Chapter 315 Emergency Mission

"Hey, I haven't moved my muscles for a long time, don't worry Ostrich, I'll be gentler later." Su Xiaoyu jumped out of the mud pit with a cheap smile.

"The ostrich sees what you've done!" Xiao Zhuang couldn't help scolding, making up his mind that he would use this **** as a shield for a while.

Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and others looked at Lone Wolf Group B with pity.

At the same time, he speculated with the greatest malice in his heart that the instructor kept Lone Wolf Group B, whether he had already made up his mind to let Zang Chong shoot them.

In the mud pit, the ostrich looked at Su Xiaoyu with a flattering face, "Brother Yu, you must be gentle with your hands later, you are so powerful, my body can't stand a few punches."

"Hey, don't worry, who are our brothers and who is who? How can I play **** you? It's just a matter of time."

"That's good, that's good." The ostrich patted his chest in fear, with a look of joy on his face.

Qin Yuan looked at the two with an inexplicable smile on his lips, "Start!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Su Xiaoyu stretched out his right fist and struck the ostrich's chest like lightning without giving him any time to react.

The ostrich's eyes widened violently, his eyes flashed across a phantom, and a harsh sound of breaking through the air sounded in his ears. The next moment, a sharp pain came, and the whole body flew out uncontrollably, and fell heavily on the ground. in the stinking quagmire.

"Cough cough!"

The ostrich coughed violently, got up from the quagmire, wiped off the mud on his face, and his eyes were full of grief and anger.

"Brother Yu, if you agreed to be merciful, if you agreed that the two brothers are good, it's not a big deal!"

"Hehe, I have indeed shown mercy. I only used half of my strength. If you use all your strength, you probably won't be able to get up on the ground!" Su Xiaoyu said with a smile.

The ostrich's face was stagnant, and his heart was full of sadness. The other party only used half of his strength, and he couldn't resist himself. The special forces career in these years was like living on a dog.

Thinking of this, the ostrich's eyes fell on the black emperor beside Qin Yuan, and his heart became more and more bitter. When it comes to dogs, he really doesn't seem to be comparable to this guy.

On the other side, Zhang Shuai faced the health worker and Xiao Zhuang alone, but it was the latter who was nervous.

The two looked at each other and attacked Zhang Shuai from left to right. Even in the slippery quagmire, their speed was not slow at all.

Xiaozhuang stretched out his right leg and smashed it hard at Zhang Shuai. His movements were very skillful, but he was easily avoided by the other side, followed by the sanitation staff's fist.

As if he had expected Zhang Shuai's dodging action, he blasted directly towards his dodging path.

However, Zhang Shuai smiled coldly, raised his right fist directly, and slammed into the hygienist.

With a "bang", the two fists collided, and the sanitation staff's face turned purple, as if suffering from great pain, but he gritted his teeth and did not make any sound.

Zhang Shuai's movements did not stagnate, he directly lifted his right foot and kicked the sanitation worker's abdomen fiercely, kicking it out and smashing it into the mud.

All this happened in the flash of light and flint. Xiaozhuang only felt that just as his right foot landed, the hygienist flew out backwards. Then, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of him, and a harsh sound of breaking through the air sounded in his ears. There was a sharp pain in the chest, and the body fell heavily.

Qin Yuan above looked at this scene with no expression on his face. Zhang Shuai and the others had already reached the peak level of fighting ability, and they were only one line away from world level. It was not too easy to deal with the sanitation staff.

However, he had warned them in advance not to knock them unconscious, and to persist for at least an hour. Only after experiencing cruel training can they rapidly improve their strength.

On the other side, the Wolf Warrior Squadron, etc., did not hold back when fighting, and they all punched to the flesh, as if they were their own enemies in front of them.

Qin Yuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, as expected of all special forces, and this level of training is not intimidating at all. If this is a group of recruits, they will definitely not be so desperate.

An hour later, everyone stumbled and couldn't walk. The sweat and silt that flowed from their bodies were mixed together. There was no clean place in their bodies, but they still didn't stop waving everything, even though their physical strength was almost exhausted.

"Ten minutes of rest, then continue training!" Qin Yuan shouted loudly.


