Chapter 316 Complete the mission

"Everyone, keep silent immediately, the enemy may appear at any time, waiting for my signal!"

Qin Yuan was lying in a low bush and whispered into the headset.

Immediately, there was a low-pitched sound from the headset, and then it was completely silent.

With the blessing of peak-level concealment skills, no one would be able to find Qin Yuan hiding inside even if he came to the front, which gave him great convenience.

At this time, it was more than five o'clock in the afternoon, the sky had not yet darkened, and the information transmitted by the inside line did not clarify the enemy's landing time.

However, Qin Yuan guessed that they would most likely choose to stay in the middle of the night, and only at this time could they hide their bodies to the greatest extent and quietly touch the woods.

Time passed slowly, the moon was obscured by thick dark clouds, and all around was plunged into a darkness where you could not see your fingers.

Qin Yuan closed his eyes, and his consciousness connected with dozens of god-level intelligent poisonous bees, scanning the area of ​​the coast for a kilometer over and over again.

Due to the barrier of ocean waves and sea wind, the god-level intelligent poisonous bee cannot send out too far, and in the cold seawater, radar and infrared imaging methods are all invalid, and only high-precision cameras can be used to detect possible clues.

Five hours passed quickly, Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai, and Lone Wolf Group B had been hiding under the sea sand, like a corpse, without moving a single bit, silently waiting for Qin Yuan's instructions.

There was no expression on Qin Yuan's face, and he had already made plans to wait until the early morning.

However, the next moment, a head suddenly appeared out of the sea, looked around for a moment, and then quickly swam towards the shore.

Qin Yuan didn't move, and observed the man's every move with a god-level intelligent poisonous bee.

Soon, the man came to the shore, and without any hesitation, strode into the dense forest in the distance. This was a man of medium height, but with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, who looked to be in his thirties.

He was wearing only thin clothes, holding a pistol in his hand, with a very frightened expression on his face, as if some beast was chasing him behind him.

Qin Yuan frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong in his heart, but he couldn't find out what was wrong for a while, so he could only hold his troops and look at the situation behind him. Anyway, there were two god-level intelligent poisonous bees following him, so he didn't worry about that person. will run away.

The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey gills strode across the sandy surface where Zang Chong and others were hiding.

Soon, the man came to the dense forest, plunged into it and disappeared, and the sound of rustling running got farther and farther.

There was no change in Qin Yuan's face. He didn't seem to be afraid of him running away. His eyes were always on the sea in the distance.

About five minutes later, there was a sudden movement in the jungle, and the man who emerged from the sea appeared again, the fear on his face dissipated a lot, and he found something like a bomb explosion button on his body and pressed it.

Qin Yuan's spirit was shocked, his eyes were staring at the sea, and he involuntarily clenched the assault rifle in his hand. If nothing else, the highlight of the night will be staged.

Soon, heads suddenly appeared on the sea in the distance. There were only eight of these people, but they seemed to be very well-trained. They wore diving equipment and seemed to have experienced a long journey. When they reached the coast, they ran directly towards the dense forest. go.

Qin Yuan's mouth curled into a smile, raised the muzzle of the gun and aimed it at them, put his finger on the trigger, and could shoot at any time.

When the group of people came to Zangchong and their hidden snow area 100 meters away, Qin Yuan whispered according to the headset: "Do it!"

In an instant, under the terrified eyes of the group of people, Zang Chong broke through the sand surface violently, raised the assault rifle in his hand and fired.

After a burst of gunshots, shrill screams resounded on the beach.

Under the superb marksmanship of Zang Chong, Geng Jihui and others, before the group could react, they had already been hit with several rounds of bullets in their limbs. call.

Qin Yuan's mouth curled into a smile. Before the action started, he had already told everyone to hit the enemy's limbs as much as possible when shooting, and try not to hurt his life. After all, Su Guoqiang said, try to capture them alive for use in Obtain intelligence on drug dealers.

Just as he was about to get up to clean up the group of enemies, Qin Yuan's face suddenly changed drastically. On the sea in the distance, four heads were revealed again. These people were holding weapons and were raising their guns to aim at Zang and a few people. go.

