Chapter 320 Swimming the wounded

This dormitory has only one bed, white painted walls, and regular military quilts. It looks no different from other rooms, but it gives people a very clean feeling, and the air is filled with a refreshing faint fragrance.

Long Xiaoyun stood behind Qin Yuan, watching him check around, grabbing the corner of his clothes and seemed to want to say something, but his eyes suddenly dimmed, and he pursed his lips and looked very lost.

"Well, not bad." Qin Yuan checked the room carefully, and there was no unclean place. Obviously, Long Xiaoyun carefully cleaned it every day.

"But since your team members haven't finished yet, you can't run away from the punishment later!" Qin Yuan finished and walked downstairs to the dormitory.

Long Xiaoyun looked at Qin Yuan's back, stamped his feet, and quickly followed.

Outside the dormitory, all the special forces looked at the expressions on Qin Yuan's and their captain's faces, and felt a little guilty in their hearts.

"Hey, hygienist, did you put away the smelly socks you washed last night? If the instructor sees it, everyone will be implicated by you!" Ostrich said nervously.

"Haha, you better take care of yourself first, the whole dormitory is counted as the dirtiest, even if you are punished, you have to be the first!"

"Hurry up and shut up, you two, let's think about how to get through it later." Xiao Zhuang said with a bitter face, as if he had foreseen the next treatment.

Qin Yuan strode forward and snorted coldly: "The internal affairs are in a mess, and you are still special forces. It's a shame. The new recruits are better than you!"

"Give you five minutes to clean up the housework for me, or else, get out of here!"


Leng Feng and the others did not dare to delay, and hurriedly ran towards the dormitory building. Behind him, Lei Zhan and others turned around again to supervise them to tidy up the dormitory.

Five minutes later, everyone returned one after another, standing in the open space, looking at Qin Yuan nervously.

"Report to the instructor, the internal affairs have been sorted out, please go to check!" Geng Jihui said loudly.

Qin Yuan chuckled, "Today's breakfast is canceled, all of them are available, bring your equipment, the goal is 50 kilometers, and it will be completed within two hours. If one person can't finish it, today's lunch will also be canceled."


"Ah what, hurry up!" Geng Jihui kicked the ostrich's calf.


More than an hour later, Wang Yanbing looked at Zhang Shuai, who was just stepping on the accelerator, and said bitterly, "Does this guy have a grudge against the accelerator, so he won't let us live!"

"You can keep your voice down. If the instructor hears it, we will probably have to be punished again. Here, our status is the lowest!" Xu Tianlong said with a bitter face, his clothes were completely soaked in sweat, and he was panting fiercely. gas.

"When will this kind of hard life end? I didn't dare to think before, I can actually run 50 kilometers in one breath without taking a break."

"I haven't been forced out yet. I don't know what happened. The instructor stood there, and then his face became stern. My heart skipped a beat. I didn't dare to look at him at all. Even if I saw the commander before, I would That's it!"

"Let's just have fun. In other places, there is no chance to improve your strength so quickly, that is, Instructor Qin Yuan has a good heart, otherwise why would you ignore us!"

"Let's stop the meeting. There is still a long distance from the finish line. Don't you feel tired? I'm almost out of breath!"

"Hey, that's because you are too weak. Go back at night and do less handicraft work. Too often will easily hurt your body!"

"Fuck you, my brother has been open-minded in his life, and he has never done such a thing again!"


Not long after, Zhang Shuai in the front slowly stopped the military vehicle and turned his head to look at the tired special soldiers who could barely stand upright. His face was full of sighs.

This kind of training intensity is much more ruthless than the training of their Sharp Knife Recruit Company before. If it was before, he might not be able to persevere.

"No way, I feel like my lungs are about to explode. If I run further, I'll really die here!" Lao Pao lay on the ground, gasping for breath, feeling that his body was not his own.

"I believe you, you were the fastest runner just now, like a bull in heat, you can't even pull it, what kind of big-tailed wolf are you wearing now!" Ostrich rolled his eyes and said.

"Hehe, ostrich, aren't you the big-tailed wolf, when did the old gun pretend to be you?" The hygienist smiled and said, even though he was tired and didn't want to move, he was still keen to mock the ostrich.

