Chapter 321 Sniper Training

Zhang Shuai looked at the special forces in the river who were gritting their teeth and resisting, with a look of admiration on his face.

"Isn't it true, they are the top five special teams in the military region, both in terms of physique and personality, they are all impeccable!" Zang Chong also nodded.

A smile appeared on Qin Yuan's face, and just as he was about to speak, his phone rang suddenly.

Taking out the phone, Qin Yuan pressed the connect button with some doubts, and before he could speak, Su Xiaoyu's very eager but lowered voice came from inside: "Company commander, I have a sudden situation here, I suspect there is something wrong with me. Gunmen commit crimes!"

"What? Be more careful." Qin Yuan asked solemnly with a straight face.

"It's like this. I'm not far from the military training base. On the bus just now, I met a group of people who seemed very anxious and kept waiting in front of the door."

"When I was passing by them, I accidentally touched the cowhide bag in their hands, that is, I clearly felt that it was filled with weapons!" Su Xiaoyu said nervously.

"Are you sure it's a weapon and not something else?" Qin Yuan said solemnly.

"Okay, 10,000 for sure. If I used to, I definitely wouldn't have noticed it, but now I'm too familiar with firearms, I can't be wrong!"

"Where are you now, have you notified other security forces, where are those people now?" Qin Yuan said as he started the car.

"I'm following behind that group of people now. After I noticed something was wrong, I called you as soon as possible, company commander, what should I do now?" Su Xiaoyu said anxiously.

"Okay, I get it, Xiaoyu, you must be careful, then send me the location, then hang behind them, don't be found, I'll rush over as soon as possible."

"Yes, company commander, you have to hurry. Now this is a suburb. There are usually no people, but they are rushing towards the city not far away."

"it is good!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he hung up the phone and waited for a while when he received the location message from Su Xiaoyu, but a look of joy flashed on his face.

The location displayed on the mobile phone was less than 20 kilometers away from here, and it would take less than ten minutes to get there by driving a military vehicle.

Without any hesitation, Qin Yuan turned the front of the car, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and drove towards the front in a hurry.

Zhang Shuai and the three at the back had some doubts on their faces. After looking at each other, they did not catch up, because Qin Yuan didn't tell them that they needed help, so he turned around to urge Lei Zhan and their training.

Along the way, Qin Yuan told Su Guoqiang what Su Xiaoyu had told him through his mobile phone.

After hearing this, Su Guoqiang couldn't help but feel a little nervous, but when he heard that Qin Yuan was rushing towards there quickly, and he would be there soon, his face could not help but be filled with joy.

"Xiao Qin, you must handle this emergency well. Regardless of whether those people are gunmen or not, you must pay attention to it, and contain any behavior that may endanger citizens at the budding stage."

"But you must also be careful and try to deal with them as much as possible. After all, they may have lethal weapons in their hands. I have informed the police nearby, and they will rush to their destination."

"Don't worry, Commander, I will definitely handle it!" Qin Yuan said solemnly.

About ten minutes later, Qin Yuan stopped at a remote corner, then determined their route based on the pictures Su Xiaoyu kept taking, and then strode forward.

With the help of the camera of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, Qin Yuan quickly saw Su Xiaoyu hiding in the grass. His eyes were looking forward cautiously, looking very nervous.

Qin Yuan did not step forward, but continued to walk forward, and soon saw a group of men who looked like playing, all carrying bags in their hands. Through the scan of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he easily judged that the inside was All real firearms.

Breathing out a breath, Qin Yuan activated his peak-level concealment skills, like a ghost, and quickly swept forward.

"Boss, is what that guy said true? Just kill a few people, and he will give us 10 million?" A man who was not tall and looked very wretched asked with some doubts.

He was made the boss by a middle-aged man with a big beard and a big beard. His aura was very sturdy.

"Hmph, he wouldn't dare to play with us, otherwise he would just do him!"

"I think it's better to be careful. After all, those guys are doing U-turn transactions, all of them are desperados, and there is no such thing as reputation."

"Don't worry, we have guns in our hands anyway, whoever dares to play with us will do it directly with them. We are not small, and no one would be so stupid."

