Chapter 310

The Tiger Commando captain Shen Hongfei looked a little dignified, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

Even though the Southeast Military Region has been in decline in recent years, the skinny camels are bigger than horses, and the Lone Wolf Commando is an old-fashioned special team. Even a slight contempt when fighting against them is extremely stupid.

"I'll hold their captain later, you guys have the advantage in numbers, you must fight quickly, don't be careless." Shen Hongfei said in a low voice.

"Understood!" Ling Yun and the others responded in unison.

Chen Hongfei didn't hesitate any longer, and rushed towards Geng Jihui with a loud shout. When he was still two meters away, he raised his right leg and smashed it hard.

Geng Jihui turned slightly to the side, avoiding the whip leg that hit his head, then raised his fist and bullied him to meet him.

The ostrich behind him was about to rush up together, but was stopped by Zheng Zhi who was chasing after him, "Your opponent is me!"

In the blink of an eye, the Lone Wolf Group B and the Tiger Commandos were fighting together, and the dull sound of punching to the flesh came out, which made everyone onlookers feel a little hot, and could not wait to rush up.

"Damn, why? They all greet each other alone, so why do I have to take turns to greet each other?" The hygienist dodged the attacking attack with a single step, staring at Duan Weibing and Tao Jing, his face full of resentment.

"Hehe, the hygienist of Lone Wolf Group B is from a family of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts. We are well-known for a long time. You should be the most powerful in the team in single-round combat. Of course, we have to treat it well!" Duan Weibing's face was taken for granted road.

"..." The hygienist looked helpless, and subconsciously wanted to take a look at Xiao Zhuang who was fighting with Zhao Xiaohe not far away, but he forcibly held back.

"Hahaha, hygienist, take it easy, the two brothers of the Tiger Commando, you must be careful, don't look at this guy with a smile on his face, it's actually dark, you must greet him well!" Schadenfreude.

"Dead ostrich, you'd better worry about yourself first!" the hygienist cursed.

"You're blind! Who is your brother!" Tao Jing said with anger on her face, she gave up besieging the sanitation staff and greeted the ostrich with clenched fists.

"Hahaha, ostrich, you deserve it, thank you!" The hygienist's pressure was greatly reduced, and he laughed and mocked.

"No, sisters, sisters, I was wrong, really wrong, I will never dare again, go back... I beg you." Before the ostrich could finish speaking, Tao Jing's fist turned towards him fiercely. It slammed on the head, forming a pincer attack with Zheng Zhi next to him.

Not far away, Shen Hongfei and Geng Jihui fought several times in a row, the solemn expression on his face became more intense, and at the same time he was puzzled, "How did the combat effectiveness of Lone Wolf Group B have improved so much, I remember it was a military exercise not long ago, they Not that strong yet?"

Thinking of this, Shen Hongfei's eyes fell on Qin Yuan who was standing in the distance, and his heart suddenly became clear, and he shouted while taking advantage of the gap: "Tao Jing, Zheng Zhi, the two of you will get rid of the ostrich as soon as possible, and then besiege the rest. People, open the situation as soon as possible, don't delay it for too long!"


After everyone in the Tiger Commando responded, the offensive obviously became more violent, and they did not give them a chance to make a comeback.

Geng Jihui chuckled and shouted, "Lone Wolf Group B, show all your strength and end the battle within a minute, or even if the instructor doesn't punish us, we will do 10,000 push-ups!"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Zhuang and the others had a straight face, and they exuded a powerful aura, as if they had changed a person.

"This...they didn't use all their strength just now?" He Miao was shocked. At this moment, the corner of Xiaozhuang's mouth in front of her raised a smile, and she threw her fists, almost two times faster than before. More than twice, she hardly had time to react.

Between the light and flint, He Miao reluctantly stretched out her arms and crossed her arms to block in front of her. With a muffled sound, a force so huge that it was almost impossible to hit the ground. on the ground.

There was a trace of anger on He Miao's face, and when she was about to stand up despite the pain, a huge fist slammed into her instantly and stopped almost touching her forehead.

"I... lost..." He Miao raised her head and stared blankly at Xiao Zhuang. It seemed that this scene happened a bit fast, and she hadn't fully reacted.