Before he could get up, Qin Yuan directly turned the gun and pulled the trigger one after another without hesitation.

After the four gunshots, those people on the sea immediately froze and fell backwards into the sea. Even a few hundred meters away, Qin Yuan could faintly see a dark red trace spreading rapidly.

Zang Chong, Geng Jihui and others only reacted at this time, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads. This coast is extremely flat and there is no cover. If Qin Yuan hadn't shot in time just now, as long as the other party fired a round, they would definitely explain it here. .

"Sanitary staff, bring two people to briefly bandage the group of things, and then tie them up with ropes, so as not to bleed to death before returning to the military area, Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai, you two go and carry the corpses out of the sea, The rest of the people are on guard!" Qin Yuan pressed the headset and instructed in a deep voice.


The hygienist took the ostrich and Xiaozhuang and ran directly to the equipment that was hidden under the soil in the dense forest. There were some medical supplies and ropes in it, which were prepared in advance.

"Hey, hygienist, Xiaozhuang, do you two think we can get a third-class merit for this mission? The Sharp Sword Recruit Company has only been established for less than half a year, and has already had two collective second-class merits each time. When I think about it, I feel that we, the veteran special forces, are a little embarrassed."

The ostrich lowered his voice, his face full of depression.

"Hehe, you're thinking about eating shit. It's just a mere few drug dealers. There must be no such great credit." The hygienist mocked.

"Don't worry, as long as we continue to train with the instructor for a while, our strength will definitely improve. When the time comes, what kind of first-class skills and second-class skills will be captured?" Xiao Zhuang smiled and was very fond of Qin Yuan. is praised.

The three quickly moved everything to the beach, the group of drug dealers were still screaming, and the sand surface was soaked into a deep red color.

"If you don't want to die, be honest!" The ostrich kicked a drug dealer who was constantly rolling. The latter seemed to realize something. He gritted his teeth and stopped screaming. He looked at the hygienist with tears, as if he couldn't stand up if he hadn't. Come on, I can't wait to kneel down for him.

The hygienist laughed and started to treat the wounds simply for these guys, but the movements on his hands were not polite at all, just like dealing with a few dead pigs. The pain kept dripping from their foreheads, and the body was in constant pain. trembling.

Five minutes later, the hygienist stopped what he was doing, looked at Qin Yuan and said, "Instructor, everything has been dealt with, and it will be fine for a while!"

"Okay, everyone clean up, don't leave any traces!"


Three hours later, it was already late at night, and the military area apron, Qin Yuan and others just got off the helicopter, when they saw Su Guoqiang and a group of people waiting here, his face was full of joy.

"Hahaha, Xiao Qin, I knew you were fine, this time the task was done very well!" Su Guoqiang laughed loudly.

"These are what we should do!" Qin Yuan chuckled, and the eyes of everyone behind him showed a touch of pride.

"Okay! Section Chief Zhang, this group of drug dealers will be handed over to you. At noon today, I want to get all the information!"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man known as Section Chief Zhang waved his hand, and the soldiers in the back row immediately stepped forward, pressing a few drug dealers toward the interrogation room.

"Xiao Qin, you are already very tired. You don't have to wait here. Hurry back and have a good rest. If there is any situation, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"Yes, thank you Commander!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he led the crowd to the training base. They had been lying in ambush under the wet sand for several hours, and they really needed a good rest.

After returning to the training base, Qin Yuan asked them to go back to the dormitory to take a shower, then entered the cafeteria and rummaged through some cooked meat buns in the refrigerator to fill their stomachs.


The next morning, on the training ground, Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and said solemnly, "It's still early, let's warm up with push-ups for an hour!"


Lei Zhan and the others said in unison, if in the past, this kind of push-up for an hour would have made them a little worried, but after following Qin Yuan for a while, they suddenly realized that this level of training seemed to be nothing.

Soon, everyone was lying on the ground and doing push-ups. At the beginning, the movements were fast, but as time passed, the speed involuntarily slowed down.

"Hurry up for me, haven't you eaten yet? The old men walking on the street are faster than you!" Qin Yuan said angrily.