"Okay, just be careful, the front is where the man said, hurry back when you're done!" The boss said in a deep voice, and after speaking, he opened the bag in his hand and took out a weapon.

At this time, Qin Yuan was hiding about a dozen meters beside them. Seeing these people take out their weapons, without any hesitation, the force of his feet jumped from the grass, and the speed was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye. to the near,

One of them hadn't reacted yet, and he was punched directly in the temple, and fell to the ground softly without struggling.

The expressions of the other four people changed drastically in an instant. They raised the weapons in their hands to shoot at Qin Yuan, but suddenly they felt a tingling pain in their arms, as if they were smashed by iron nails, and the weapons in their hands slipped directly with a scream.

Taking advantage of this moment, Qin Yuan flashed his body several times and stunned all these people quickly. With his speed, almost no one was his opponent at close range.

"Wow, company commander, when did you come here? Why didn't I notice it at all?" Su Xiaoyu in the back saw Qin Yuan's quick removal of several gunmen, his face full of disbelief.

Qin Yuan glanced at Su Xiaoyu and instructed: "Pack up these weapons, someone will come later, and give them to them!"

After speaking, Qin Yuan walked straight ahead, looking for the target that these people just said.

But after walking ten kilometers, he didn't notice any abnormality. Dozens of god-level intelligent poisonous bees carefully checked the surroundings to see if there were any clues.

"Are they being tricked? Or is their target noticed and didn't show up?"

Putting the doubts in his heart, Qin Yuan came to the place where Su Xiaoyu was once again. The gangsters had been suppressed, and with the guarantee of Su Guoqiang, the two were not subject to any interrogation.

"The company commander is still so powerful. There are just a few gangsters. Your old man can easily take action and deal with it easily. You are simply my idol." Su Xiaoyu followed Qin Yuan's buttocks with admiration.

"Okay, we don't have anything to do here, let's go back quickly." Qin Yuan thought of Lei Zhan and others who were still training in the river, and strode towards the place where the military vehicles were parked.

"Hey, wait for me, company commander." Su Xiaoyu followed up, and then sat on the cab consciously.

Qin Yuan took out his mobile phone and informed Su Guoqiang in detail about the incident. As for the information, even if he did not say it, there were special personnel who learned it through interrogation.

After putting down the phone, Qin Yuan smiled and said: "Xiaoyu, the commander said that you have made a great contribution this time, and the military region is going to grant you a third-class merit."

"Really?" Su Xiaoyu's face was full of surprise, as if she couldn't believe it.

"Of course it's true. These are all gunmen. Once they enter the city, they will cause large-scale panic and cause unnecessary injuries. You can detect the abnormality in advance and report it. It must be a great achievement!"

"Hey, it's all the company commander's credit, so I did what I was supposed to do. Even if there is no reward in the military region, I will do it without hesitation when I meet you next time."


Ten minutes later, the military vehicle came to the area where Lei Zhan and others were training again. At this time, several teams were about to reach the finish line. Everyone's physical strength was almost exhausted, but they insisted on gritting their teeth and carrying a hundred kilograms. The simulated wounded, dare not have any slack.

Finally, everyone rushed to the finish line, used their last strength, lifted the stretcher to the shore, and then slumped directly to the ground, not wanting to move a single finger.

Qin Yuan stepped forward and carefully inspected all the stretchers, and nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, this time you all made no mistakes, the wounded saved their lives with your help!"

"Give you ten minutes to adjust your state, then bring your equipment and rush back to the training base. This time, the time is still two hours, one person has not finished, and everyone has no lunch."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he walked directly towards the military vehicle, sat in the co-pilot, and shouted to the four Zang Chong, "What are you still doing, I haven't eaten all morning, aren't you hungry, there is roast chicken at noon today. , it's gone when it's late!"

"Really?" Su Xiaoyu's eyes lit up, he started the car directly, stepped on the accelerator and drove forward like a starving ghost.

"I'm so hungry, I really want to eat roast chicken!" The ostrich stared at the sky with dazed eyes, and the corners of his mouth were drooling.

