Chapter 318 Extreme Training

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it!" Zang Chong patted his head and suddenly realized.

"It's not that your brain is not smart, you have to think about such obvious things for a long time." Fang Tian mocked unceremoniously.

"Haha, don't you think, who is making this joke? Let's not look down on anyone!"

"I was obviously surrounded by your pig teammate!" Fang Tianshou quibbled with his neck.

"Okay, you two go to notify Zhang Shuai in front of him and tell him to slow down and run for another ten minutes, and then you can stop!"

Qin Yuan looked at all the special forces in front of them who were getting more and more vain, and said to them without looking back.


Fang Tian responded, then stepped on the accelerator, and the military vehicle roared and rushed forward.

Ten minutes later, as the car driven by Fang Tian slowly stopped, Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and others showed a look of relief on their faces, and then fell directly to the ground, not wanting to move a single finger.

Qin Yuan nodded vaguely and ran wildly for three hours. The intensity of their training this time has surpassed any previous one.

However, even so, no one was left behind, all of them gritted their teeth and held on, their faces were extremely pale, and there was no trace of blood.

If it weren't for the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, who could monitor everyone's physical condition in real time, Qin Yuan would not dare to carry out such terrifying training, because it might lead to some irreversible consequences.

After all, the human body's potential is limited. If you release too much in a short period of time, your body will definitely be unable to bear it. Even if you can't see it in a short time, it will all explode in the future, completely destroying it.

This is the same as some extreme athletes, who eat youth meals. When they get older, various problems will appear and cannot be cured.

All the training that Qin Yuan is doing now is set according to the maximum limit that everyone can bear.

If this method is for some new recruits, it will definitely not work. After all, some people's physical fitness is not particularly good, and their physical fitness and endurance cannot reach the standard. It is very difficult to improve these through acquired training, and even No effect at all.

But these people in front of them have all experienced brutal selection. All of them are special forces in the special forces. Whether it is innate conditions or acquired efforts, there is no shortage of them. Only in this way can they be in Qin Yuan's extreme training. Increase strength.

On the muddy ground, Wang Yanbing was breathing heavily, with a wry smile on his face: "The instructor is so cruel, I feel like if I run for another ten minutes, my heart will explode!"

"Why don't you call it extreme training? It's good for us, the instructor!" He Chenguang was so tired that he didn't want to move, but there was excitement in his eyes. He hadn't experienced this for a long time. This kind of drained all the physical energy, leaving no trace of feeling.

"Chenguang is right, I feel that my strength has obviously improved. When I go back to training, I can challenge a group of people in the special team!" Li Erniu's face was full of eagerness to try.

"Hurry up and rest. There will definitely be more extreme training like this in the future. Let's get used to it as soon as possible, so that we won't be held back on the harsh battlefield!" Gong Jian's voice seemed to be squeezed from between his teeth. In general, apparently there is no strength to even open his mouth.

He is older than He Chenguang and others, and his physical fitness is inevitably inferior, but with his rich experience, his role on the battlefield is almost irreplaceable.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan looked at the special forces and said loudly: "All of them, stand up, and arrange in a group formation!"



Even though the body was still exhausted, everyone stood up like a conditioned reflex and stood in a neat queue.

"Today's training subject is marksmanship. If you don't see the woods in front of you, you need to hang your feet on the tree trunk, hang your guns to aim, and you need to hang a ten kilogram load on the muzzle!"

Qin Yuan's voice just fell, and everyone's face showed a stunned expression, as if they felt that they heard it wrong.

"Instructor, isn't this a bit too harsh? Originally, when the human body is hung upside down, the brain will be heavily congested, the consciousness will gradually become blurred, and the control of the body will be lost. At this time, it is impossible to aim with a gun, let alone hang it. It's heavy!" Yang Rui, the captain of the Jiaolong Special Team, was a little confused.

"That's right, we didn't have anything like this in our previous training. After all, who would hang upside down on a tree and shoot? Isn't that what you're doing when you're full!"