"Hygienist, don't you feel uncomfortable if you don't talk back to me for a day?" The ostrich turned his head and said angrily, wishing he could get up and punch him.

"Don't you think you're not tired enough? Why don't I talk to the instructor and give the two of you an extra 20 kilometers of practice alone?" Geng Jihui said helplessly, wishing to stop the mouths of these two live treasures.

The hygienist and the ostrich looked at each other, snorted and turned their heads to the side, ignoring each other.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan coughed lightly and said loudly, "All gathering!"


As soon as the words fell, even though the special forces were still extremely exhausted, they immediately got up from the ground and looked up at Qin Yuan with solemn expressions on their faces.

"This morning, your training mission is to swim with arms!"

Qin Yuan said slowly, the expressions on Lei Zhan and the others' faces were suddenly relieved, and they breathed a sigh of relief. Although it is very difficult to swim through armed forces, as special forces, they have experienced this kind of training too many times. With a set of perfect action specifications, it can be done easily.

Looking at the faces of everyone, Qin Yuan laughed in his heart and said loudly: "Your mission is to take the wounded and travel ten kilometers along the river in front, and complete it within an hour!"

After saying this, Qin Yuan turned his head to look at the three military vehicles behind him. There were several stretchers in the trunk of the vehicles, and Zang Chong was taking them down.

"The weight of the wounded is 100 kilograms, and due to the injury, it cannot be contaminated with any water stains. Remember to be careful when swimming in armed swimming, otherwise a fine of 10 kilometers will be imposed!"

"Ah? No, Instructor, whose wounded person is a hundred kilograms, is this a pig?" Ostrich couldn't help but asked.

"That's right, we can't touch the water yet. Isn't this embarrassing us? Armed swimming is always wading in the water, how can it not touch the water?"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. Since the instructor brought it up, it means that he believes that we can do it. If anyone thinks he can't do it, he should quit quickly, so as not to drag down his teammates in the middle." Long Xiaoyun said in a deep voice, with a face on his face. No embarrassment whatsoever.

"Everyone has it, a group of four, bring a stretcher, load enough 100 kilograms, and then start immediately!" Qin Yuan said loudly.


Soon, the ostrich, the hygienist, Xiao Zhuang, and Lao Pao were in a group of four, quickly looking for stones to tie them to the stretcher.

"Brothers." The ostrich looked around and said in a low voice, "Let's put on a little less, anyway, the instructor doesn't have a scale in his hand, he can't see it!"

"Come on, you need to be clever in training. If we encounter this kind of thing on the battlefield, we haven't trained well in advance, so it's not a big event." Lao Pao said seriously.

"Old Pao is right, we can't have any cheating, this is just training, on the battlefield it's a matter of life!" Xiao Zhuang also nodded in agreement.

"Haha, the ostrich's brain is small, not smart enough, and I don't think about it. What a shrewd person he is, the instructor, can't he see that you are doing tricks on the stone?" The hygienist said with a smile.

"Hey, no, I'm just saying that casually, and I'm not really trying to cheat. Why are you all targeting me like this? It's not eating your rice!" .

"Okay, it's enough, let's go quickly, the rest has already begun, we must finish it within the specified time, otherwise not only will we not be able to eat breakfast, but even lunch will have to be watched."

Xiao Zhuang lifted the stretcher's foot and said eagerly.

The three sanitation staff no longer hesitated, lifted the stretcher and strode towards the middle of the river, and then ran forward with some difficulty along the river.

"Oh, I'm going, why didn't I feel that this river was so difficult to walk before, Erniu, be careful, don't let the stretcher touch the water, otherwise it will add another ten kilometers." Wang Yanbing said with a bitter face.

"Don't worry, Yanbing, even if I flood the river, I won't let go." Li Erniu kicked the stretcher and said with a naive smile.

"Do your best. Although the water flow of this river is not fast, the bottom of the river is very slippery. Don't be careless. Don't let the wounded get contaminated with the river water." Geng Jihui panted. His stamina hasn't fully recovered yet.



By the river, Fang Tian looked at the silhouettes in the river, some but others asked: "Instructor, they have just finished running 50 kilometers, and then they have such high-intensity training, will it be too harsh?"