Xiao Zhuang got up and nodded to her, then turned his head and ran towards the direction of the battle between Ye Hongfei and Geng Jihui. As long as the leader of the Tiger Commando was dealt with, they would not be afraid.

At this time, Shen Hongfei, who had been observing the surroundings with a trace of energy, changed greatly. He really didn't expect that He Miao, who had outstanding fighting ability, didn't hold back and forth in Xiaozhuang's hands, seeing the opponent running towards him.

He roared and threw out a fist with all his strength, hitting Geng Jihui's arms hard, knocking him back a few steps, and then rushing towards Xiaozhuang, his face full of solemnity, he thought We must do our best to eliminate the opponent. Only in this way, the Tiger Commandos will have a chance to win.

However, what Shen Hongfei didn't see was that Geng Jihui, who seemed to have been knocked back a few steps by his punch, was staring at him with a smile on his face, as if the winning ticket was in his hands, and the arms that had endured his heavy punch showed no difference.

"Tsk tsk, Shen Hongfei has been tricked, the battle should be over soon." Lei Zhan said with a tsk tsk, as if he had foreseen this scene.

''I didn't expect that the Lone Wolf Group B was already far superior to the Tiger Commandos, and they actually played such a trick, and I don't know who they learned from. "Wang Yanbing said with a smile.

"This is the best tactic at the moment. Well, by using the information delay of the Tiger Commandos and not knowing their real combat power, you can minimize battle losses."

"The truth is indeed this truth, but we are fighting against our own people? Isn't this a bit too wretched?"

"Hehe, every competition should be treated as an actual battlefield. For the enemy, it is understandable to use any tactics. This is nothing at all."


While everyone was discussing, Xiao Zhuang had already rushed to Shen Hongfei, jumped up and raised his right leg like a whip, slammed into his head with a piercing sound, and if he was hit by this blow, it would be considered a A brown bear has to fall too.

Shen Hongfei's expression changed, and when he was about to take a step back to dodge, a chuckle suddenly sounded behind him: "Captain Shen, be careful!"


Without any hesitation, Shen Hongfei rolled around with a carp, and avoided the front and rear pincer attack, but in this way, he would not be able to deal with the next attack.

After Xiao Zhuang missed a hit, there was almost no stagnation, his feet used force, and his entire body smashed heavily towards Shen Hongfei.

With a sound of "Boom", Xiao Zhuang slammed heavily on Shen Hongfei's body, placing his right hand on his neck like a knife, "Sorry Captain Shen, you have already sacrificed."

"I'm wiping, I'm so ruthless, my old waist is about to be broken by you, hurry up!"

"Hey, great!" Xiao Zhuang put away the smile at the corner of his mouth, and quickly pulled Shen Hongfei to get up from the ground.

"No, when did you become so good? It's only been a few months, the last military exercise, you weren't so good!"

After Shen Hongfei got up, he looked at Geng Jihui with a puzzled expression and said, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of how such an earth-shattering change could have taken place in Lone Wolf Group B in such a short period of time.

Geng Jihui did not answer his question directly, but looked at Qin Yuan not far away, his face full of respect.

"So...that's the case." Shen Hongfei looked at the group of Lone Wolf B group with envy, and seemed to have thought of something. There was a trace of fire in his eyes, but it quickly faded, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

Geng Jihui chuckled and put his eyes on the field. At this time, the hygienist had dealt with his opponent and was hesitating whether to help the ostrich.

"Bastard hygienist, hurry up and help me share one!" The ostrich said angrily.

"Hehe, you look quite leisurely, so let's support yourself first, and come back later." After speaking, the hygienist ran directly in the direction of Qiangzi.

"You bastard, hygienist, I remember you!" The ostrich's face was full of anger, but he obviously still had the energy to spare. Facing the siege of the two Tiger Commandos, he still had the energy to think about other things.

Geng Jihui shook his head helplessly, then glanced at Xiaozhuang, who immediately understood and ran towards the ostrich with a smile.

"Hey, we've been completely stumped this time. If there's a chance in the future, we'll have to do it again. We'll definitely find our way back then!" Shen Hongfei sighed softly, then stared at Geng Jihui with piercing eyes. The group is on.

"Yes, you can accompany you anytime!"

It didn't take long for the members of the Tiger Commando to be defeated, and their faces were a little disappointed.

