Chapter 319 Raid Inspection

"Who knows, the uncle of the instructor is probably here." Ostrich patted his stomach casually, his face full of satisfaction.

"Haha, if you say this in front of the instructor, I will admit that you are a man!" The hygienist mocked.

"You think I'm a fool, I have nothing to beat!"

"Is not it?"

"You two, stop the meeting. When the instructor left just now, there was something wrong with his eyes. I guess there will be some perverted training later!" Xiao Zhuang was leaning on the stool, his face full of helplessness.

"What can I do? I can only stick to it, but Instructor Qin's training seems to be very targeted. I can clearly feel that my strength is improving every day."

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go quickly, the instructor is still waiting for us on the training ground!"

On the training ground, Qin Yuan smiled and looked at the five special teams in front of him and said, "This afternoon, your training subject is reaction speed."

As soon as these words came out, Lei Zhan and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Isn't it just the speed of reaction, there must be no extreme training in the morning.

"Cough, Zang Chong!"


Zang Chong said loudly.

"Move those things down and arrange them!"


Zang Chong turned his head and walked towards a tightly sealed military vehicle. As soon as the door was opened, a dense hissing sound came out, making one's scalp tingle.

"Damn it, what's in this car? Why does it sound like snakes to me? There seem to be quite a few!"

"Isn't it just a few little snakes? What's there to be afraid of? We've been through it many times before training!"

"Are you stupid, since the instructor knows we've gotten used to it, there must be a new way to torture us with these snakes this time!"

"It's just a few snakes, what else can we do? Could the instructor still dare to use poisonous snakes?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces froze, as if they had thought of some possibility, and looked nervously at the baskets of iron cages that Zang Chong lifted from the military vehicle.

As Zang Chong opened the iron cage and threw the contents into the quagmire, everyone's expressions changed greatly, as if they had not thought of it at all.

"I wipe, that is a five-step snake. It is rumored that after being bitten, it will die within five steps. Where did the instructor get so many!"

"It's more than a five-step snake. Look at that iron cage. It's full of cobras. This kind of thing is extremely poisonous. It's a yak, and if it gets bitten, it will die very quickly."

"The instructor is trying to kill us? It's too cruel!"

"If this thing is bitten, even if it has serum, it may not be able to be rescued in time. Does the instructor want us to jump into the quagmire and play with this group of things?"

In the terrified sight of the special forces, Zang Chong and the three quickly poured poisonous snakes into the quagmire. For a while, there were hissing noises all around, and everyone's faces became even more nervous.

"Listen to me. In these quagmire, there are some bullet casings hidden in advance. Your task is to avoid the bite of the poisonous snake and take out the bullet casings from the inside."

"This needs to test your reaction speed and observation ability. Say it in advance, these poisonous snakes are real, and they may really be rescued after being bitten. If you think it can't be done, you can say it in advance, otherwise you won't regret taking the medicine!"

"Teacher... Instructor, have you prepared the serum?" Ostrich asked nervously.

"Well, there are some, but you must be taken lightly, because serum is not omnipotent, and it is likely that it will not work. You are the only one who can."

Qin Yuan said with a sullen face, looking at the nervousness on these people's faces, he tried his best to hold back a smile. Although these poisonous snakes are real, all the poisonous sacs in the body have been cleared by the god-level intelligent poisonous bees. Even if they are bitten, the most It just hurts a little, but there is no fatal danger.

"There are all of them. The training is carried out in small groups, and each person has to take out at least 100 bullet casings and complete it within an hour."

"If it is not completed within the stipulated time, everyone will be punished! Hear no!"


Lei Zhan and the others shouted as if they went out of their way, their faces full of tragic and solemnity.

Outside the quagmire, the ostrich looked at Geng Jihui, licked his face and said, "Captain, why don't you beat your head first? We'll be there later!"

"Hehe, ostrich, are you cowardly?" The hygienist's tone was still full of sarcasm.

"Fuck you, isn't that right, or do you head first? As long as you dare to go up, I'll be there later!"

"Okay, remember what you said!" The hygienist said immediately, his eyes falling on Qin Yuan outside the field.

With a shrewd mind, he naturally guessed that the instructors would not really kill them on purpose. These snakes might be real poisonous snakes, but they would definitely not be fatal.