"These are just the simplest physical training. If they can't even stick to this, they don't need to be special forces!" Zang Chong said with a grin.

"Don't worry, they will definitely be able to persevere. After all, they are the top special forces in our Southeast Military Region. Whether it is physical fitness or special warfare skills, they are absolutely not bad." Zhang Shuai laughed. He grew up in the military region since he was a child. This level of training is not surprising.

Qin Yuan did not speak, and drove the military vehicle directly along the river.

"Be stable, the wounded will be shaken to death by you, and you can only carry a dead person back!" Watching the special forces striding forward in the middle of the river, he reminded loudly.

As soon as the words fell, everyone slowed down involuntarily, with a wry smile on their faces.

"The instructor is so ruthless. He clearly limited the time, but he didn't let us run quickly. Isn't this intentional to punish us!" The little bee said in a low voice, as if he didn't dare to let Qin Yuan hear it.

"The instructor seems to be right. If it was me, I would never want to be carried by you like this. It would be a crime!" Harley made his position clear, expressing his disdain for complicity with these teammates.

"Fuck you, Harley, you are the most diligent kid!" Hades looked disgusted.

"Can the three of you stop, didn't you see what the instructor was looking at? If he hears it, we all have to eat and walk around." Lei Zhan drank in a deep voice.

"Captain, we are so far away from the river, and the sound of the water is covered, the instructor can't hear it, right?" Little Bee looked puzzled.

"Try to scold the instructor and see if he responds." Hades teased.

"Then I... ahem, the instructor is a big fool!" Little Bee's voice was so low that even Lei Zhan and others around him couldn't hear it clearly.

But when Little Bee cautiously looked towards the shore, her body trembled violently, and she almost dropped her hands and smashed the stretcher into the river. Fortunately, Lei Zhan and the three of them were quick-witted, and a tragedy was avoided.

"Damn it, little bee, what are you doing, you almost let the wounded fall into the river, because you and we both have to be punished!"

Listening to the complaints of the King of Hell, the little bee did not dare to speak, and looked straight ahead, no more words, as if there was some kind of horror staring at him.

On the bank of the river, Qin Yuan silently retracted his gaze, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

An hour later, everyone rushed to the finish line out of breath. Under Zhang Shuai's prompt, they put the stretcher on their backs on the shore with difficulty.

At this time, they all felt that their physical strength was drained, and they lay on the ground and did not want to move. In the river just now, everyone's mental strength was highly concentrated, for fear that the stretcher on their backs would be stained with water.

In this case, even if the distance is only ten kilometers, they feel more tired than armed cross-country with more than twenty kilometers.

Qin Yuan glanced at the people who were slumped on the ground, then went directly to a stretcher, opened the hemp rope wrapped around it, and found a head-sized stone, which was clearly stained with water.

"This is your wounded? He could have been alive, but because of your violent transportation, he was sacrificed!"

"If this is a real battlefield, the mistakes you have made are unforgivable, and because of this, all of you have to take off your clothes!"

Qin Yuan raised the stone in his hand and reprimanded angrily. Hearing Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and the others bowed their heads in shame. As the captain of the special forces, they naturally knew the seriousness of this kind of thing!

"I'll give you a five-minute rest period. Once the time is will carry out the training of armed swimming again. If you still make mistakes this time, and the wounded are in the river, continue the training until it is perfect. !"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he went directly to the military vehicle, opened a bottle of drink and drank it slowly.

"Lone Wolf Group B, everyone has it, start armed swimming training immediately!" Geng Jihui stood up and said loudly, as if he was holding back something.

Xiaozhuang, Ostrich, the sanitation staff and the others did not hesitate, and immediately got up and walked towards the stretcher.

"Thunderbolt Commando, start action immediately!" Lei Zhan also stood up suddenly and roared in a deep voice.



Looking at the five special teams who continued to train with their heads down, Qin Yuan couldn't help showing a smile, as if he was very satisfied with them.

"Company commander, this special forces unit is just different. It just took a break and started training. If it was us before, you would drive with a whip and not bring bullets!"

(End of this chapter)

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