According to modern medical experiments, as long as a person hangs upside down for half an hour, he will faint due to massive congestion in the brain, and may even be life-threatening. This training subject is not necessary at all!

Qin Yuan looked at the embarrassed special forces and said with a sneer: "If you are unfortunately captured on the battlefield and tortured by the enemy hanging upside down from a tree, do you have to accept your fate and stop resisting?"

"As special forces, you have to consider all possible things and adapt to them in advance, so that you can play a key role in a pinch."

"Maybe a humble training routine can save your life at a critical moment!"

"The battlefield is always changing. We may not know what we will encounter, but we can adapt to all emergencies in advance in our daily training."

Following Qin Yuan's narration, Lei Zhan and others lowered their heads one after another, feeling ashamed of their doubts just now. At the same time, they respected their instructors more and became more confident in their hearts.

"All are there, start training immediately!" Qin Yuan shouted loudly.


Everyone no longer hesitated, brought their own equipment, ran towards the woods not far away, and found a tree trunk strong enough to hang upside down on it.

"Everyone brought the gun to me. If anyone drops the gun on the ground, everyone will be fined for an additional hour, and they will not be allowed to eat until they finish."

"If you have the skills, you can just starve for three days and three nights, and you won't need to participate in this kind of perverted training!" Qin Yuan said with a smile.

Lei Zhan and others quickly picked up the assault rifle, with a ten kilogram load hanging from the muzzle.

Although they haven't recovered from the previous extreme training, they don't need to spend too much energy now. The biggest obstacle is how to grit their teeth and support the dizziness and weakness of the body, holding the gun in their hands.

Qin Yuan glanced at the special forces and suddenly thought of something. He raised his hand and beckoned Zang Chong, who was not far away, and whispered a few words on his ear.

"Remember to be careful, don't be careless!"

"Don't worry, company commander, leave it to me, and I will definitely be back before lunch." Zang Chong glanced at Lei Zhan and them, grinned and said, then turned around and walked towards the military vehicle next to him. drive away.

"Hey, Yan Wang, why do I feel empty all over? Look at the look in Instructor Zang Chong's eyes when he left, did Instructor Qin come up with some way to torture us again?" Harley said with a frown.

"Is it worth thinking about? When has the instructor treated us well? When the training is over, we will all have to be stripped of several layers of skin!" Hades' already bitter face became even more bitter.

"Where did you two come from so much nonsense? Do you think the training task is a bit too simple? Do you want me to tell the instructor and add another ten kilograms to the two of you?" Lei Zhan cursed angrily.

"Captain, you can't kill your relatives righteously!" Harley cried out sadly, seeing Lei Zhan staring at him, he quickly clenched his mouth and didn't dare to make any sound.

Half an hour later, everyone's arms holding guns were shaking uncontrollably. Because of the massive congestion in their brains, their expressions were a little dazed, and beads of sweat the size of beans were dripping from their foreheads, but they all persisted. This belief supports them.

"Hygienist, why did I see a few bikini beauties dancing in front of me?" Ostrich looked forward with blurry eyes, his face flushed red.

"Hehe, just call and see if they will agree." The hygienist's tone was still full of sarcasm, and his expression seemed a little detached, obviously not feeling well.

"You are such a fool, it's all an illusion, you actually take it seriously!" Although the ostrich's voice was weak, it seemed very happy.

The hygienist turned his head and glanced at the ostrich, and then hung down weakly, as if he had no intention of bickering with him.

Sitting in the car, Qin Yuan seemed to close his eyes and meditate, but his mind was all connected to the god-level intelligent poisonous bee. Once someone couldn't hold on, he would immediately terminate the training.

A few minutes later, Qin Yuan stood up abruptly and shouted, "Everyone has it, rest in place for ten minutes!"