Under the dumbfounded gaze of the ostrich, the hygienist took a few steps forward and jumped into the quagmire without hesitation.

With a "bang", the sanitation staff's feet landed firmly in the quagmire, splashing a piece of jet-black silt, and a few poisonous snakes beside him were frightened and shot towards him with incomparable swiftness.

The hygienist had already anticipated this, and the moment the footsteps landed, they had already exerted their strength and swept to the left like lightning, almost avoiding the **** mouth.

After a short period of safety, the hygienist bent down and touched his feet. He already felt that there were two bullet casings being stepped on by him.

As soon as he reached out to fish, he already had two more bullet casings in his hand, and then he didn't stay too long. At the moment when a few poisonous snakes came, he flew directly to the side, and then took advantage of the short time to touch the soles of his feet again. .

Outside the quagmire, Geng Jihui, Xiaozhuang and the others were a little surprised to watch the sanitation staff move around quickly under the vipers, and did not let a poisonous snake come within half a meter of their body.

"Damn it, why do I feel that the hygienist is more powerful than before? Is it my illusion?" Ostrich said in shock, his face full of inconceivable.

"Mr. Ostrich, I think you should prepare now." Lao Pao said to the ostrich seriously, but his eyes were full of smiles.

"What do you mean?" As soon as the ostrich finished speaking, he suddenly reacted and his face was full of anger, "You bastard, sanitation officer, is it interesting to trick me like this?"

"Cough cough, this is our mission, we can't run away, that's a matter of sooner or later!" Xiao Zhuang said with a smile, his face full of schadenfreude.

Soon, the hygienist climbed up from the other side of the quagmire, holding a handful of bullet casings in his hand, and said with a smile, "Ostrich, it's your turn!"

The ostrich glared at the hygienist, gritted his teeth and came to the edge of the quagmire. Seeing the poisonous snake that was frightened and became more ferocious inside, he felt even more depressed.

With a sigh in his heart, the ostrich jumped directly, as if it had completely exploded to the limit, and quickly avoided the offensive of the poisonous snake inside, and at the same time did not forget to fish for bullet casings at the bottom of the quagmire.

Soon, the ostrich ran to the other side of the quagmire, with a look of happiness on his face, swaggeringly walked to the hygienist, and said with a smile: "Dead hygienist, look, what is in my hand, don't look down on people!"

Glancing at the snarling ostrich, Geng Jihui ignored him and said to Xiao Zhuang next to him: "Siberian wolf, you go first, pay attention to safety!"

"Okay!" Xiaozhuang didn't hesitate, jumped two steps forward and jumped out of the quagmire, quickly dodging the viper's attack inside.

But Lao Pao couldn't stand the snarling of ostriches. He smiled and said without a smile: "The task the instructor gave us is that everyone has to catch a hundred bullet casings. Ostrich, do you see how many you have?"

The ostrich's face instantly stepped down, and he looked at the bullet casings in his hand with a bitter face.


This afternoon, Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and others stayed in the quagmire for more than three hours. The poisonous snakes inside seemed to be overworked and lay on the mud. Even if someone passed by them, there was no response.

Qin Yuan asked Zang Chong and the three to pack up all the poisonous snakes, and instructed them to find some food and throw them into the iron cage.

Then he raised his head and looked at the various special forces soldiers in mud, and said with a smile: "This kind of training will continue in the future. When you can grab a hundred bullet casings in the mud in one trip, when will it end."

"As for now, all jump into the quagmire and do two disappearing push-ups first!"


Without any hesitation, the special forces jumped into the quagmire and quickly did push-ups.

These quagmire have been formed for a long time, exuding a strong stench. If it is a recruit, it may take a long time to spit out the acid in the stomach.

But Lei Zhan and the others were all selected through special warfare, and they were accustomed to these things. Even if their bodies were covered in sour silt, they could eat delicious food without changing their faces.

With the passage of time, everyone gradually showed their support, and the speed slowed down involuntarily.

Qin Yuan said angrily: "Speed ​​up, haven't you eaten at noon? Hurry up!"

Lei Zhan waited with a bitter face, and involuntarily increased the speed. Even though his arms were extremely sore, he did not dare to slow down, and he almost choked directly into the mud several times.