"Haha, the instructor is clearly doing it on purpose. He clearly knows that we don't have the strength to get up at all, but he is greedy for us. It's too bad!"

"Don't tell me, the roast chicken made by the chef in the cafeteria is really delicious, especially the pair of big drumsticks. When you bite into it, your mouth is full of oil. Just thinking about it makes your mouth water!"

"Xiao Zhuang, hurry up and shut up, believe it or not, I will hold your thigh and chew it to see if the chicken thigh is delicious, or if you are more fragrant!"

"You all calm down, hurry up to recover your strength and run back, otherwise, because of the instructor's shameless strength, if you don't go back within the specified time, you will definitely not be able to eat chicken butts!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone closed their mouths one after another, breathing in the fresh air, trying to recover their strength as soon as possible.

In the military vehicle, Zhang Shuai looked at Su Xiaoyu and asked with some doubts, "Xiaoyu, what happened to you today? Why did the company commander rush over in such a hurry?"

Su Xiaoyu thought for a while, and told Zhang Shuai clearly what happened not long ago, with a smug smile on his face.

"Damn it, Xiaoyu, you stepped on shit, you are so lucky, according to the past practice of the military region, your third-class skill will definitely not be able to escape!"

"Really?" Su Xiaoyu's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it. Originally, he thought that he didn't do anything at all. At most, the military region would only give verbal awards, and he didn't dare to think about third-class skills.

"Of course it's true. I can't lie to you. They are gunmen. They are extremely destructive, and they can't be seen at all."

"Hey, it seems that I will take more leave in the future, and I will meet the third-class power again and again!" Su Xiaoyu smirked.

"Come on you, this kind of thing is extremely rare in our Dragon Country. If you can meet it once, you will be lucky. If you want to meet it a few more times, you just want to eat shit!"

On the other military vehicle, Qin Yuan's face didn't show any expression, but he not only thought about it in his heart, he always felt that this matter was not simple, but he couldn't think of the reason for a while, so he could only press it on the bottom of my heart.

Two hours later, Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others rushed through the gate of the training base with gritted teeth. After not seeing Qin Yuan, they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hahaha, you want to chase me, it's just wishful thinking!" Ostrich looked at the sanitation staff behind him, his face full of pride.

"No, Ostrich, aren't you a paratrooper? Why is your physical fitness so good? Armed cross-country is either the first or the second!" Lao Pao was full of doubts.

"Hey, want to know? Okay, treat me to a good meal, and I'll tell you!"

"Che, who cares!" Lao Pao turned his head to one side with disdain on his face, not to look at the proud face of the ostrich.


At one o'clock in the afternoon, on the training ground, Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and said loudly: "All of them, target shooting range, run forward!"


Everyone roared in unison, turned and ran towards the shooting range neatly.

"Hey, something's wrong. At this time in the past, didn't the instructors always come to warm up for an hour first? Why did you go directly to the shooting range today?"

"Yeah, I'm all ready, what's going on today?"

"Could it be that the instructor suddenly had kindness and felt that it was wrong to torture us in the past, and UU Kanshu decided to adopt the Huairou policy?"

"But don't, just listening to it makes my scalp tingle. When will the instructor be so kind, I guess there is something waiting for us on the shooting range!"

"What are you guessing about, you won't know when you reach the shooting range!"

Five minutes later, everyone came to Qi Qi to the shooting range, where a lot of high-precision snipers were already prepared.

"This afternoon, you have only one task, and that is to target!" Qin Yuan glanced around and shouted loudly.

"It's that simple, why do I feel something is wrong?" Xiao Zhuang whispered with some doubts, he couldn't imagine that the instructor would let them spend this afternoon so easily.

"Fuck, are you stupid? It's still simple? Those are all high-precision snipers. The recoil is amazing. If you fight for an afternoon, your arm will be abolished!" Ostrich's eyes widened, before he started As I practiced, my arms started to throb.

"Zang Chong, lift the thing down!" Qin Yuan turned his head and shouted to Zang Chong.

(End of this chapter)

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