With a hula, Lei Zhan and the others showed relief on their sweaty faces. Then they used all their strength to smash their bodies off the tree trunk. Many people were unstable and squatted directly on the ground. Lying directly on the ground, I only felt that my arms were not my own.

Ten minutes later, under Qin Yuan's instruction, the special forces continued to start training. This time, they persisted for nearly ten minutes longer than last time, but it still didn't reach an hour.

"I hope that after the training, you can all persist for at least an hour and a half, which is considered a pass. There will be many more such trainings in the future. If anyone thinks that they can't persist, they can say it in advance." Qin Yuan said indifferently.

After waiting for a while, seeing that no one spoke, Qin Yuan nodded with satisfaction, and continued: "The time is now 11:20. This place is about 50 kilometers away from the training base. I will give you two hours to bring Get your equipment and rush back to the base, if anyone doesn't rush back to the base within the stipulated time, everyone will be hungry at noon today!"

"Ah? Instructor, our physical strength has not recovered yet, and the weight on our body is more than 30 kilograms. How can we run more than 50 kilometers in two hours?" Ostrich said with a wry smile.

"Can't finish it? Then don't eat, isn't it easy to understand?" Qin Yuan looked at him with a smile.

"Fang Tian, ​​let's go, today the cafeteria prepared braised pork and sweet and sour pork loin, hurry back, it's been out all morning, and I'm already hungry!" Qin Yuan jumped onto the military vehicle and patted Fang Tian on the shoulder. .

"Okay!" Fang Tian laughed loudly, sat in the driver's seat, slammed on the accelerator, and the car sped forward, bringing a thick layer of smoke and dust, which soon disappeared.

"Bah, the instructor is so dark-hearted. He clearly knows that we are already hungry and exhausted, but he is still greedy for us!"

"Hey, I really want to eat braised pork and sweet and sour pork loin. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water."

"Think about it, with our current physical strength, it is simply impossible to run back to the training base within two hours!"

"It's more than 50 kilometers. It took us two and a half hours to come. Now, it's not more than three hours. Don't expect to see the gate of the base."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's rest in place for ten minutes, recover some physical strength before moving, we must return to the training base within two hours, this is also the assessment given to us by the instructor, we must complete it!" Long Xiao Yun looked at the crowd and said solemnly.

"Captain Long is right, we must complete it within two hours, and we must complete it all, and we cannot leave a team member behind!" Chen Shanming then spoke with a solemn expression on his face.

"Okay, that's the decision, rest in place for ten minutes, and then act together!"


Two hours later, all the special forces stepped into the gate of the training base with a touch of relief on their faces.

Their faces were covered in thick sweat, without a trace of blood, their chests were heaving violently, and a large area of ​​the ground was quickly soaked.

"Dead hygienist, stay away from me, don't put pressure on me, you're almost out of breath!" The ostrich cursed.

"Huh, I don't have the strength to get up, let me sleep for a while, I'll be fine!"

In the distance, Qin Yuan walked over slowly, smiled and said, "Why, you're too tired to get up?"

The bodies of Lei Zhan and others stiffened like a conditioned reflex, with a nervous look on their faces.

"Hehe, ten minutes later, the comrades in the cafeteria will clean up all the meals. Whoever is hungry, hurry up, otherwise there will be no chance!"

"I wipe, instructor, you are too cruel, we just finished 50 kilometers!" Wang Yanbing said with a sad The brothers have been bullshit, get up quickly, or you will really starve. ! "

"Hey, come and pull brother, I can't get up!"

"Why are you as heavy as a pig, can you lose weight!"

"I'm still losing weight. With this training intensity, he can't grow fat if he wants to!"


Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan looked at the satisfied soldiers, put his watch on the table, and pressed the timer button.

"In view of your performance today, the one-hour break at noon today is canceled. Ten minutes later, everyone will gather in front of the back quagmire. Remember not to be late."

After saying this, Qin Yuan got up and left, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Fuck, what's going on today, why did you suddenly increase your practice today? It seems like we didn't do anything wrong, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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