"After my training is over, I will still lose ten pounds, and only bones and muscles will be left on my body!" Hades gasped in small sips, not daring to inhale the stench of too much silt, otherwise his belly would roll down sharply, and he would not It's impossible to do push-ups for two hours.

"That feeling is good, isn't this kind of figure the most enviable of many little girls? At that time, we will all be handsome men. Even if we are discharged from the army, we can still find a model job!" Da Niu said happily.

"You said it was spare ribs, so it looks good, but it's not practical, it's too embarrassing!" Harley said in a low voice.

"Hey, Harley, you seem to be very experienced. When did you talk to your brothers? I like to hear this!" Hades said brightly.

"You guys seem to be very relaxed, you still have time to chat!" Qin Yuan did not know when to appear behind a few people, and his voice was a little cold.

"All of them, because of the Raiden Commando, everyone has an extra half hour of push-ups!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's body couldn't help but tremble, and they felt that they were weighing thousands of pounds, and they all glared at Yan Wang and several people fiercely.

"What are you doing, speeding up, do you think that two and a half hours are not long enough to exert your full strength?" Qin Yuan glanced at the crowd with an indescribable smile on his face.

Everyone suddenly no longer had any hesitation, and quickly did push-ups, for fear that the perverted instructor would take longer.

Soon, two and a half hours passed, the sky was already dark, and only the cafeteria of Nuo University's training base emitted a faint light.

"Okay, today's training is over, let's all go to the cafeteria to eat. Tomorrow morning at six o'clock, everyone will gather in the empty basement of the dormitory building!"


The special forces dragged their almost unconscious arms and their exhausted bodies, and walked towards the cafeteria, supporting each other.

"Captain, how is it, can you still persevere?" Leng Feng came to Long Xiaoyun and asked worriedly.

"When did you see me fall out of the team, just take care of yourself!" Long Xiaoyun said with a stern face.

"Don't I care about you? If you can't hold it anymore, you must say it. After all, you are a female **** and the training subjects are too strict and it is difficult to persevere."

Long Xiaoyun didn't answer, turned his head to look in the direction Qin Yuan had left, a bit of bitterness flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but think of the woman named Lin Ziyu who appeared at the training base not long ago.

Early the next morning, Qin Yuan was standing downstairs in the dormitory, with several neat queues in front, all staring at him.

"Today, don't hurry to train first, the five captains, come with me!" Qin Yuan finished speaking and walked upstairs to the dormitory, Lei Zhan behind him, and Long Xiaoyun and the others immediately followed.

"What's going on? Why did the instructor go upstairs in the dormitory? Isn't it training today?" Ostrich asked with some doubts.

"Isn't it going to check the internal affairs?" The hygienist suddenly thought of something, and his eyes widened.

"Fuck, the instructors don't talk about martial arts, and they have never inspected the internal affairs before, but today they are attacking!"

"It's broken, it's broken. I got up in a hurry this morning. The bed doesn't seem to be cleaned. Will I be arrested!"

"Hey, I didn't clean up the things on my desk. This time it's over, and I'm going to be punished again."

"It shouldn't be. We are all special forces. Isn't this kind of internal affairs only carefully checked in the recruit company?"

"Hehe, the more special forces, the stricter the requirements. I bet that the instructor will punish us severely in a while, prepare to accept the destruction!"


Upstairs in the dormitory, Qin Yuan walked into the first dormitory. This is the room of the Red Blood Cell Special At first glance, the ground is clean and the quilts are neatly folded. When it comes to being picky, Chen Shanming can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Qin Yuan looked at Chen Shanming, put his fingers into the gap between the bed boards in front of him, and wiped it lightly, and his fingers were immediately stained with a layer of dust.

"Captain Chen, is that so?"

Chen Shanming lowered his head in shame.

After clapping his hands, Qin Yuan walked towards the other dormitory, opened the door and saw the red shorts hanging on the railing.

"Yo, it's still red, Captain Geng, whose bed is this?"

"That... looks like it belongs to an ostrich." Geng Jihui answered honestly.

Qin Yuan glanced at him, did not check other places, and walked directly to the other dormitory. Soon, the five dormitories were checked and all failed.

Then, Qin Yuan stood in front of the last dormitory, and as soon as he opened the door, a faint fragrance came out.

(End of this chapter)

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