Chapter 314 Underwater Shooting

Between the lightning and flint, Lei Zhan had no time to dodge, and subconsciously stretched out his arms to block in front of him, preparing to resist the black emperor's attack.

However, the next moment, an unimaginable force slammed into his chest heavily, Lei Zhan's face changed wildly, his entire body flew out uncontrollably, and fell heavily on the ground.

The black emperor's huge body threw himself on Lei Zhan, his mouth let out a dull roar, his sharp teeth pressed against his exposed neck, and he could pierce it with a little force.

Lei Zhan was so frightened that he didn't dare to move at all, for fear that Hei Huang would make a mistake, so he couldn't explain it here.

"Hei Huang, come here!" Qin Yuan said with a chuckle.

The Black Emperor, who threw himself on Lei Zhan, let out a bark, and seemed to be wagging his tail to come to Qin Yuan's side.

Lei Zhan, Yan Wang and the others breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, looking at the black emperor with fear and sadness in their hearts. As veteran special forces, they might be killed by a dog in seconds. No one could believe it.

They naturally don't know that the Black Emperor is a military dog ​​rewarded by the system. Compared with the Beastmaster in the deep mountains and the old forest, he is not too conceited, and can continue to grow. At this time, it has not fully reached its limit.

"How about it, I'll give you a chance. Anyone who thinks they are powerful enough to come and fight the Black Emperor doesn't need you to win. As long as they can survive you for a few minutes, they don't need to participate in the subsequent training." Qin Yuan Touching the black emperor's hairy head, he said with a smile.

The faces of the special forces were full of embarrassment, and even Lei Zhan couldn't hold on to the black emperor's hands, and they went up to almost the same result.

"What kind of world do you think this is? It's alright for the recruits that the instructors bring along for a few days to beat us. Now a dog can kill us like this. Life is not worth it!" Ostrich couldn't help but said, with a wry smile on his face.

"What's the matter, what is the thing around the instructor, which is simple? Not to mention our strength is also increasing rapidly, one day we will be so powerful."

"That's true. In the future, I will do whatever the instructor asks me to do. Even if I risk my life here, I have to grit my teeth and persevere."

"Haha, it's like you dare not listen to the instructor."

"Since no one dares to stand up, why are you still standing there? Bring your equipment, 30 kilometers!"

"Zhang Shuai, lead the way ahead!"


Without any hesitation, Lei Zhan and the others quickly put on their equipment, followed the car driven by Zhang Shuai, and strode forward.

An hour later, everyone's faces were covered in sweat, and they wanted to stop and rest for a while, but the speed of the car in front was getting faster and faster, making them almost breathless.

"Hey, Chenguang, is our current direction the same place where we practiced holding our breath last time? What do you think the instructor is going to do with us?" Wang Yanbing touched He Chenguang next to him, panting.

"That's still worth thinking about, it must be done to death!" He Chenguang said angrily.

"It seems to be the case, but it's strange for you to say that we train with such a high intensity, and when we sleep at night, we will be alive and well. It was not like this during the previous Hell Week?"

"It is estimated that the instructor has been calculating our physical strength. Although the training is harsh, it has always been within the body's tolerance range and will not overdraw potential." He Chenguang said thoughtfully.

"I think the most important thing is that every meal has the Chinese herbal medicine specially prepared by the instructor. Every time I drink that stuff, my whole body feels warm."

Wang Yanbing's face was full of admiration, "The instructor seems to know everything. I have never seen such a miraculous Chinese medicine before."

"There are still more than ten kilometers away, and you two still have the energy to chat. If the instructor sees it, they will have to add ten kilograms to each of you!" Gong Jian said in a low voice, his face was full of beads of sweat.

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, and Wang Yanbing shrank their necks at the same time, closed their mouths tightly, and strode forward.

At the rear of the team, Qin Yuan stood on the roof of the speeding car, next to the energetic Black Emperor, and seemed to want to jump out of the car and run wildly to release his excess energy.

"Hehe, don't worry, it's not yet time for you to go out." Qin Yuan touched the black emperor's head with a smile on his face.