Geng Jihui, Chen Shanming and others laughed bitterly, but they still speeded up. They were so tired and sweaty that they didn't dare to stop. They only felt that their arms were extremely sore, and the concrete floor was covered with sweat.

"The instructor is really right, haven't we eaten yet?" Ostrich couldn't help muttering, it's morning practice time, and only after it's over will the cafeteria open.

"If you don't keep your mouth shut, you will die. You can't stop your mouth when you do push-ups. If the instructor hears this, you have to add another hour!" the hygienist whispered angrily.

The ostrich's lips twitched, as if instinctively wanting to retaliate, but when he raised his head, he saw Qin Yuan staring at him.

An hour later, Qin Yuan looked at the time and said loudly, "Give you ten minutes to eat, and in ten minutes, we will all gather here!"


In an instant, everyone endured exhaustion and strode towards the cafeteria, like a starving ghost reincarnated, for fear of delaying for a second.

After everyone left, Qin Yuan sat on a stone bench not far away, Su Xiaoyu carried a large food box in his hand, and rushed towards this side.

"Company commander, I specially picked the fattest roast chicken. It's still hot, you can eat it while it's hot!" Su Xiaoyu said as he opened the food box, revealing the delicious food inside.

Qin Yuan tore off a chicken leg, ate it in big mouthfuls, and said with a faint smile, "Why are you so diligent today, is there something wrong?"

"Hey, the company commander is really clever and attentive. You can see my thoughts at a glance." Su Xiaoyu licked his face.

"Okay, feel free to say anything, as long as it doesn't violate discipline, I will agree." Qin Yuan said casually while chewing on the chicken thigh.

"Actually, it's nothing. Yesterday afternoon, I called at home. I have something to go back to, so I want to take a leave. It won't take too long. I will be back tomorrow afternoon at the latest." Su Xiaoyu stared at Qin Yuan, a little nervous.

"That's all? Do you need to hide it like that, that's right!"

"Thank you company commander, haha, I knew that company commander is the best!" Su Xiaoyu had a smile on his face.

"Okay, be careful on the road, remember not to cause trouble, with your current strength, ordinary people can't bear it at all!" Qin Yuan said with a serious look on his face.

"Don't worry, company commander, you still don't believe me!" After Su Xiaoyu finished speaking, she saluted Qin Yuan, and turned around excitedly and ran out of the base.


A few minutes later, Qin Yuan finished eating all the food, got up and clapped his hands, and Lei Zhan and the others in the distance just happened to be heading here at this time.

"Everyone has it. The weight is 30 kilograms, and the horses are striding on the spot. I didn't call to stop. No one can stop. I have to hold on to my teeth!"


After Qin Yuan finished speaking, everyone carried the weights that had been prepared for a long time, and rode their horses in rows, and their movements were abnormally standard.

"Hey, hygienist, why did the instructor suddenly ask us to do this? What's the use of this?" Ostrich asked with some doubts.

"Hehe, idiot, the standard horse stance is the most test of endurance in the lower plate. You can run for an hour, but you may not be able to sprint for an hour. This time we are guilty."

"Ah? Is that so? But when we were training before, we also stomped on horses. It doesn't seem to be that difficult, right?"

"Hehe, what are you carrying on your back? With a load of 30 kilograms, the average person may not be able to last for an hour even if they carry it like this." The hygienist's face was full of mockery.

"Oh, I forgot about this!" A bitter look appeared on the ostrich's face.

"Ostrich, what mission did you go to perform yesterday? Why haven't I heard you mention it? Is it a secret?" He Chenguang, who was next to him, said in a low voice, with a hint of curiosity on his face.

"Comrade He Chenguang, don't let some people spoil you. I solemnly tell you that you can call me a big-tailed wolf or a paratrooper, but you can never call me an ostrich!" The ostrich said with a serious face .

"Okay ostrich, what mission did you perform yesterday? Can you tell me? Don't worry, I'm very strict." He Chenguang accepted the criticism of the ostrich humbly, but he didn't change it, with a strong expression on his face. of curiosity.

"Did you do it on purpose?"

(End of this chapter)

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