it. Mouth, no longer dare to say a word.

Qin Yuan didn't seem to see this scene, his eyes kept on the two teams on the field, his eyes were so deep that people couldn't see what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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