Su Xiaoyu, who was driving, seemed to have thought of something, and subconsciously moved his butt, as if remembering some tragic encounter.

Half an hour later, with the last five kilometers remaining to the finish line, the special forces had almost exhausted their physical strength at this time, and their gasping speed involuntarily slowed down.

Su Xiaoyu honked the car horn a few times and said loudly, "Don't be lazy, hurry up and keep up with the military vehicle in front. If anyone falls behind, don't blame me for being rude!"

A smile appeared on Qin Yuan's face, and he lightly patted Hei Huang's head.

The latter immediately got up excitedly. After barking a few times, he jumped directly to the ground for life. With all his strength, he chased behind the team like lightning. He opened his mouth to reveal his sharp teeth, and fiercely aimed at the ostrich's butt. bite.

"Fuck!" The ostrich screamed, wanting to sideways to avoid it, but it was too late, and the black emperor directly bit his butt.

"Oh oh oh!"

The ostrich made a series of strange screams, and the expression on his face was very exciting. His whole body seemed to be stimulated by his potential. He strode forward, and soon came to the front of the team.

"Damn it, this dead dog is actually biting!" The hygienist's heart tightened, seeing the black emperor's eyes falling on him, he immediately became angry, and cursed inwardly, chasing forward with great effort.

Seeing that the figure of the hygienist was gradually disappearing, the Black Emperor had no intention of chasing after him. With his white and sharp teeth exposed, he rushed towards another person at the back of the team.

"You are here too!" The ostrich panted and looked at the hygienist who was chasing after him, with a happy smile on his face.

"Hehe, I haven't been bitten by a dog, why are you so happy?"

"What? Why? It's okay for the instructor to be cheap. The dog he raises is so cheap!" The ostrich touched the teeth marks on his buttocks, full of grievances in his heart.


Half an hour later, the five special teams were all lying on the ground like dead pigs, their chests heaving violently, their clothes were soaked with sweat, and they almost passed out.

"Haha, it's only 30 kilometers, and you are so tired. If this is on the battlefield, who would dare to give you the task of interspersed with depth!" Qin Yuan said loudly, his face full of disgust.

Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and others scolded secretly, thinking to themselves, "You made the car drive so fast, and let us keep up with it. It's not bad to be able to survive this way!"

Of course, they can only talk about these things in their hearts, and don't dare to speak, otherwise the **** instructor will punish them severely.

"Give you a five-minute break before starting the next training session!"

"Yes!" Everyone gritted their teeth and responded in unison, panting heavily, trying to regain their strength as soon as possible.

Five minutes passed quickly, without Qin Yuan's reminder, the special forces had already stood in a neat queue. Although their physical strength had not fully recovered, their eyes were bright.

"Everyone has it, bring your equipment and go into the water!" Qin Yuan shouted in a deep voice.


Chen Shanming, Long Xiaoyun and the others walked towards the wide river without hesitation. They were trained to hold their breath here last time, and they were already very familiar with it.

"Keep going and let the river water completely cover your heads!"

Soon, everyone entered the icy river water, and the entire body was submerged. From the outside, it was almost impossible to find their traces.

Qin Yuan nodded with satisfaction, then turned to look at Zang Chong and the others behind him.

The latter immediately understood, walked towards the military vehicle, took out pieces of targets, and quickly filled them on the shore.

"On the battlefield, anything can happen. When swimming with arms, you may encounter patrolling enemy guards and sentries. At this time, you will be underwater and kill them silently."

"Shooting in water is a little different from that on land, because water refracts light. I believe this, you already know it in the theoretical training of special forces, so I won't say much about it."

"You need to hold your breath for five minutes. After reaching the limit, you can empty a whole magazine of bullets underwater before you can float. Finally, the score is determined according to the number of targets."

Qin Yuan said slowly, his eyes fell on the timer in his hand, which had just passed five minutes.

"Start now!"

The voice passed, and all the special forces soldiers who had been suffocating in the water for a long time raised their rifles and pulled the trigger one after another.

After a burst of gunshots, the heads emerged from the water, gasping for breath, and almost passed out.

When everyone got out of the water, Qin Yuan walked towards each target with a look of disgust on his face.