All the special forces were sitting in the mud, panting heavily, not feeling dirty at all, and regaining their strength as soon as possible.

Zang Chong and the four were also gasping for breath. Looking at the people in Lone Wolf Group B, a glimmer of admiration flashed in their eyes. Although these people's strength was not as good as theirs, they were training as if they were dying. Every time they were beaten, they would stand up immediately. Continue to punch, that ruthlessness is not as good as they are.

Ten minutes later, following Qin Yuan's order, everyone got up from the silt and continued to charge towards their opponents. Even the ostrich with a broken mouth did not flinch.

Qin Yuan sat in the car seat, looking at this scene indifferently, the black emperor was lying at his feet, making a whimper, as if he was very comfortable.

An hour passed quickly. Qin Yuan glanced at his watch and said loudly, "This is the end of the morning training. You will take a shower in the dormitory first, and then eat."


Ostrich and others breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. The training was so intense throughout the morning that they could hardly hold on. After saluting Qin Yuan, they supported each other and walked towards the dormitory.

"Company commander, their toughness is indeed very strong, and ordinary people simply can't hold on." Zhang Shuai couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Indeed, even that ostrich, even if it doesn't seem to be a living treasure, has that kind of tenacity really rare. Every time it is knocked out, it rushes back again without any hesitation, as if it doesn't feel the pain. "Su Xiaoyu followed suit.

"Stop, stop, don't come here, even the Hei Huang can't stand the stench all over his body, hurry up to wash and then eat!" Qin Yuan covered his nose and said, the Hei Huang at his feet couldn't help baring his teeth, as if warning them not to approach .

"Wow, company commander, it's so sad that you actually despise us, woohoo!" Su Xiaoyu pretended to exaggerate.

"Okay, I'll go to the restaurant first!" Qin Yuan took Hei Huang and walked directly to the restaurant, ignoring them.


At one o'clock in the afternoon, the five special teams were neatly assembled on the training ground.

Qin Yuan nodded, "Run around the playground for 20 kilometers to warm up first!"


Soon, rows of teams ran wild on the playground. This time he didn't ask for weights, it was just a warm-up.

Qin Yuan was just about to find a place to sit down, when a military vehicle suddenly approached in the distance.

"Sir Qin, the commander is looking for you, please come over as soon as possible!" The driver seemed a little anxious.

Qin Yuan nodded and got into the man's car.

Half an hour later, the military car stopped at the military district office, Qin Yuan jumped out of the car and strode towards Su Guoqiang's room.


"Xiao Qin is here, come in!"

After entering the room, Qin Yuan saw Su Guoqiang sitting on a chair, frowning slightly, as if thinking about something.

"Commander, what are you looking for from me?"

"Well... Xiao Qin, this morning, I received accurate information that there is a group of drug dealers who will land in my defense zone tonight."

"It's a very special place. Usually no one goes there, and there are few bunkers around. If you rush into ambush with a large number of troops, you may be shocked by the grass."

"But if there are too few troops, we will not be able to deal with those desperadoes at all, so I thought of you." Su Guoqiang looked at Qin Yuan with confidence.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Qin Yuan said bluntly.

"Okay, I believe you will be able to complete the mission. In this ambush, try to catch the survivors, but if the opponent resists fiercely, you can kill them on the spot!"

"These are all the materials for this operation. You can take a look first, and if you have any doubts, ask directly." Su Guoqiang said, and took out a document from the drawer.

Qin Yuan took it with both hands, read it carefully, and quickly memorized all the information in his mind.

According to the news from the inside of the ambush, this group of drug dealers seems to be opening up a new route. This time, some spies are here, and their strength must be extremely powerful. Maybe they are retired special forces from certain countries.

Moreover, the landing sites they chose were also very particular. They were usually deserted, but there were few bunkers, so it was impossible to hold a large number of troops.

Once aware of any abnormality, this group of experienced guys will turn around without hesitation, and will soon be able to leave the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. At will, they can only let a small group of special forces lurk, kill them with one hit, and give them no time to react. .

"Xiao Qin, you can ask for any equipment resources you need. This mission is very important. Don't miss it!"