With a smile on Qin Yuan's face, he went up to chat with Shen Hongfei for a while, and left here with all the special forces, flying towards the next destination.

"Captain, this is not right, when did Lone Wolf Group B become so powerful?" Ling Yun couldn't help asking, he had hardly any power to fight back against Lao Pao just now.

"I can't see it? It's obviously related to Qin Yuan. I didn't see the Thunder Commando and the Warrior Wolf Squadron. Do they all respect him very much? If you guess correctly, it should be the head of the Southeast Military Region. Arrange them to participate in Qin Yuan's training together." Zheng Zhi said with a determined face.

"That's right, I have to say that Qin Yuan is really amazing. Not only did he win the first place in the first international special forces competition for the Dragon Kingdom, but he could make such a complete change by training the special forces for a few days."

Shen Hongfei said with some admiration, and at the same time it was a pity that Qin Yuan was not from his own military region, otherwise they might also have the opportunity to be promoted.

"So that's the case, hey, Captain, should we inform the special forces of other military regions? Obviously, these people in the Southeast Military Region will not only fight against us, but also make others a little prepared, so that they will not be as embarrassed as us. ."

"Hey, why do you tell them that we have all lost such a big face, and none of the other special teams can escape, otherwise it would appear that we are bad."

"Yes, we have to cover up the results of this competition, and don't spread it. We will release it when the people from the Southeast Military Region challenge all the military regions."

"After this is ok, the mouths of the brothers must be managed well, and they must not be leaked."

Shen Hongfei looked at the team members who were dancing with phoenixes and phoenixes, and snorted coldly: "What are you doing, have you won, everyone is so happy, it's not ashamed!"

Everyone in the Tiger Commando immediately fell silent, their heads lowered, and they dared not raise their heads in fear.

"Hmph, from now on, we have to urgently carry out Hell Week. If their Lone Wolf Group B can become stronger, so can we!"

"Everyone has it, bring your own equipment, and gather at the training ground!"


Everyone shouted loudly, turned their heads and ran towards the training ground.

Shen Hongfei seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "Come back!"

Everyone returned in unison, looking at the captain with some doubts.

"Cough, remember not to leak the results of the competition, do you hear it clearly?"

"Listen clearly!"

"Then why are you still standing still?"

Deng Deng stared, everyone in the Tiger Commando did not dare to stay any longer, and strode towards the training ground. Shen Hongfei looked strangely at the backs of everyone, and quickly followed with a light cough.


"Instructor, where do we go next?" Ostrich looked at Qin Yuan and asked excitedly.

"Dead ostrich, how did you talk? What is smashing the field? We are clearly communicating with them in a friendly way." The hygienist was full of contempt.

"I don't know whether to communicate or not, but I'm sure that all the members of the Tiger Commando must be training more now." Xiaozhuang said with pursed lips.

"Okay, didn't you just win a match? The Tiger Commandos are in the entire army, and their strength can't be called the top. You will have more powerful opponents next." Qin Yuan said loudly.

"Now our target is the Falcon Commando and the Eagle Commando in the Southwest Military Region. The overall strength of these two teams is definitely higher than that of the Tiger Commando."

"Instructor, let's come with Wolf Warrior Squadron this time, we will definitely win!" Long Xiaoyun looked at Qin Yuan with beautiful eyes, his face full of eagerness to try.

Qin Yuan pondered for a shook his head and said, "This time, on the Thunder Commando, both teams are yours, Lei Zhan, do you have any confidence?"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Lei Zhan said loudly, his face full of fighting intent.

Soon, several helicopters landed on the apron of the Southwest Military Region. To Qin Yuan's surprise, there was a neat team outside, as if waiting for them.

After getting off the helicopter, Qin Yuan's eyes swept forward, his eyes were stunned, he stepped forward in surprise, came to the middle-aged man with two golden flowers on his shoulders, and saluted.

"Hello, Chief!"

"Hahaha, you're welcome, you're Comrade Qin Yuan. I've heard of your name for a long time, and I finally met him today." The middle-aged man patted Qin Yuan's shoulder with admiration in his eyes.

"Oh, yes, listen to the old boss, you brought a few special teams to communicate. After I heard the news, I pulled them to wait here early in the morning, haha!"

(End of this chapter)

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