"This is the target you hit? How dare you call yourself a special forces soldier? It's a shame. Just dragging an old lady on the street will get better results than you guys!"

Qin Yuan said angrily, hearing the burning pain on Lei Zhan and their faces.

"Take a one-minute rest with you, and then continue training. If you score like this next time, just suffocate in the water!"

"This is not the first time I have been involved in this kind of training. There are some mistakes in calculating the refraction. The next time will definitely be much better." Yan Wang couldn't help but said, as the first sniper of the Thunder Commando, he actually only scored an average of six rings. The results were a little discouraged for a while.

"Hehe, on the battlefield, do you want to tell your enemy that this is the first time for me, and my hands are a bit raw, so I didn't kill you with a single shot. Why don't you stand there and let me shoot another shot?" Qin Yuan sneered.

Yan Wang's face froze, and he didn't seem to think that his whispering was heard clearly by the instructor. He shrank his neck and didn't dare to look up and look forward.

"One minute has come, what are you still doing!"

As soon as Qin Yuan's voice fell, Long Xiaoyun and others reacted immediately, took a deep breath, and squatted down directly into the river.

Five minutes later, all the special forces underwater shot at the target on the shore.

Qin Yuan looked at the dozens of targets and nodded lightly. Although he had not yet reached the level of 100 hits, he was much better than last time.

As long as you practice for a while, you will return to the shore level when you are proficient.

Two hours later, Qin Yuan ended the training, let everyone rest for ten minutes, and dragged them towards the training ground.

Zhang Shuai was driving the military vehicle at the front, and the special forces behind him were furious in their hearts.

If anyone falls behind and fails to keep up, Qin Yuan will release the Black Emperor, leaving unique marks on their butts.

This time, it only took two hours for the team to return to the training ground. Everyone felt like their legs were not theirs, and collapsed on the ground, panting violently.

Every armed off-road is a test and improvement of their extreme physical strength.

"Hey, I said, when will this hard life be the end? Every time I train, I feel like I'm about to die in place!" Harley said with a bitter face.

"Haha, pretend, keep pretending, if you really can't hold on, you can just quit, and no one will stop you!" Yan Wang looked disdainful.

"That's right, every time I train, I count this grandson as being active, and now I'm talking about it, bah!" Yuanbao was not polite.

"Hey, aren't you two brothers anymore? You can die if you cooperate with me!" Harley snarled his neck.

"Haha, do you three guys have excess energy, and you still have the heart to bicker. Do you want to tell the instructor and give you a 10-kilometer snack?" Chen Yingtian said with a stern face.

"Don't, vice-captain, another ten kilometers, and I'm really going to die!" Yuan Bao shrank his neck.

"Then keep your mouth shut, there will be training subjects later, hurry up and recover your strength, otherwise you won't be able to hold on at all!"


Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan brought everyone to the mud pit and said indifferently, "Jump down!"

Without any hesitation, Lei Zhan and the others jumped directly into the stinky and slippery mud pit that had been fermented for a long time, but there was no discomfort on their faces, as if they had long been used to it.

"Start the fighting training now, the Wolf Squadron will fight the Jiaolong Commando, and the Red Blood Cell Team will fight the Thunder Commando. Before I call to stop, everyone can't stop, use all your strengths!"

"Report!" Ostrich looked raised his hand towards Qin Yuan.


"That, instructor, we Lone Wolf Group B, who are we going to practice with?" Ostrich asked with some doubts.

As soon as these words came out, Xiaozhuang, the hygienist, and Geng Jihui glared at the ostrich, wishing to sew his mouth up!

"Dead ostrich, don't speak if you can't speak!"

"Hey, no, why are you looking at me with such eyes? Am I asking the wrong question? Since it's a duel training, it's natural to fight with other special teams?" Ostrich's face was puzzled.

"Since you are so active, let Zang Chong accompany you to train." Qin Yuan couldn't help but smile.

"Ah?" The ostrich's face instantly collapsed, and he wanted to slap his mouth twice. Looking at Qin Yuan, he asked weakly, "Instructor, can I take back what I just said..."

"Hehe, what do you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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