"Don't worry, Commander, I will definitely bring you back alive!" Qin Yuan said solemnly.

"Okay! Then go back and prepare. You are solely responsible for this operation, and others will not point fingers at you!"


After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he walked directly towards the door and took the military vehicle back to the training base again.

It was already after two o'clock in the afternoon. Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and others had just finished running 20 kilometers and were resting on the training ground.

After pondering for a moment, Qin Yuan said loudly: "Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai, take all members of Lone Wolf Group B to the arsenal to collect equipment, and gather at the base apron ten minutes later. The others will be led by Fang Tian and Su Xiaoyu to continue training. !"


Everyone answered in unison, although there were some doubts in their hearts, but they did not show it, and earnestly carried out Qin Yuan's orders.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan put on his equipment and strode to the helipad. At this time, Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai, and Lone Wolf Group B and others had gathered, and their eyes were a little excited.

"All aboard!"

On the helicopter, Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and said solemnly, "The military region gave us an order..."

Soon, he told all the intelligence information to everyone.

"There really is a mission, hahaha, I've been suffocated to death during this time, and finally I can perform a mission!" Ostrich couldn't help but said.

"Hehe, restrain yourself, this task is very important, the opponent is a cruel and vicious pirate, and as a striker, he must be very experienced in combat, and he has important information. We must try to catch the live ones as much as possible without being careless." The hygienist reminded road.

"Don't worry, we've all done so many missions, don't be burdened, just play normally, not to mention that there are still instructors, don't even think of running away from any wicked guy." Geng Jihui said.

Qin Yuan didn't speak, thinking about the battle plan for the next action in his heart. He always felt that this mission was not as simple as it appeared, but he couldn't notice the abnormality for a while.

Two hours later, the helicopter landed at the seaside base. They didn't stop, took all the equipment, and went straight to the mission location without disturbing anyone.

After arriving at the beach, Qin Yuan finally understood what Commander Su meant. There were only some sparse seagrass in this area, sand for a few kilometers, and dense woods in the distance.

As long as you can rush through these few kilometers of sandy roads, enter the woods, and find a few people, especially the experienced drug dealers in the jungle, it is extremely difficult.

Therefore, they can only solve them when they are at the seaside, so as to prevent all accidents and complete this task perfectly.

"Company commander, this place is extremely unfavorable for concealment, how should we hide?" Zhang Shuai asked with a frown.

"Why don't we just lie in ambush in that dense forest, wait for them to come in, and then bring them to the nest!" Zang Chong suggested.

"Did you think they were stupid and just slammed into your trap?" Zhang Shuai said with contempt.

"Well, what Zhang Shuai said is right, we can only ambush on the beach, we can't give them a chance to enter the woods, otherwise the fish will enter the sea, and it will be extremely difficult to catch them again!" Qin Yuan said solemnly.

"However, this beach is very open, and there are almost no bunkers, so there is no way for us to hide?" Geng Jihui asked with some doubts.

"Why not? Isn't this all sand? If you drill into it, no one can see it!" Ostrich laughed.

"Haha, the ostrich has a small head and can be hidden with a single drill. We are different!" The hygienist used to retort.

"Hey, I said, hygienist, if you don't talk back to me, are you feeling sick?"

"Ha ha!"

"I said enough for the two of you, UU Reading is on a mission now, can you be more serious!" Geng Jihui said with a stern face.

"Captain, don't worry, the instructor must have already figured out a battle plan, let's just execute it!" Xiao Zhuang said with a determined face.

As soon as these words came out, everyone shut up and turned their attention to Qin Yuan.

"Well, the ostrich is right. We can hide in the sand. It's not easy to be found on the beach, and now the tide is ebb, and the sea water won't sweep away the sand." Qin Yuan looked at the sand and said in a low voice.

Then he pointed to a few places that had already been selected and said: "You can act now, hide your body under the sand, don't let the muzzle leak out, just leave one air outlet, and then wait for my order!"


Zangchong Geng Jihui and the others said in unison, and then according to Qin Yuan's guidance, they stepped forward to hide their bodies under the sand surface, without revealing any flaws, leaving only a finger-sized air outlet.

(End of this chapter)

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